Sport Education and Society

(The TQCC of Sport Education and Society is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Gender stereotypes: the impact upon perceived roles and practice of in-service teachers in physical education39
Game to play?’: barriers and facilitators to sexuality and gender diverse young people's participation in sport and physical activity38
Physical education for sustainable development goals: reflections and comments for contribution in the educational framework28
New materialisms, sport and the environment: imagining new lines of flight23
Body shaming and associated practices as abuse: athlete entourage as perpetrators of abuse23
(Re)Storying embodied running and motherhood: a creative non-fiction approach22
‘It’s an experiential thing’: the discursive construction of learning in high-performance coach education21
Sustainability in the Australian Health and Physical Education Curriculum: an ecofeminist analysis20
Environmental attunement in health, sport and physical education19
The enactment of social justice in HPE practice: how context(s) comes to matter19
Beyond inclusion: trans and gender diverse young people’s experiences of PE and school sport18
Teacher perspectives of online continuing professional development in physical education17
What are youth sports for? Youth sports parenting in working-class communities15
From individual to lifelong environmental processes: reframing health in physical education with the sustainable development goals14
Sport and physical activity habits, behaviours and barriers to participation in university students: an exploration by socio-economic group14
‘What if what the professor knows is not diverse enough for us?’: whiteness in Canadian kinesiology programs14
Towards a culturally relevant sport pedagogy: lessons learned from African Australian refugee-background coaches in grassroots football13
‘Next generation PE’? A sociomaterial approach to digitised health and physical education13
Exploring physical education teachers’ perceptions of sustainable development goals and education for sustainable development13
Adolescents with intellectual disability (ID) and their perceptions of, and motivation for, physical activity and organised sports13
Disabled children and young people in sport, physical activity and physical education12
The transformative potential of trans*-inclusive PE: the experiences of PE teachers12
Thinking through making and doing: sport science as an art of inquiry12
Beyond the BEEPs: affect, FitnessGram®, and diverse youth12
‘I mean I hate to say it’s sink or swim, but … ’: college course instructors’ perceptions of the adapted physical education content that they prioritize and teach11
Investigating the alignment between coaches’ ideological beliefs and academy philosophy in professional youth football11
The two continua model for life skills teaching11
The Learning in Development Research Framework for sports organizations11
Dual careers and academic achievements: does elite sport make a difference?11
Seizing the opportunity to redesign physical education teacher education: blending paradigms to create transformative experiences in teacher education11
Young women, health and physical activity: tensions between the gendered fields of Physical Education and Instagram11
From inclusion to queer-trans pedagogy in school and physical education: a narrative ethnography of trans generosity11
Exploring professional coach educators’ journeys and perceptions and understandings of learning11
Exploring pupils’ and physical education teachers’ views on the contribution of physical education to Health and Wellbeing in the affective domain10
Athlete and coach-led education that teaches about abuse: an overview of education theory and design considerations10
Mixed-ability grouping in physical education: investigating ability and inclusivity in pedagogic practice10
‘It’s better than going into it blind’: reflections by people with visual impairments regarding the use of simulation for pedagogical purposes9
‘I know how researchers are […] taking more from you than they give you’: tensions and possibilities of youth participatory action research in sport for development9
Students’ experiences of paraeducator support in inclusive physical education: helping or hindering?9
Bridging the gap between theory and practice: the impact of school–university partnership in a PETE program9
Everything is more difficult when you are different: analysis of the experiences of homosexual students in Physical Education9
Emotions and pedagogical change in physical education teacher education: a collaborative self-study9
Educating students with severe disabilities through an inclusive pedagogy in physical education9
What is the problem? Dis/ability in Swedish physical education teacher education syllabi9
Sport scientists in-becoming : from fulfilling one’s potential to finding our way along8
An examination of content knowledge in formal coach education curriculum8
Conceptualising games and sport teaching in physical education as a culturally responsive curriculum and pedagogy8
Unpacking the joy of movement – ‘it’s almost never the same’8
Didactic sensitivity to children and place: a contribution to outdoor education cultures8
The postmonolingual turn: rethinking embodiment with New Confucianism in bodily education and research8
Body image in physical education: a narrative review8
Realist evaluation of the Football Association’s Post Graduate Diploma (PG Dip) in Coach Development8
Where does environmental sustainability fit in the changing landscapes of outdoor sports? An analysis of logics of practice in artificial sport landscapes8
Gender inequality in sport: perceptions and experiences of generation Z8
What is PE and who should teach it? Undergraduate PE students’ views and experiences of the outsourcing of PE in the UK8
‘The tennis club is my safe space’: assessing the positive impact of playing tennis on LGBT+ people in Australia7
Toward Ithaka: hiking along paths of knowing of/in an ecologically dynamic world7
Bursting the ‘childhood bubble’: reframing discourses of LGBTQ+ teachers and their students7
Youth participation in a wheelchair tennis program from a social relational perspective7
Professional learning in physical education in Brazil: issues and challenges of a complex system7
Empowering children from socially vulnerable backgrounds through the use of roles in sport education7
Dispositions and coaching theories: understanding the impact of coach education on novice coaches’ learning7
The senses/sensing relationship in physical literacy: generating a worldly (re)enchantment for physical education7
Challenging ableism and the ‘disability as problem’ discourse: how initial teacher education can support the inclusion of students with a disability in physical education7
Sports reforms, interaction (dis)order and stigma: coaching identities in context7
Sport, disability and (inclusive) education: critical insights and understandings from the Playdagogy programme7
Disciplinary marginalization and sociopolitics: the U.S. PETE pre-tenure experience7
A systematic scoping review of physical education experiences from the perspective of LGBTQ+ students7
Development of a model of diversity, equity and inclusion for sport volunteers: an examination of the experiences of diverse volunteers for a national sport governing body6
Facing hegemonic masculine structures: experiences of gay men studying physical activity and sport science in Spain6
‘My perspective has changed on an entire group of people’: undergraduate students’ experiences with the Paralympic Skill Lab6
Examining self-Confidence and self-Perceived competence in Canadian pre-service teachers (PSTs): the role of biographies in physical education teacher education (PETE)6
Trauma-informed abuse education in sport: engaging athlete abuse survivors as educators and facilitating a community of care6
Understanding Indo-Fijian girls’ experiences in sport, physical activity and physical education: an intersectional study6
Environment, technology and animals: looking backwards and the future of physical education6
‘But in PEH it still feels extra unfair’: students’ experiences of equitable assessment and grading practices in physical education and health (PEH)6
The problematization of the (im)possible subject: an analysis of Health and Physical Education policy from Australia, USA and Wales6
‘I play on a club team': examining the development of the physically active habitus in early primary education5
Toward a critical socioecological understanding of urban Black girls’ sport participation5
A socially-critical curriculum for PETE: students’ perspectives on the approaches to social-justice education of one Brazilian programme5
‘One of the worst statistics in British sport’: a sociological perspective on the over-representation of independently (privately) educated athletes in Team GB5
Wayfinding through boundaries of knowing: professional development of academic sport scientists and what we could learn from an ethos of amateurism5
Joe Wicks, lifestyle capitalism and the social construction of PE (with Joe)5
Looking for boundary spanners: an exploratory study of critical experiences of coaches in sport-for-development programmes5
Cultivating ‘health’ in the school garden5
Environmental attunement in the health and physical education canon: emplaced connection to embodiment, community and ‘nature’5
The impact of menstruation on participation in adventurous activities5
‘Break the rules or quit the job’: physical education teachers’ experiences of physical contact in their teaching practice5
Special issue – editorial introduction – physical education teacher education and its complexities: mapping contexts for research and sharing experiences from Brazil5
African and Indigenous games and activities: a pilot study on their legitimacy and complexity in Brazilian physical education teaching5
Teaching inclusive physical education for students with disabilities: reinvigorating in-service teacher education in Sri Lanka5
Volunteers in the sport for development and peace sector: antinomies, liminality, and structural relations5
Sport-for-development, critical pedagogy and marginalised youth: engagement, co-creation and community consciousness5
A qualitative inquiry into the workplace experiences of adapted physical education teachers5
LGBTQIA+ topics in physical education: an introduction5
Tuning in: using photo-talk approaches to explore young people’s everyday relations with local beaches5
Physical educators’ experiences and perceptions towards teaching autistic children: a mixed methods approach5
On the wisdom of not- knowing: reflections of an Olympic Canoe Slalom coach5