European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

(The median citation count of European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The impact of remote work and mediated communication frequency on isolation and psychological distress67
New directions in burnout research62
How work engagement relates to performance and absenteeism: a meta-analysis53
Job autonomy and psychological well-being: A linear or a non-linear association?49
A clinical perspective on burnout: diagnosis, classification, and treatment of clinical burnout48
Taking the temperature of employability research: a systematic review of interrelationships across and within conceptual strands38
Burnout and job performance: a two-wave study on the mediating role of employee cognitive functioning35
Bored, angry, and overqualified? The high- and low-intensity pathways linking perceived overqualification to behavioural outcomes31
The role of job insecurity and work-family conflict on mental health evolution during COVID-19 lockdown30
To share or not to share: A social-cognitive internalization model to explain how age discrimination impairs older employees’ knowledge sharing with younger colleagues29
Stimulating Job Crafting Behaviors of Older Workers: the Influence of Opportunity-Enhancing Human Resource Practices and Psychological Empowerment27
Leading from the inside out: a meta-analysis of how, when, and why self-leadership affects individual outcomes27
Using strengths and thriving at work: The role of colleague strengths recognition and organizational context26
The relationship between unemployment and wellbeing: an updated meta-analysis of longitudinal evidence25
Leadership and virtual team performance: A meta-analytic investigation24
Paving the way for research in recruitment and selection: recent developments, challenges and future opportunities24
Living wages, decent work, and need satisfaction: an integrated perspective23
The interplay between ethical leadership and supervisor organizational embodiment on organizational identification and extra-role performance21
Good work design for all: Multiple pathways to making a difference21
Ambidextrous leadership: opening and closing leader behaviours to facilitate idea generation, idea promotion and idea realization21
On the destructiveness of laissez-faire versus abusive supervision: a comparative, multilevel investigation of destructive forms of leadership18
Qualitative research in work and organizational psychology journals: practices and future opportunities17
Are all errors created equal? Testing the effect of error characteristics on learning from errors in three countries16
Understanding orientations to participation: overcoming status differences to foster engagement in global teams16
Do blended working arrangements enhance organizational attractiveness and organizational citizenship behaviour intentions? An individual difference perspective16
Why and when proactive employees take charge at work: the role of servant leadership and prosocial motivation16
How do weekly obtained task i-deals improve work performance?The role of relational context and structural job resources15
Working, but not for a living: a longitudinal study on the psychological consequences of economic vulnerability among German employees15
Reducing demands or optimizing demands? Effects of cognitive appraisal and autonomy on job crafting to change one’s work demands15
The interactive effect of leader-member exchange and psychological climate for overwork on subordinate workaholism and job strain14
Multilevel emotional exhaustion: psychosocial safety climate and workplace bullying as higher level contextual and individual explanatory factors14
Cronies, procrastinators, and leaders: A conservation of resources perspective on employees’ responses to organizational cronyism13
Emotion work as a source of employee well- and ill-being: the moderating role of service interaction type13
Which way of learning benefits your career? The role of different forms of work-related learning for different types of perceived employability13
Agile work practices: measurement and mechanisms13
CEO narcissism, top management team transactive memory systems, and firm performance: an upper echelons perspective on CEO admiration and rivalry narcissism13
Request politeness and knowledge hiding: a daily diary study through an affective events perspective12
One plus one equals one: age-diverse friendship and its complex relation to employees’ job satisfaction and turnover intentions12
A self-enhancement perspective on organizational socialization: Newcomer core self-evaluations, job crafting, and the role of leaders’ developmental coaching11
Time to recharge batteries – development and validation of a pictorial scale of human energy11
Vision–value match: leader communication of visions, follower values, meaningfulness, and creativity11
Deliberate practice and individual entrepreneurial orientation training retention: a multi-wave field experiment11
Laissez-faire leadership and employee well-being: the contribution of perceived supervisor organizational status11
Initial employability development: introducing a conceptual model integrating signalling and social exchange mechanisms11
Exploring types of telecommuters: A latent class analysis approach10
Does participation generate creativity? A dual-mechanism of creative self-efficacy and supervisor-subordinate guanxi10
Influence of need for cognition and psychological safety climate on information elaboration and team creativity10
Is more always better? How preparation time and re-recording opportunities impact fairness, anxiety, impression management, and performance in asynchronous video interviews10
Making an impact in healthcare contexts: insights from a mixed-methods study of professional misconduct10
Shaping a multidisciplinary understanding of team trust in human-AI teams: a theoretical framework10
Employee age moderates within-person associations of daily negative work events with emotion regulation, attention, and well-being9
“Money’s too tight (to mention)”: a review and psychological synthesis of living wage research9
Does playful work design ‘lead to’ more creativity? A diary study on the role of flow9
Transformable? A multi-dimensional exploration of transformational leadership and follower implicit person theories9
Trait and/or situation for evasive knowledge hiding? Multiple versus mixed-motives perspective of trait competitiveness and prosocial motivation in low- and high-trust work relationships9
Get a little help from your perceived employability: Cross-lagged relations between multi-dimensional perceived employability, job insecurity, and work-related well-being9
The domino effect: how leader job characteristics as antecedents of transformational leadership facilitate follower job characteristics9
Thriving at work: an investigation of the independent and joint effects of vitality and learning on employee health9
Web 2.0-enabled team relationships: an actor-network perspective9
Initial impression formation during the job interview: anchors that drive biased decision-making against stigmatized applicants8
Understanding the initiative paradox: the interplay of leader neuroticism and follower traits in evaluating the desirability of follower proactivity8
Drowning in the flood of information: a meta-analysis on the relation between information overload, behaviour, experience, and health and moderating factors8
Effects of leader-follower congruence in humor on employee creativity: a broaden and build theory approach8
Cognitive abilities - a new direction in burnout research8
Revisiting the Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale (MWMS)8
Boosting creativity in functional diverse work groups: The importance of help-seeking behavior and openness to experience8
People’s reactions to decisions by human vs. algorithmic decision-makers: the role of explanations and type of selection tests8
How transformational leadership transforms followers’ affect and work engagement8
The social dynamics of knowledge hiding: a diary study on the roles of incivility, entitlement, and self-control8
The relationship between customer mistreatment and workplace deviance: mediating and moderating effects7
Personnel selection: a longstanding story of impact at the individual, firm, and societal level7
Team boosting behaviours:Development and validation of a new concept and scale7
Hit by a double whammy? Trajectories of perceived quantitative and qualitative job insecurity in relation to work-related learning aspects7
Emergence and persistence of work relationships in early socialization: contrasting interpersonal and organizational perspectives7
How do feedback seekers think? Disparate cognitive pathways towards incremental and radical creativity7
Exploring systematic and unsystematic change of dynamic leader behaviours: a weekly diary study on the relation between instrumental leadership, stress, and health change6
Affect stability and employee creativity: the roles of work-related positive affect and knowledge sharing6
Managerial predictors and motivational outcomes of workers’ psychological need states profiles: A two-wave examination6
Partnership status and satisfaction with work–life balance6
When do poor health increase the risk of subsequent workplace bullying? The dangers of low or absent leadership support6
Significant task activates trait gratitude for organizational citizenship behaviors: The mediating role of psychological availability5
Can employees capitalize upon their role breadth self-efficacy and innovative work behaviour to enhance their prospects of promotion?5
The link between burnout and job performance: a meta-analysis5
Job autonomy and employee burnout: the moderating role of power distance orientation5
Organizational attractiveness after identity threats of crises: how potential employees anticipate social identity5
Diminished Relational Energy: How and When Co-Worker Incompetence Accusations Hinder Employee Creativity5
Leaders’ competence matters in empowerment: implications on subordinates’ relational energy and task performance5
Risks that are “worthy” to take: temporary workers’ risk-benefit and willingness perceptions5
Why do managers of small and medium-sized businesses seek voluntary Living Wage accreditation? – an exploration of choice rationales5
Job insecurity and employee performance: examining different types of performance, rating sources and levels5
Antecedents of empowering leadership: The roles of subordinate performance and supervisor–subordinate guanxi4
Leadership in virtual work settings: what we know, what we do not know, and what we need to do4
How self-construals relate to employee incremental and radical creativity: A behavioral strategy perspective4
Work does not speak for itself: examining the incremental validity of personal branding in predicting knowledge workers’ employability4
A bubble of protection: examining dispositional optimism as a psychological buffer of the deleterious association between negative work-family spillover and psychological health4
EJWOP Special Issue: Enhancing the Social Impact of Research in Work and Organizational Psychology – Beyond Academia4
Nature, predictor, and outcomes of motivation trajectories during a professional training program4
Interpersonal conflict and innovative job performance: examining cross-lagged relationships and the moderating roles of goal orientations4
Being mindful at work: a moderated mediation model of the effects of challenge stressors on employee dedication and cynicism4
Longitudinal psychological empowerment profiles, their determinants, and some health-related outcomes4
How well are open science practices implemented in industrial and organizational psychology and management?4
Insights into the Lived Experience of Misfits at Work: A Netnographic Study4
The effectiveness of absence of humour in leadership in firefighting frontline communication: a reversal theory perspective4
Crafting for sustainability: a daily diary study and self-training intervention on proactive employee engagement in sustainability4
Cultural skills as drivers ofdecencyin decent work: an investigation of skilled workers in the informal economy3
Being “there and aware”: a meta-analysis of the literature on leader mindfulness3
Exploring the application of a text-to-personality technique in job interviews3
Employability in the post-job security era: testing competing effects of perceived job insecurity on perceived employability change3
Striving for more: Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) and living wages3
Going with(out) the flow at home: day-to-day variability in flow and performance while teleworking3
The temporal dynamics of age metastereotyping and thriving at work3
Process evaluation of the receipt of an exercise intervention for fatigued employees: the role of exposure and exercise experiences3
A multi-level examination of the link between diversity-related HR practices and employees’ performance: evidence from Italy3
I can't get no Sleep: The Role of Leaders' Health and Leadership Behavior on Employees' Sleep Quality3
Differentiated measurement of conscientiousness and emotional stability in an occupational context – greater effort or greater benefit?3
Evaluation of Headtorch WORKS as a workplace intervention for improved support and understanding of co-workers with poor mental health and well-being3
Tired of email? Examining the role of extraversion in building energy resources after dealing with work-email3
Work in times of Brexit: explanatory mechanisms linking macropolitical events with employee well-being3
Benefiting the organization while helping yourself: a three-wave study of reciprocal effects between job crafting and innovative work behaviour3
Teamworking virtually: business as usual?3
A self-categorization perspective on individual-teammates congruence in leader-member exchange quality and individual performance3
Leader-member subgroup similarity and team identification: effects of faultlines, social identity leadership and leader-member exchange3
Energized or distressed by time pressure? The role of time pressure illegitimacy3
Daily receiving and providing of social support at work: identifying support exchange patterns in hierarchical data3
Work-Nonwork Interface and Career Success: Examining Behavioural and Affective Linking Mechanisms3
Your body tells more than words – predicting perceived meeting productivity through body signals3
Vulnerable narcissistic leadership meets Covid-19: the relationship between vulnerable narcissistic leader behaviour and subsequent follower irritation3