International Journal of Inclusive Education

(The TQCC of International Journal of Inclusive Education is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Our school: our space – inclusion and young people’s experiences of space within an English secondary free school49
Cross-professional collaboration and inclusive school development in Denmark33
The psychosocial impact of rare diseases among children and adolescents attending mainstream schools in Western Australia29
Developing an inclusive curriculum: Understanding co-creation through cultural lens27
Differentiated instruction: ‘to be, or not to be, that is the question’26
Peer tutoring as a strategy for inclusive education in primary education: a case study22
Turning points in the educational pathways of young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Sweden20
Bridging gaps between theory and practice of inclusion through an innovative partnership between university academics and school educators in Australia16
The factors that count: predicting implementation fidelity of evidence-based behavioural supports in Australian schools15
Botswana teachers: competencies perceived as important for inclusive education15
Inclusion in practice: humanising pedagogy for immigrant children with and without disabilities14
Reading the schoolchild: teacher perspectives on equality under Danish inclusion reform policies13
Design and validation of a programme to improve attitudes towards disability in early childhood education13
Three Cs in becoming a culturally responsive teacher: Canadian physical education teachers’ perspectives13
A systematic review of literature on inclusive education with special emphasis on children with disability in Pakistan13
Exploring positive and negative teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion of children with disabilities in schools in Trinidad: implications for teacher education12
Fifty ways to work with students’ diverse abilities? A video study on inclusive teaching practices in secondary mathematics classrooms12
Widening the focus of school readiness for children with disabilities in Malawi: a critical review of the literature12
The impact of inclusive education on the mathematical progress of pupils with intellectual disabilities12
Comparative study about inclusive education among working and trainee teachers11
Implementation of inclusive education in Tanzania secondary schools: placements and supports for students with disabilities11
A simplex approach in Italian teacher education programmes to promote inclusive practices11
The attitudes of physical education teachers towards teaching students with disabilities: a qualitative research in Turkey11
Family engagement and compassion fatigue in Alternative Provision10
Issues around the screening process for students with SENs in inclusive schools in Lop Buri Province, Thailand10
Education, power, and segregation. The psychoeducational report as an obstacle to inclusive education10
Pre-service teachers’ and recent teacher graduates’ perceptions of self-efficacy in teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder – an exploratory case study10
Lessons learned from educators of English as a second language in the U.S. during covid-19: providing inclusive space for all educators10
Unveiling the Context of practice: Teacher Allocation Models to support inclusion in primary schools in Ireland10
Dealing with disability as ‘matter out of place’: emotional issues in the education of learners with visual impairment10
A scoping review of mixed methods rigour in inclusive education: application of the Rigorous Mixed Methods Framework10
Norwegian teachers’ perspectives on inclusive practices in the mathematics classroom9
Can we talk? A correspondence study to examine responsiveness of physical educators to requests for a phone call from parents of children with disabilities9
Giving a voice to the best faculty members: benefits of digital resources for the inclusion of all students in Arts and Humanities9
Inclusive disaster risk reduction education for Indonesian children9
Pathways to inclusive and equitable quality education for people with disabilities: cross-context conversations and mutual learning9
Insights into students’ experiences of social inclusion and exclusion during attending language pull-out classes8
Teacher education and inclusive education in Kazakhstan8
Equity, parental/caregiver ‘Power,’ and disability policy in the U.S. Context8
Inclusive education in complex landscapes of stakeholders, agendas and priorities8
Professional development for inclusive education: insights from India8
‘Being there’: technology to reduce isolation for young people with significant illness8
Time–space paths and the experiences of vulnerable young people in alternative educational settings8
Barriers to positive parent-teacher partnerships: the views of parents and teachers in an inclusive education context8
Linking curriculum content to students’ cultural heritage in order to promote inclusion: an analysis of a learning-through-the arts project7
Towards a critical pedagogy of trans-inclusive education in UK secondary schools7
Learning motivation and psychological empowerment of socioeconomically disadvantaged learners – an empirical study on inclusive project-based learning during Covid-197
What makes a good school? Perspectives of students at inclusive secondary schools in Germany7
Inclusivity of students with special education needs and disabilities: memorable messages from teachers in secondary schools7
Quality of transition services provided to students with intellectual disabilities in Saudi Arabia7
Innovative learning environments and spaces of belonging for special education teachers7
A structured learning envi ronment: the generic nature of recommendations in psychoeducational reports7
Understanding inclusive education – a theoretical contribution from system theory and the constructionist perspective7
Inclusive education in the language classroom: an investigation into the portrait of gender in language textbooks7
Developing inclusive communities: understanding the experiences of education of learners of English as an additional language in England and street-connected children in Kenya7
Are students with disabilities truly present in universities? An international analysis from a participatory approach7
On ‘integration rooms’, tough territories, and ‘places to be’: the ability-space-regimes of three educational settings at Austrian secondary schools7
Non-inclusive teaching of students with special educational needs in a socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhood6
Impact of Covid-19 on the education of children with disabilities in Malawi: reshaping parental engagement for the future6
Turning social inclusion into exclusion during collaborative learning between students with and without SEN6
Developing inclusive and equitable education systems: some lessons from Uruguay6
The social acceptance of neurodiverse children in Irish primary schools6
Adopted students’ educational paths and inclusiveness of Italian school system: an explorative study using parents’ evaluation6
A work in progress: inclusion for students with developmental disabilities from the perspectives of principals and teachers6
Investigation of the relationship between teacher job satisfaction, empowerment and loyalty: the difference between teachers of ethnic majority students and teachers of ethnic minority students in Vie6
The impact of professional development training on faculty’s integration of universal design for learning in daily teaching practices6
Performance of Australia’s Disability Standards for Education 2005 : a policy analysis and evaluation6
Using the Service-Learning approach to bridge the gap between theory and practice in teacher education6
Amount of instructional and inclusion time for children with disabilities in France6
Inclusive possibilities: giving children the pedestal, not the obstacle, to learn6
‘It sort of goes hand in hand the academic and the social’: teachers’ experiences working with the inclusion of immigrant students in mainstream lower secondary school classes in Norway6
Learning to become a teacher with a disability: the personal journey of a professor of teacher education6
Schools and teachers as brokers of belonging for refugee-background young people6
Aiming for inclusion: processes taking place in co-creation involving students with disabilities in higher education6
Adolescent health: from individual risk behaviours to wellbeing ecosystems: learning from the paradigm shift6
Examining the impact of disability studies in education-infused curriculum on attitudes towards inclusion in a U.S. secondary teacher education programme5
The effects of a social service project on personal growth and academic performance in secondary school students from low socioeconomic status5
The illusion of choice in inclusive education5
Pathways to belonging in the transition to school: the perspectives of children5
Bullying of students who receive special education services for learning and behaviour difficulties in Norway5
Indigenous worldviews and inclusive education: insights into participatory video and the practice of Buen Vivir of the Misak community5
An education programme for the elimination of inequalities in Hungary5
Disability studies in and for inclusive teacher education in Aotearoa New Zealand5
Parents and the gender and sexual violence assemblage in a rural school5
Inclusive pedagogy through the lens of primary teachers and teaching assistants in England5
Learning for all? Ableism, education policy, and the 'global learning crisis' in India5
Tracing the lineage of international inclusive education practices in Kenya5
Demographic, school-organisational and emotional characteristics of the absorption accompaniment process of novice teachers in Arab society in Israel5
Analysing the potential of Disney-Pixar films for educating young children in inclusive values5
Towards inclusion: a comparative examination of the status of disability acts in South Asia5
Good practices for differentiated instruction in vocational education: the combined perspectives of educational researchers and teachers5
Leveraging the Design Thinking Model to address campus accessibility challenges and assess perceptions of disability awareness5
‘Does the loss outweigh the gain?’: inclusive teachers’ belief systems about teaching students with intellectual disabilities in Chinese elementary classrooms5
Mapping the field: spatial relations in research on inclusion and exclusion in education4
Psychometric properties of the Italian adaptation of the short form of the Quality Scale of Inclusive School Development (QU!S-S)4
Education gender gap in STEM fields at Integrated Polytechnic Regional College (IPRC) Tumba (2007–2020)4
Gains in pre-service teacher efficacy for inclusive education: contributions of initial beliefs and practicum length4
Correlates of rejection by the peer group: a study comparing students with and without SEN4
Immanent pedagogy with young women in extreme social exclusion4
School absenteeism, emotional engagement and school organisation: an international comparative approach4
Towards a school culture of pedagogical fairness: revisiting the academic performance of immigrant children in East Asia4
Empowering school administrators for refugee education in Türkiye: insights from multiple stakeholders on a training programme4
General educators’ perceptions of struggling learners in an inaugural project-based learning Capstone4
Bridging gaps between theory and practice of inclusive teacher education: international perspectives4
A simulation game for placement decision-making: fostering reflection and belief change about inclusion in teacher education4
Teaching Hebrew as a second language for Arab middle and high school students with disabilities4
Kindergartens: inclusive spaces for all children?4
Exploring Bhutanese teachers’ knowledge and use of strategies for the inclusion of students on the autism spectrum4
A critical analysis of court decision on mainstream school attendance of a child with medical care needs in Japan: a long way towards inclusive education4
Assessment and learning loss in England: never let a good crisis go to waste4
How effective is online pre-service teacher education for inclusion when compared to face-to-face delivery?4
‘We need to change our way of thinking about education’: a thematic analysis of university staff’s experience supporting autistic students in France4
Becoming an inclusive teacher: reducing gaps in theory and practice through inclusive research4
Factors influencing Indonesian teachers’ use of proactive classroom management strategies4
A systematic review of interventions promoting social inclusion of immigrant and ethnic minority preschool children4
Turbulent academic journey of female academics: a meta-synthesis4
Does the type of educational setting (mainstream or specialist schools) and degree of impairment (low vision or blindness) have any influence on self-concept?4
Narrowing the inclusion gap – teachers and parents around SEN students4
Disability and learning in Ethiopia: what changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?4
Access to schools and learning outcomes of children with disabilities in Pakistan: findings from a household survey in four administrative units4
New Education Policy 2020 in India: future rewinds to the past4
Furthering inclusive education in Papua New Guinea through teacher training: reflections on challenges and transformations4
In and out of class – what is the meaning for inclusive schools? Teachers’ opinions on push-and pull-out in Italy and Norway4
Exploring linguistically responsive teaching with preservice teachers in a course on teaching English learners4