Journal of Health Services Research & Policy

(The median citation count of Journal of Health Services Research & Policy is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Alleviating gender dysphoria: A qualitative study of perspectives of trans and gender diverse people19
A narrative account of the key drivers in the development of the Learning from Deaths policy15
‘It has to be their choice. We need to give them options’15
The adverse impacts of racism and whiteness on indigenous health14
Interrupted time series evaluation of the impact of a dementia wellbeing service on avoidable hospital admissions for people with dementia in Bristol, England14
Optimising the prescribing of drugs that may cause dependency: An evidence and gap map of systematic reviews14
Challenges of using asthma admission rates as a measure of primary care quality in children: An international comparison13
The social networks of hospital staff: A realist synthesis12
Job preferences of Chinese primary health care workers: A discrete choice experiment11
Scale and spread of innovation in health and social care: Insights from the evaluation of the New Care Model/Vanguard programme in England11
Using arts-based research in applied health care: An example from an evaluation of NHS dental contract reform in Wales11
Public perspectives on the benefits and harms of lung cancer screening: A systematic review and mixed-method integrative synthesis10
Age-varying effects of repeated emergency department presentations for children in Canada10
Rapid evidence assessment of student-assisted assessment and brief intervention clinics: Addressing the gaps in rural and remote health care9
Care homes and primary care in England working together: A multi-method qualitative study8
What can the era of big data and big data analytics mean for health services research?8
Organizing to address overtreatment in cancer care near the end of life: Evidence from Denmark8
How can specialist investigation agencies inform system-wide learning for patient safety? A qualitative study of perspectives on the early years of the English Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch8
Tools for the identification of victims of domestic abuse and modern slavery in remote services: A systematic review8
Engaging health care professionals in quality improvement: A qualitative study exploring the synergies between projects of professionalisation and institutionalisation in quality improvement collabora7
Comparison of inpatient spending and readmission rates for patients treated by male versus female physicians in China: An observational study7
What happens when private general practitioners receive incentivisation offers from pharmaceutical sales representatives? A qualitative study in Pakistan7
Health research policy and systems: Moving towards evidence-informed health research capacity strengthening practice7
Has the NHS national extended access scheme delivered its policy aims? A case study of two large scale extended access providers7
The role of collaborative governance in translating national cancer programs into network-based practices: A longitudinal case study in Canada6
Engagement of patient and family advisors in health system redesign in Canada6
Health care delivery of kidney transplantation to indigenous Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand: A qualitative interview study with clinician stakeholders6
CORRECTION NOTICE “Family physician services and blood pressure control in China: A population-based retrospective cohort study”6
A pilot study examining the impact of a pragmatic process for improving the cultural responsiveness of non-Aboriginal alcohol and other drug treatment services using routinely collected data in Austra5
Health care utilization and costs among coordinated care patients in Southeastern Ontario: A difference-in-differences study of a double propensity score-matched cohort5
‘I wasn’t on the front line per se, but I was part of health care’: Contributions and experiences of ancillary staff in care homes in England during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Challenges to the delivery of clinical diabetes services in Ghana created by the COVID-19 pandemic5
Variations in policies for accessing elective musculoskeletal procedures in the English National Health Service: A documentary analysis5
Reducing inequality in avoidable emergency admissions: Case studies of local health care systems in England using a realist approach5
General practice managers’ motivations for skill mix change in primary care: Results from a cross-sectional survey in England5
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with disabilities and implications for health services research5
Indigenous identity identification in administrative health care data globally: A scoping review5
Barriers to early detection and management of oral cancer in the Asia Pacific region4
Implementing patient navigator programmes within a hospital setting in Toronto, Canada: A qualitative interview study4
Integration and impact of pharmacists in general practice internationally: A rapid review4
Inter-organisational collaboration enabling care delivery in a specialist cancer surgery provider network: A qualitative study4
Strategies to reduce waiting times in outpatient rehabilitation services for adults with physical disabilities: A systematic literature review4
Tackling disrespect in health care: The relevance of socio-relational equality4
Assessing progress in managing and improving quality in nascent integrated care systems in England4
Pieces of the puzzle: The opportunities and challenges of integrative learning systems for patient safety4
Collaborative and integrated working between general practice and community pharmacies: A realist review of what works, for whom, and in which contexts4
Towards sustainability for medical devices and consumables: The radical and incremental challenges in the technology ecosystem4
A new children’s hospital with a larger floor space, single rooms, and V-shaped ward design: A pre–post evaluation of nurse time providing patient care and nurse, patient, and family experiences3
A patienthood that transcends the patient: An analysis of patient research partners’ narratives of involvement in a Canadian arthritis patient advisory board3
Locked down or locked out? Trends in psychiatric emergency services utilization during the COVID-19 pandemic3
Loss associated with subtractive health service change: The case of specialist cancer centralization in England3
Trauma and resilience informed research principles and practice: A framework to improve the inclusion and experience of disadvantaged populations in health and social care research2
Family physician services and blood pressure control in China: A population-based retrospective cohort study2
Health system barriers to accessing care for children with weight issues in New Zealand: An interview-based study2
‘You never know when you will need an antibiotic’: A qualitative study of structural barriers and cultural assumptions in antibiotic misuse among immigrants in the United States2
Audit of submissions: July 2020-June 20212
State-level heterogeneity in associations between structural stigma and individual health care access: A multilevel analysis of transgender adults in the United States2
Village health worker motivation for better performance in a maternal and child health programme in Nigeria: A realist evaluation2
The effects of centralizing cancer surgery on postoperative mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis2
The role of knowledge, primary care and community engagement to improve breast-screening access for Pakistani women in the United Kingdom: A secondary analysis of a qualitative study2
Readmission trends before and after a national reconfiguration of emergency departments in Denmark2
Health care providers’ perceptions of burnout and moral distress during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study from Saskatchewan, Canada2
The experience of informal caregivers in providing patient care in hospitals in low- and middle-income countries: A qualitative meta-synthesis2
Does income matter for the policy effect of public long-term care insurance on informal care use in China? A quasi-experimental study2
Navigating the micro-politics of major system change: The implementation of Sustainability Transformation Partnerships in the English health and care system2
Demand and willingness to pay for human papilloma virus vaccine for their daughters among mothers in Haryana, India: A contingent valuation study2
Immigrants’ and refugees’ experiences of access to health and social services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Toronto, Canada2
Impact of COVID-19 in mental health trusts2
Enablers and barriers to military veterans seeking help for mental health and alcohol difficulties: A systematic review of the quantitative evidence2
Voluntary self-disclosed Indigenous identity of patients in four Canadian health care settings: A multiple-site qualitative case study2
Think tanks and health policy in the United Kingdom: The role of the King’s Fund2