South European Society and Politics

(The median citation count of South European Society and Politics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Affective Polarisation in Times of Political Instability and Conflict. Spain from a Comparative Perspective31
Looking for Affective Polarisation in Spain: PSOE and Podemos from Conflict to Coalition20
Defeating Populists: The Case of 2019 Istanbul Elections20
Back to the Post-Fascist Past or Landing in the Populist Radical Right? The Brothers of Italy Between Continuity and Change19
Two-bloc Logic, Polarisation and Coalition Government: The November 2019 General Election in Spain19
Yet Another Populist Party? Understanding the Rise of Brothers of Italy19
Italy, the Sick Man of Europe: Policy Response, Experts and Public Opinion in the First Phase of Covid-1918
Street-level Bureaucrats and Coping Mechanisms.The Unexpected Role of Italian Judges in Asylum Policy Implementation15
Who Is Patriarchal? The Correlates of Patriarchy in Turkey15
Polarisation in Southern Europe: Elites, Party Conflicts and Negative Partisanship15
Populism Put to the Polarisation Test: The 2019–20 Election Cycle in Italy15
Two-partyism Reloaded: Polarisation, Negative Partisanship, and the Return of the Left-right Divide in the Greek Elections of 201915
Polarisation and Electoral Realignment: The Case of the Right-Wing Parties in Spain14
Political Polarisation in Greece: The Prespa Agreement, Left/Right Antagonism and the Nationalism/Populism Nexus12
Regaining Trust: Evidence-Informed Policymaking during the First Phase of the Covid-19 Crisis in Greece12
‘Enough’ of What? An Analysis of Chega’s Populist Radical Right Agenda11
Leader Polarisation: Conflict and Change in the Italian Political System9
Electoral Competition and Partisan Affective Polarisation in Spain9
All Quiet on the European Front? Assessing the Impact of the Great Recession on Euroscepticism in Portugal8
Surviving the Covid-19 Pandemic under Right-wing Populist Rule: Turkey in the First Phase8
Media Diet and Polarisation: Evidence from Spain7
Twitter and Affective Polarisation: Following Political Leaders in Spain7
A Portuguese Miracle: The Politics of the First Phase of Covid-19 in Portugal7
Radical-Right Surge in a Deinstitutionalised Party System: The 2022 Italian General Election7
In-Party Like, Out-Party Dislike and Propensity to Vote in Spain6
Trust, Satisfaction and Political Engagement during Economic Crisis: Young Citizens in Southern Europe6
Partisan Sentiments and Political Trust: A Longitudinal Study of Spain6
Embattled Ballots, Quiet Streets: Competitive Authoritarianism and Dampening Anti-Government Protests in Turkey6
Policy Polarisation in Italy: The Short and Conflictual Life of the ‘Government of Change’ (2018–2019)6
Age and Descriptive Representation in Southern Europe: The Impact of the Great Recession on National Parliaments6
Ιs ‘Old Southern Europe’ Still Eurosceptic? Determinants of Mass Attitudes before, during and after the Eurozone Crisis6
Affective and Territorial Polarisation: The Impact on Vote Choice in Spain6
‘Social Media Help Me Distinguish between Truth and Lies’: News Consumption in the Polarised and Low-trust Media Landscape of Greece6
Assessing the Impact of Age, Cohort and Period Effects on Partisanship and Support for Mainstream Parties: Evidence from Southern Europe6
Has the Great Recession Shaped a Crisis Generation of Critical Citizens? Evidence from Southern Europe5
‘Your Luck is Our Luck’: Covid-19, the Radical Right and Low Polarisation in the 2022 Portuguese Elections4
Transnationalism and Welfare Chauvinism in Italy: Evidence from the 2018 Election Campaign4
Are All Populist Voters the Same? Institutional Distrust and the Five Star Movement in Italy4
A Popular Mandate for Strongmen: What Public Opinion Data Reveals About Support for Executive Aggrandizement in Turkey, 1996-20184
The Silent Electoral Earthquake in Cyprus: A Crisis of Political Representation4