Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare

(The median citation count of Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Using the Double Diamond model to co-design a dementia caregivers telehealth peer support program179
Home-based music therapy for children with developmental disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic90
A cost-minimisation analysis comparing alternative telemedicine screening approaches for retinopathy of prematurity72
Internal carotid artery aneurysm presenting as diplopia via telemedicine during COVID-1959
Sustaining allied health telehealth services beyond the rapid response to COVID-19: Learning from patient and staff experiences at a large quaternary hospital50
The effect of face-to-face and virtual prenatal care training of spouses on the pregnancy experience and fear of childbirth of primiparous women: A controlled quasi-experimental study44
The impact of telemedicine on patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia: Findings and implications39
Exploring the role of telehealth in providing equitable healthcare to the vulnerable patient population during COVID-1938
The impact of telehealth care on escalation to emergency care: A systematic review and meta-analysis35
Does it get better? An ongoing exploration of physician experiences with and acceptance of telehealth utilization33
The effect of an mHealth intervention for adolescents with Type 1 diabetes and their parents30
Does the requirement for an interpreter impact experience with telehealth modalities, acceptability and trust in telehealth? Results from a national survey including people requiring interpreter servi30
Development and validation of the Telehealth Etiquette Competency Checklist: A Delphi study30
Virtual consultation in paediatric urology during the COVID-19 pandemic: The effect of pathology on the outcome29
Use of telemedicine for trauma care since the Russian invasion of Ukraine: A qualitative assessment28
Teleneurocritical care is associated with equivalent billable charges to in-person neurocritical care for patients with acute stroke27
A review of questionnaires used for the assessment of telemedicine26
National emergency medical teleconsultation: A novel system applied during the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan24
Effectiveness of a home-based telesurveillance program in reducing hospital readmissions in older patients with chronic disease: The eCOBAHLT randomized controlled trial23
Physiotherapy via telehealth for acute respiratory exacerbations in paediatric cystic fibrosis22
Implementation of a pilot teleretinal screening protocol for hydroxychloroquine retinopathy in a Los Angeles County safety net clinic22
The effectiveness of internet-based telerehabilitation among patients after total joint arthroplasty: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials22
Effectiveness of eHealth mindfulness-based interventions on cancer-related symptoms among cancer patients and survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis21
Real-time telerehabilitation for chronic respiratory disease and post-COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis20
Evaluating the precision of an online visual acuity test tool20
iColon, a patient-focused mobile application for perioperative care in colorectal surgery: Results from 444 patients19
Is asynchronous telerehabilitation equal to synchronous telerehabilitation in COVID-19 survivors with classes 4–6?17
Telehealth access, willingness, and barriers during the COVID-19 pandemic among a nationally representative diverse sample of U.S. adults with and without chronic health conditions17
Patient and provider perspectives on telemedicine use in an outpatient gynecologic clinic serving a diverse, low-income population17
Economic assessment of the impact of telecare on the use of social care resources using a zero-inflated, hierarchical linear statistical model16
Effects of mobile apps intervention on medication adherence and type 2 diabetes mellitus control: A systematic review and meta-analysis16
Equity in virtual care: A mixed methods study of perspectives from physicians16
Evaluation of video visit appropriateness for common symptoms seen in primary care: A retrospective cohort study15
The role of increasing synchronous telehealth use during the COVID-19 pandemic on disparities in access to healthcare: A systematic review15
Adapting telehealth to address health equity: Perspectives of primary care providers across the United States15
Telehealth in cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemic14
Measuring disparities in virtual healthcare and outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during the COVID-19 pandemic14
Assessing the potential for virtualizable care in the pediatric emergency department14
Does tele-exercise training for tetraplegia meet the spinal cord injury-specific physical activity guidelines? A 7-month longitudinal study14
Association of interactions between tele-critical care and bedside with length of stay and mortality14
2023 JTT statistics and acknowledgements13
The effect of telehealth on clinical outcomes in patients with hypertension and diabetes: A meta-analysis of 106,261 patients13
Effectiveness of telehealth interventions among traumatic brain injury survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis13
Early adoption of telehealth/remote patient monitoring and hospital revenue changes during COVID-1913
Telerehabilitation physical exercise for patients with lung cancer through the course of their disease: A systematic review13
Telemonitoring of motor skills using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale for at-risk infants in the first year of life13
An overview of the effect of telehealth on mortality: A systematic review of meta-analyses12
A randomised trial of real-time video counselling for smoking cessation among rural and remote residents12
Effects of nurse-led web-based interventions on people with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis12
Poor prediction of stroke mimics using validated stroke mimic scales in a large academic telestroke network12
Expansion of telehealth curriculum: National survey of clinical education leaders12
Non-invasive telemonitoring programs for patients with chronic heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials12
Exploring the role of telehealth: A novel approach to group-based smoking cessation treatment for men incarcerated in a rural state prison11
Smartphone oral self-photography in teledentistry: Recommendations for the patient11
The effectiveness of interactive cardiac rehabilitation web applications versus usual care on programme completion in patients with cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of ran11
Telephone versus in-person genetic counseling for hereditary cancer risk: Patient predictors of differential outcomes11
Patient characteristics associated with the successful transition to virtual care: Lessons learned from the first million patients11
Telemedicine: Niche or mainstream? A bibliometric analysis and review of the output of highly ranked clinical journals11
Twenty-first century management of diabetes with shared telemedicine appointments11
Telemedicine for veterans in the setting of the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from a virtual urgent care center11
Cancer care and management during COVID-19: A comparison of in-person, video and telephone consultations11
Telemedicine experiences and perspectives of healthcare providers in long-term care: A scoping review11
Telestroke for acute ischaemic stroke: A systematic review of economic evaluations and a de novo cost–utility analysis for a middle income country11
Swallowing muscle training for oropharyngeal dysphagia: A non-inferiority study of online versus face-to-face therapy11
Destruction of telecommunications hinders access to healthcare: A crime against humanity?11
Patient and provider perspectives on the use of patient portals during pregnancy and the postpartum period10
Evaluation of the satisfaction and experiences of oncology patients and doctors using teleconsultation during the COVID-19 pandemic10
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on patient-provider electronic communications10
Telephone versus video consultations: A systematic review of comparative effectiveness studies and guidance for choosing the most appropriate modality10
Teleneuropsycological adaptation of the NEUROPSI Breve screening test10
An electronic trigger to detect telemedicine-related diagnostic errors10
Chat GPT-4 significantly surpasses GPT-3.5 in drug information queries10
Telemedicine for obesity management among United States adults: A systematic and meta-analysis of intervention studies9
Association between broadband capacity and telehealth utilization among Medicare Fee-for-service beneficiaries during the COVID-19 pandemic9
Televascular consultation is one answer to rural vascular surgery shortage9
Telestroke consultation can accurately diagnose ischemic stroke mimics9
The hospital telemedicine TELEMED database: Providing information on evidence-based telemedicine services to hospital managers and healthcare professionals9
Telemedicine-enabled ambulances and mobile stroke units for prehospital stroke management9
The COVID-19 pandemic and follow-up for shoulder surgery: The impact of a shift toward telemedicine on validated patient-reported outcomes9
The effectiveness of cardiac telerehabilitation in comparison to centre-based cardiac rehabilitation programmes: A literature review9
Web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for symptoms of anxiety and depression: Within-group effect size benchmarks as tools for clinical practice9
Telerehabilitation-based trunk exercise training for motor symptoms of individuals with Parkinson’s disease: A randomized controlled clinical trial9
Effect of telemedicine interventions on weight loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis9
Can video-based telehealth examinations of the abdomen safely determine the need for imaging?8
Development and validation of the Digital Health Acceptability Questionnaire8
Evaluation of digital slit-lamp videos for paediatric anterior segment telemedicine consultations8
Using telemedicine to facilitate social distancing in otolaryngology: A systematic review8
Telehealth outpatient coronavirus disease 2019 case management at a tertiary hospital in Sydney8
Ensuring privacy in telemedicine: Ethical and clinical challenges8
Implementation of deep learning artificial intelligence in vision-threatening disease screenings for an underserved community during COVID-198
Telemedicine for the management of pediatric burn patients admitted to emergency services8
Smartphone assessment uncovers real-time relationships between depressed mood and daily functional behaviors after stroke8
Assessing anthropometric and laboratory outcomes of a paediatric telehealth weight management program8
Using data analytics for telehealth utilization: A case study in Arkansas8
Hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance in the telehealth era: A single-centre review7
Telehealth-guided provider-to-provider communication to improve rural health: A systematic review7
Medication adherence in patients with mental disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis of telemedicine interventions7
Artificial intelligence: Augmenting telehealth with large language models7
Prehospital stroke scales outperform National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale in predicting large vessel occlusion in a large academic telestroke network7
Telemedicine utilization and perceived quality of virtual care among pregnant and postpartum women during the COVID-19 pandemic7
Changing from telephone to videoconference for pre-treatment pharmacist consults in cancer services: Impacts to funding and time efficiency7
Wait times and patient throughput after the implementation of a novel model of virtual care in an outpatient neurology clinic: A retrospective analysis7
Opportunities for clinical decision support targeting medication safety in remote primary care management of chronic kidney disease: A qualitative study in Northern Australia7
Virtual monitoring for stable chronic hepatitis B patients does not reduce adherence to medications: A randomised controlled study6
Harnessing the power of telemedicine to accomplish international pediatric outcome research during the COVID-19 pandemic6
Prognostic value of signs and symptoms in heart failure patients using remote telemonitoring6
Transforming health care: Investigating Influenzer, a novel telemedicine-supported early discharge program for patients with lower respiratory tract infection: A non-randomized feasibility study6
Facilitators and barriers to using telemedicine for gender-affirming care in gender-diverse youth: A qualitative study6
Usefulness of digital measurements for functional evaluation of paediatric elbow range of motion6
A nurse-led, telehealth-driven hepatitis C management initiative in regional Victoria: Cascade of care from referral to cure6
Effects of home-based virtual reality telerehabilitation system in people with multiple sclerosis: A randomized controlled trial6
Effects of technology-enabled blood pressure monitoring in primary care: A quasi-experimental trial6
Evaluating the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of tele-comprehensive behavior therapy for tics (teleCBIT) for Tourette syndrome in youth and adults6
Referral of patients from rural primary care clinics to telemedicine vendors for opioid use disorder treatment: A mixed-methods study6
Bringing researchers to the consumer table: The process and outcomes of a consumer roundtable on telehealth6
Development of the electronic consultation long-term care utilization and savings estimator tool to model the potential impact of electronic consultation for residents living in long-term care6
Telenursing: How do caregivers treat and prevent pressure injury in bedridden patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand? Using an embedded approach6
Home telemonitoring in heart failure patients and the effect of study design on outcome: A literature review6
Evidence-based telehealth interventions for posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety: A systematic review and meta-analysis6
Navigating the ethical and practical challenges of large language models in telehealth6
The impact of teleneonatology on the Transport Risk Index of Physiologic Stability score for outborn neonates: A prospective, observational study6
France extends its tele-expertise funding model nationally after COVID-195
Assessing the impact of telemedicine interventions on systolic and diastolic blood pressure reduction: A systematic review and meta-analysis5
A meta-analysis on the effect of telemedicine on the management of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents5
Dementia ECHO: Evaluation of a telementoring programme to increase dementia knowledge and skills in First Nations-led health services5
Telehealth use and receipt of recommended services within one-year postpartum5
Telehealth utilisation in residential aged care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A retrospective cohort study in Australian general practice5
A comprehensive evaluation tool to assess community capacity and readiness for virtual care implementation5
A physical therapist and nurse practitioner model of care for chronic back pain using telehealth: Diagnostic and management concordance5
Telephone coaching for the prevention of depression in farmers: Results from a pragmatic randomized controlled trial5
Thanks to the reviewers5
Agreement between face-to-face and tele-assessment of upper limb disability in lung cancer survivors during COVID-19 era5
A cost-minimization analysis comparing teledermoscopy and face-to-face evaluations of suspicious skin lesions in Southern Denmark5
Exploring public opinion about telehealth during COVID-19 by social media analytics5
Feasibility and reliability of telemedicine examinations for respiratory distress in children: A pilot study5
Effect of telemonitoring and telerehabilitation on physical activity, exercise capacity, health-related quality of life and healthcare use in patients with chronic lung diseases or COVID-19: A scoping5
Applicability and benefits of telemedicine in the monitoring of monkeypox close contacts5
Effectiveness of patient decision aid supported shared decision-making intervention in in-person and virtual hybrid pulmonary rehabilitation in older adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:5
Factors associated with telehealth use among adults in the United States: Findings from the 2020 National Health Interview Survey5
Cost-effectiveness of a telemonitoring program (telEPOC program) in frequently admitted chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients5
Outcomes of a home telemonitoring program for SARS-CoV-2 viral infection at a large academic medical center5
The development, validation and application of remote blood sample collection in telehealth programmes5
Assessment of cardiovascular diagnoses associated with telemedicine during and after the COVID-19 pandemic5
Scoping review of telehealth use by Indigenous populations from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States5
The effectiveness of telerehabilitation in patients after total knee replacement: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials5
Corrigendum to ‘‘The clinical effectiveness of telehealth: A systematic review of meta-analyses from 2010 to 2019.’’5
A multi-stakeholder approach is needed to reduce the digital divide and encourage equitable access to telehealth5
Comparing cancer genetic counselling using telegenetics with in-person and telephone appointments: Results of a partially randomised patient-preference pilot study5
Parent and provider satisfaction of telehealth in pediatric surgical subspecialty care: A systematic review5
Can advanced technologies help address the global increase in demand for specialized medical care and improve telehealth services?4
Measuring factors associated with telehealth use by people who use mental health services: A psychometric analysis of a theoretical domains framework questionnaire4
Costs to the Medicare Benefits Schedule for general practitioner consultations: A time-series analysis4
Diagnostic accuracy and management concordance of otorhinolaryngological diseases through telehealth or remote visits: A systematic review & meta-analysis4
The Store-and-Forward Telemedicine Service User-satisfaction Questionnaire: Development and validation of a questionnaire to monitor and assess health care providers' experiences4
Are online mental health interventions for youth effective? A systematic review4
Without support CALD patients will be left behind’: A mixed-methods exploration of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) client perspectives of telehealth and those of their healthcare 4
Drivers of variation in telemedicine use during the COVID-19 pandemic: The experience of a large academic cardiovascular practice4
Health outcomes of telemonitoring of patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus: One-year results from a randomized controlled trial (Optimizing care of Patients via Telemedicine In Monitoring and aUgment4
Tele-assessment of activities and participation in chronic phase of stroke: Is use valid and viable in a developing country?4
The utility of teledermatology in the evaluation of skin lesions4
Specialist consultation activity and costs in Australia: Before and after the introduction of COVID-19 telehealth funding4
Randomized controlled trial of technology-assisted case management in low-income adults with type 2 diabetes: Effect on quality of life and blood pressure4
Assisted teleconsultation in an outpatient pharmacy: Results of a pilot study in Geneva, Switzerland4
Understanding the use of telemedicine across different opioid use disorder treatment models: A scoping review4
Effect of telehealth interventions on anxiety and depression in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials4
Multicenter study assessing physicians’ and transport teams’ attitudes and expectations about utilizing telemedicine to manage critical neonatal transports4
Effectiveness of mHealth-based psychosocial interventions for breast cancer patients and their caregivers: A systematic review and meta-analysis4
Virtual care in end of life and palliative care: A rapid evidence check4
Effects of telehealth interventions for adolescent sexual health: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies4
Telerehabilitation for the treatment in chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled trial4
Efficacy of telerehabilitation in patients with nonspecific neck pain: A meta-analysis4
Telehealth competencies for allied health professionals: A scoping review3
Healthcare utilization and telemedicine: An evaluation using linked administrative data from Manitoba3
Implementation of pre-captured videos for remote cytological evaluation of salivary gland lesions3
Factors contributing to veterans’ satisfaction with PTSD treatment delivered in person compared to telehealth3
The impact of resistance on telemedicine use for people with disabilities3
A systematic review examining the clinical and health-care outcomes for congenital heart disease patients using home monitoring programmes3
Attitudes toward telemedicine among urban and rural residents3
Evaluation of the impact of neurology electronic consults (e-consults): Experiences of a neurology resident clinic in a safety-net hospital3
Assessment of a multi-center tele-urgent care program to decrease emergency department referral rates in the Veterans Health Administration3
Internalizing symptoms impede adolescents’ ability to transition from in-person to online mental health services during the 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic3
Feasibility of asynchronous video-based telemedicine in the diagnosis and management of paediatric blepharoptosis3
Cost-effectiveness of remote patient monitoring for First Nations peoples living with diabetes in regional Australia3
Going into town or staying home: Rural patient experience and preference with home-based versus clinic-based telehealth3
Smartphone applications for remote patient monitoring reduces clinic utilization after full-endoscopic spine surgery3
Telehealth leadership, 2021 JTT statistics and acknowledgments3
2022 JTT Statistics and Acknowledgements3
Tele-orthodontics education model for orthodontic residents: A preliminary study3
A hospital-based asynchronous ENT telehealth service for children with otitis media: Cost-minimisation and improved access3
Positive impact of a telemedicine education program on practicing health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada: A mixed methods study of an Extension for Community Healthcare Ou3
Enhancing a community palliative care service with telehealth leads to efficiency gains and improves job satisfaction3
Retrospective analysis of 450 emergency department dermatology consultations: An analysis of in-person and teledermatology consultations from 2015 to 20193
Remote ophthalmology with a smartphone adapter handled by nurses for the diagnosis of eye posterior pole pathologies during the COVID-19 pandemic3
Impact of a telemonitoring intervention in patients with chronic heart failure in Germany: A difference-in-difference matching approach using real-world data3
Clinician-rated quality of video otoscopy recordings and still images for the asynchronous assessment of middle-ear disease3
A time and cost analysis of speech pathology paediatric feeding services delivered in-person versus via telepractice3
Reliability of telemedicine evaluation for EDSS functional systems in multiple sclerosis3
Patient preferences for telehealth services in a large multispecialty practice3
Beyond forced telehealth adoption: A framework to sustain telehealth among allied health services3
McIsaac score for group A streptococcal infection: Comparison of electronic visits versus face-to-face visits3
Is it safe to use telephone for anaesthesia consultation in high-risk patients before non-invasive surgery? A pilot study in ophthalmology3
Telehealth impact on biomedical, psychosocial, and behavioural outcomes in patients with diabetes older than 50 years: A systematic synthesis without meta-analysis3
The use of telemedicine for perioperative pain management during the COVID-19 pandemic3
The effect of patient positioning on the accuracy and reliability of assessment of knee range of motion over a telemedicine platform3
Tele-assessment of core performance and functional capacity: Reliability, validity, and feasibility in healthy individuals3
Predicting motor gains with home-based telerehabilitation after stroke3
Trust and confidence in using telehealth in people with chronic kidney disease: A cross-sectional study3
‘Smart reminder’: A feasibility pilot study on the effects of a wearable device treatment on the hemiplegic upper limb in persons with stroke3
Marginal assessment of the cost and benefits of aphasia treatment: Evidence from community-based telerehabilitation treatment for aphasia3
Exploration on the development of public hospital-sponsored telemedicine platform: A case study in China3
The impact of race and ethnicity on acute telestroke care: A multistate experience2
Do live-stream telemedicine follow-up appointments for a Ponseti-treated clubfoot caseload compare favourably with a face-to-face review? Observed clinical outcomes and treatment provision during the 2
Digital divide or digital exclusion? Do allied health professionals’ assumptions drive use of telehealth?2
Effectiveness of technology-based psychosocial interventions on diabetes distress and health-relevant outcomes among type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analysis2
Variation in telehealth use for endocrine care: Patterns and predictors under the “new normal”2
Digitally enabled asynchronous remote medical management of anxiety and depression: A cohort study2
National Institutes of Health pathways to prevention workshop: Improving rural health through telehealth-guided provider-to-provider communication2
Telehealth versus face-to-face delivery of speech language pathology services: A systematic review and meta-analysis2
Implementation of the Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark (GLA:D®) program via telehealth in Australia: A mixed-methods program evaluation2
Reducing no-show visits and disparities in access: The impact of telemedicine2
How do consumers prefer their care delivered: In-person, telephone or videoconference?2
Participatory design in telehealth research: Practical case examples2
Management of COVID-19 in the community using virtual care: An Australian perspective2
Rapid triage and transition to telehealth for heart transplant patients in the COVID-19 pandemic setting2
Telehealth utilization and patient satisfaction in an ambulatory movement disorders center during the COVID-19 pandemic2
Declining trends in telehealth utilization in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic2
Effectiveness of iFightDepression® online guided self-help tool in depression: A pilot study2
Cost-effectiveness of telehealth-delivered diet and exercise interventions: A systematic review2
Telehealth versus face-to-face delivery of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials2
Increasing primary care capacity and referral efficiency: A case study of a telehealth centre eConsult service in Brazil2
Effect of telemonitoring on readmissions for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomized clinical trial2
Care trajectories for patients utilizing electronic visits for COVID-like symptoms in a large healthcare delivery system: May 2020–December 20212
Remote cognitive behavioral therapy for older adults with anxiety symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis2
Effects of telerehabilitation on cardiac remodeling and hemodynamics parameters in hypertensive older adults: A randomized controlled trial2
Effects of the @ctivehip telerehabilitation program on the quality of life, psychological factors and fitness level of patients with hip fracture2
Outcomes in patients with acute stroke treated at a comprehensive stroke center using telemedicine versus in-person assessments2
Perspectives and performance changes of parents in aural–oral rehabilitation: From in-person to telepractice2
Tight control in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with targeted therapies across the COVID-19 pandemic era2
Healthy rural hearts: The feasibility of a telehealth nutrition randomised controlled trial for rural people at risk of cardiovascular disease2
Prioritising enhancements across allied health telehealth services in a metropolitan hospital: Using a concept mapping approach2
Efficacy of telemedicine-based antimicrobial stewardship program to combat antimicrobial resistance: A systematic review and meta-analysis2
The efficacy of mobile applications for reducing depression in adolescents and young adults: A meta-analysis of randomized control trials2
Diagnostic and treatment concordance in primary care participants and dermatologists utilizing Extension for Community Health Outcomes (ECHO)2
Changing attitudes towards teletherapy in Austrian therapists during the COVID-19 pandemic2
Association between telehealth use in oncology and downstream utilization at a large academic health system2
The impact of telehealth in sepsis care: A systematic review2
Telemedicine: Does it have a place in surgical oncology practice?2
Telephone calls and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes: A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials2
Effects of telehealth-assisted interventions among people living with HIV/AIDS: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies2
Feasibility and acceptability of a virtual diagnostic sleep disorders service: A qualitative study2