Aggression and Violent Behavior

(The H4-Index of Aggression and Violent Behavior is 22. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Internet, social media and online hate speech. Systematic review116
A systematic review of research on the longitudinal consequences of workplace bullying and the mechanisms involved61
A meta-analysis of the outcomes of bullying prevention programs on subtypes of traditional bullying victimization: Verbal, relational, and physical52
WITHDRAWN: Computational efficient wearable sensor network health monitoring system for sports athletics using IoT51
The temporal sequence of bullying victimization, academic achievement, and school attendance: A review of the literature51
WITHDRAWN: Big data and ambient intelligence in IoT-based wireless student health monitoring system41
Risk factors for (violent) radicalization in juveniles: A multilevel meta-analysis40
Characteristics of homicide-suicide offenders: A systematic review36
The classification of psychopathy32
A scoping review of economic supports for working parents: The relationship of TANF, child care subsidy, SNAP, and EITC to child maltreatment29
Risk factors for male perpetration of intimate partner violence: A review28
Systematic review of ‘Good Lives’ assumptions and interventions28
Effects of martial arts and combat sports training on anger and aggression: A systematic review28
Corporal punishment, discipline and social norms: A systematic review in low- and middle-income countries27
A scoping review of outcomes in elder abuse intervention research: The current landscape and where to go next26
WITHDRAWN: Consumer behaviour analysis for business development25
A systematic review: Empowerment interventions to reduce domestic violence?24
Does peer victimization predict future suicidal ideation? A meta-analysis on longitudinal studies23
Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) classification models: Still evolving22
Animal abuse in the context of adult intimate partner violence: A systematic review22
Conceptualising intimate partner violence perpetrators' cognition as aggressive relational schemas22
Developmental predictors of offending and persistence in crime: A systematic review of meta-analyses22