Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineeri

(The TQCC of Proceedings of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineeri is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Another perspective on elastic and plastic anisotropy of textured metals100
Solving generalized eigenvalue problems by ordinary differential equations on a quantum computer68
The microdynamics shaping the relationship between democracy and corruption65
Mean and variance of the Eulerian and Lagrangian horizontal velocities induced by nonlinear multi-directional irregular water waves55
Working with Mike50
Biomembranes undergo complex, non-axisymmetric deformations governed by Kirchhoff–Love kinematicsand revealed by a three-dimensional computational framework45
Regolith flow on top-shaped asteroids43
Stability of an inhomogeneous ferrofluid in a channel, subject to a normal field38
Enhancing the performance of solenoidal spectrometers for inverse reactions33
Analysis of a model for surfactant transport around a foam meniscus33
Higher-order degenerations of Fay’s identities and applications to integrable equations33
Helicoids and vortices32
Elastic cloaking for a periodic distribution of parallel finite cracks31
The seismic wavefield as seen by distributed acoustic sensing arrays: local, regional and teleseismic sources30
The potential impact of intensified community hand hygiene interventions on respiratory tract infections: a modelling study29
Stable coexistence in indefinitely large systems of competing species29
Interfacial metric mechanics: stitching patterns of shape change in active sheets27
Adaptive Bayesian inference of Markov transition rates26
Uniform approximations and effective boundary conditions for a high-contrast elastic interface25
Comment on: ‘A doubly anharmonic oscillator in an induced electric dipole system’25
The theory of fifth-order Stokes waves in a linear shear current25
The cost of quantum locality24
Continuum soft tissue models from upscaling of arrays of hyperelastic cells23
Discrete scattering and meta-arrest of locally resonant elastic wave metamaterials with a semi-infinite crack21
Influence of the growth gradient on surface wrinkling and pattern transition in growing tubular tissues21
Schwarzite nets: a wealth of 3-valent examples sharing similar topologies and symmetries20
Puckering and wrinkling in a growing composite ring19
The deterministic core of stochastically perturbed nonlinear mechanical systems19
Determinants of successful mitigation in coupled social-climate dynamics19
Michael J. Duff: a personal reminiscence19
Classification of first strain-gradient elasticity tensors by symmetry planes19
Complete integrability and equilibrium thermodynamics of biaxial nematic systems with discrete orientational degrees of freedom19
A discrete shear lag model of the mechanics of hitchhiker plants, and its prospective application to tendon-to-bone repair19
Introduction to the special issue dedicated to Michael J. Duff FRS on the occasion of his 70th birthday18
Frequency tunable electromagnetic vibration energy harvester using piecewise linear nonlinearity18
Deeply subwavelength giant monopole elastodynamic metacluster resonators18
Variational principles of liquid–porous material interactions with applications to approximate solutions and finite-element modelling18
Asymptotic solution to convolution integral equations on large and small intervals18
Pushing coarse-grained models beyond the continuum limit using equation learning17
Wind tunnel evaluation of novel drafting formations for an elite marathon runner17
Homotopy perturbation method and its convergence analysis for nonlinear collisional fragmentation equations17
A scaling investigation of pattern in the spread of COVID-19: universality in real data and a predictive analytical description17
Enabling novel dispersion and topological characteristics in mechanical lattices via stable negative inertial coupling17
Superconductivity and nucleation from fractal anisotropy and product-like fractal measure16
Numerically solving a nonlinear integral equation when the reciprocal of the solution lies in the integrand16
Graphite phases in chemical vapour deposited grown ZrC/graphite layers16
Laguerre polynomial-based operational matrix of integration for solving fractional differential equations with non-singular kernel16
Structural engineering from an inverse problems perspective15
Mechanical response of a thick poroelastic gel in contactless colloidal-probe rheology14
A sampling-based approach for information-theoretic inspection management14
Paraxial Dirac equation14
Growth and morphogenesis of an everted tubular biological tissue14
Melting of wall-mounted ice in shear flow14
Solution landscapes of the simplified Ericksen–Leslie model and its comparisonwith the reduced Landau–deGennes model13
Improved estimations of stochastic chemical kinetics by finite-state expansion13
Unconditionally secure relativistic multi-party biased coin flipping and die rolling13
Selective and tunable excitation of topological non-Hermitian quasi-edge modes13
Kinematic dynamos in triaxial ellipsoids13
Semiclassical approach for excitonic spectrum of Coulomb coupling between two Dirac particles13
Representing the stress and strain energy of elastic solids with initial stress and transverse texture anisotropy12
On the problem of comparing graded metamaterials12
Persistent currents, revival time and effects of rotation on an attractive inverse-square-type potential in a magnetic quadrupole moment system12
Computational modelling distinguishes diverse contributors to aneurysmal progression in the Marfan aorta12
Whitham shocks and resonant dispersive shock waves governed by the higher order Korteweg–de Vries equation12
Short branch cut approximation in two-dimensional hydrodynamics with free surface12
Cluster-based Bayesian approach for noisy and sparse data: application to flow-state estimation12
An axisymmetric problem for a penny-shaped crack under the influence of the Steigmann–Ogden surface energy11
Structural function from sequential, interacting elastic instabilities11
Shear and flexural deformations in flextegrity segmental beams inspired by Leonardo’s triangular masonry construction11
PT-symmetry and supersymmetry: interconnection of broken and unbroken phases11
Explosive rigidity percolation in kirigami11
Gauß–Manin from scratch: theme, variations and fantasia11
The Robin and Neumann problems for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the half-plane11
Interpreting how nonlinear diffusion affects the fate of bistable populations using a discrete modelling framework11
Pair approximation model for the vaccination game: predicting the dynamic process of epidemic spread and individual actions against contagion11
On the degeneracy of spin ice graphs, and its estimate via the Bethe permanent11
Snap-through and indirect reduced-order modelling11
Anisotropic stress softening of residually stressed solids11
Quantum mechanics with spatial non-local effects and position-dependent mass11
Coupling-induced instability in a ring of thermoacoustic oscillators11
Muography as a new complementary tool in monitoring volcanic hazard: implications for early warning systems10
Zig-zag dynamics in a Stern–Gerlach spin measurement10
Modification of Turing patterns through the use of time-varying anisotropic diffusion10
Classification of bi-Hamiltonian pairs extended by isometries10
Stress relaxation after low- and high-rate deformation of polyurethanes10
Human decision-making in a non-ergodic additive environment10
Linear analysis of ice-shelf topography response to basal melting and freezing10
Anisotropy distorts the spreading of a fixed volume porous gravity current10
Asymptotic analysis of subglacial plumes in stratified environments10
Self-similar solutions for high-energy density radiative transfer with separate ion and electron temperatures10
Thermal convection with a Cattaneo heat flux model10
How time-discretization can break the asymptotics of inverse scattering10
Quenching for a semi-linear wave equation for micro-electro-mechanical systems10
On quantum states over time10
Equivalent in-plane elastic moduli of honeycomb materials under hypergravity conditions10
Equations for small amplitude shallow water waves over small bathymetric variations10
Triple-spherical Bessel function integrals with exponential and Gaussian damping: towards an analytic N-point correlation function covariance model10
Rigid folding equations of degree-6 origami vertices10
A digital-twin framework for genomic-based optimization of an agrophotovoltaic greenhouse system10
Transverse spectral instability in generalized Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation10
Extending the analysis on the best solar activity proxy for long-term ionospheric investigations10
Clusters of Bloch waves in three-dimensional periodic media10
Explorations of certain nonlinear waves of the Boussinesq and Camassa–Holm equations using physics-informed neural networks10
Topological effects of a global monopole on a spherical quantum dot9
Identification of subwavelength microstructural information from macroscopic boundary measurements in elastodynamics9
Contemporary sea-level changes from global to local scales: a review9
Self-similarity of spectral response functions for fractional quantum Hall states9
Exploring the role of crystal habit in the Ostwald rule of stages9
Variational implicit solvation with Legendre-transformed Poisson–Boltzmann electrostatics9
Self-dual electromagnetic fields9
Enhanced attraction between drops carrying fluctuating charge distributions9
Painlevé-type asymptotics for the defocusing Hirota equation in transition region9
Generating new gravitational solutions by matrix multiplication9
A novel multiscale model for micro-structured electromagnetic media9
Modelling and simulation of the cholesteric Landau-de Gennes model9
Using a robotic platform to study the influence of relative tailbeat phase on the energetic costs of side-by-side swimming in fish9
Wind-driven and buoyancy-driven circulation in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean9
Recovering multiple fractional orders in time-fractional diffusion in an unknown medium9
Better strategies for containing COVID-19 pandemic: a study of 25 countries via a vSIADR model8
Bounds of the technical constants for two-dimensional anisotropic elasticity8
Langevin dynamics for a heavy particle immersed within a flow of light particles8
Bi-Hamiltonian structures of WDVV-type8
An Eulerian hyperbolic model for heat transfer derived via Hamilton’s principle: analytical and numerical study8
Kirigami tiled surfaces with multiple configurations8
Wave spectroscopy in a driven granular material8
A generalized Dean–Kawasaki equation for an interacting Brownian gas in a partially absorbing medium8
Travelling-wave analysis of a model of tumour invasion with degenerate, cross-dependent diffusion8
Flutter instability in solids and structures, with a view on biomechanics and metamaterials8
The Painlevé paradox in three dimensions: resolution with regularization8
A general solution for rotating lattices of identical point vortices8
Stability of penetrative convective currents in local thermal non-equilibrium8
Revisiting causality using stochastics: 2. Applications8
Homogenization of an elastic material reinforced by very strong fibres arranged along a periodic lattice8
Riemannian geometry and molecular similarity I: spectrum of the Laplacian8
Variational construction of tubular and toroidal streamsurfaces for flow visualization8
Manifestations of inertia on light dragging revealed in plasmas8
Modelling the anomalous shock response of titanium diboride8
A mathematical model of thermoplastic elastomers for analysing the topology of microstructures and mechanical properties during elongation8
How norms shape the evolution of prosocial behaviour–compassion, universalizability, reciprocity and equity: a C.U.R.E for social dilemmas7
Universal dynamics of biological pattern formation in spatio-temporal morphogen variations7
Signature of transition to supershear rupture speed in the coseismic off-fault damage zone7
Data-driven reduction and decomposition with time-axis clustering7
The topological origin of the Peierls–Nabarro barrier7
Confined helium, density dependence of the inelastic electron and photon scattering cross-sections and the optical oscillator strength7
Mean-field theory for double-well systems on degree-heterogeneous networks7
Debunking revolutionary paradigm shifts: evidence of cumulative scientific progress across science7
Correction to ‘Exact solution to a Liouville equation with Stuart vortex distribution on the surface of a torus’7
The Jones polynomial of collections of open curves in 3-space7
Τhe role of surface energy in the apparent solubility of two different calcite crystal habits7
The linear viscoelastic fracture theory applies to soft solids better when they are…viscoelastic7
A constitutive model for transversely isotropic dispersive materials7
Manifestation of the Berry curvature in geophysical ray tracing7
Measuring the speed of quantum particles without a round-trip under non-synchronized quantum clocks7
Metamaterial applications of Tmatsolver, an easy-to-use software for simulating multiple wave scattering in two dimensions7
Towards an information-theoretic framework for multiple sequence alignment sub-sampling7
A review on semi-analytical methods for aggregation and coupled aggregation–breakage equations7
Vassiliev measures of complexity of open and closed curves in 3-space7
Unstable cores are the source of instability in chemical reaction networks7
Canonical scattering problem in topological metamaterials: Valley-Hall modes through a bend7
A system model of three-body interactions in complex networks: consensus and conservation7
Modelling the dynamics of product adoption and abandonment7
Integral equation methods for acoustic scattering by fractals7
Turing patterns on discrete topologies: from networks to higher-order structures7
Stability of state-dependent switched systems under hybrid delayed impulsive control7
Quasi-steady-state modelling and characterization of diffusion-controlled dissolution from monodisperse prolate and oblate spheroidal particles6
A growth model for water distribution networks with loops6
Comments on effective use of numerical modelling and extended classical shell buckling theory6
An effective semilocal model for wave turbulence in two-dimensional nonlinear optics6
Everettian relative states in the Heisenberg picture6
A high-eigenfrequency differential stiffness probe for high-speed scanning probe microscopy6
Imitation and aspiration dynamics bring different evolutionary outcomes in feedback-evolving games6
Sensitivity analysis of large body of control parameters in machine learning control of a square-back Ahmed body6
Modelling of stress transfer in root-reinforced soils informed by four-dimensional X-ray computed tomography and digital volume correlation data6
Computation of Burgers vectors from elastic strain and lattice rotation data6
Law of elasticity and fracture limit of magnetic forcelines under their gravitational deformation6
Covid-19: predictive mathematical formulae for the number of deaths during lockdown and possible scenarios for the post-lockdown period6
Special issue: advances in Wiener–Hopf type techniques: theory and applications6
Continuation of the Stieltjes series to the large regime by finite-part integration6
Exact closed-form and asymptotic expressions for the electrostatic force between two conducting spheres6
Exact hydrodynamics and onset of phase separation for an active exclusion process6
Direct statistical simulation of low-order dynamosystems6
Allowing Wigner’s friend to sequentially measure incompatible observables6
Curvature dependences of wave propagation in reaction–diffusion models6
Nematic liquid crystalline elastomers are aeolotropic materials6
USP: an independence test that improves on Pearson’s chi-squared and the G -test6
Can comets deliver prebiotic molecules to rocky exoplanets?6
Comment on Y.-C. Chen, E. Fried, Möbius bands, unstretchable material sheets and developable surfaces. Proc. R. Soc. A 472, 20160459 (2016)6
Causal lifting and link prediction6
Interplay between disorder and hardening during tensile fracture of a quasi-brittle solid6
Atomistic mechanisms of phase nucleation and propagation in a model two-dimensional system6
The onset time of Fermi’s golden rule6
Time-varying Bose–Einstein condensates6
Strain, disfigurement and flexure tensors in continuum kinematics6
Finite time blowup of incompressible flows surrounding compressible bubbles evolving under soft equations of state6
The principle of compromise-in-competition: understanding mesoscale complexity of different levels6
Flextegrity simple cubic lattices6
Multistability, symmetry and geometric conservation in eightfold waterbomb origami6
Post-buckling dynamics of spherical shells6
Deviations from classical droplet evaporation theory6
Ranking with multiple types of pairwise comparisons6
Gravity, duality and conformal symmetry6
A flexoelectric actuator model with shear-lag and peel stress effects6
On rigid origami III: local rigidity analysis5
Design of an acoustic energy distributor using thin resonant slits5
Evolution of quantum non-equilibrium for coupled harmonic oscillators5
Submarine channels formation driven by turbidity currents interacting with an erodible bed5
Local supersymmetry: variations on a theme by Volkov and Soroka5
Wave-breaking phenomena and global existence for the weakly dissipative generalized Novikov equation5
Stability of longitudinal sediment waves formed by turbidity currents: linear and weakly nonlinear perspectives5
Analysis of the energy transfer process for multiple scattering problems involving lossy media5
Chiral triclinic metamaterial crystals supporting isotropic acoustical activity and isotropic chiral phonons5
Geometric mechanics of ordered and disordered kirigami5
Controlling the dispersion of metamaterials in three dimensions5
Edge resonance: exact results and fresh insights5
Introduction to special feature dedicated to Prof. Allan Fordy on the occasion of his 70th birthday5
Uniform asymptotic expansions for the Whittaker functions M κ , μ ( 5
Heteroclinic bifurcation analysis of the tippedisk through the use of Melnikov theory5
Shape reconfiguration through origami folding sets an upper limit on drag5
Sturm–Liouville systems for the survival probability in first-passage time problems5
Non-reciprocal population dynamics in a quantum trimer5
Explorations of the holonomy of a rolling sphere5
Wallpaper group kirigami5
Normal form for maps with nilpotent linear part5
Characterization of near-miss connectivity-invariant homogeneous convex polyhedral cages5
Distillation of non-locality in porous solids5
Reply to the comment of van der Heijden and Starostin5
Unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes investigation of free surface wave impact on tidal turbine wake5
Triggering of electro-elastic anti-superhydrophobicity during non-Newtonian droplet collision5
On blockage coefficients: flow past a body in a pipe5
The most predictable component of a linear stochastic model5
Programming quadric metasurfaces via infinitesimal origami maps of monohedral hexagonal tessellations: Part II5
Critical rates of climate warming and abrupt collapse of ecosystems5
Response of flexible structures to air-blast: nonlinear compressibility effects in fluid–structure interaction5
Shapes of large, static soap bubbles5
Fractional-order viscoelastic model of musculoskeletal tissues: correlation with fractals5
Elastic wave propagation in anisotropic polycrystals: inferring physical properties of glacier ice5
Fay meets van der Pauw: the trisecant identity and the resistivity of holey samples5
Symmetries in transmission electron microscopy imaging of crystals with strain5
Quantifying the preventive effect of wearing face masks5
The Wiener–Hopf technique, its generalizations and applications: constructive and approximate methods4
Chirality and curvature determine the meandering of spirals in multilayer excitable media4
Spectral stability of travelling waves in a thin-layer two-fluid Couette flow4
Nonlinear acoustics of an aperture under grazing flow4
Bifurcations of an elastic disc coated with an elastic inextensible rod4
Symplectic decomposition from submatrix determinants4
Torque-driven superhydrophobic cylinders swim in circles4
Kinematics and dynamics of non-developable origami4
Young and Young–Laplace equations for a static ridge of nematic liquid crystal, and transitions between equilibrium states4
Of fiery sparks and glittering spots: melting-resolidification and spherical particle formation in abrasion4
Application of thrust layout optimization to masonry structures4