Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and Medicine

(The TQCC of Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and Medicine is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
3D MRI of explanted sheep hearts with submillimeter isotropic spatial resolution: comparison between diffusion tensor and structure tensor imaging44
Conversion map from quantitative parameter mapping to myelin water fraction: comparison with R1·R2* and myelin water fraction in white matter33
Physical limits to human brain B0 shimming with spherical harmonics, engineering implications thereof24
Improving brain B0 shimming using an easy and accessible multi-coil shim array at ultra-high field23
Rapid microscopic 3D-diffusion tensor imaging fiber-tracking of mouse brain in vivo by super resolution reconstruction: validation on MAP6-KO mouse model19
Brain tumor detection and segmentation using deep learning17
Reliability of velocity pulsatility in small vessels on 3Tesla MRI in the basal ganglia: a test–retest study16
23Na chemical shift imaging in the living rat brain using a chemical shift agent, Tm[DOTP]5–15
Comparison of multimodal findings on epileptogenic side in temporal lobe epilepsy using self-organizing maps15
Apparent diffusion coefficients of 31P metabolites in the human calf muscle at 7 T14
Motion correction of free-breathing magnetic resonance renography using model-driven registration14
Assessment of hepatic transporter function in rats using dynamic gadoxetate-enhanced MRI: a reproducibility study13
Linearity and bias of proton density fat fraction across the full dynamic range of 0–100%: a multiplatform, multivendor phantom study using 1.5T and 3T MRI at two sites11
MRI recovery with self-calibrated denoisers without fully-sampled data10
Phantoms for Quantitative Body MRI: a review and discussion of the phantom value10
Towards functional spin-echo BOLD line-scanning in humans at 7T10
Transfer learning in deep neural network-based receiver coil sensitivity map estimation10
Partial Fourier in the presence of respiratory motion in prostate diffusion-weighted echo planar imaging10
Anthropomorphic brain phantoms for use in MRI systems: a systematic review9
Post mortem brain temperature and its influence on quantitative MRI of the brain9
Overestimation of grey matter atrophy in glioblastoma patients following radio(chemo)therapy9
Eye-specific quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI analysis for patients with intraocular masses9
Multi T1-weighted contrast imaging and T1 mapping with compressed sensing FLAWS at 3 T8
A short-TR single-echo spin-echo breath-hold method for assessing liver T28
Nonuniform sliding-window reconstruction for accelerated dual contrast agent quantification with MR fingerprinting8
Segmentation of the aorta in systolic phase from 4D flow MRI: multi-atlas vs. deep learning8
Automatic segmentation of human supraclavicular adipose tissue using high-resolution T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging8
Report on the ISMRM-ESMRMB 2022 hot topic debate on the future of gadolinium as a contrast agent7
The potential of advanced MR techniques for precision radiotherapy of glioblastoma7
MR fingerprinting of the prostate7
FeCl3 and GdCl3 solutions as superfast relaxation modifiers for agarose gel: a quantitative analysis7
Quantification of neurovascular compliance with retrospectively gated phase-contrast MRI7
Stop moving: MR motion correction as an opportunity for artificial intelligence7
An evolution of low-field strength MRI7
Topology-based radiomic features for prediction of parotid gland cancer malignancy grade in magnetic resonance images7
Dynamic MRI of swallowing: real-time volumetric imaging at 12 frames per second at 3 T7
Developments in proton MR spectroscopic imaging of prostate cancer7
Magnetic resonance imaging of the pulsing brain: a systematic review6
The role of MRI in prostate cancer: current and future directions6
Correction to: Motion robust coronary MR angiography using zigzag centric ky–kz trajectory and high-resolution deep learning reconstruction6
Analysis on matrix gradient coil modeling6
Signal-to-noise trade-offs between magnet diameter and shield-to-coil distance for cylindrical Halbach-based portable MRI systems for neuroimaging6
Radiomics-based machine-learning method to diagnose prostate cancer using mp-MRI: a comparison between conventional and fused models6
Physiological confounders of renal blood flow measurement6
3D APT and NOE CEST-MRI of healthy volunteers and patients with non-enhancing glioma at 3 T6
Cranial bone imaging using ultrashort echo-time bone-selective MRI as an alternative to gradient-echo based “black-bone” techniques6
Magnetic resonance imaging at 9.4 T: the Maastricht journey6
Anatomically informed multi-level fiber tractography for targeted virtual dissection6
Correction to: Analysis on matrix gradient coil modeling6
Optimization of cobalt ferrite magnetic nanoparticle as a theranostic agent: MRI and hyperthermia6
New physiological insights using multi-TE ASL MRI measuring blood–brain barrier water exchange after caffeine intake5
Diagnostic performance of edited 2HG MR spectroscopy of central glioma in the clinical environment5
Is the optimal Tmax threshold identifying perfusion deficit volumes variable across MR perfusion software packages? A pilot study5
A quality assurance protocol for reliable and reproducible multi-TI arterial spin labeling perfusion imaging in rat livers5
Results of the 2023 ISBI challenge to reduce GABA-edited MRS acquisition time5
RF-induced heating of interventional devices at 23.66 MHz5
Multiple b-values improve discrimination of cortical gray matter regions using diffusion MRI: an experimental validation with a data-driven approach5
Operator dependency of arterial input function in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI5
Reproducibility of MRI-based white matter tract estimation using multi-fiber probabilistic tractography: effect of user-defined parameters and regions5
$$B_1$$ Field inhomogeneity correction for qDESS $$T_2$$ mapping: application to rapid bilateral knee imaging5
Simulation-based evaluation of SAR and flip angle homogeneity for five transmit head arrays at 14 T5
Diffusion-weighted imaging in prostate cancer5
Impact of white-matter mask selection on DTI histogram-based metrics as potential biomarkers in cerebral small vessel disease5
3D magnetic resonance fingerprinting on a low-field 50 mT point-of-care system prototype: evaluation of muscle and lipid relaxation time mapping and comparison with standard techniques4
Deuterium double quantum-filtered NMR studies of peripheral and optic nerves4
Sub-millisecond 2D MRI of the vocal fold oscillation using single-point imaging with rapid encoding4
In vivo quantitative MRI: T1 and T2 measurements of the human brain at 0.064 T4
Identification of metabolic correlates of mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease using magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging and machine learning4
3T MEGA-PRESS study of N-acetyl aspartyl glutamate and N-acetyl aspartate in activated visual cortex4
Will standardization kill innovation?4
Application value of simultaneous multislice readout-segmented echo-planar imaging for diffusion-weighted MRI in differentiation of rectal cancer grade4
Optimal bi-planar gradient coil configurations for diamond nitrogen-vacancy based diffusion-weighted NMR experiments4
Chitosan-modified manganese oxide-conjugated methotrexate nanoparticles delivering 5-aminolevulinic acid as a dual-modal T1–T2* MRI contrast agent in U87MG cell detection4
Biopsy-based optimization and calibration of a signal-intensity-ratio-based MRI method (1.5 Tesla) in a dextran-iron loaded mini-pig model, enabling estimation of very high liver iron concentrations4
Grading of gliomas using transfer learning on MRI images4
Quantitative assessment of normal hip cartilage in children under 9 years old by T2 mapping4
Hydrogenative-PHIP polarized metabolites for biological studies4
Systematic evaluation of adhesives for implant fixation in multimodal functional brain MRI4
Evaluation of accelerated motion-compensated 3d water/fat late gadolinium enhanced MR for atrial wall imaging4
Repeatability and reproducibility of apparent exchange rate measurements in yeast cell phantoms using filter-exchange imaging4