Science & Justice

(The median citation count of Science & Justice is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Applications of drone in disaster management: A scoping review155
Virtual reality for teaching and learning in crime scene investigation55
Consensus on validation of forensic voice comparison47
Bloodstain age estimation through infrared spectroscopy and Chemometric models39
Shifting forensic science focus from means to purpose: A path forward for the discipline?34
Mapping the knowledge of traffic collision Reconstruction: A scientometric analysis in CiteSpace, VOSviewer, and SciMAT26
Shedder status: Exploring means of determination24
The distinction between discriminability and reliability in forensic science23
Predicting the postmortem interval using human intestinal microbiome data and random forest algorithm21
Can computer forensic tools be trusted in digital investigations?20
Recovery of single source DNA profiles from mixtures by direct single cell subsampling and simplified micromanipulation19
Unboxing the digital forensic investigation process15
A forensic international market survey of condom lubricants and personal hygiene products using ATR-FTIR coupled to chemometrics14
The forensic investigation of vehicle–pedestrian collisions: A review14
Extended reality (XR) virtual practical and educational eGaming to provide effective immersive environments for learning and teaching in forensic science14
Twenty years of femicide in Milan: A retrospective medicolegal analysis14
Student mentoring to enhance graduates’ employability potential13
Sub-surface characterisation of latest-generation identification documents using optical coherence tomography13
Identifying the scene of a crime through pollen analysis12
Pedagogical access and ethical considerations in forensic anthropology and bioarchaeology12
The importance of forensic evidence for decisions on criminal guilt11
Performance of the supervised learning algorithms in sex estimation of the proximal femur: A comparative study in contemporary Egyptian and Turkish samples11
Printed artificial sweat as replacement for natural fingermarks: Qualitative and quantitative approach considering an amino acid reagent11
Atomic force microscopy as a biophysical tool for nanoscale forensic investigations11
Evaluating the use of hypoxia sensitive markers for body fluid stain age prediction10
A method for forensic gasoline comparison in fire debris samples: A numerical likelihood ratio system10
Probabilistic genotyping of single cell replicates from complex DNA mixtures recovers higher contributor LRs than standard analysis10
Screening and elucidation of fragmentations of 23 diuretics in dietary supplements using UHPLC-Q-Orbitrap10
On the discrimination between facial creams of different brands using Raman Spectroscopy and partial least squares discriminant analysis for forensic application10
Rapid and non-destructive differentiation of Shahtoosh from Pashmina/Cashmere wool using ATR FT-IR spectroscopy9
Approaches to decolonising forensic curricula9
Ricochet of AK bullets (7,62 × 39 mm) on concrete and cement surfaces; a forensic-based study9
“Sex change” in skeletal remains: Assessing how heat-induced changes interfere with sex estimation9
Transfer of DNA without contact from used clothing, pillowcases and towels by shaking agitation9
The different types of reports produced in digital forensic investigations8
An investigation of two methods of DNA recovery from fired and unfired 9 mm ammunition8
“Blood, Bucks and Bias”: Reliability and biasability of crime scene investigators’ selection and prioritization of blood traces8
Stay cool or get hot? An applied primer for using temperature in forensic entomological case work8
Bayesian mixture modelling for glass refractive index measurement8
Investigation of the new possibility of mathematical processing of Raman spectra for dating documents8
Near-infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics to classify cosmetic foundations from a crime scene8
Whole bovine blood use in forensic research: Sample preparation and storage considerations8
The effectiveness of forensic evidence in the investigation of volume crime scenes8
Model for the prediction of mechanical asphyxia as the cause of death based on four biological indexes in human cardiac tissue8
Impurities, adulterants and cutting agents in cocaine as potential candidates for retrospective mining of GC-MS data8
Attitudes towards police use of consumer/private DNA databases in investigations8
RemoteForensicCSI: Enriching teaching, training and learning through networking and timely CPD8
A review of the current understanding of burned bone as a source of DNA for human identification8
Sex and age biological variation of the mandible in a Portuguese population- a forensic and medico-legal approaches with three-dimensional analysis7
Finding the missing and unknown: Novel educational approaches to warming up cold cases7
DNA-based and taxonomic identification of forensically important Sarcophagidae (Diptera) in southeastern Spain7
Effect of swabbing technique and duration on forensic DNA recovery7
Half a century of systematic research on heat-induced colour changes in bone – A review7
Unlocking the potential of forensic traces: Analytical approaches to generate investigative leads7
The potential of digital technologies in problem-based forensic learning activities7
Beyond CSI: Calibrating public beliefs about the reliability of forensic science through openness and transparency7
Technological innovation in the recovery and analysis of 3D forensic footwear evidence: Structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry7
Is human identification by dental comparison a scientifically valid process?7
What does a digital forensics opinion look like? A comparative study of digital forensics and forensic science reporting practices7
Preliminary efficiency evaluation of development methods applied to aged sebaceous latent fingermarks7
Stature estimation using foot dimensions via 3D scanning in Taiwanese male adults7
The effect of corrosive substances on fingermark recovery: A pilot study6
Forensic human identification: Investigation into tooth morphotype and DNA extraction methods from teeth6
What does method validation look like for forensic voice comparison by a human expert?6
Augmented reality in forensics and forensic medicine – Current status and future prospects6
Identifying forensically relevant urban scavengers in Johannesburg, South Africa6
Evaluation of alizarin and purpurin dyes for their ability to visualize latent fingermark on porous surfaces6
Extraction of the relevant population from a forensic database6
A broken system? Examining the perilous state of quality assurance in crime scene practice6
PRECEPT-4-Justice: A bias-neutralising framework for digital forensics investigations6
Proposing Problem-Based Learning for teaching future forensic speech scientists6
Detection and visualization of human tears using alternate light sources for forensic purposes6
From crime scene to courtroom: A review of the current bioanalytical evidence workflows used in rape and sexual assault investigations in the United Kingdom6
Sampling of explosive residues: The use of a gelatine-based medium for the recovery of ammonium nitrate5
Methods for ensuring the highest DNA concentration and yield in future and retrospective trace DNA extracts5
Chasing ghosts: An investigation of the ghosting phenomenon in footprints5
Kinship assignment with the ForenSeq™ DNA Signature Prep Kit: Sources of error in simulated and real cases5
Degradation of polymer banknotes through handling, and effect on fingermark visualisation5
Mineralogical and elemental data for soil discriminating and geolocation tracing5
Expert Reliability in Legal Proceedings: “Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe, With Which Expert Should We Go?”5
Profiling and imaging of forensic evidence – A pan-European forensic round robin study part 1: Document forgery5
Simulation-based reconstruction of traffic incidents from moving vehicle mono-camera5
A comprehensive study into false positive rates for ‘other’ biological samples using common presumptive testing methods5
Thermal requirements of immature stages of Chrysomya albiceps (Diptera: Calliphoridae) as a common forensically important fly5
Development of a Dundee Ground Truth imaging protocol for recording indoor crime scenes to facilitate virtual reality reconstruction5
Adult sex estimation from the minimum supero-inferior femoral neck diameter in a contemporary osteological sample from Buenos Aires, Argentina5
Investigating the morphology and genetics of scalp and facial hair characteristics for phenotype prediction5
Improving the technological readiness of time of Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry for enhancing fingermark recovery - towards operational deployment5
Just by being here, you aren’t halfway there: Structured active learning and its integration in virtual learning environments and assessment5
A retrospective comparative study to evaluate the reliability of post-mortem interval sources in UK and US medico-legal death investigations5
Digital evidence and the crime scene5
High-throughput DNA sequencing of environmentally insulted latent fingerprints after visualization with nanoscale columnar-thin-film technique5
Preparation of a low-cost fingerprint powder that harnesses white light to emit long-lived phosphorescence5
Probabilistic reporting in criminal cases in the United States: A baseline study5
Use of Bayesian networks in forensic soil casework5
Rapid, presumptive identification of seed-based toxins using direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (DART-MS) and its variants5
Minor or adult? Introducing decision analysis in forensic age estimation5
Comparative performance of the Phadebas® Forensic Press Test at room temperature and 37 °C for the detection of saliva stains on fabric exhibits5
Performance of forensic facial comparison by morphological analysis across optimal and suboptimal CCTV settings4
Prognosis of sexual dimorphism with unfused hyoid bone: Artificial intelligence informed decision making with discriminant analysis4
Identifying background microbiomes in an evidence recovery laboratory: A preliminary study4
Preliminary studies into fluorescent semiconductor nanorods for the detection of latent fingermarks: Size matters, shape matters4
Lockdown labs: Pivoting to remote learning in forensic science higher education4
Multi-agent scavenging patterns in Hawai‘i: A forensic archaeological and skeletal case study4
Forensic botany: who?, how?, where?, when?4
Automated detection and classification of counterfeit banknotes using quantitative features captured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography4
Can a machine be used to replicate the biomechanics of human stabbing performance?4
Interim recommendations for the management of forensic investigation during the COVID-19 pandemic: An Italian perspective4
The use of COVID-19 contact tracing app data as evidence of a crime4
Hyperspectral imaging in forensic science: An overview of major application areas4
An empirical study on the close-range post-ricochet orientation of AK bullets (7.62 mm × 39 mm)4
Teaching Forensic Entomology, Forensic Anthropology, and Haematology & Serology during the COVID-19 pandemic: Practical activities for distance learning4
Entomological identification of the post-mortem colonization of wolf cadavers in different decomposition stages4
Developmental validation of the Microreader™ Y Prime Plus ID System: An advanced Y-STR 38-plex system for forensic applications4
Application of LC−QTOF/MS for the validation and determination of organic explosive residues on Ionscan® swabs4
Swapping Carrots for Sticks: Forensic science provider views of the Forensic Regulator Act 20214
Interdisciplinary approaches to the teaching of forensic science in the Forensic Science Undergraduate Program of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, before and after COVID-194
TraceBase; A database structure for forensic trace analysis4
Inter-observer error for area of origin analysis using FARO Zone 3D4
Studies into exfoliation and coating of Egyptian blue in methanol for application to the detection of latent fingermarks4
Estimation of the post-mortem interval: Effect of storage conditions on the determination of vitreous humour [K+]4
Impinging blood droplets on different wettable surfaces: Impact phenomena, contact line motion, post-impact oscillation and dried stains4
Informing regional taphonomy research using retrospective forensic anthropology cases in the Western Cape, South Africa4
“Identified”, “probable”, “possible” or “exclude”: The influence of task-irrelevant information on forensic odontology identification opinion4
Beyond bagging and tagging — An empirical investigation into the roles, designations and responsibilities of crime scene practitioners4
Forensic examination of effects of Parkinsonism on various handwriting characteristics4
Characterisation and discrimination of so-called metallised fibres found in clothing and decorative materials originating from the consumer market4
A preliminary study into the impact of using three-dimensional models in forensic anthropology learning and teaching4
An efficient method to detect series of fraudulent identity documents based on digitised forensic data4
A preliminary study investigating the overlay method in forensic podiatry for comparison of insole footprints3
Pressing need for national governmental recognition of forensic anthropology in South Africa as illustrated in a medico-legal case3
Forensic genetic value of 27 Y-STR loci (Y-Filer® Plus) in the South African population3
An investigation into the accuracy of follow-on GPRS/mobile data CDRs3
Quantitative evaluation of latent fingermarks with novel enhancement and illumination3
Impact of plastic wrapping on carcass decomposition and arthropod colonisation in northern Africa during spring3
Preliminary investigations using Recover Latent Fingerprint Technology on unfired ammunition and fired cartridge cases3
Investigating the uses of mobile phone evidence in China criminal proceedings3
Drilling down into ethics: A thematic review of ethical considerations for the creation and use of 3D printed human remains in crime reconstruction3
The use of simulated crime scenes in teaching undergraduate forensic sciences: Implementing an active learning approach to forensics3
Influence of storage on larval length and age determination of the forensically important blow fly Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae)3
What is she doing here? Klinefelter syndrome in forensic casework3
The accuracy and validity of the Sheffield Features of Gait Tool3
Application of non-contact scanning to forensic podiatry: A feasibility study3
Corrigendum to “Communicating forensic science opinion: An examination of expert reporting practices” [Sci. Justice 60 (3) (2020) 216–224]3
Application of fragment analysis based on methylation status mobility difference to identify vaginal secretions3
Lipidic compounds found in soils surrounding human decomposing bodies and its use in forensic investigations – A narrative review3
Partnership between academics and practitioners – Addressing the challenges in forensic science3
Chemical trace XRF analysis to detect sharp force trauma in fresh and burned bone3
Voicing concerns: The balance between data protection principles and research developments in forensic speech science3
DNA isolation success rates from dried and fresh wood samples of selected 20 tropical wood tree species for possible consideration in forensic forestry3
Use of Eucalyptus DNA profiling in a case of illegal logging3
The web of plenty: Leveraging the abundance of free, on-demand online forensic content3
The contact area of static and dynamic footprints: Forensic implications3
Illuminating the benefits and limitations of forensic light sources3
Interpretation, confidence and application of the standardised terms: Identified, Probable, Possible, Exclude and Insufficient in forensic odontology identification3
Simple and simultaneous quantification of cyanide, ethanol, and 1-propanol in blood by headspace GC–MS/NPD with Deans switch dual detector system3
BITACORA: An isotopic database of modern human tissues (keratin, teeth) for Argentina3
Why teach crime scene management to forensic university students?2
The role of alternative hypotheses in reducing bias in forensic medical experts’ decision making2
A glance at digital forensic academic research demographics2
On a knife edge: A preliminary investigation of clothing damage using rounded-tip knives2
Addressing the alternate hypothesis: Transfer and persistence of saliva beneath fingernails2
The laboratory perspective: Confirming the integrity of fingermark enhancement reagents2
A study of dispersion of gunshot residue from a frequently used Serbian ammunition cal. 7.65 mm to support selected aspects of casework in North Macedonia2
A quantitative assessment of the extent and distribution of textile fibre transfer to persons involved in physical assault2
Developing a virtual laboratory module for forensic science degree programmes2
Effects of cocaine and heroin, and their combination, on the development rate of Calliphora vomitoria (Diptera: Calliphoridae)2
Examination of misconceptions surrounding fatal fire victims2
Technical Note: Analyzing the effect of repeated fusing on toner to examine printing alterations made by the same laser printer2
Testing the validity of population-specific sex estimation equations: An evaluation based on talus and patella measurements2
Calibrating the perceived strength of evidence of forensic testimony statements2
Estimate of the random match frequency of acquired characteristics in a forensic footwear database2
Comprehensive analysis and investigation of accident/occupational disease responsibility rates: A case study for accidental CO poisoning2
Fingermarks development on gloves: Relative efficiency of 1,2 Indanedione/ZnCl2, ninhydrin and wet powder2
Parental reference photos do not always improve the accuracy of forensic age progressions2
Shoeprint image retrieval and crime scene shoeprint image linking by using convolutional neural network and normalized cross correlation2
In depth investigation of the capabilities and limitations of combined proteomic-MALDI MS based approach for the forensic detection of blood2
The impact of force, time, and rotation on the transfer of ammonium nitrate: A reductionist approach to understanding evidence dynamics2
Forensic laboratory backlog: The impact of inconclusive results of marijuana analysis and the implication on analytical routine2
Rapid changes in profiles from stored materials used in scent training of explosive detection dogs2
Assessment of PowerPlex® Fusion 5C’s ability to type degraded DNA2
Retrospective analysis of factors affecting rate of skeletonization within a tropical climate2
Using sketchnoting as a revision aid with forensic students2
Digital evidence strategies for digital forensic science examinations2
Evaluation of photometric stereo and elastomeric sensor imaging for the non-destructive 3D analysis of questioned documents – A pilot study2
Suspect graveyard burial (South Armagh, N. Ireland): Combined search, forensic anthropology and radiocarbon dating2
Evaluative approach to semen transfer in a case of alleged sexual assault: A case study2
Partial validation of multiplexed real-time quantitative PCR assays for forensic body fluid identification2
Footwear-to-feet examination and analysis: Comparing worn footwear to persons and human remains2
Outcome of sex determination from ulnar and radial ridge densities of Brazilians’ fingerprints: Applying an existing method to a new population2
Weight of authorship evidence with multiple categories of stylometric features: A multinomial-based discrete model2
Planning and developing a method for collecting ground truth data relating to footwear mark evidence1
Time burnt away: The impact of heat-induced changes on skeletal age-at-death diagnostic features1
Blood and sperm traces on human hair. A study on preservation and detection after 3-month outdoor exposure1
Evaluation of direct PCR for routine DNA profiling of non-decomposed deceased individuals1
Collaborative practise in forensic science and academia: The development of a documentation strategy for fingerprint examinations in an English fingerprint bureau in the ISO 17025 era1
Inkjet printer prediction under complicated printing conditions based on microscopic image features1
Considerations on the application of a mutation model for Y-STR interpretation1
The effects of a range of projectiles on bullet ricochet evidence from 1 mm sheet metal1
Investigation of the variability in the tool marks produced by modified blank firing pistols on fired 7.65 mm projectiles1
Cell site analysis: Changes to networks with time1
The effect of NucleoSpin® Forensic Filters on DNA recovery from trace DNA swabs1
Dehydration-Induced alterations to sharp force trauma on Sus domesticus radii1
Ghosting phenomenon in static and dynamic footprints in India and the United States1
That tool is rubbish!…or is it?1
Towards molecular autopsies: Development of a FFPE tissue DNA extraction workflow1
Digital traces and physical activities: opportunities, challenges and pitfalls1
Reliability of a two-dimensional sock-clad footprint linear measurement method1
Technical note: Comparison of forensic swabs for intravaginal sampling1
Public and family support and concerns for providing DNA to law enforcement in long-term missing person cases1
Oxygen isotope variation in drinking water in Oaxaca, Mexico and its implications for forensic provenancing efforts1
Trace evidence dynamics of cocaine on banknotes: A comparison study of paper and polymer banknotes1
IRMS based evidence passes the test1
Determination of disperse dyes on polyester fibers by UHPLC–Orbitrap MS1
Enhancing the student learning experience through memes1
Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) detection limits for blood on fabric: Orientation and coating uniformity effects1
Forensic databases, a perspective from the penitentiary centers of Spain1
Forensic application of isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) for human identification1
Edwards curve digital signature algorithm for video integrity verification on blockchain framework1
The application of dual energy X-ray soil screening in forensic archaeology1
Non-destructive latent fingerprint development and background elimination by Mueller Polarimetry1
Triaging digital device content at-scene:- Formalising the decision-making process1
Perceptions of blind proficiency testing among latent print examiners1
Towards the protection of ammunition headstamps during fingermark enhancement processing; a preliminary study1
Assessing the potential fire risk of laundered fabrics after contamination with emollients using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics1
Guiding proposition setting in forensic DNA interpretation1
Macroscopic assessment of environmental trace evidence dynamics in forensic settings1
Background levels of body fluids and DNA on the shaft of the penis and associated underpants in the absence of sexual activity1
The application of TreadMatch scans to aid the process of footwear mark comparison1
Estimate of the random match frequency of acquired characteristics in footwear: Part I — Impressions in blood1
Latent justice? A review of adversarial challenges to fingerprint evidence1
Assessing the background levels of body fluids on hands1
Examining the transfer of male DNA onto female underwear in simulated non sexual social interaction versus digital penetration to assist in the evaluation of results in casework scenarios1
Application of augmented reality for crime scene investigation training and education1
Cross-border forensic profiling of fraudulent identity and travel documents: A pilot project between France and Switzerland1
Placing the suspect at a PC: A preliminary study involving fingerprints on keyboards and mice1
Analysis of some commonly found inhalants using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC MS) – Effect of substrates on the identification of inhalants1
Use of different imaging techniques in stab wound analysis1
CSI-CSI: Comparing several investigative approaches toward crime scene improvement1
A single test pair does not a method validation make: A response to Kirchhübel et al. (2023)1
Do we need a forensic science teaching network?1
Development of the first DNA database and identification portal for identification of Unidentified bodies in India – UMID1
Effects of particle size, storage conditions, and chemical pretreatments on carbon and oxygen isotopic measurements of modern tooth enamel1
The effects of four different solvent vapours on the restoration of obliterated stamp markings from five different wooden surfaces1
Post-mortem interval estimation using miRNAs of road traffic accident cases: A forensic molecular approach1
Thousands of years of Malay and Chinese population history in Indonesia and its implication on Paternity Index in DNA paternity testing1