Scripta Materialia

(The median citation count of Scripta Materialia is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The effect of Ni and Fe on the decomposition of yttrium doped barium zirconate thin films242
Controllable thermal expansion in ferroelectric ceramics through two-dimensional periodically orthogonal poling141
High-throughput fabrication of TiO2 nanotube arrays by 4-electrode bipolar electrochemistry135
Effect of burst-type martensitic transformation on superelastic and elastocaloric properties in a 〈116〉 oriented Cu70.5Al17.5Mn12 single crystal134
The dependence of strength and strain hardening on dislocation-interface interaction in dual-phase titanium alloys125
Coexistence of rod-like and lamellar eutectic growth patterns123
Fracture mechanism of metallic film with nano to sub-micron thickness on polycrystalline substrate121
Strontium titanate modified separator regulates ion flux to stabilize aqueous zinc ion battery anodes119
Revisiting ω phase embrittlement in metastable β titanium alloys: Role of elemental partitioning106
Composite of medium entropy alloys synthesized using spark plasma sintering99
Helium-induced swelling and mechanical property degradation in ultrafine-grained W and W-Cu nanocomposites for fusion applications96
Investigating the Structural and Lithium Storage Properties of High-Entropy Oxides in the Mg-Co-Ni-Cu-Zn-O System94
Inelastic deformation of metallic glasses under dynamic cyclic loading92
Nanometer-scale precipitations in a selective electron beam melted nickel-based superalloy90
Deformation-induced ultrafine grains near fatigue crack tip and correlative fatigue damage in Al matrix composite87
Oxidation mechanisms of an intermetallic alloy at high temperatures85
Towards uniform and enhanced tensile ductility of additively manufactured Ti−5Al−5Mo−5V−3Cr alloy through designing gradient interlayer deposition time83
Micro - and macromechanical properties of sintered steel with different porosity83
Influence of Zr element on the atomic structure of Al-Cu alloy liquid83
Effects of orientation on microstructure and mechanical properties of TiN/AlN superlattice films81
Localized phase transformation strengthening in CoNi-based superalloys77
Stress-induced gradient rejuvenation framework and memory effect in a metallic glass75
Anomalous stress-strain behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy close to the border of superelastic window73
Role of layer order on the equi-biaxial behavior of Al/Mo bilayers70
Enhanced thermoelectric efficiency of the bulk composites consisting of “Bi2Te3 matrix” and “filler Ni@NiTe2 inclusions”69
Synergistic effects of CuI doping on enhancing thermoelectric performance for n-type Bi2O2Se fabricated by mechanical alloying68
“Double-yielding” behavior and progressive β → α → twins transformation in a Ti-based metallic glass matrix composite67
Mitigating the Hall-Petch breakdown in nanotwinned Cu by amorphous intergranular films67
Domination of phononic scattering in solid solutioning and interfaces of HfB2–ZrB2 – SiC -carbon nanotube based ultra high temperature composites67
The effect of Mn containing dispersoids on the distribution of slip and fracture mode in Al-Mg-Si-Mn alloys65
Postponing the fracture strain of ultrafine-grained 316LN steel by sequential activations of deformation modes at 77 K64
Tantalum and molybdenum barriers to prevent carbon diffusion in spark plasma sintered tungsten63
Atomic and electronic structure of grain boundaries in a-Al2O3: A combination of machine learning, first-principles calculation and electron microscopy62
Artificial neural network molecular mechanics of iron grain boundaries59
Helium partitioning to the core-shelled Ta nanoclusters in nanocrystalline Cu-Ta alloy59
A predictive model unifying hydrogen enhanced plasticity and decohesion58
Elevated-temperature cyclic deformation mechanisms of CoCrNi in comparison to CoCrFeMnNi57
Room temperature static recrystallization phenomenon in a deformed Mg96.6Zn1Y2.2Zr0.2 alloy56
Low modulus-yet-hard, deformable multicomponent fibrous B2-phase making a medium-entropy alloy ultra-strong and ductile56
Accelerated discovery of refractory high-entropy alloys for strength-ductility co-optimization: An exploration in NbTaZrHfMo system by machine learning56
An in-situ setup for simultaneous electro-chemo-mechanical characterization of electrode materials for lithium-ion battery55
The effect of γ matrix channel width on the compositional evolution in a multi-component nickel-based superalloy55
Comments about a recent publication entitled “Improving glass forming ability of off-eutectic metallic glass formers by manipulating primary crystallization reactions”54
Glass-forming ability correlated with the liquid-liquid transition in Pd42.5Ni42.5P15 alloy54
Formation of ultrafine grains and twins in the β-phase during superplastic deformation of two-phase brasses52
Creep behavior of zirconia ceramics under a strong DC field51
Identification of active slip systems in polycrystals by Slip Trace - Modified Lattice Rotation Analysis (ST-MLRA)51
Strengthening retention and structural stability of the Al-Al3Ni eutectic at high temperatures51
Effect of boron segregation on bainite nucleation during isothermal transformation51
A new strategy to overcome the strength-ductility trade off of high entropy alloy51
Formation of nodular bainite in an Fe-9.10Ni-0.06C (wt. %) alloy: A new microstructure for cryogenic steels51
Origin of morphological variation of grain boundary precipitates in titanium alloys50
First-order phase transition La-Fe-Si bulk materials with small hysteresis by laser powder bed fusion: Microstructure and magnetocaloric effect50
The effect of voids on boundary migration during recrystallization in additive manufactured samples—a phase field study50
Plasma-induced repair of macro-indentation formed cracks on yttria-stabilised zirconia50
On the origin of carbon supersaturation in bainitic ferrite48
Real-time visualization of particle evolution during reactive flux-assisted processing of aluminum melts48
Sign reversals of magnetization and exchange bias field induced by Lu3+ doping in La0.3-xLuxPr0.7CrO348
Editorial Board47
Regulating precipitation behavior in an ultrahigh-strength, high-molybdenum maraging steel via laser powder bed fusion47
Enhancing ductility of the TRIP aided bainitic ferrite steel by Mn heterogeneity introduced via reversion: Towards the 3rd generation47
Investigation on the incipient plasticity of 〈001〉-oriented CoCrFeNi micropillar46
Achieving excellent soft-magnetic properties in CoFeAlMnCr high entropy alloy by in-situ additive manufacturing46
Insights into photoemission origins of flash sintering of ceramics45
Evidence of intrinsic structural heterogeneity by monatomic metallic glass45
A pressure and entropy criterion for glass transition decoupling in high-entropy metallic glasses45
Advancing electrochemical activity: Insights from Li doped Ni-MOF synthesis and performance45
Strong yet ductile steels via a heterogeneous phase transformation strategy45
Enhanced mechanical properties of double-walled carbon nanotubes reinforced silica aerogels: An all-atom simulation study44
Significant photovoltaic enhancement in La-doped BiFeO3 achieved by engineering crystallographic facet arrays44
Secondary phase evolution of high-entropy ceramics under heavy-ion irradiation in high-temperature coupling-induced environment43
Origin of enhanced zone lines in field evaporation maps43
Flash sintering can induce an anisotropic microstructure in ceramics. A phase field modeling insight43
Exceptional fatigue life and ductility of new liquid healing hot isostatic pressing especially tailored for additive manufactured aluminum alloys43
Nucleation mechanism of hetero-epitaxial recrystallization in wrought nickel-based superalloys43
Hierarchical structured as-cast CrFeNiMn0.5Cu0.5 high entropy alloy with excellent tensile strength/ductility properties43
Improvement of deep drawing formability of Mg-6Al-1Zn magnesium alloy sheets with high strength utilizing aging precipitation42
Enhanced hardening by multiple microalloying in low carbon ferritic steels with interphase precipitation42
Role of Aluminum rejection from isothermal ω precipitates on the formation of α precipitates in the metastable β-titanium alloy Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al42
In situ observation of faceted growth and morphological instability of a complex-regular eutectic in Zn−Mg−Al system42
Effects of grain size and partial amorphization on elastocaloric cooling performance of nanostructured NiTi42
Displacive-Diffusive plasticity in nanoporous gold nanowires under tensile creep41
Unveiling the thermometric sensitivity of Eu3+ doped glasses in various system from theory to experimental41
Origin of crystallization suppression in a new amorphous molecular white-light-generating material41
Tuning temperature coefficient of elastic modulus by heat treatment in a compositionally-modulated Ti-Nb-based alloy41
Novel ternary U N O compounds: Potential candidates for accident tolerant fuels41
Crystallographic ordering of Al and Sn in α-Ti41
Factor which governs the feature of texture developed during additive manufacturing; clarified from the study on hexagonal C40-NbSi241
Band gap tunning to enhance photovoltaic response in NaNbO3-based bulk ferroelectrics41
Tresa M. Pollock, 2023 Acta Materialia Gold Medal Recipient41
Synergy of tensile strength-ductility in IN718/CoCrFeMnNi/IN718 multi-material processed by powder high-pressure torsion and annealing40
Formation of stable equiaxial nanograined Al via combined plastic deformation40
Migration of inclusions in a matrix due to a spatially varying interface energy40
Influence of exchange coupling interaction on coercivity in 2:17-type SmCo-based high temperature permanent magnets40
The cross-transition of deformation twinning in magnesium40
Editors for Scripta Materialia40
Temperature-dependent anharmonic effects on shear deformability of Bi2Te3 semiconductor39
Heterogeneous yielding mechanisms of body centered cubic iron for high resistance to chemical reaction-induced deterioration in supercritical water environments: A reactive molecular dynamics study39
Superconducting joints using multifilament MgB2 wires for MRI application38
Preceramic paper-derived SiCf/Ti3Al(Si)C2 and SiCf/Ti3SiC2 MAX-phase based laminates fabricated using spark plasma sintering38
Solute softening and vacancy generation by diffusion-less dislocation climb in magnesium alloys38
A novel durable spinel-type ZnGa2O4 transparent ceramic with wide transmission range38
Study of vacancies in Fe (CoCrMnNi)100- medium- and high-entropy alloys by positron annihilation spectroscopy38
In-situ investigation of tension-compression asymmetry of Ni-SiOC nanocomposites38
Surface energy contributions to the work of infiltration in metal matrix composite processing38
Katalin Balázsi, 2021 Acta Materialia Mary Fortune Global Diversity Medal Recipient38
In-situ Transmission Electron Microscope Investigation of Atomic-scale Titanium Silicide Monolayer Superlattice37
Local atomic configuration approach to the nonmonotonic concentration dependence of magnetic properties of Ni37
Vacancy-driven shear localization in silicon nitride37
Metastable orientation relationships in thin film Cu-Cr bilayers37
Formation of core-shell type structure in Duplex Martensitic Steel37
Revealing curvature and stochastic effects on grain growth: A thermodynamic perspective from extremal principle37
High strength and thermal stability of core-shell Fe-SiOC nanocolumnar composites36
Orientation relationships in Cu/Nb bilayers deposited on (001) and (111) NaCl substrate36
Fabrication of hierarchical porous metallic glasses decorated with Cu nanoparticles as integrated electrodes for high-performance non-enzymatic glucose sensing36
A Nb-doped metal hydride electrode with overcharge resistance and wide temperature performance for aqueous rechargeable batteries36
Polymer-assisted deposition and room-temperature ferromagnetism of amorphous Mn-doped gallium oxide films36
Origin of twin-like {33636
Editors for Scripta Materialia36
Porous CoP@RGO with pseudocapacitance characteristics for lithium ion storage36
Concurrent Ce doping and in-situ carbon coating of Li2MnSiO4 nanoparticles with enhanced capacity via a rapid microwave-assisted sol-gel proces36
Stabilized piezoelectricity upon ferro-ferro phase transition achieved by aging induced domain memory effect in acceptor doped lead-free ceramics36
In situ monitoring nanoscale solid-state phase transformation of Ag nanowire during electrochemical reaction35
Dependence of solute carbon concentration on electrical resistivity of retained austenite35
Editors for Scripta Materialia34
Editors for Scripta Materialia34
Editors for Scripta Materialia34
Optical property in colorless AlN bulk crystals: investigation of native defect-induced UV absorption34
Crystallographic orientation dependent fracture behavior in tantalum single crystals34
Effects of hydrogen clusters on interface facilitated plasticity at semi-coherent bimetal interfaces34
Screw dislocation mobility in a face-centered cubic solid solution with short-range order33
Unveiling the effect of vacancy defects on structural, mechanical, electronic and diffusion properties of copper (I) iodide33
Editors for Scripta Materialia33
Direct observation of Face-centered cubic zirconium phase growth-induced stacking faults in Zr3Ge secondary phase nanoparticle33
Ultra-high temperature flexure and strain driven amorphization in polycrystalline boron carbide bulks33
Compositional partitioning during early stages of oxidation of a uranium-molybdenum alloy33
Nanoscale chemistry and ion segregation in zirconia-based ceramic at grain boundaries by atom probe tomography33
Restrained diffusional transformation in high entropy (TiZrVNbTa)2AlC ceramic under He ions irradiation32
Large low-stress elastocaloric effect in Ti-Zr-Cr-Sn32
Combining muon spin relaxation and DFT simulations of hydrogen trapping in Al6Mn32
Solid solution strengthening of the body-centered cubic refractory complex concentrated alloy, MoNbTaW32
High-pressure structural and transport studies of orthorhombic Sm2Ru3Ge5 compound32
Severe plastic deformation close to the melting point enables Mg-Fe nanocomposites with exceptional strength32
A highly sensitive MoS2/MoTe2 heterostructure enhanced by localized surface plasmon effect for broad-spectrum photodetection32
Organometallic structure-based βCD@FeSe2/CoSe2 heterostructures cathodes for high-performance aluminum-ion battery32
High thermoelectric performance of PbSe via a synergistic band engineering and dislocation approach32
A unique {332}<113> twin to α″ martensite transition during twin propagation in a Ti-12wt.% Mo alloy with micro-segregation32
Observation of dielectric resonance and negative capacitance in 0.65Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.35PbTiO3 textured thin films31
Performance enhancement of Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-PbTiO3 ferroelectric single crystals using pulse poling31
Wide tuning the carbon supersaturation within Fe-C lath martensite via high pressure martensitic transformation of Fe-0.45C alloy31
Stimulating the inverse transformation of amorphous second-phase particles in irradiated Zr alloy to modulate the nanostructure31
Near-superplastic behavior of a body-centered cubic Zr50Ti35Nb15 multi-principal element alloy via dynamic recrystallization31
Editors for Scripta Materialia31
Tailoring homogeneous immiscible alloy via magneto-Archimedes levitation31
Strain partition induced abnormal low-cycle fatigue behavior in single-phase heterostructured 316L stainless steels31
On the migration of {101¯1} and {1031
Accessing the role of Joule heating on densification during flash sintering of YSZ30
Evolution of morphology and microstructure of coarsened nanoporous gold studied by automatic thresholding and image recognition algorithms30
Ultra-wide void denuded zone near composite grain boundary in micro-nano crystalline 304L steels30
Editors for Scripta Materialia30
Recipients of the 2022 Acta Student Awards30
Direct observation of grain boundary formation in bcc iron through TEM in situ compression test30
A note on maxima and minima of dissipation in context of treatment of irreversible thermodynamic systems by application of Extremal Principles30
Editorial Board30
Enhancement of polysulfide trapping induced by faceted ferroelectric for high-performance Li-S batteries30
Sharp/diffuse antiferroelectric-ferroelectric phase transition regulated by atomic displacement ordering30
Experimentally mapping the oriented-to-misoriented transition in laser powder bed fusion Ti-10%Mo alloys29
Size-effects in tensile fracture of rejuvenated and annealed metallic glass29
Bis (8-hydroxyquinoline) zinc complex derived ZnO@N-doped carbon composite for enhancing lithium storage performance29
Improvement of battery performance by applying iron-containing recycled aluminum to current collector-free anode of lithium-ion batteries29
Atomic-scale observation of strain-induced local amorphization in face-centered cubic metals29
Editors for Scripta Materialia29
Engineering thermal hysteresis of ferromagnetic shape memory alloy sensory particles29
Editors for Scripta Materialia29
Mo2N/CoN nanotube with synergistic reaction of intercalation and conversion enables high performance lithium-ion batteries29
Iver E. Anderson, 2024 Acta Materialia Hollomon Award Medal Recipient29
On the influence of crystallographic texture on cyclic hardening of an AlMgSi alloy28
Planar fault transformation and unfaulting of interstitial dislocation loops in irradiated L12-Ni3Al28
Active operative heat storage application using thermoelastic martensitic transformation in TiNi-based alloy28
Multivariant Me ions design of Bi(Ni0.5Zr0.5)O3 amorphous thin film with high energy storage capability28
Evidence for localized melting during dynamic hot compression of Ti-6Al-4V alloy28
Weakening the self-trapping of helium by electron density regulation in WTaVCr high-entropy alloys28
Effect of surface energy anisotropy on hole growth in a single-crystalline thin film: A phase-field study28
Synergistic control of plastic instability behavior by multi-heterogeneous austenite morphologies and stacking fault networks in 3Mn steel28
Microstructure and coercivity of Al-diffused Sm(Fe,Co,B)12 film28
A breakthrough in creep lifetime prediction: Leveraging machine learning and service data28
Electric field control of the reversible magnetocaloric effect in strain-mediated Ni37.5Co12.5Mn35Ti15/PMN-PT composite28
Formation of core-shell structured carbides via interphase precipitations in V-Nb microalloyed steels28
Bicontinuous nanoporous design induced homogenization of strain localization in metallic glasses27
Understanding the efficacy of concentrated interstitial carbon in enhancing the pitting corrosion resistance of stainless steel; response to Comment by Martin et al.27
Remarkable near-surface microstructure of nanoparticles and oxide film in laser shock peened Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy27
Softening Al13Fe4 intermetallic compound through Fe-site multi-principal-element doping27
Response to comment on “point defect structure of La-doped SrTiO3 ceramics with colossal permittivity”27
Higher Suitability of NbMoTaW over Its Elemental Metals for Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structure/Particle-Aggregate UV-to-MIR Ultrabroadband Absorber27
Achieving ultra-strong and ductile CoNi-based FCC multi-principal element alloys via alloying with refractory Mo and W27
Effects of Au2+ irradiation induced damage in a high-entropy pyrochlore oxide single crystal27
Stable nanoparticles dispersion induced an unprecedented high strength in a bulk W-TiC alloy27
Electrodeposited Al mesocrystal with high thermal stability and high hardness27
Improved anti-adhesive wear performance of rail/armature pair via interfacial energy modulation for electromagnetic launching applications27
Work hardening discrepancy designing to strengthening gradient nanotwinned Cu27
Hydrogen suppression of dislocation cell formation in micro and nano indentation of pure iron single crystals27
Formation of abnormal nodular ferrite with interphase precipitation in a vanadium microalloyed low carbon steel27
Synergistic effect of twin consumption within lamellae and slip system activation at grain boundary on the formation of nano-spherical B2 phase26
Multicomponent Ni-rich high-entropy alloy toughened with irregular-shaped precipitates and serrated grain boundaries26
Nanoprecipitates induced dislocation pinning and multiplication strategy for designing high strength, plasticity and conductivity Cu alloys26
Zero thermal expansion in non-stoichiometric and single-phase (Hf,Nb)Fe2.5 alloy26
Oxidation resistance of (Hf-Ta-Zr-Nb)C high entropy carbide powders compared with the component monocarbides and binary carbide powders26
Mechanism of DSA effect correlating to the macroscopic PLC banding in high-Mn austenitic steel26
Enhanced strength-ductility synergy in brittle high borated steel by tailoring strain hardening behaviour26
Superior low-cycle fatigue properties of CoCrNi compared to CoCrFeMnNi26
Anomalous dislocation response to deformation strain in CrFeCoNiPd high-entropy alloys with nanoscale chemical fluctuations26
Numerical study of detectivity for near-IR photodetectors based on InAsP NWs25
Linear friction welding of Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated below β-phase transformation temperature25
Decomposition behavior in the early-stage oxidation of Sm2Co17-type magnets25
A statistical model of irradiation hardening induced by non-periodic irradiation defects25
Magnetocaloric properties of transition metal doped high entropy LaFe11Si2 alloys on Fe sites25
Chemical substitution – oriented design of a new polar PbFIO3 achieving a balance between large second-harmonic generation response and wide band gap25
Boron carbide with improved mechanical properties fabricated via rapid pressureless densification with electromagnetic induction assistance25
Discovery of a reversible redox-induced order-disorder transition in a 10-component compositionally complex ceramic25
Ion exchange of glass under high pressure25
Clarification of creep deformation mechanism in heat-affected zone of 9Cr steels with In Situ experiments25
Drastic softening of Pd nanoparticles induced by hydrogen cycling25
Partially recrystallized heterostructure via Mo-doping endows CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy with exceptional strength and ductility25
Studies of recrystallization in rhenium using positron annihilation spectroscopy25
Flexible design of large layer spacing V-MoS2@C cathode for high-energy zinc-ion battery storage25
Functionally graded structures realized based on Fe–Mn–Al–Ni shape memory alloys25
Zinc manganate/manganic oxide bi-component nanorod as excellent cathode for zinc-ion battery25
Anisotropic grain boundary area and energy distributions in tungsten25
NiZnFe2O4 core-shell nanoflowers as effective EMI shielding material dedicated to the absorption of electromagnetic waves in the UHF band and wide temperature range25
Nano-twinning and uncommon α´-martensite formation as a result of very high cycle fatigue of metastable austenitic stainless steel at 573 K25
Glide and mixed climb dislocation velocity in γ-TiAl investigated by in-situ transmission electron microscopy25
Experimental observations of “reversible” transformation toughening25
Formation mechanism of β1 phase in age-hardenable magnesium-25
Synthesis of Cs2TeI6 thin film and its NO2 gas-sensing properties under blue-light illumination24
Accelerated alloy discovery using synthetic data generation and data mining24
Non-equilibrium thermodynamic modelling of cooling path dependent phase evolution of Li2SiO3 from Li2O-SiO2 melt by considering mixed kinetic phenomena and time-dependent concentration fields24
Wetting of L10 twin and antiphase boundaries by nanometer-scale L12 in Fe-Pd alloys24
Balancing data for generalizable machine learning to predict glass-forming ability of ternary alloys24
Core-shell GaSn@rGO nanoparticles as high-performance cathodes for room-temperature liquid metal batteries24
Tuning the microstructure of the Pt layers grown on Al2O24
The effect of atmosphere on the flash-sintering of nanoscale titania ceramics24
Ultrahigh cryogenic strength and exceptional ductility at 20 K in a TWIP Ti–15Mo alloy23
Diffusion study by diffusion quadruple experiment and two-dimensional simulation23
In-situ Al2O3-Al interface contribution towards the strength-ductility synergy of Al-CuO composite fabricated by solid-state reactive sintering23
3D mapping of orientation variation and local residual stress within individual grains of pearlitic steel using synchrotron dark field X-ray microscopy23
Avoiding abnormal grain growth when annealing selective laser melted pure titanium by promoting nucleation23
Room-temperature-deformation-induced chemical short-range ordering in a supersaturated ultrafine-grained Al-Zn alloy23
The rhombic hexecontahedron boron carbide microcrystals – crystal structure analysis23
Building a robust sulfur host for aqueous Cu-S battery by introducing nitrogen into carbon nanotubes23
The role of H-phase in thermal hysteresis and shape memory properties in Ni50Ti30Hf20alloy23