Journal of Earthquake Engineering

(The median citation count of Journal of Earthquake Engineering is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Seismic control of cable-stayed bridges with bearing uplift using tie-down rope-spring device28
Empirical Ground-Motion Relations in Northeastern México from intraplate moderate earthquakes28
An Efficient Method for Probability Prediction of Peak Ground Acceleration Using Fourier Amplitude Spectral Model25
Seismic Performance of Precast Concrete Frame with Innovative Assembly Pattern24
PSHA-Based Design Spectrum: An Application of the Design Spectrum Predictive Model for Seismic Regulation Purposes23
3D DEM Simulation on the Reliquefaction Behavior of Sand Considering the Effect of Reconsolidation Degree23
Seismic Performance of Full-Scale Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns Constructed with TRCC Permanent Formworks22
Seismic Performance of a Rocking Precast Concrete Cladding Panel System under Lateral Cyclic Displacement Demands22
Assessment of the Effect of Diagonal Reinforcement Quantity on Seismic Behavior of Coupling Beams20
Filter Equations Compatible with the Point-Source Model for Seismic Acceleration19
Seismic Behaviour of PC-encased HCSC Composite Shear Walls under Vertical Tension and Horizontal Cyclic Loading18
Anti-Plane Wave Scattering by a Circular Cavity in Complex Stratified Sites Based on the Hamilton System-Based Derivation of a Novel SBFEM17
Regional Ground Motion Prediction Equation Developed for the Korean Peninsula Using Recorded and Simulated Ground Motions17
Empirical Correlations between the Spectral Input Energy and Spectral Acceleration17
Seismic Demand on Mid-Twentieth Century Reinforced Concrete Buildings Founded on Piles: Effect of Soil-Foundation-Structure-Interaction16
A Practical Approach of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Vector IMs Regarding Mainshock with Potentially Largest Aftershock16
Influence of Excess Pore-pressure on the Seismic Response of Single and Closely Adjacent Structures on Saturated Sand16
Multi-Level Response Modification Factors for Performance-Based Seismic Design of Tunnel-Form Building Structures15
Investigation and Experimental Validation of Kriging-NARX Modeling for Real-Time Hybrid Simulation15
Seismic Performance and Parametric Study of a Winding Rope Fluid Viscous Damper (WRFVD) for Continuous Girder Bridges15
Post-fire Seismic Behavior of RC Columns Built with Sustainable Concrete14
Exploring the Use of Orientation-Independent Inelastic Spectral Displacements in the Seismic Assessment of Bridges14
Experimental Study on Friction Seismic Sway Bracings for Seismic Protection of Building Nonstructural Components14
Seismic Control of Adjacent Liquid Storage Tanks Based on Vibration Barrier Considering Structure-Soil-Structure Interaction14
Post-Earthquake Functionality Assessment of Urban Road Network Considering Emergency Response14
Experiments on the Hysteretic Response of Self-Centering RC Columns Prestressed by Unbonded Posttensioned Tendons14
Seismic Analysis Model of Partially Concrete-Filled Steel Piers Considering Ultralow-Cycle Fatigue Crack Propagation13
Elasto-Plastic Seismic Shear Distributions of Frame-Wall Structures13
Efficient Fragility Analysis of Cross-Fault Hydraulic Tunnels Combining Support Vector Machine and Improved Cloud Method13
An Efficient Algorithm to Identify Strong Pulse-Like Ground Motions Based on the Smoothed Significant Velocity Half-Cycles13
Predictive Model for Constant-Ductility Energy Factor Spectra of Near- and Far-Fault Ground Motions Based on Gauss–Newton Algorithm12
One-Story Three-Dimensional Frame Structures Behavior Strengthened with External Shear Wall under Cyclic Loading: An Experimental Study12
Investigation on Improved Optimal Fixed Time Step in Time-History Analysis for Aseismic Design of High-Speed Railway Bridge-Track System12
Bond-Slip Model of Corroded Reinforced Concrete and Its Application in Members12
GIS Framework for Rapid Seismic Loss Assessment: Case Study of Granada Metropolitan Area12
Influence of Rotation-restrained Energy-dissipation Device on the Seismic Performance of a Curved Isolated Bridge12
Seismic-Induced Geometric Irregularity of Rail Alignment under Transverse Random Earthquake11
Reviewing Earthquake Site Classification Methods at Ontario Highway Sites11
Seismic Vulnerability of a Slender Stalagmite11
Ethernet-Based Servo-Hydraulic Real-Time Controller and DAQ at ELSA for Large Scale Experiments11
Cyclic Tests on T-shaped Concrete Walls Built with High-strength Reinforcement11
Two-Scale Probabilistic Seismic Fragility Assessment for a Prestressed Concrete-Steel Hybrid Wind Turbine Tower with Incremental Dynamic and Multiple Stripe Analysis11
Earthquake Response Spectra for Tall Steel Pylons with Attached Heavy Masses Located in Greece11
Evaluation of Dynamic Interactions Between Sloped Ground and Pile Through Centrifuge Model Tests11
Probabilistic Analysis of a Linearized Servo-Hydraulic Model for Real-Time Structural Testing11
Influence of Post-Elastic Range Bidirectional Interaction for Various Angles of Incidence of Ground Motions on One-Story Asymmetric Structures10
Application of the Deformation Behavior Evaluation Method for the Quick Inspection of U-Shaped Steel Dampers10
Improvement of MTSTR Column Performance under Eccentric Loads10
Probabilistic Seismic Demand Models of Circular Tunnels Subjected to Horizontal Ground Motions Based on 2D Dynamic Analyses10
Identification of Nonlinear Behavior of Bridge Structures Using Time Series Analysis of Vibration Signals10
Dynamic Stress Analysis of a Shallow Unlined Elliptical Tunnel under the Action of SH Waves10
A Simplified Displacement Spectrum Model Based on Recent Digital Strong-Motion Data10
A Framework of Probabilistic Seismic Risk Analysis of Urban Shallow-Buried Tunnels Subjected to Active Fault Dislocations10
Effect of Multi-Story Brace Distribution on Seismic Performance of RC Tall Bridge Bents Retrofitted with Buckling Restrained Braces9
A Dynamic Patients Dispatch and Treatment Model for Resilience Evaluation of Interdependent Transportation-Healthcare System9
Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction on Seismic Response of Fixed Base and Base Isolated Liquid Storage Tanks9
Probabilistic Classification Criterion for Failure Modes of Reinforced Concrete Columns8
Spatial Correlation of Peak Ground Motions and Pseudo Spectral Acceleration Based on the Iranian Multievent Datasets8
Experimental and Numerical Study of Beam-Only-Connected Corrugated Steel Plate Shear Walls8
Threshold of Saturation Degree of Unsaturated Sand to Cause Liquefaction Considering the Sample Volumetric Strain: Modelization and Experimental Laboratory Investigation8
Characteristics of Ground Vibrations Induced by Teleseismic Earthquakes and Their Impact on Vibration-Sensitive Facilities8
Risk Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Rubber Isolation Systems Designed by the Italian Seismic Code8
Preference of Hybrid Steel Frame with Exclusive Seismic Performance Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process8
Seismic Performance of an Earthquake Resilient Self-Centering Precast Reinforced Concrete Rocking Wall with External SMA Rods8
Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Enhancing Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Substandard Lap Splices Using Hollow Steel Section Collars8
Vulnerability Assessment of School Buildings: Generic Versus Building-Specific Fragility Curves8
Experimental Parametric Study and Phenomenological Modeling of a Deformable Rolling Seismic Isolator8
Application of the Εxtended KDamper to the Seismic Protection of Bridges: Design Optimization, Nonlinear Response, SSI and Pounding Effects8
Seismic Response of Underground Subway and Aboveground Structures Considering the Tunnel-Soil-Aboveground Structure Interaction8
Seismic Performance Assessment of a RC Bridge Retrofitted with SCEBs Under Near-Fault Pulse-Like Ground Motions8
Full-Azimuth Quantitative Identification of Near-Fault Pulse-Like Ground Motions Based on M&P Wavelet7
Effect of Partially Infill Walls on the Lateral Response of Reinforced Concrete Frames7
Nonlinear Seismic Response of an Alluvial Basin Modelled by Spectral Element Method: Implementation of a Davidenkov Constitutive Model7
A Rapid Machine Learning-Based Damage Detection Technique for Detecting Local Damages in Reinforced Concrete Bridges7
Value-Based Seismic Performance Optimization of Steel Frames Equipped with Viscous Dampers7
Seismic Performance of Earthquake-Resilient RC Frames Made with HSTC Beams and Friction Damper Devices7
Simulations of Ground Motions for M w 7.9 Nepal Earthquake7
Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Concrete Dams Using ABAQUS-Based Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method7
New Behavioural Trends of Plan Asymmetric Limited Ductile Buildings Revealed by Incremental Dynamic Analysis7
Seismic Performance of Building with Novel Steel Roller Isolation Bearing: Experimental and Numerical Studies7
A Seismic Site Factor Adjustment Framework for Sloping Grounds and Its Application to Charleston, South Carolina7
Effect of Proportioning of Lateral Stiffness in Orthogonal Directions on Seismic Performance of RC Buildings7
Seismic Fragility Analysis of a Multi-Tower Super High-Rise Building Under Near-Fault Ground Motions7
Spectral Ground Motion Models for Himalayas Using Transfer Learning Technique7
Comparative Study on Liquefaction Behavior of Calcareous Sand and Siliceous Sand Under Simple Shear Loading7
Seismic Behavior of Resilient Rocking Steel Column Base7
Nonlinear Viscous Damping-Based Negative Stiffness Isolation System for Over-Track Complex Structures6
A New Approach to Predict the Fundamental Period of Vibration for Newly-designed Reinforced Concrete Buildings6
Torsional Behavior Enhancement of Asymmetric-Plan Building Structures Using Optimum Tuned Mass Damper Inerter6
Seismic Damage of Submerged Intake Tower under the Sequence of Mainshocks and Aftershocks6
Modelling and Seismic Response Analysis of Existing URM Structures. Part 2: Archetypes of Italian Historical Buildings6
E-Defense Excitation Experiments for a High-Pressure Water Levitation Seismic Isolator Using a 600kN Superstructure6
Effect of Non-Uniform Vertical Excitations on Vertical Pounding Phenomenon in Continuous-Deck Curved Box Girder RC Bridges Subjected to Near-Source Earthquakes6
Experimental Investigation on the Seismic Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Columns6
A Physical-organizational Method for the Functionality Assessment of A Hospital Subjected to Earthquakes6
Predicting the Maximum Seismic Response of the Soil-Pile-Superstructure System Using Random Forests6
Seismic Fragility Analysis of Unbonded Prestressed Reinforced Concrete Bridge Column considering Residual Displacement6
Behaviour of Masonry-Infilled RC Frames Strengthened Using Textile Reinforced Mortar: An Experimental and Numerical Studies Overview6
Cyclic Loading Tests and Seismic Performance Evaluation of Arch-Shaped Concrete Masonry Segmental Pier with Annular Double Sliding System6
Seismic Probabilistic Capacity Models and Fragility Estimates for the Transversal Lining Section of Circular Tunnels6
A Generalized Artificial Neural Network for Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Mass Timber Rocking Walls6
Parameter Analysis and Optimization of Friction Pendulum Bearings in Underground Stations Based on Genetic Algorithm6
Repairability and Damage Assessment of Controlled Rocking Masonry Walls with Energy Dissipation Accessible in a Steel Base6
Performance Evaluation of Distributed Extended KDamper Devices for Seismic Protection of Mid-Rise Building Structures6
Research on the Quantitative Evaluation of the Three-Dimensional Seismic Resilience of Power Systems Based on an Improved Genetic Algorithm6
A Simplified Prediction Model of Structural Seismic Vulnerability Considering a Multivariate Fuzzy Membership Algorithm6
Evaluation of the Impacts of Different Ground Motion Selection and Scaling Approaches on Seismic Performance of Bridges6
Self-centering Devices with Paralleled Friction Spring Groups: Development, Experiment and System Behavior6
Modal Identification of a Soil-subway System with Emphasis on Scattering of Seismic Waves Induced by Uniform and Non-uniform Support Excitations6
Simulations on Reliability-based Safety Assessment of Vehicles Crossing Highway Interchanges during Earthquakes5
EZRVS: An AI-Based Web Application to Significantly Enhance Seismic Rapid Visual Screening of Buildings5
Design Considerations and Optimum Parameters of a Friction Damper in SDOF Systems for Seismic Response Reduction5
Review of Seismic Risk Mitigation Policies in Earthquake-Prone Countries: Lessons for Earthquake Resilience in the United States5
Numerical Study of Cyclic Performance and Design of a Novel Fan Bracing System5
Damage Detection in ALC Exterior Walls in Steel Structural Frames Subjected to Earthquakes Using Acceleration Sensors5
Finite Element Modelling for Seismic Performance Assessment of Structural Interventions on Dry Stone Monuments5
Unscented Kalman Filter-Based Two-Stage Adaptive Compensation Method for Real-Time Hybrid Simulation5
Seismic Damage Assessment of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Pier Columns Based on Residual Drift in Saline Soil Environment5
Seismic Analysis of Steel Tanks Subjected to Transitional-Rotational Components of Earthquakes5
Estimation of the Damage-Based Residual Displacement Spectrum for Simple Structures5
Research on the Overstrength Performance of Lateral Force-Resisting System of Guangzhou West Tower Based on Story Overturning Moment5
Nonlinear Rocking Behavior of Irregular Anchored Rigid Bodies: Influence of Main Parameters and Anchoring Effectiveness5
Estimation of Scenario-based Liquefaction Probability with Consideration of Ground-motion Randomness5
Cyclic Testing of Earthquake-resilient Steel Joints with a Replaceable Buckling-restrained Link5
Effect of Material Epistemic Uncertainty on the Seismic Response of RC Moment-Resisting Frame Buildings and Their Nonstructural Components5
Failure Laws of Cyclically Loaded Steel Joints Revealed from a Thermodynamic Perspective5
Improved Hybrid Method for the Generation of Ground Motions Compatible with the Multi-Damping Design Spectra5
Damages Observed in Turkey Due to the Kahramanmaras Earthquakes of February 6, 20235
Effects of Axial Restraints on Beam Flexural and Joint Shear Behaviors in Reinforced Concrete Frames under Seismic Loading5
Evaluation of Vector Hazard for Conditional Mean Spectrum with Different Definitions of Multivariate Exceedance Rate5
Study on Optimal Bracketed Duration Scheme of Seismic Time History Analysis for High-Speed Railway Track-Bridge System5
Deep Neural Network for Distinguishing Microseismic Signals and Blasting Vibration Signals Based on Deep Learning of Spectrum Features5
Replaceable Rotational Viscoelastic Dampers for Improving Structural Damping and Resilience of Steel Frames5
Enhance the Resilience of Steel Outrigger by Equipping GFRP Tendons and Viscoelastic Material5
Feasibility Study of Actively-Controlled Tuned Inertial Mass Electromagnetic Transducers for Seismic Protection4
A New Proxy for Near-Fault Acceleration Pulses and Implications on Inelastic Displacement Ratio4
Seismic Performance and Fragility Analysis of Precast Concrete Sandwich Wall Structure4
A Novel Self-centering Braced Double-column Rocking Bent for Seismic Resilience4
IPP: A Seismic P-Wave’s Detection Method Based on the Initial Power of the P-Wave4
Test on Stability of Concrete-Rockfill Combination Dam4
SCI Effects Under Complex Terrains: Shaking Table Tests and Numerical Simulation4
On the Scattering of Love Waves in a Layered Transversely Isotropic Irregular Poro-viscoelastic Composite Rock Structure4
Frictional Fault Strength Analysis of Palu-Koro and Matano Faults, Sulawesi, Indonesia, from Earthquake Focal Mechanism Data4
Seismic Safety and Post-Earthquake Resilience of Frame with Debonded High-Strength Reinforced Concrete-Encased-and-Filled Steel Tubular Columns4
Seismic Risk Analysis of Subway Station Structures Combining the Epistemic Uncertainties from Both Seismic Hazard and Numerical Simulation4
Out-of-Plane fragility of In-Plane damaged unreinforced masonry infills in low rise reinforced concrete buildings4
Theoretical and Experimental Study on a Cam-Type Response Amplification Friction Damper4
Numerical Methods for Geometric Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Suspension Bridges Under Earthquake4
Calibrated Equivalent Viscous Damping for Direct Displacement Based Seismic Design of Pallet-Type Steel Storage Racks4
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Cyclic Behaviors of Cold-Formed Steel Beam-Columns Under Axial Force and Uniaxial\Biaxial Bending4
Assessment of Damages in Precast Industrial Buildings in the Aftermath of Pazarcık and Elbistan Earthquakes4
Suitability Analysis of Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Western and Central Himalayas and Indo-Gangetic Plains4
Comparative Study of Smeared Crack and Extended Finite Element Method for Predicting the Crack Propagation in Concrete Gravity Dams4
Effects of Inclination on the Seismic Performance of Chinese Historical Masonry Tower Identified through Shaking Table Tests4
Seismic Performance and Collapse Fragility of Balloon-Framed CLT School Building4
Site Amplification Response by a Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method4
Study on the Seismic Response of an Asphalt Concrete Core Dam-Overburden System Considering the Spatial Variability of Material Parameters4
Machine Learning-Based Ground Peak Acceleration Attenuation Prediction Model4
Pattern Recognition of the Seismic Demands for Tall Pier Bridge Systems4
In-plane Quasi-static Cyclic Load Tests on Reinforced Concrete Frame Panels with and without Brick Masonry Infill Walls4
Effect of Fault Crossing Angle and Location on Seismic Behavior of Transmission Tower-Line System4
Factors Affecting Site-Specific Response Analysis4
Understanding Effects of Evolutionary Arias Intensity on Nonlinear Behavior of Hysteretic Systems and Liquefiable Grounds4
A Novel Method for the Seismic Resilience Assessment of Railway Stations Based on Quantitative Indices4
Seismic Performance of Precast Shear Walls Using Fibre-reinforced Recycled Brick Aggregate Concrete4
Displacement Spectra Damping Factors for Preliminary Design of Structures with Hysteretic Energy-Dissipation Devices3
Seismic Testing of Glazing Systems and Proposed Design Tool3
Seismic Response Control for Bridge Piers with Semi-Active MR Damper Based on Displacement Feedback3
Formulation and Performance of Multi-Transmitting Formula with Spectral Element Method in 2D Ground Motion Simulations Under Plane-Wave Incidence: SV Wave Problem3
Structural Characteristics of the Earthquake-Prone Building Stock in Istanbul and Prioritization of Existing Buildings in Terms of Seismic Risk-A Pilot Project Conducted in Istanbul3
An Oblate Spheroid Base Isolator and Floating Surface Diaphragm for Seismic Protection of Liquid Storage Tank3
Seismic Performance of Deformable Rocking Soil-Structure Systems Subjected to Pulse-Type Excitations3
Quantifying Seismic Damage in RC Walls with Image Analysis3
Region Specific Ground-Motion Predictive Models for Shallow Active Regions3
Ground Motion Models for Non-Spectral Intensity Measures Based on the Iranian Database3
Seismic Response Modification Factors for Buildings Featuring a Gravity Transfer System by Incremental Dynamic Analyses3
Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbine by Considering Soil-Pile-Structure Interaction: Effect of Sea-Wave Load Duration3
Seismic Response of Utility Tunnel in Trapezoidal Backfilled Soil Under P Wave and Amplification Effect of Ground Motion3
Experimental and Numerical Study on Dynamic Response of Underground Structure in Coral Sand Under Earthquakes3
Effects of Spatial Variation of Ground Motion (SVGM) on Seismic Vulnerability of Ultra-high Tower and Multi-tower Cable-stayed Bridges3
Seismic Loss Prediction for Infilled RC Buildings via Simplified Analytical Method3
Influence of Closure External Panels Modelling on the Seismic Response of Non-Residential Precast Buildings3
Ductility Demand Spectra of the Self-Centering Structure Subjected to Near-Fault Pulse-like Ground Motions3
A Practice-Oriented Approach for Seismic and Energy Performance Upgrading of Existing Buildings3
Cyclic Behaviour of Two-Story Low-Damage Rocking Precast Concrete Cladding Panel System3
To Investigate Different Parameters of Economic Sliding Based Seismic Isolation System3
Correlation and Joint Distribution of Spectral Accelerations of Vertical Ground Motions3
Nonstructural Seismic Loss Analysis of Traditional and Innovative Partition Systems Housed in Code-conforming RC Frame Buildings3
Damping Modification Factor of Acceleration Response Spectrum considering Seismological Effects3
Effect of Pre-Hole Filled with High-Damping Material on the Inelastic Response Spectrum of Integral Abutment Bridges3
Seismic Intensity Measures Optimized for Low-rise Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures3
Machine Learning-Based Estimation of Reinforced Concrete Columns Stiffness Modifiers for Improved Accuracy in Linear Response History Analysis3
A Modified Full-Scale Experimental Method on the Seismic Performance of Complex Façade System3
Empirical Frequency Content Models for Offshore Ground Motions in the Japan Trench Area3
In-Plane Seismic Behavior of Adobe Walls Reinforced with Palm Fibers3
Experimental Analysis and Theoretical Modelling of Polyurethane Effects on 1D Wave Propagation through Sand-Polyurethane Specimens3
Experimental Investigation of Wear Effects on the Friction Coefficient of a Curved Surface Slider: Comparison of Small- and Full-Scale Tests3
Uncertainty Analysis and Spatial Correlation of Ground Motion in the Kanto Basin, Japan3
Experimental Study on Seismic Response of an Integral Abutment: Steel H-Pile Structure under Quasi-Static Cyclic Loads3
Uncertainty in Distinct Element Modeling of Freestanding Structures Considering Stiffness Parameters3
Modelling and Seismic Response Analysis of Italian Pre-Code and Low-Code Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Part I: Bare Frames3
Seismic Evaluation of Rocking Internal Partition Walls with Dual-Slot Track Under Quasi-Static Cyclic Drifts3
Multiple Earthquake Effects on Vulnerability of Horizontally Curved RC Bridges3
Probabilistic Seismic Evaluation and Experimental Tests of Multi-Direction Damping System on a Super-Long Column-Pylon Cable-Stayed Bridge3
Mechanical and Structural Behavior of Concrete Blocks with Granulated Polystyrene (PS) and Recycled Polypropylene (PP) Fibres and Their Use in Low and Medium Height Frames3
Numerical Modeling and Parametric Assessment of Log Shear Walls with Bonded Corners3
Experimental and numerical investigation on a passive control system for the mitigation of vibrations on SDOF and MDOF Structures: mini Tribological ROCKing Seismic Isolation Device (miniTROCKSISD)3
Resilience-considered Seismic Risk Assessment and Mitigation of a Retrofitting Method for a Bridge under Multiple Seismic Events3
Dynamic Damage Analysis of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Structures3
Influence of Fluid Viscous Damper Stiffness on the Floor Acceleration Response of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames Under Far-Field Ground Motions3
Vertical Ground Motion Prediction Equations for Interplate and Intermediate-Depth Intraslab Earthquakes at Mexico City’s Hill Zone3
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Two-story and Three-span Subway Station in Different Engineering Sites3
Probabilistic Assessment of Global Damage Index for Steel Moment-Resisting Frames Based on Local Responses3
Viscoelastic Dampers for Vibration Control of Building Structures: A State-of-Art Review3
Performance Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Bridges Under Coupled Horizontal and Vertical Ground Motions Using Fragility Surfaces3
Generalised Storey Loss Functions for Seismic Loss Assessment of Italian Residential Buildings3
Energy Dissipation Efficiency of Geotechnical Seismic Isolation with Gravel-Rubber Mixtures: Insights from FE Non-Linear Numerical Analysis3
Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbine by considering Soil-Pile-Structure Interaction: Effects of Foundation and Sea-Wave Properties3
Correlation Analysis of Ground Motion Duration Indexes and Nonlinear Seismic Responses of a Long-span Continuous Rigid-Frame Bridge with High-Rise Piers3
Seismic Performance of Precast Concrete Exterior Beam-Column Joint with Disc Spring Devices3
Strengthening of Confined Masonry Walls Using Reinforced Cementitious Matrix Subjected to In-Plane Loads: A State-of-The-Art Review2
Defining Design Parameters for Controlled Rocking Braced Frames to Control Seismic Losses2
Shaking-Table Tests for Seismic Response of Arch Foot of a Long-Span Arch Bridge on Sand-Gravel Soil Sites Considering SSI Effect2
Enhanced Seismic Response Prediction of Critical Structures via 3D Regional Scale Physics-Based Earthquake Simulation2
Seismic Response Study of S-Wave Incident Stratified Unsaturated Soil Site Under Thermal Effects2
Numerical and Analytical Study of the Cyclic Behavior of ADAS Damper and the Effect of Axial Force on its Behavior2
Torsion and Combined Torsion-Axial Load Behaviour of Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns with and without ECC/CFRP Wrap2
Offshore Ground Motion Models for Arias Intensity and Cumulative Absolute Velocity in the Japan Trench Area2
Novel Hierarchical Energy Dissipation Systems for Seismic Protection of Buildings2
The Hysteretic Failure Features of Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls Revealed by Modeling Experimental Residual Strain Data2
Development and validation of a numerical strategy for the seismic assessment of a timber retrofitting solution for URM cavity-wall buildings2
Experimental Study on Seismic Performance Improvement of Pile-Cap Joints in a Prestressed Concrete Solid Square Pile Using a Snap-In Mechanical Connection2
Performance Assessment of Retrofitted Drilled Connections Subjected to Ultra-Low Cycle Fatigue Loading2
Direct Displacement-Based Design (DDBD) of PT-SKID Frames: The Linear Equivalent Model2
Machine Learning-Based Framework for Failure Forecast and Shear Strength Estimation of Non-Conforming RC Shear Walls2
Seismic Resilience of Concrete Moment Frames with Fibrous Rubberized Beam-Column Joints2
Cyclic Behavior of a Novel MADAS Damper with No Axial Force and Improved Seismic Performance (Experimental, Numerical, and Analytical Assessment)2
Surface Motion of Alluvial Valleys Subjected to Obliquely Incident PlaneSH-Wave Propagation2
A Spatiotemporal Risk Scenario for a Predictive Earthquake in Western Himalaya2
Fast Seismic Assessment of Existing Precast Structures by Means of Fragility Curves: The PRESSAFE Methodology2
Bayesian Theory-Based Seismic Failure Modes Identification of Reinforced Concrete Columns2
Comparative Analysis of Concentrically Braced Frames with FeSMA and Steel BRBs Under Long-Duration Earthquakes2
Unconditionally Stable Central Difference Dissipative Algorithm for Multi-Directional Real-Time Hybrid Simulations of Large Nonlinear Structural Systems2
Static Stability Behavior-Based Seismic Damage Endurance Assessment of Long-Span Single-Layer Spherical Lattice Shells2
On the Vlasov-Leont′ev Foundation Model for Axial Dynamic Stiffness of a Pile Embedded in a Viscoelastic Soil2
Seismic Performance of Cylindrical Liquid Storage Tanks in the 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquakes: A Case Study of a Self-Supported Oil Storage Tank2
A Visual Data-Informed Fiber Beam-Column Model for the Analysis of Residual Hysteretic Behavior of Post-Earthquake Damaged RC Columns2
The Influence of Slope Angle Variation on Structures Resting on Hilly Region Considering Soil–Structure Interaction Under Earthquake Loadings Using Capacity Curves and Probabilistic Approach2
Three-Dimensional Dynamic Response Analysis of Rigid Foundation Embedded in Layered Transversely Isotropic Half-Space2
Wavelet-Based Analysis for Detection of Isolation Bearing Malfunction in a Continuous Multi-Span Girder Bridge2