International Journal for Quality in Health Care

(The H4-Index of International Journal for Quality in Health Care is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
French Abstracts for Volume 34, Issue 1, 202255
Burden of ischemic stroke in mainland China and Taiwan province from 1990 to 2019: with forecast for the next 11 years40
An invitation to join the IJQHC reviewer community—a call for peer-reviewers37
Correction to: Is primary care a patient-safe setting? Prevalence, severity, nature, and causes of adverse events: numerous and mostly avoidable30
Factors influencing the indication of coronary angiography in patients presenting with chest pain unspecified: an analysis of two decades (1994–2014)28
The impact of outsourcing bed-based aged care services on quality of care: A multisite observational study26
Addressing wounded healers’ burnout and moral distress: starts and ends with integrity23
Implementing structured handoffs to verify operating room blood delivery using a quality academy training program: an interrupted time-series analysis22
Integration of persistence in the 5P-medicine approach for age-related chronic diseases20
Discharge to post–acute care and other predictors of prolonged length of stay during the initial COVID-19 surge: a single site analysis19
A ‘COVID Compass’ for navigating the pandemic19
Optimizing warfarin and dual oral anticoagulation practices in an academic clinic during a merger amid the COVID-19 pandemic in a marginalized population19
Evaluation of the Association of Length of Stay in Hospital and Outcomes19
The cross-national applicability of lean implementation measures and hospital performance measures: a case study of Finland and the USA18
Portuguese Abstracts17
International, national and local trends in the spread of COVID-19: a geographic view of COVID-19 spread and the role to be played by coproduction17
Portuguese Abstracts for Volume 34, Issue 2, 202216
Home before Hospital: a whole of system re-design project to improve rates of home-based dialysis therapy: Experience and outcomes over 8 years16