European Review of Economic History

(The median citation count of European Review of Economic History is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Elite violence and elite numeracy in Africa from 1400 CE to 1950 CE24
The evolutionary empire: demystifying state formation in Mughal South Asia (1556–1707)17
Materfamilias: the association of mother’s work on children’s absolute income mobility, Southern Sweden (1947–2015)15
Asientos as sinews of war in the composite superpower of the 16th century11
Terms of trade during the first globalization: new evidence, new results10
Why do firms pay dividends? 180 years of evidence6
Economic growth on the periphery: estimates of GDPper capitaof the Congress Kingdom of Poland (for years 1870–1912)6
Income tax progressivity and inflation during the world wars6
Spreading Clio: a quantitative analysis of the first 25 years of theEuropean Review of Economic History6
Historical mobility, creative output, and age of prominent visual artists, composers, and authors6
Britain’s Empire Marketing Board and the failure of soft trade policy, 1926–336
Death, sex, and fertility: female infanticide in rural Spain, 1750–19505
Intergenerational mobility of sons and daughters: evidence from nineteenth-century West Flanders5
What causes hot markets for equity IPOs? An analysis of initial public offerings in the Netherlands, 1876–20155
Gender and the long-run development process. A survey of the literature5
Income distribution in Warsaw in the 1830s5
Coffee tastes bitter: education and the coffee economy in Colombia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries5
To block or not: why the British ruling elite enabled the Industrial Revolution during the 18th century5
Was There a Crisis? Living Standards in Lower Canada, 1760 to 18484
Wealth inequality in northwestern Anatolia under the Ottomans, 1460–18704
Transforming mineral capital into human capital? Mining and education in early twentieth-century Spain4
Harmonious relations: quality transmission among composers in the very long run4
A reconsideration of the economic decline of the British aristocracy 1858–20183
Nurses, doctors, and mortality: the effectiveness of early health professionals in rural Finland, 1880–19383
Environmental shocks, religious struggle, and resilience: a contribution to the economic history of Ancien Régime France3
Authorship as a determinant of art prices and auction settings in eighteenth-century Paris3
Gino Luzzatto Prize by the European Historical Economics Society for the best dissertation in economic history submitted between June 2019 and June 2021—Summaries of the finalists’ PhD theses3
Gender inequality and occupational segregation in white-collar jobs in the early “quiet revolution”: new evidence from the wages of Swedish teachers (c. 1890)3
Structural change in the job matching process in the United States, 1923–19323
Before the cult of equity: the British stock market, 1829–19293
Coordinating monetary and fiscal policies in Britain during the French Wars (1793–1821)2
Contracting creativity: patronage and creative freedom in the Italian Renaissance art market2
The highs and the lows: bank failures in Sweden through inflation and deflation, 1914–19262
No wheat crisis: trade liberalization and transportation innovation in Quebec during the 1830s and 1840s2
Spatial concentration of manufacturing industries in the United States: re-examination of long-run trends2
Technological change and work2
Comparing income and wealth inequality in pre-industrial economies: the case of Castile (Spain) in the eighteenth century2
Credit expansion, leverage, and banking distress: the puzzle of interwar Italy2
The panopticon of Germany’s foreign trade, 1880–1913: New facts on the first globalization2
To the manor born: a new microlevel wage database for eighteenth-century Denmark2
Erratum to: Climate change, weather shocks, and price convergence in pre-industrial Germany2
Breadwinner, bread maker: the gender division of labour in 1930s rural Italy2
L’histoire immobile?A reappraisal of French economic growth using the demand-side approach, 1280–18502
Local multipliers and the growth of services: evidence from late nineteenth century USA, Great Britain, and Sweden2
The German art market during WW II1
Fund management in the interwar period: UK investment trust portfolio asset allocation in the 1920s1
Industrial, regional, and gender divides in British unemployment between the wars1
From Sweden to America: migrant selection in the transatlantic migration, 1890–19101
“A Whirligig of Revolutionary Presidents”: state capacity, political stability, and business in Haiti, 1905–19271
Essays in monetary history1
Reassessing Ireland’s economic development through the lens of sustainable development1
Across the Sea to Ireland: Return Atlantic Migration before the First World War1
Living costs and welfare ratios in Western Europe: new estimates using a linear programming model1
Foreign investments and tariff protection revisited: correcting the trade balance of the Russian Empire, 1880–19131
Capital market development over the long run: the portfolios of UK life assurers over two centuries1
Quantifying the mortality impact of Il Piano Marshall1
The Portuguese budgetary costs with First World War: a comparative perspective1