Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

(The TQCC of Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Attitudes of Spanish mental health professionals towards trans people: A cross‐sectional study66
‘On the slope of an erupting volcano’: A qualitative study on the workplace violence experiences of psychiatric nurses30
The psychological well‐being of people in a COVID‐19 supervised quarantine facility: A mixed methods study28
Development of a scale to evaluate nurses' recovery orientation in the dementia care26
Perspectives on implementing exercise bikes for use by inpatient mental health staff in the workplace: A qualitative study investigating staff attitudes26
Childhood trauma and suicidal ideation among Chinese adolescents: The mediating effects of character strengths and perceived stress26
The Meldrewfication of Mick22
Issue Information20
Issue Information19
Walking on eggshells: A life defined by obsessive–compulsive personality disorder18
The sociological imagination for mental health nursing: A framework and some reflections17
Issue Information14
Exploring Individual's Dynamic of Appraisal of Situational Aggression Average Score, Nursing Intervention and the Impact on Aggression13
A Mixed‐Methods Study to Evaluate Depression and Anxiety Among Undergraduate Nursing Students13
‘I Think the First Priority is Physically Safe First, Before You Can Actually Get Psychologically Safe’: Staff Perspectives on Psychological Safety in Inpatient Mental Health Settings13
Mental Health Status and the Intention to Leave the Profession of Nurses Employed Across Catalonia, Spain: A Cross‐Sectional Study13
Mental health nurses' measured attitudes to people and practice: Systematic review of UK empirical research 2000–201913
Issue Information12
Development and psychometric properties of the Therapeutic Relationship Assessment Scale‐Nurse12
Article peer review: Is collegiate cooperation under threat, why and what to do about it?11
Mental health bias in physical care: An integrative review of the literature11
Issue Information11
The mediating role of psychological flexibility in the relationship between psychotic symptom severity and depression in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia10
The use of Open Dialogue in Trauma Informed Care services for mental health consumers and their family networks: A scoping review10
Experiences and perspectives of women who have committed neonaticide, infanticide and filicide: A systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis10
Virtual issue—2 years of lived experience narratives10
A qualitative study of perceptions of senior health service staff as to factors influencing the development of Advanced Clinical Practice roles in mental health services10
Physical restraints applied to people diagnosed with dementia in home care from the perceptions of family caregivers: A qualitative study in China9
Exploring the safe environment provided by nurses in inpatient psychiatric wards: A mixed‐methods study9
Learning from media coverage of recent service failings in mental health care: A response from mental health nurse educators9
Solving the shortage of psychiatric – mental health nurses in acute inpatient care settings9
Effects of peer‐delivered self‐management, recovery education interventions for individuals with severe and enduring mental health challenges: A meta‐analysis9
A systematic review and thematic synthesis of inpatient nursing staff experiences of working with high‐risk patient behaviours8
Domestic violence screening in a public mental health service: A qualitative examination of mental health clinician responses to DFV8
Staff perspectives of emergency department pathways for people attending in suicidal crisis: A qualitative study8
Randomized controlled trials of mental health nurse‐delivered interventions: A systematic review8
Nurses’ experiences of working in the community with adolescents who self‐harm: A qualitative exploration8
Social shaming and bullying of mental health staff by patients: A survey in a mental health centre7
The nurse bombarded, consumed and vulnerable: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of mental health nurses' self‐care at work7
Mental health nurses' attitudes towards risk assessment: An integrative systematic review7
Risk factors and oral health‐related quality of life: A case–control comparison between patients after a first‐episode psychosis and people from general population7
Analysis of changes in the national mental health nursing workforce in England, 2011–20217
Mental health patients' preferences regarding restrictive interventions: An integrative review7
Handling conflict situations in psychosis inpatient care: Nursing staff experiences of the Interactive Approach model7
Effect of horticultural therapy on mental health: A meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials7
Evaluation of a smoking cessation program for adults with severe mental illness in a public mental health service7
Experiences of mental health support workers in mental healthcare practice: Three visual arts narratives7
Stakeholder perspectives on continuous observation in inpatient psychiatric wards7
‘Finding my Hard Hat’: Reflections of recovery from a service user and caring professional6
“Going Beyond Darkness”—Lingering Images and Ideation of Self‐Destruction6
The Loss of Autonomy in Eating Disorder Treatment: A Patient Perspective6
Family dynamics in dementia care: A phenomenological exploration of the experiences of family caregivers of relatives with dementia6
Barriers Experienced by Psychiatric Nurses to Facilitate Therapeutic Relationships With Mental Healthcare Users With Dual Diagnosis in a Psychiatric Hospital in South Africa6
The Experiences of Patients Enrolled in Community Mental Health Centers Regarding the Illness Process: A Phenomenological Study6
Breaking the cycle: Exploring the relationship of metacognition beliefs, obsessive‐compulsive symptoms, and psychosocial performance among individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia6
Related factors influencing Chinese psychiatric nurses' turnover: A cross‐sectional study5
Experiences of general home visiting nurses regarding patients with suicidal ideation in Japan: Results from semi‐structured interviews5
Getting help as a depressed dad: A lived experience narrative of paternal postnatal depression, with considerations for healthcare practice5
In the shadows of OCD: Jordanian patients' experiences during the COVID‐19 quarantine5
Crisis resolution home treatment team Clinicians' perceptions of using a recovery approach with people with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder5
Perspectives on mental health recovery from Egyptian mental health professionals: A qualitative study5
Why patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder start, continue or discontinue health‐related apps supporting their self‐management5
Short‐term risk assessment in the long term: A scoping review and meta‐analysis of the Brøset Violence Checklist5
Using the Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression (DASA) to assess the impact of unit atmosphere on violence risk assessment5
Creating or taking opportunity: Strategies for implementing expert by experience positions in mental health academia5
Cardiometabolic health risks, lifestyle behaviours and quality of life in people diagnosed with early psychosis – A cross‐sectional study5
Psychiatric hospital nurses' attitudes towards trauma‐informed care5
Issue Information5
Positive mental health, depression and burnout in healthcare workers during the second wave of COVID‐19 pandemic5
Accompanying mental health problems at home: Preliminary data from a crisis resolution and home treatment team in Catalonia5
Recreational cannabis policy reform—What mental health nurses need to know about minimising harm and contributing to the reform debate4
Demonstrating Research Quality4
Issue Information4
Systematic review of physical activity interventions assessing physical and mental health outcomes on patients with severe mental illness (SMI) within secure forensic settings4
Associations between violence, self‐harm and acute psychiatric service use: Implications for inpatient care4
Dementia care from behind the mask? Maintaining well‐being during COVID‐19 pandemic restrictions: Observations from Dementia Care Mapping on NHS mental health hospital wards in Wales4
Psychiatric inpatients’ views of their mental health, and their experience of social change, during the pandemic: A report from Qatar4
Humanised care in acute psychiatric hospitalisation units: Definition, values and strategic initiatives from the perspective of persons with mental health problems, primary carers and professionals4
Post‐incident reviews after restraints—Potential and pitfalls. Patients’ experiences and considerations4
Effectiveness of online cognitive behavioural therapy on quality of life in adults with depression: A systematic review4
The experience of mood disorder and substance use: An integrative review4
Personal recovery associated with deep brain stimulation for treatment‐resistant depression: A constructivist grounded theory study4
Acute care utilization and its associated determinants among patients with substance‐related disorders: A worldwide systematic review and meta‐analysis4
A scoping review of studies examining mental health literacy among Arabs worldwide4
Perspectives of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) community members regarding mental health services: A qualitative analysis4
Risk factors associated with use of coercive practices in adult mental health inpatients: A systematic review4
Experience of adolescents in mental health inpatient units: A metasynthesis of qualitative evidence4
The mediating role of perceived social support in the relationship between perceived stigma and depression among individuals diagnosed with substance use disorders4
Mantram repetition and psychological distress: A systematic review and meta‐analysis4
A mixed‐method exploration of mental toughness, perceived stress and quality of life in mental health workers3
Care giving and receiving for people with complex emotional needs within a crisis resolution/home treatment setting: A qualitative evidence synthesis3
Remote consultations in community mental health: A qualitative study of clinical teams3
Food insecurity in adults with severe mental illness: A systematic review with meta‐analysis3
Personal trauma history and secondary traumatic stress in mental health professionals: A systematic review3
Non‐pharmacological interventions for people living with young‐onset dementia and their carers: A scoping review focussing on the support of participants' needs3
Caregiver burden during psychiatric hospitalisation: A multi‐centre, longitudinal study3
Nurses' career choice and satisfaction with mental health transition‐to‐practice programs: A cross sectional study3
Promoting and hindering factors in the use of advance statements by Australian mental health clinicians3
Comparison of patients’ and staff’s perspectives on the causes of violence and aggression in psychiatric inpatient settings: An integrative review3
Lived experiences of mental health nurses who care for clients who are parents: An approximation of Tronto's definition of care3
What are the ethical dilemmas in the decision‐making processes of nursing people given electroconvulsive therapy? A critical realist review of qualitative evidence3
‘Nursing Students' Attitudes Towards Mental Illness: A Multi‐National Comparison’3
The role of psychological formulation in inpatient settings in supporting staff empathy and therapeutic optimism for adults diagnosed with borderline personality disorder: A pre‐ and post‐vignette stu3
‘We only come from one perspective’: Exploring experiences of allies supporting expert by experience leadership in mental health education3
Experiences of clinical staff who work with patients who self‐harm by ligature: An exploratory survey of inpatient mental health service staff3
Exploring individuals' experiences of hope in mental health recovery: Having a sense of possibility3
Experience of coercion among nursing professionals in a medium‐stay mental health unit: A qualitative study in Spain3
The experience of healthcare professionals implementing recovery‐oriented practice in mental health inpatient units: A qualitative evidence synthesis3
It is time to reduce compassion fatigue in young mental health nurses3
Open sources are valuable for obtaining grey literature in mental health research3
Nursing in the digital age: The role of nursing in addressing cyberbullying and adolescents mental health3
The Importance of Chemical Restraint in Mental Health Inpatient Settings3
The Risks of Artificial Intelligence in Mental Health Care3
The risk assessment of imminent inpatient aggression: A cross‐cultural validation study of the dynamic appraisal of situational aggression in Estonia3