Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing

(The H4-Index of Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing is 56. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Experimental investigation on axial compression behavior of laminated bamboo lumber short columns confined with CFRP164
Graphene/polyurethane nanocomposite coatings – Enhancing the mechanical properties and environmental resistance of natural fibers for masonry retrofitting163
GFRP biocomposites produced with a novel high-performance bio-based unsaturated polyester resin162
Achieving superior low-temperature mechanical performances by nacre-like alternating microlayered structures in PP/POE-based pipes138
Bilayer dielectric composites with positive-ε and negative-ε layers achieving high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss138
A novel and facile method for the synthesis of rGO/ZnO nanocomposite and its versatile use in water treatment138
Infrared-thermography measurement of temperature distribution in carbon fiber–reinforced polypropylene during ultrasonic welding132
Improved thermal conductivity and mechanical property of mercapto group-activated boron nitride/elastomer composites for thermal management115
Carbon fiber/epoxy composite property enhancement through incorporation of carbon nanotubes at the fiber-matrix interphase – Part II: Mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanotube coated car111
Origami tunable frequency selective fabric and its tuning mechanism108
Continuous self-crimped micro-nanofiber via one-step electrospinning108
Progressive damage modeling in open hole composite laminates with ultrasound-informed drilling-induced delamination104
Multiscale analysis of hierarchical flax-epoxy biocomposites with nanostructured interphase by xyloglucan and cellulose nanocrystals92
Assessing the impact of accelerated weathering on the mechanical properties of a flax/epoxy composite: A study on tensile performance and drop-weight impact91
Design of Kagome lattice composite sandwich metastructures with high load bearing and low frequency vibration reduction properties88
Measurement of tensile and shear strength of interfacial bonding in fiber reinforced soft composites combining experiments and simulation87
Healing study of poly (ether-imide) and poly ether ether ketone using resin films and a parallel plate rheometer85
Continuous tow shearing for the automated manufacture of defect-free complex 3D geometry composite parts84
Improving mechanical and life cycle environmental performances of recycled CFRP automotive component by fibre architecture preservation84
Multifunctional pressure/temperature/bending sensor made of carbon fibre-multiwall carbon nanotubes for artificial electronic application83
Mechanical property enhancement of graphene-kenaf-epoxy multiphase composites for automotive applications81
Effect of scale morphology on the mechanical response of bio-inspired fish-scale-based protective structures78
Bonding performances of epoxy coatings reinforced by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on mild steel substrate with different surface roughness75
Preparation of a water-based carboxylated Poly(phthalazione ether nitrile) sizing agent for interfacial reinforcement of CF/PPESK composites75
Clarifying the mechanisms of edge glow generation in CFRP laminates exposed to simulated lightning currents74
Salt-template-assisted melt-processed porous poly (vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites for highly efficient all-day passive radiative cooling73
An analytical model for wrinkle-free forming of composite laminates72
Design of polyimide/carbon nanotube@Ag@polyimide/graphene composite aerogel for infrared stealth and electromagnetic interference protection72
Multiscale verification method for prediction results of mechanical behaviors in unidirectional fiber reinforced composites70
Constructing bidirectional heat flow pathways by curved alumina for enhanced thermal conductivity of epoxy composites70
Interlaminar tensile strength of Alumina-Based Oxide/Oxide ceramic matrix composite at room temperature and 1200 °C using diametral compression test method68
Failure investigation of woven scarf-repaired laminates reinforced with nanoparticles: Experimental and numerical investigations68
Characterization of thermomechanical properties and damage mechanisms using acoustic emission of Lygeum spartum PLA 3D-printed biocomposite with fused deposition modelling67
Forming-behavior characterization of cross-ply carbon fiber/PA6 laminates using the bias-extension test67
Progressive bearing failure analysis and strength prediction method for the initial assembly and tensile process of composite bolted joints66
Microstructural behavior of CNT-PDMS thin-films for multifunctional systems66
The use of digital thread for reconstruction of local fiber orientation in a compression molded pin bracket via deep learning65
Effects of crosslinker concentration on curing process and performances of needled fiber preform reinforced phenolic aerogel composite using process simulation and comprehensive experiments65
Realizing ultrahigh strength and excellent stability of ultrasonically welded joints upon co-consolidating an extra resin layer (eRL) on the thermoplastic composites65
Controllable and lightweight ZIF-67@PAN derived Co@C nanocomposites with tunable and broadband microwave absorption64
Strontium-Modified porous attapulgite composite hydrogel scaffold with advanced angiogenic and osteogenic potential for bone defect repair64
Shear localization in ultralow wear of PEEK/UPE composites64
Development of sandwich test coupons with continuous protective layers for accurate determination of the tensile failure strain of unidirectional carbon fibre reinforced composites63
Flax fiber treatment by an alkali solution and poly(dopamine) coating: Effects on the fiber physico-chemistry and flax/Elium® composite interfacial properties63
Dynamic analysis of scarf adhesive joints in CFRP composites modified with Al2O3-nanoparticles under fatigue loading at different temperatures63
Novel micro-nano PBO composite paper with unprecedented mechanical properties and heat resistance62
Impact modification of wood flour reinforced PP composites: Problems, analysis, solution62
Facile engineering strategy to control polymer chain structure for enhanced dispersion, electrical and sensing properties of nanocomposites61
Delamination behaviour and surface morphology of wholly thermoplastic composites using different ultra-high molecular weight thermoplastic fabrics with pristine and toughened Elium resin under Mode I 59
Investigating the impacts of processing variability on tool-part interaction for interply-toughened aerospace composites using a novel shear technique59
A model for the consolidation of hybrid textiles considering air entrapment, dissolution and diffusion59
Semi-analytical formulation of effective permeability of a dual scale unidirectional fabric59
Breathing-effect assisted transferring large-area PEDOT:PSS to PDMS substrate with robust adhesion for stable flexible pressure sensor58
In-plane and out-of-plane deformations in automated fiber placement employing micromechanics method58
Construction of interface-engineered two-dimensional nanohybrids towards superb fire resistance of epoxy composites57
An experimental study of defect evolution in corners by autoclave processing of prepreg material57
Anisotropy behavior of liquid metal elastomer composites with both enhanced thermal conductivity and crack resistance by direct ink writing56