Scripta Materialia

(The H4-Index of Scripta Materialia is 51. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The effect of Ni and Fe on the decomposition of yttrium doped barium zirconate thin films242
Controllable thermal expansion in ferroelectric ceramics through two-dimensional periodically orthogonal poling141
High-throughput fabrication of TiO2 nanotube arrays by 4-electrode bipolar electrochemistry135
Effect of burst-type martensitic transformation on superelastic and elastocaloric properties in a 〈116〉 oriented Cu70.5Al17.5Mn12 single crystal134
The dependence of strength and strain hardening on dislocation-interface interaction in dual-phase titanium alloys125
Coexistence of rod-like and lamellar eutectic growth patterns123
Fracture mechanism of metallic film with nano to sub-micron thickness on polycrystalline substrate121
Strontium titanate modified separator regulates ion flux to stabilize aqueous zinc ion battery anodes119
Revisiting ω phase embrittlement in metastable β titanium alloys: Role of elemental partitioning106
Composite of medium entropy alloys synthesized using spark plasma sintering99
Helium-induced swelling and mechanical property degradation in ultrafine-grained W and W-Cu nanocomposites for fusion applications96
Investigating the Structural and Lithium Storage Properties of High-Entropy Oxides in the Mg-Co-Ni-Cu-Zn-O System94
Inelastic deformation of metallic glasses under dynamic cyclic loading92
Nanometer-scale precipitations in a selective electron beam melted nickel-based superalloy90
Deformation-induced ultrafine grains near fatigue crack tip and correlative fatigue damage in Al matrix composite87
Oxidation mechanisms of an intermetallic alloy at high temperatures85
Towards uniform and enhanced tensile ductility of additively manufactured Ti−5Al−5Mo−5V−3Cr alloy through designing gradient interlayer deposition time83
Micro - and macromechanical properties of sintered steel with different porosity83
Influence of Zr element on the atomic structure of Al-Cu alloy liquid83
Effects of orientation on microstructure and mechanical properties of TiN/AlN superlattice films81
Localized phase transformation strengthening in CoNi-based superalloys77
Stress-induced gradient rejuvenation framework and memory effect in a metallic glass75
Anomalous stress-strain behavior of NiTi shape memory alloy close to the border of superelastic window73
Role of layer order on the equi-biaxial behavior of Al/Mo bilayers70
Enhanced thermoelectric efficiency of the bulk composites consisting of “Bi2Te3 matrix” and “filler Ni@NiTe2 inclusions”69
Synergistic effects of CuI doping on enhancing thermoelectric performance for n-type Bi2O2Se fabricated by mechanical alloying68
Mitigating the Hall-Petch breakdown in nanotwinned Cu by amorphous intergranular films67
Domination of phononic scattering in solid solutioning and interfaces of HfB2–ZrB2 – SiC -carbon nanotube based ultra high temperature composites67
“Double-yielding” behavior and progressive β → α → twins transformation in a Ti-based metallic glass matrix composite67
The effect of Mn containing dispersoids on the distribution of slip and fracture mode in Al-Mg-Si-Mn alloys65
Postponing the fracture strain of ultrafine-grained 316LN steel by sequential activations of deformation modes at 77 K64
Tantalum and molybdenum barriers to prevent carbon diffusion in spark plasma sintered tungsten63
Atomic and electronic structure of grain boundaries in a-Al2O3: A combination of machine learning, first-principles calculation and electron microscopy62
Artificial neural network molecular mechanics of iron grain boundaries59
Helium partitioning to the core-shelled Ta nanoclusters in nanocrystalline Cu-Ta alloy59
A predictive model unifying hydrogen enhanced plasticity and decohesion58
Elevated-temperature cyclic deformation mechanisms of CoCrNi in comparison to CoCrFeMnNi57
Room temperature static recrystallization phenomenon in a deformed Mg96.6Zn1Y2.2Zr0.2 alloy56
Low modulus-yet-hard, deformable multicomponent fibrous B2-phase making a medium-entropy alloy ultra-strong and ductile56
Accelerated discovery of refractory high-entropy alloys for strength-ductility co-optimization: An exploration in NbTaZrHfMo system by machine learning56
An in-situ setup for simultaneous electro-chemo-mechanical characterization of electrode materials for lithium-ion battery55
The effect of γ matrix channel width on the compositional evolution in a multi-component nickel-based superalloy55
Comments about a recent publication entitled “Improving glass forming ability of off-eutectic metallic glass formers by manipulating primary crystallization reactions”54
Glass-forming ability correlated with the liquid-liquid transition in Pd42.5Ni42.5P15 alloy54
Formation of ultrafine grains and twins in the β-phase during superplastic deformation of two-phase brasses52
Creep behavior of zirconia ceramics under a strong DC field51
Identification of active slip systems in polycrystals by Slip Trace - Modified Lattice Rotation Analysis (ST-MLRA)51
Strengthening retention and structural stability of the Al-Al3Ni eutectic at high temperatures51
Effect of boron segregation on bainite nucleation during isothermal transformation51
A new strategy to overcome the strength-ductility trade off of high entropy alloy51
Formation of nodular bainite in an Fe-9.10Ni-0.06C (wt. %) alloy: A new microstructure for cryogenic steels51