British Journal of Health Psychology

(The TQCC of British Journal of Health Psychology is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Compliance without fear: Individual‐level protective behaviour during the first wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic135
Explaining the rise and fall of psychological distress during the COVID‐19 crisis in the United States: Longitudinal evidence from the Understanding America Study99
Health behaviour change during the UK COVID‐19 lockdown: Findings from the first wave of the C‐19 health behaviour and well‐being daily tracker study95
Determinants of physical activity among adults in the United Kingdom during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The DUK‐COVID study77
Efficacy information influences intention to take COVID‐19 vaccine52
Habit formation following routine‐based versus time‐based cue planning: A randomized controlled trial51
Psychological, social, and situational factors associated with COVID‐19 vaccination intentions: A study of UK key workers and non‐key workers47
Evolution of physical activity habits after a context change: The case of COVID‐19 lockdown45
Determinants of protective behaviours during a nationwide lockdown in the wake of the COVID‐19 pandemic43
Pro‐vaccination subjective norms moderate the relationship between conspiracy mentality and vaccination intentions39
Mental health of Italian adults during COVID‐19 pandemic36
The impact of COVID‐19 on health behaviour, well‐being, and long‐term physical health36
Hedonic and eudaimonic well‐being during the COVID‐19 lockdown in Italy: The role of stigma and appraisals26
Longitudinal associations of meaning in life and psychosocial adjustment to the COVID‐19 outbreak in China25
How do we harness adolescent values in designing health behaviour change interventions? A qualitative study23
‘Oh no, not a group!’ The factors that lonely or isolated people report as barriers to joining groups for health and well‐being22
Perceived threat of COVID‐19, attitudes towards vaccination, and vaccine hesitancy: A prospective longitudinal study in the UK22
Using behavioural theory to understand adherence to behaviours that reduce transmission of COVID‐19; evidence from the CHARIS representative national study21
Does self‐compassion help to deal with dietary lapses among overweight and obese adults who pursue weight‐loss goals?20
The influence of context stability on physical activity and sedentary behaviour habit and behaviour: An ecological momentary assessment study18
Stigma is associated with illness self‐concept in individuals with concealable chronic illnesses17
Do age stereotype‐based interventions affect health‐related outcomes in older adults? A systematic review and future directions16
What makes one feel eustress or distress in quarantine? An analysis from conservation of resources (COR) theory15
Experiences and predictors of psychological distress in pregnant women living with HIV15
Social nudges for vaccination: How communicating herd behaviour influences vaccination intentions15
Interventions to increase personal protective behaviours to limit the spread of respiratory viruses: A rapid evidence review and meta‐analysis15
Welcoming new life under lockdown: Exploring the experiences of first‐time mothers who gave birth during the COVID‐19 pandemic15
Holding a stigmatizing attitude at the start of the COVID‐19 outbreak: A cross‐sectional survey14
Comfort eating: An observational study of affect in the hours immediately before, and after, snacking13
‘Just keep taking them, keep hoping they’ll work’: A qualitative study of adhering to medications for multimorbidity13
Individual differences in meditation interventions: A meta‐analytic study12
Social group memberships, physical activity, and physical health following retirement: A six‐year follow‐up from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing12
The effect of calorie and physical activity equivalent labelling of alcoholic drinks on drinking intentions in participants of higher and lower socioeconomic position: An experimental study11
The experiences of palliative care professionals and their responses to work‐related stress: A qualitative study11
Fears for the future: A qualitative exploration of the experiences of individuals living with multiple sclerosis, and its impact upon the family from the perspective of the person with MS11
Outlining an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy approach to treatment non‐adherence10
“I sort of never felt like I should be worried about it or that I could be worried about it’” an interpretative phenomenological analysis of perceived barriers to disclosure by young people with coeli10
‘Your face freezes and so does your life’: A qualitative exploration of adults’ psychosocial experiences of living with acquired facial palsy10
Procrastination and health: A longitudinal test of the roles of stress and health behaviours10
Mind the gap: Habit and self‐determined motivation predict health behaviours in middle‐aged and older adults10
Experiences of completed and withdrawn unspecified kidney donor candidates in the United Kingdom: An inductive thematic analysis from the BOUnD study10
Intention to adhere to test, trace, and isolate during the COVID‐19 pandemic (the COVID‐19 Rapid Survey of Adherence to Interventions and Responses study)10
A survey of eating styles in eight countries: Examining restrained, emotional, intuitive eating and their correlates10
The dynamic relationship between subjective social status and health: Evidence from a Chinese cohort study9
Identifying targets for interventions to support public use of face coverings9
Is cognitive behaviour therapy an effective option for women who have troublesome menopausal symptoms?9
Depression, anxiety, perceived stress, and their changes predicted medical adherence over 9 months among patients with coronary heart disease9
The relationship between illness identity and the self‐management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease9
Utility of temporal self‐regulation theory in health and social behaviours: A meta‐analysis9
Accessing specialist support to stop smoking in pregnancy: A qualitative study exploring engagement with UK‐based stop smoking services8
Clinicians' implicit and explicit attitudes about the legitimacy of functional neurological disorders correlate with referral decisions8
Staying ‘Covid‐safe’: Proposals for embedding behaviours that protect against Covid‐19 transmission in the UK8
Exploring barriers and enablers to the delivery of Making Every Contact Count brief behavioural interventions in Ireland: A cross‐sectional survey study8
Can sweet food‐specific inhibitory control training via a mobile application improve eating behavior in children with obesity?7
A grounded theory of type 2 diabetes prevention and risk perception7
Psychological functioning and well‐being before and after bariatric surgery; what is the benefit of being self‐compassionate?7
“… because I'm so drunk at the time, the last thing I'm going to think about is calories”: Strengthening the argument for Drunkorexia as a food and alcohol disturbance, evidence from a qualitative stu7
A systematic review of the barriers and facilitators to adherence to mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy for those with chronic conditions7
‘Lonely in my head’: The experiences of loneliness in individuals with brain injury7
Treatment‐related decisional conflict in pre‐dialysis chronic kidney disease patients in Singapore: Prevalence and determinants7
Experiences of cognitive training on primary breast cancer survivor's cognitive impairments at work: A longitudinal qualitative study7
Living with type 1 diabetes mellitus in emerging adulthood: A qualitative study7
Chronic stress experience, sleep, and physical activity: Relations with change in negative affect and acute stress response to a naturalistic stressor7
Parenting an adolescent with complex regional pain syndrome: A dyadic qualitative investigation of resilience7
Interpretations of partners’ responses to pain behaviours: Perspectives of patients and partners7
A longitudinal analysis of Australian women's fruit and vegetable consumption and depressive symptoms7
Using counterfactual thinking theory to change alcohol protective behavioural strategy use intentions6
The effects of social interactions on momentary stress and mood during COVID‐19 lockdowns6
The Cognitive and Behavioural Responses to Symptoms Questionnaire (CBRQ): Development, reliability and validity across several long‐term conditions6
‘Maturing Out’ as dilemmatic: Transitions towards relatively light drinking practices among UK University students6
What makes implementation intentions (in)effective for physical activity among older adults?6
Positive and negative aspects of mental health after unspecified living kidney donation: A cohort study6
Development and testing of a digital health acceptability model to explain the intention to use a digital diabetes prevention programme6
Social‐cognitive predictors of parental supervised toothbrushing: An application of the health action process approach6
How conceptualizing obesity as a disease affects beliefs about weight, and associated weight stigma and clinical decision‐making in health care6
Expecting the best or fearing the worst: Discrepancies between self‐rated health and frailty in an ageing Irish population6
Personal condition but social cure: Agentic ingroups elevate well‐being in chronically ill patients through perceptions of personal control6
Using the COM‐B model to characterize the barriers and facilitators of pre‐exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) uptake in men who have sex with men6
Physiotherapy informed by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for chronic low back pain: A mixed‐methods treatment fidelity evaluation6