New Political Economy

(The median citation count of New Political Economy is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Accounting for whom? The financialisation of the environmental economic transition112
Shaped by boom-and-bust: a history of the Canadian mining industry since 1859105
Tools to tame the financialisation of housing61
Fictitious capital, the credit system, and the particular case of government bonds in Marx46
Karl Polanyi’s ‘socialist accounting’ and ‘overview’ in the age of data analytics45
Grounding the Politics of Transnational Private Governance: Introduction to the Special Section40
Credible interventionism: economic ideas of government and macroeconomic policy in the Great Recession39
Conceptualising private fintech platforms as financial statecraft and recentralisation in China34
Private equity firms and industrial policy: elaborating the state-finance nexus in state-led markets32
How can public policies facilitate local cooperation? insights from the EU’s wine policy30
Beyond context: taking political economy seriously in the study of corporate accountability27
COVID and structural cartelisation: market-state-society ties and the political economy of Pharma27
Why do national skill systems vary? The state’s role in skill system institutions for maintaining growth models26
Diffusion of Practice: The Curious Case of the Sino-German Technical Standardisation Partnership21
A Critical Node: The Role of China in the Transnational Circulation of Developmentalist Ideas, Policies and Practices21
Institutional supercycles: an evolutionary macro-finance approach20
Homo digitalis : narrative for a new political economy of digital transformation and transition20
Noxious deindustrialisation and extractivism: Quintero-Puchuncaví in the international division of labour and noxiousness19
Crisis management, new constitutionalism, and depoliticisation: recasting the politics of austerity in the US and UK, 2010–1617
The Power of Finance in the Age of Market Based Banking17
Balancing the scales: labour incorporation and the politics of growth model transformation16
Low interest rates, low productivity, low growth? A multi-sector case study of UK-based firms’ funding and investment strategies in the context of loose monetary policy15
Resilience in the City of London: the fate of UK financial services after Brexit15
The End of Austerity as Common Sense? An Experimental Analysis of Public Opinion Shifts and Class Dynamics During the Covid-19 Crisis15
The techfare state: debt, discipline, and accelerated neoliberalism15
Can the anti-politics machine be dismantled?14
The political economy of economic upgrading in Central Eastern Europe14
Freedom, domination and the gig economy13
Light at the End of the Panel: The Gaza Strip and the Interplay Between Geopolitical Conflict and Renewable Energy Transition13
Business elites and populism: understanding business responses13
Selective Neoliberalism: How Italy Went from Dualization to Liberalisation in Labour Market and Pension Reforms12
Broad strokes towards a grand theory in the analysis of sustainable development: a return to the classical political economy12
Networks of knowledge production and mobility in the world of social impact bonds12
The Weberian ideal type in political economy: obsolete match or fruitful encounter?11
Indie economics: social purpose, lay expertise and the unusual rise of modern monetary theory11
Special section introduction: epistemic politics in international and comparative political economy10
Central banks’ knowledge controversies10
A tale of housing cycles and fiscal policy, not competitiveness. Growth drivers in Southern Europe10
Beyond the North–South divide: transnational coalitions in EU reforms10
Shaping planetary health inequities: the political economy of the Australian growth model9
Theorising the ‘migration fix’: workerisation and exclusion in the European border regime9
Explaining divergent National Responses to Covid-19: An Enhanced State Capacity Framework9
Germany’s Industrial strategy 2030, EU competition policy and the Crisis of New Constitutionalism. (Geo-)political economy of a contested paradigm shift9
Sino-Japanese Engagement in the Making of China’s National Champions8
Experience, communication, and collective action: financial autonomy and capital market development in East Asia8
Private equity and the regulation of financialised infrastructure: the case of Macquarie in Britain's water and energy networks7
Dismantling the anti-politics machine in aid: political mētis and its limits7
Rent and financial accumulation: locating the profitability of American finance7
The distribution of the cost of Cuban social reproduction in 2016: the relative contributions of domestic and diasporic households, the private sector and the state7
On the links between climate scepticism and right-wing populism (RWP): an explanatory approach based on cultural political economy (CPE)7
Status quo crisis again? RMB challenges and dollar hegemony7
Inclusion or co-optation? Navigating recruitment as a gender diversity candidate in finance6
Global pressures, household social reproduction strategies and compound inequality6
Human Rights and Corporate Reinsurance: From Ensuring Rights to Insuring Risks6
Varieties of central banking: the Nordic Model beyond a fiscal-centric approach6
Social reproduction theory and the capitalist ‘form’ of social reproduction6
Understanding Queer Oppression and Resistance in the Global Economy: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Political Economy6
Statistical Conventions and the Forms of the State: A Story of South African Statistics6
A morphological analysis of Brexitism6
Experts versus representatives? Financialised valuation and institutional change in financial governance6
Bitcoin as a digital commodity6
Resilience, discipline and financialisation in the UK’s liberal welfare state6
The Social Ecology of Adam Smith: Reconsidering the Intellectual Foundations of Political Economy6
The financialisation of car consumption5
‘Don’t play if you can’t win’: household disengagement in the Australian pension system5
Keep it complex! Prodi’s curse and the EU fiscal governance regime complex5
Collaboration, Adaptation, or Disruption? Wall Street, Fintech and Corporate Bond Trading5
Why didn’t Europe securitise more? The institutionalisation of covered bonds as an efficient instrument for financialisation5
Post-neoliberalism? The strange case of the new English Freeports5
Power and the Practice of Transnational Private Regulation5
Black swan -or- black boxed economics: applying ontology, Keynesianism, and constructivism to policy and market analysis5
Rethinking the Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Trade Politics5
Socialism and the Market: Returning to the East European Debate5
Studying the relationship between social policy promotion and neoliberalism: the case of social investment5
The Ineffectiveness of CSR: Understanding Garment Company Commitments to Living Wages in Global Supply Chains4
‘Let me tell you a story’: the politics of macroeconomic models4
Rethinking predation under financialisation through the history of subprime mortgages: a case of raiding finance4
The International Division of Finance: reassessing the peripheral condition in a financialised capitalism4
Reputational pragmatism at the European Central Bank: preserving reputation(s) amidst widening climate interventions4
Towards an ‘Everyday’ Cultural Political Economy of English Football: Conceptualising the Futures of Wembley Stadium and the Grassroots Game4
Curating reflexivity: industry events and the performative politics of alternative finance4
The European banks’ role in the financial crisis of 2007-8: a critical assessment4
Growth models in Europe’s Eastern and Southern peripheries: between national and EU politics4
Algorithmic governance or extortion? Everyday experiences of fintech for loans in Nigeria4
Face-to-face fundraising and the dialectics of appearance4
When do business associations want a hard trade-sustainability nexus? A framework of analysis and the EU case4
Decarbonising states as owners4
The Political Economy of Climate Change Litigation: Is There a Point to Suing Fossil Fuel Companies?4
Green Vulcans? The political economy of steel decarbonisation4
Platform power and regulatory politics: Polanyi for the twenty-first century4
Capitalist reforms and extreme poverty in China: unprecedented progress or income deflation?4
Responding to platform firm power: differing national responses4
China’s central bank digital currency (CBDC): an assessment of money and power relations3
Saving Liberalism through Meaningful Choices. Restating the Case for an Individual Carbon Card3
The Governance of Social Risks: Nurturing Social Solidarity through Social Impact Bonds?3
The whiteness of markets: Anglo-American colonialism, white supremacy and free market rhetoric3
Limits to the financialisation of the state: exploring obstructions to social impact bonds as a form of financialised statecraft in the UK, Israel, and Canada3
A contender state’s multiscalar mediation of transnational capital: the belt and road in the Middle East3
From Bail-out to Bail-in: explaining the variegated responses to the international financial aid requests of Ireland and Cyprus3
The Great Debt Divergence and its Implications for the Covid-19 Crisis: Mapping Corporate Leverage as Power3
Piercing the veil of monetarism: a decomposition of American inflation, 1970–19853
Local Grounding of Transnational Private Governance Authority: Translation, Contestation, Legitimation and Communities of Practice3
Reactive, Individualistic and Disciplinary: The Urban Resilience Project in Dhaka3
Transparency in US Trade Policymaking: Inclusive Design or Exclusionary Process?3
Towards a concept of responsibility for economics3
Fossilised Capital: Price and Profit in the Energy Transition3
Macroeconomic ingredients for a growth model analysis for peripheral economies: a post-Keynesian-structuralist approach3
Between export-led growth and administrative Keynesianism: Italy’s two-tiered growth regime2
Conceptualising state financialisation: from the core to the periphery2
Financialisation of Islamic finance: a Polanyian approach on the hegemony of market logic over Islamic Logic2
Phantom investments, hegemony and the chameleon of dispossession: tourism development at Cavo Sidero- Crete, Greece2
UK pension funds’ patience and liquidity in the age of market-based finance2
The gendered construction of risk in asset accumulation for retirement2
Plunder in the Post-Colonial Era: Quantifying Drain from the Global South Through Unequal Exchange, 1960–20182
The ‘strange non-death’ of economic models: how modelling contributed to neoliberal resilience in Denmark2
The social construction of sustainable futures: how models and scenarios limit climate mitigation possibilities2
Adapting to the market: leftist ideological justifications of liberal economic policies, 1977–19862
Towards a sociology of state investment funds? sovereign wealth funds and state-business relations in Saudi Arabia2
Significance of economic openness for the origins of social insurance policies in the initial stage: a comparative study2
Goodbye Washington Confusion, hello Wall Street Consensus: contemporary state capitalism and the spatialisation of industrial strategy2
Does household indebtedness contribute to the decline of union density?2
Imaginary capital migration and the competitive politics of corporate taxation2
Any alternative to the Wall Street Consensus? Comparing the infrastructure financing models of the US, the EU, and China2
Rewarding a friend: Does the World Bank direct non-commercial risk insurance to countries that support US foreign policy interests?2
Logistics of the neoliberal food regime: circulation, corporate food security and the United Arab Emirates2