International Journal of Law Policy and the Family

(The median citation count of International Journal of Law Policy and the Family is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Trans Men Giving Birth and Reflections on Fatherhood: What to Expect?8
Urgent Care Proceedings for New-born Babies in England and Wales – Time for a Fundamental Review7
Family Court Responses to Claims of Parental Alienation in Quebec6
UK surrogates’ characteristics, experiences, and views on surrogacy law reform6
Intersection between Domestic Violence and International Parental Child Abduction: Protection of Abducting Mothers in Return Proceedings5
OUP accepted manuscript4
OUP accepted manuscript3
Wedlock or Wed-Lockup? A Case for Abolishing Restitution of Conjugal Rights in India3
The Hague Child Abduction Convention and Re-relocation Disputes3
Family law professionals’ views of post-separation parenting apps3
Reasoning between Rules and Discretion: A Comparative Study of the Normative Platform for Best Interest Decision-Making on Adoption in England and Norway2
Social Scientists Operating in the Law: A Case Study of Family Assessment Experts in the Australian Family Law System2
The normative underpinnings of Ireland’s proposed regulation of assisted human reproduction2
The Right to Adequate Child Support in Jordan: The Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child2
One Trend, a Patchwork of Laws. An Exploration of Why Cohabitation Law is so Different throughout the Western World2
‘Donor-matching’ in Third-party Reproduction: a Comparative Analysis of Law and Practice in Europe2
Bringing the Adult Guardianship Regime in Line with the UNCRPD: The Chinese Experience2
Funeral Wills and the Autonomy of a Dying Person: Experiences of Older People in Palliative Care and their Carers2
Calm Reflections Under Hot Demand: Do Single Women in China Have Reproductive Freedom?1
OUP accepted manuscript1
Legal Progress and Socio-Economic Reflections on Child Marriage in Latin America1
The Experience of Religious Same-Sex Marriage in England and Wales: Understanding the Opportunities and Limits Created by the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 20131
Parental Equality in Turkey: Understanding Gender Roles Through the Legal Treatment of Working and Divorced Mothers1
Informal Caregivers along the Work–Eldercare Axis: A Comparative Analysis of Australia, England, and Israel1
Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into National Law, Ursula Kilkelly, Laura Lundy and Bronagh Byrne (eds.)1
The Use of Assisted Reproductive Technology to Create Posthumous Grandchildren1
Family Formations in Contemporary South Africa: Does South African Marriage Law Protect Lived Realities?1
Singapore’s Adult Guardianship Law and the Role of the Family in Medical Decision-Making1
Introducing a randomized controlled trial into Family Proceedings: Describing the ‘how?’ and defending the ‘why?’1
Corrigendum to: Intersection between Domestic Violence and International Parental Child Abduction: Protection of Abducting Mothers in Return Proceedings1
Dilemmas faced by judges when granting marriage dispensations for child marriages in West Java, Indonesia0
The Queer Outside in Law: Recognising LGBTIQ People in the United Kingdom, edited by Senthorun Raj and Peter Dunne0
A Conflict between the Best Interests of the Child and the Right to Respect for Family Life?0
OUP accepted manuscript0
Tacit Concepts of Family in Legislation on Assisted Reproduction0
The French Law on Bioethics and its Limitations: Challenges for the Future from a Comparative Perspective0
Children’s Rights—the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Danish Law, edited by Trine Schultz, Anne Mørk and Hanne Hartoft, Djøf Forlag0
Normativity and Diversity in Family Law: Lessons from Comparative Law, edited by Nadjma Yassari and Marie-Claire Foblets0
Families by Agreement: Navigating Choice, Tradition, and Law, Brian Bix0
Review of Domestic Abuse and Human Rights, Jonathan Herring0
Parental Responsibility after Divorce: the Case of North Macedonia0
Child support systems and government budgets: thorny policy choices to recover costs0
International Survey of Family Law 2021, Margaret Brinig (ed.)0
Child support and income inequalities: a cross-continental comparison from welfare design to judicial implementation0
Recognising Legal Parenthood in Chinese Same-sex Families: Obstacles, Conflicts, and Possible Resolutions0
Are human rights ‘toothless’ in Australian child protection matters? Perspectives of lawyers and social workers0
Parental Guidance, State Responsibility and Evolving Capacities: Article 5 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Claire Fenton-Glynn and Brian Sloan (eds)0
Bride Price in the Patriarchal South Sudanese Society: A Legal Perspective0
Erratum to: La autoinseminación: decisiones reproductivas privadas y formación de relaciones familiares, Amaia Forcada Rubio0
Law and the Relational Self, Jonathan Herring0
The application of the voluntary guardianship regime to same-sex relationships in China0
Die Frühehe im Recht—Praxis, Rechtsvergleich, Kollisionsrecht, höherrangiges Recht, Nadjma Yassari and Ralf Michaels (eds)0
Healthcare Decision Making for Children in Singapore: The Missing Chapter in Comparison with English Law0
Children’s Constitutional Rights in the Nordic Countries, edited by Trude Haugli, Anna Nylund, Randi Sigurdsen, and Lena R.L. Bendiksen0
Adults and Children in Postmodern Societies: A Comparative Law and Multidisciplinary Handbook, by Jehanne Sosson, Geoffrey Willems, and Gwendoline Motte0
Surrogates’, intended parents’, and professionals’ perspectives on ways to improve access to surrogacy in Australia0
Love, Labour and Law: Early and Child Marriage in India, edited by Samita Sen and Anindita Ghosh0
Cohabitation and Religious Marriage: Status, Similarities and Solutions, edited by Rajnaara C. Akhtar, Patrick Nash and Rebecca Probert0
Research Handbook on Adoption Law, edited by Nigel Lowe and Claire Fenton-Glynn0
Post-separation parenting apps in the hands of family law practitioners: expectations versus experience0
The Last Gift: Advanced Healthcare Directives and the Family Members of Incapacitated Patients0
Accommodating the ‘Best Interests of the Child’ in Custody Disputes in the Indonesian System/s of Family Law0
‘Homeless in their own home’: the case of home-deprived single mothers0
Illegitimacy under Hindu Law: A Case for its Abandonment0
Livsfellesskap—Rettsfellesskap. Festskrift til Tone Sverdrup 70 år, edited by John Asland, Aslak Syse, Katrine Kjærheim Fredwall and Tone Wærstad0
Compendium of Inclusive Family Law, Søren Laursen.0
Erratum to: Funeral Wills and the Autonomy of a Dying Person: Experiences of Older People in Palliative Care and their Carers0
OUP accepted manuscript0
Relational Vulnerability: Theory, Law and the Private Family, Ellen Gordon-Bouvier0
Problematizing Law, Rights, and Childhood in Israel/Palestine, Hedi Viterbo0
Nicole Busby and Grace James, A History of Regulating Working Families: Strains, Stereotypes, Strategies and Solutions, Hart Publishing Plc, 2020, 174pp, £60.00, Hardback, ISBN 97815099046170
The Economic Consequences of Marital Separation for Parents in New Zealand: Insights from a Large Administrative Dataset0
Domestic Violence and Parental Child Abduction: The Protection of Abducting Mothers in Return Proceedings, Katarina Trimmings, Anatol Dutta, Constanza Honorati, and Mirela Župan0
Safeguarding Children’s Rights in Immigration Law, Klaassen, M., Rap, S., Rodrigues, P. & Liefaard, T0
Right to Respect for Private and Family Life, Home and Correspondence – A Practical Guide to the Article 8 Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights, Päivi Hirvelä and Satu Heikkilä0
Elderly Care and Upwards Solidarity. Historical, Sociological and Legal Perspectives, Elisabeth Alofs and Wendy Schrama0
What makes a Parent? Challenging the Importance of a Genetic Link for Legal Parenthood in International Surrogacy Arrangements0
Medical Decision-Making on Behalf of Young Children: A Comparative Perspective, by Imogen Goold, Cressida Auckland and Jonathan Herring (eds)0
Die Familienschiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Recht und Praxis—eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung des deutschen und englischen Rechts [Family Arbitration in Law and Practice—A Comparative Study of G0
Families of choice with no choice: remarks concerning the situation of families of choice in Polish law0
We Are Family: What Really Matters for Parents and Children, by Susan Golombok0
Mothering Practices and Human Rights Abuses of Girls in Marginalized Contexts: Examining the Moral Culpability of Women who Abuse Children0
Facilitating Cross-Border Family Life – Towards a Common European Understanding: EUFams II and Beyond, edited by Thomas Pfeiffer, Quincy C. Lobach, and Tobias Rapp0
A History of Divorce Law: Reform in England from the Victorian to Interwar Years, Henry Kha0
The Child’s Right to Development, by Noam Peleg0
The Interaction between Family Law, Succession Law and Private International Law: Adapting to Change, by Jens M. Scherpe and Elena Bargelli0
Surplus embryos in IVF units in Israel: patients’ attitude towards various dispositions—a bioethical analysis of empirical findings0
La responsabilidad civil en el ejercicio de la parentalidad. Un estudio comparado entre Italia y Colombia, Natalia Rueda0
Das Familienrecht in seiner großen VielfaltFestschrift für Hans-Joachim Dose zum Ausscheiden aus dem Richterdienst, Anatol Dutta, Hartmut Guhling, and Frank Klinkhammer (eds)0
Legal Recognition of Non-Conjugal Families: New Frontiers in Family Law in the US, Canada and Europe, Nausica Palazzo0
Divorce in China: Institutional Constraints and Gendered Outcomes, Xin He0
OUP accepted manuscript0
Taming the Unruly Public Policy Horse in Private International Law in Family Law: A Pragmatic Singaporean Approach to the Recognition of Foreign Same-Sex Marriages and Divorces0
The Construction of Fatherhood: The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, Alice Margaria0
Fundamental Rights and Best Interests of the Child in Transnational Families, by Elisabetta Bergamini and Chiara Ragni0
La autoinseminación: decisiones reproductivas privadas y formación de relaciones familiares, Amaia Forcada Rubio0
The expert witness—psychologists and judicial gatekeepers in the family court0
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article-by-Article Commentary0
Compromised ‘consent’ in Australian Family Law Proceedings0
A Magna Carta for Children? Rethinking Children’s Rights, Michael Freeman0
Experience with Ontario’s Parenting Plan Guide and Template0
Surrogate Born Children’s Access to Information About Their Origins0
Autonomy, Care and Family Law, Anna Heenan0
An Assessment of the Mauritian Legal and Regulatory Measures to Mitigate Domestic Violence in the Wake of COVID-19: A Comparative Study with South Africa0
Decoding the puzzle: Chinese culture, familial transfers, and disputes in Western courts0
Understanding Sharia Processes: Women’s Experiences of Family Disputes, Farrah Ahmed and Ghena Krayem0
Joint physical custody in Germany: legal framework and results of the Family Models in Germany (FAMOD) study0
Routledge Handbook of Family Law and Policy, edited by John Eekelaar and Rob George0
Adoption from Care: International Perspectives on Children’s Rights, Family Preservation and State Intervention, edited by Tarja Pösö, Marit Skivenes and June Thoburn0
There’s No Place Like Home: The Role of Informal Carers under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child0
Childhood in a Global Perspective—Third Edition by Karen Wells; The Sociology of Children’s Rights by Gran Brian0
Law through the Life Course, by Jonathan Herring0
Family Law in America (Third Edition), by Sanford N. Katz0
International Survey of Family Law 2020, by Margaret Brinig (ed.)0
Trends in the Division of Matrimonial Property Based on Contribution: an Empirical Case Study Based on the Structured Approach in Singapore0
Presumption of Marriage in Uganda0
Eschewing the discretionary court-based approach to child maintenance in Singapore: towards a consistent and predictable legal framework0
Individual realities and legal responsibilities: a study of non-resident parents who dispute child maintenance obligations in Swedish administrative courts, 2014–20190
Disciplined parents and autonomous children: information sharing as governing device in Swedish identity-release gamete donation0
Principles of European Family Law Regarding Property, Maintenance and Succession Rights of Couples in de facto Unions, edited by Katharina Boele-Woelki, Frédérique Ferrand, Cristina Gonz0
Tying the Knot: The Formation of Marriage 1836–2020, by Rebecca Probert0