European Journal of Soil Science

(The TQCC of European Journal of Soil Science is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Continuous straw return for 8 years mitigates the negative effects of inorganic fertilisers on C‐cycling soil bacteria148
Editorial for special issue on “understanding soil functions – from ped to planet”80
Coefficient of linear extensibility of soil can be estimated from hygroscopic water content or clay and organic carbon contents78
How do natural soil NH4+, NO3 and N2O interact in response to nitrogen input in different climatic zones? A glo58
Interaction effects of environmental factors on soil nitrogen fractions based on a novel sequential extraction method50
Sustainable futures over the next decade are rooted in soil science45
Changes in soil silicon forms and availability as affected by rice straw and its biochar43
Issue Information42
Taxonomic and functional diversity of the soil microbiome recruited from alternative crops in a rotation system41
A modelling approach to evaluate land management options for recently burnt catchments35
Physical impact mechanism of large macroaggregate fragmentation on short‐term soil microbial respiration after rainfall34
Impacts of tillage and nutrient management on soil porosity trends in dryland agriculture34
Short‐term conservation tillage degrades soil infiltration properties in the black soil region of Northeast China31
Using homosoils for quantitative extrapolation of soil mapping models29
Issue Information29
Spatial pattern consistency and repeatability of proximal soil sensor data for digital soil mapping27
Crude glycerol, a biodiesel byproduct, used as a soil amendment to temporarily immobilise and then release nitrogen26
Coupled magnetic nanoparticle‐mediated isolation and single‐cell image recognition to detect Bacillus' cell size in soil26
Anthropogenic dark earth: Evolution, distribution, physical, and chemical properties26
Issue Information25
The structure of microbial communities in redoximorphic microsites of Gleysol24
Issue Information21
Mitigating nitrogen loss in paddy field microcosms through indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi assemblage21
Five decades' experience of long‐term soil monitoring, and key design principles, to assist the EU soil health mission20
Increased sugarcane productivity and environmental improvement in acid sulfate soils: A win–win system20
Sugarcane harvesting systems in Brazil: Effects on soil carbon stocks and ethanol payback time18
Distinct features of topsoil carbon fractions across urban forests in eastern China18
Ecosystem compartment stoichiometry drives the secondary succession processes of zokor‐disturbed grassland18
Effect of soil internal forces on fragment size distributions after aggregate breakdown and their relations to splash erosion17
Wheat straw and microbial inoculants have an additive effect on N2O emissions by changing microbial functional groups17
A transdisciplinary approach for assessing connections between soil, food, and people in Aotearoa New Zealand17
Interactive effects of climate warming and management on grassland soil respiration partitioning17
Pedological features of a sustainable halophyte wetland: El Hito saline pond (Central Spain)17
A root mucilage analogue from chia seeds reduces soil gas diffusivity17
Application of calcium nitrate with phosphorus promotes rhizosphere alkalization in acid subsoil16
Local‐scale evaporation and water loss distribution in surface soil as related to near‐surface wind conditions and surface geometry16
The ConSoil project: An integrated framework for monitoring plant protection product residues in agricultural soil16
Policy measures effectively reduce soil nitrous oxide emissions with minor trade‐offs in crop yield16
Greater, but not necessarily better: The influence of biochar on soil hydraulic properties15
How does national SOC monitoring on agricultural soils align with the EU strategies? An example using five case studies15
Integrated, multiscale forensic soil science applied to an unsolved murder case in Italy14
The stonesphere in agricultural soils: A microhabitat associated with rock fragments bridging rock and soil14
BOOK REVIEW: Analytical methods for soil and agro‐chemistry (in Chinese). Edited by H. Z.Zhu, P. A.He, C. Z.Chen, H. M.Zhou, D. C.Su, J. M.Xu, H. Y.Qin, S. D.Bao, R. K.LuS. H.Jiang Soil Scienc14
Time dependence of hydraulic parameters estimation from transient analysis of mini disc infiltrometer measurements14
Cover cropping in organic reduced tillage systems: Maximizing soil cover or plant above ground biomass input?14
BODIUM—A systemic approach to model the dynamics of soil functions13
Quantitative characterization of bidirectional reflectance distribution of mine soil using physical models13
Release, availability and geochemical interaction of Fe in soil after long‐term integrated nutrient management in wheat13
Short‐term crop residue amendments altered the chemodiversity and thermodynamic stability of dissolvable organic matter in paddy soil13
Scenario modelling of carbon mineralization in 3D soil architecture at the microscale: Toward an accessibility coefficient of organic matter for bacteria13
Straw return with chemical fertilizer improves soil carbon pools and CO2 emissions by regulating stoichiometry13
Inconsistent effects of agricultural practices on soil fungal communities across 12 European long‐term experiments12
Colloids facilitate transport of cadmium and uranium in arable soils, which is undetected by suction cups in the field12
Temperature and soil moisture change microbial allocation of pesticide‐derived carbon12
Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil properties: A technology for the 21st century12
Wheat varieties show consistent differences in root colonization by mycorrhiza across a European pedoclimatic gradient11
A nature‐inclusive future with healthy soils? Mapping soil organic matter in 2050 in the Netherlands11
Charred plant fragment–aluminium complexes in buried humic horizons of a cumulative volcanic soil profile: Formation, accumulation and potential role11
Effects of input data accuracy, catchment threshold areas and calibration algorithms on model uncertainty reduction11
Impact of fire exclusion and aspect on soil carbon fractions in Afromontane grasslands, Cathedral Peak, South Africa11
Resilience of microbial communities in Mediterranean soil after induced drought and manipulated UV radiation11
Role of cover crop roots in soil organic carbon accrual—A review11
Factors driving microbial biomass and necromass relationships display ecosystem‐dependent responses11
Effect of soil thickness on rainfall infiltration and runoff generation from karst hillslopes during rainstorms10
A 1 billion euro mission: A Soil Deal for Europe10
LUCAS Soil Biodiversity and LUCAS Soil Pesticides, new tools for research and policy development10
Mineralization and temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter pools of contrasting lability10
Unravelling substrate availability and redox interactions on methane production in peat soils of China10
Dynamics of microbial residues in highland agroecosystems as affected by cropping systems and fertilisation in a 31‐year‐long experiment10
Reduced tillage intensity does not increase arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in European long‐term experiments10
Soil organic carbon content and stock in Martinique – relations to near infrared spectra10
Climatic effects on soil phosphorus pools and availability in sub‐Saharan Africa10
The cost‐effectiveness of reflectance spectroscopy for estimating soil organic carbon10
Emissions of nitrous oxide, dinitrogen and carbon dioxide from three soils amended with carbon substrates under varying soil matric potentials9
Long‐term irrigation reduces soil carbon sequestration by affecting soil microbial communities in agricultural ecosystems of northern China9
Evaluation of the Effect of Aeration Tubes and Holes on Soil Gas Exchange Using a Simulation Model9
Soil organic carbon fractions and storage potential in Finnish arable soils9
Prioritisation tool for targeting the monitoring of veterinary pharmaceuticals in soils at a national level: The case of Spain9
Correction to “Using spatial aggregation of soil multifunctionality maps to support uncertainty‐aware planning decisions”9
Soil carbon management and enhanced rock weathering: The separate fates of organic and inorganic carbon9
Effects of drying and simulated flooding on soil phosphorus dynamics from two contrasting UK grassland soils9
Relative entropy as an index of soil structure9
Application of EMI‐Measured Magnetic Susceptibility to Characterise Soil Drainage Conditions Over Various Soil Types9
Fine earth soil bulk density at 0.2 m depth from Land Use and Coverage Area Frame Survey (LUCAS) soil 20188
Polyphosphate hydrolysis, sorption, and conversion in two different soils8
Loss of soil carbon and nitrogen rather than variations in soil particle size distribution decreased microbial residues during conversion of grassland to croplands8
Editorial for the special issue on “Understanding soil interfacial reactions for sustainable soil management and climatic change mitigation” (ISMOM 2019)8
Assessment of global, national and regional‐level digital soil mapping products at different spatial supports8
Unsaturated soil shear strength of agricultural soils influenced by reclamation sequences in coastal China8
The importance of biochar quality and pyrolysis yield for soil carbon sequestration in practice8
Severe freezing increases soil respiration during the thawing period: A meta‐analysis8
Chemical processes in receiving soils accelerate solubilisation of phosphorus from desert dust and fire ash8
Spatial non‐stationary effects of explanatory variables on soil bulk density in the critical zone of the Chinese Loess Plateau8
Release of glucose from dissolved and mineral‐bound organic matter by enzymatic hydrolysis8
Determination of nuclear magnetic resonance T2 cutoff in remoulded loess by the freezing point8
Issue Information8
Functional root trait‐based classification of cover crops to improve soil physical properties8
The elevational patterns and key drivers of soil microbial communities strongly depend on soil layer and season8
Potential erodibility of semi‐arid steppe soils derived from aggregate stability tests8
Issue Information7
Fusion of visible near‐infrared and mid‐infrared data for modelling key soil‐forming processes in loess soils7
Soil condition determines how crop residues affect soil compressive characteristics7
Effects of altitude on soil properties in coastal fog ecosystems in Morro Moreno National Park, Antofagasta, Chile7
Issue Information7
Importance of sources of variability, scales and experimental design: A case study about the effects of biochar and slurry application on soil properties in agricultural silty loam soils7
On allowing for transient variation in end‐member δ13C values in partitioning soil C fluxes from net ecosystem respiration7
Effects of biochar versus film mulching on soil hydrothermal properties and wheat crop performance in semi‐arid loess7
Soil bacterial and fungal communities are linked with plant functional types and soil properties under different grazing intensities7
Effects of organic carbon and clay contents on structure‐related properties of arable soils with high clay content7
An Investigation of Isothermal Thermogravimetric Profiles in the Low Temperature Range (60°C–200°C)7
How Rilling and Biochar Addition Affect Hydraulic Properties of a Clay‐Loam Soil7
Issue Information7
Precise estimation of dodecylbenzenesulfonate in aqueous solution containing dissolved organic matter extracted from soil using UV‐spectrometry7
The dilemma of analytical method changes for soil organic carbon in long‐term experiments7
Variability of phosphorus sorption properties in hydromorphic soils: Consequences for P losses in agricultural landscapes7
The role of decaying logs in nursing soil fungal diversity varies with decay classes in the forest ecosystem7
Variation of soil amino acid pools and N‐hydrolysis potential in arid lands6
Fairy ring‐induced soil potassium depletion gradients reshape microbial community composition in a montane grassland6
Specific ion effects of H+‐base cation coupling on permanently charged soil aggregation6
Feeding existing expertise into a possibly ‘new’ theory for soil health?6
Plant mucilage increases pull‐out resistance of root analogues from soil6
Effects of microplastics on soil C and N cycling with or without interactions with soil amendments or soil fauna6
Changes in soil pH and mobility of heavy metals in contaminated soils6
The effect of organic and conventional management practices on soil macropore structure in greenhouse vegetable production6
Issue Information6
Impact of nitrogen and phosphorus additions on soil gross nitrogen transformations in a temperate desert steppe6
Invasion by red imported fire ants depletes soil microarthropod communities in agricultural systems6
RUSLE‐based scenarios for sustainable soil management: Case studies from Romanian Subcarpathians6
Spatial molecular heterogeneity of POM during decomposition at different soil depths resolved by VNIR hyperspectral imaging6
Soil reuse effects on determination of saturated hydraulic conductivity of different loamy soils6
Adsorption kinetics of organic phosphates on goethite and aluminium oxide: The equation used to describe the reaction6
Biogeographical distribution and regulation of methanotrophs in Chinese paddy soils6
Effectiveness of soil management strategies for mitigation of N2O emissions in European arable land: A meta‐analysis6
Quantification of soil heterotrophic nitrification in 15N tracing and specific inhibitor approaches6
Evaluating the quality of soil legacy data used as input of digital soil mapping models6
Effects of soil internal forces on splash detachment and transport of aggregate fragments in Mollisols of Northeast China6
Soil Pore System Functionality in a Micro‐Watershed Formed by Wet Meadows (Vegas) in the Southernmost Chilean Patagonia6
Assessment of variability of peat physicochemical properties, subsidence and their interactions within Selangor forests6
Validation of a new gamma ray soil bulk density sensor5
Gypsum application lowers cadmium uptake in cacao in soils with high cation exchange capacity only: A soil chemical analysis5
Land use and soil property effects on aggregate stability assessed by three different slaking methods5
Temperature‐humidity‐density dependent evaporation behaviour of clay and sandy clay5
Optimal organic fertilization enhances the phytoavailability of phosphorus in the root zone of rice5
Impact of nitrogen and phosphorus amendments on nitrogen‐cycling microbial abundances and potentials: A meta‐analysis5
Tracing of fire‐induced soil phosphorus transformations using phosphate oxygen isotope ratio5
Millimetre scale aeration of the rhizosphere and drilosphere5
Effects of soil moisture on soil viral reproductive strategies in an agricultural soil5
Changes in organic carbon fractions and sources in deltaic topsoil and subsoil layers: autochthonous and allochthonous inputs5
Impact of biochar on nutrient supply, crop yield and microbial respiration on sandy soils of northern Germany5
RUSSELL REVIEW Soil carbon stewardship: Thinking in circles5
33P‐isotope labelling ammonium phosphate fertilizers reveals majority of early growth maize phosphorus is soil‐derived5
Soil microbial respiration does not respond to nitrogen deposition but increases with latitude5
How meeting the ten pedometrics challenges can deliver healthy‐soil contributions to SDG‐related ecosystem services5
The first documented and characterized Norwegian acid sulfate soils5
Spatial distribution of Azospirillum brasilense in 2D flow cell: Effect of irrigation and inoculation regimes5
A new article type: The 'Data Article'5
Storage and controlling factors of soil organic carbon in alpine wetlands and meadow across the Tibetan Plateau5
Progress towards the identification and improvement of dispersive soils: A review5
How to focus soil research when contributing to environmental agricultural regulations aimed at sustainable development5
Destisol: A decision‐support tool to assess the ecosystem services provided by urban soils for better urban planning5
The reducing effect of aglime onN2OandCO2emissions balance from an acidic soil: A study on intact soil cores5