British Journal of Learning Disabilities

(The TQCC of British Journal of Learning Disabilities is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Disability hate speech: Social, cultural and political contexts By MarkSherry, TerjeOlsen, Janikke SolstadVedeler, and JohnEriksen Abingdon (Eds.), Routledge. 2021. pp. 26818
Relationship between physical activity and health in individuals with intellectual disability16
Editorial: Moving forward13
Adapting the protocol for narrative exposure therapy for adults with mild intellectual disabilities12
Analysis of early expressive communicative behaviour of young children with significant cognitive and motor developmental delays12
In Response—Reply to John Paul Donnelly12
The experiences of adults with intellectual disabilities attending a mindfulness‐based group intervention12
Separation of powers in the UK social care system: A 50‐year perspective10
Conducting video therapy with adults with an intellectual disability: A qualitative study of qualified and trainee psychologists' experiences10
Karl and Tilla König and the creation of the Camphill Movement10
Intellectual disability, epilepsy and bone health: Quality improvement in a specialist epilepsy service9
In response to ‘The Two of Us project: An exploration of the relationships of people with intellectual disability in different social contexts’ (Jack Kelly and Seren Wagstaff)9
The Routledge international handbook of critical autism studies By DamianMilton and SaraRyan: Routledge. 2023. pp. 311. £152.00 (hbk). ISBN: 978‐0‐367‐52107‐3. £34.39 (ebk). ISBN: 97810030565778
Libraries and Reading: Intellectual Disability and the extent of library diversity Matthew Conner & Leah Plocharcyk Bingley UK: Emerald Publishing 2020 ISBN: 978‐1‐78973‐386‐0 (Print) £53.98 ISBN:8
Challenges in care and service provision for older adults with intellectual disabilities and complex age‐related conditions in Ireland7
Piloting the Circle of Security Parenting group with parents of children with a learning disability: An exploratory case study7
Successful diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in later life of an adult with intellectual disability: A case report7
The demographic and diagnostic profile of women with intellectual disability and mental health disorder in New South Wales and patterns of service use: A data linkage study7
Becoming an artist and sharing my story7
‘We became their beginning, their middle and their end’7
In response to ‘Day service cultures from the perspectives of autistic people with profound learning disabilities’ (Ned Redmore)7
“Them two are around when I need their help” The importance of good relationships in supporting people with learning disabilities to be “in a good space”7
Enhancing wellbeing and independence for young people with profound and multiple learning difficulties: Lives lived well. AndrewColley, JulieTilbury, SimonYates. Routledge, 2021, ISBN: 978‐0‐367‐564066
What are the barriers and facilitators to participation in active recreation for people with learning disabilities? A scoping review6
The lived experience of immigrant parents of disabled adolescents and young adults transitioning into adulthood: A narrative inquiry6
Community and wellbeing in the lives of people with learning disabilities6
Issue Information6
The Diversity of Voices in Universities: A Critical Reflection on Representation Based on Two University Projects in Iceland and Germany6
Transitioning to adulthood from residential childcare during COVID‐19: Experiences of young people with intellectual disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorder in South Africa5
A brief history of special education policy on the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in Saudi Arabia5
Adapting photovoice to explore identity expression amongst people with intellectual disabilities who have limited or no verbal communication5
“My name on the door by the Professor's name”: The process of recruiting a researcher with a learning disability at a UK university4
You Can't Exclude Us Anymore! A Critical Reflection of Inclusive Research and Teaching Opportunities for People With Intellectual Disabilities in University Settings4
A service evaluation exploring clients' experiences of being on a waiting list for individual psychological therapy with a community learning disability team4
How to Mentor But Not to Helicopter Students in Inclusive Higher Education4
In search of education, participation and inclusion: Embrace the uncertain By JonathanRix, Abingdon: Routledge. 2024. pp. 204. £28.794
The experiences of sepsis in people with a learning disability—a qualitative investigation4
Hard to reach, or struggling to be heard? Real‐life experience of coproduction with people with learning disabilities4
Can Natural Supporters Be Fostered to Support Adults With Intellectual Disabilities to Become Local Volunteers or to Join Mainstream Leisure Groups in Irish Rural Towns and Villages?4
Staff mental health while providing care to people with intellectual disability during the COVID‐19 pandemic4
Culturally adaptive healthcare for people with a learning disability from an ethnic minority background: A qualitative synthesis4
Experiences of nurses working at day‐service centres for people with intellectual disabilities/intellectual and physical disabilities and their interactions with service‐users4
How People With an Intellectual Disability Experience Inclusive Third‐Level Education: A Scoping Review4
In response to “Decommissioning normal: COVID‐19 as a disruptor of school norms for young people with learning disabilities”3
Effects of music, dance and drama therapies for people with an intellectual disability: A scoping review3
“We're entitled to be parents just like normal people”: A multiperspective interpretative phenomenological analysis of a mother with a learning disability's experience of parenting following the remov3
Case studies for positive behavior supports in classrooms and schools. Storey, K. Charles C Thomas Publisher, 2021, ISBN: 978‐0‐398‐09366‐2, $29.95 paperback3
Healthcare for People With Intellectual Disabilities: An Exploration of Intellectual Disability Service Providers' Experiences of Joint Working With Acute Service Providers When People With Intellectu3
Supporting people with learning disabilities to use technology, frameworks and toolkits, By Jane Seale3
Feasibility of a peer mentoring programme for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and co‐occurring mental health conditions3
Lived experience and the social model of disability: conflicted and inter‐dependent ambitions for employment of people with a learning disability and their family carers3
Surviving through story: Experiences of people with learning disabilities in the covid19 pandemic 2020–20213
Expressive touch in health and social care: A review of touch guidance to explore the extent to which social and communication needs of adults with learning disabilities are considered3
“It’s not the same without you:” Exploring the experience and perception of transition for people with intellectual disabilities and dementia2
Antonia's story: Bringing the past into the future2
Digital participation of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities during the Covid‐19 pandemic in the UK2
Lost voices part 2: Modifying psychological therapies for two young men with complex learning disabilities following alleged sexual and physical abuse: A case study in trauma recovery2
Handbook of intellectual disabilities: Integrating theory, research and practice Matson, J. L. (Ed.) Springer, 2019, ISBN: 978‐3‐030‐20842‐4. £131‐50 (HB); £96‐50 (PB)2
Factors associated with the identification of mental health conditions among people with learning disabilities in primary care: A scoping review2
A reflective evaluation of a feeding clinic intervention—Parents as a reflecting team2
My point of view: Students with intellectual and communicative disabilities express their views on speech and reading using Talking Mats2
Day service cultures from the perspectives of autistic people with profound learning disabilities2
Peter and friends talk about COVID‐19 and having a learning disability and/or autism. Cronin, P., Hardy, S., Roberts, M., Burke, C., Mahon, D., & Chaplin, E. London: Penge Publishers 20202
Humanization: The humanistic perspective as a guide for supporting people with intellectual disability2
A mixed methods evaluation of a compassion‐focused therapy group intervention for people with an intellectual disability2
Disability, care and family law By BeverleyClough, JonathanHerring(Eds.), Routledge. 2021. pp. 244.2
New lenses on intellectual DisabilityJenniferClegg.,Routledge, 2020 ISBN 13: 978‐0‐367‐33502‐1 pp. 137 hardback £120.00 eBook £40.492
In response to “Being part of history, Being part of activism: Exploring the lives and experiences of Black people with learning disabilities”2
Motherhood and intellectual disability in Spain: Experienced difficulties and shared desires for change2
Sound and Vision: Reflections on running a community‐based group for men with learning disabilities online, during the pandemic2
Records of quality indicators for management of long‐term health conditions of patients with intellectual disabilities in Dutch residential care2
Quality of life in adults with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems2
Peter and Friends Talk about Mental Health in People with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism By Cronin, P., Hardy, S., Augustine, S., Page, L., Burke, C., Mahon, D., Chaplin, E. 20232
Fifty years of the British journal of learning disabilities: The power of the past2
Advocacy and self‐advocacy in Malta: Reflections on the lives of Maltese people with intellectual disability from the 1950s to the present day2
In response to Kaley et al. ‘Self‐building active community lives in the context of personalisation’2
Internet activities and social and community participation among young people with learning disabilities2
“I'm a man now”: Using Narrative Therapy to support an adult with Down syndrome transition to a new life2
Exploring the inequalities of women with learning disabilities deciding to attend and then accessing cervical and breast cancer screening, using the Social Ecological Model2
Digital inclusion and people with learning disabilities2