Infrared Physics & Technology

(The TQCC of Infrared Physics & Technology is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
At-line and inline prediction of droplet size in mayonnaise with near-infrared spectroscopy142
Fourier spectral resolution enhancement algorithm based on linear prediction61
Thermal image visualization using multi-discriminator CycleGAN with unpaired thermal–visible image training set50
Residual texture-aware infrared and visible image fusion with feature selection attention and adaptive loss48
Temperature-insensitive vector curvature sensor based on four-core fiber offset structure40
Tunable and switchable dual-wavelength SLM narrow-linewidth fiber laser with Lyot filter cascaded by double-ring cavity37
Collaborative representation based unsupervised CNN for hyperspectral anomaly detection36
Rapid quality identification of the whole wine-steamed process of Polygonati Rhizome by chromaticity and near-infrared spectroscopy36
Generation of multiwavelength cylindrical vector beams from a random fiber laser assisted with nonlinear amplifying loop mirror36
Enhancement of infrared response speed via modulating crystallinity of highly-oriented PbS polycrystalline thin films35
Evolution and mechanism for the terahertz dielectric spectrum of coal during oxidation34
Infrared salient object detection based on global guided lightweight non-local deep features34
Infrared target detection in marine images with heavy waves via local patch similarity34
A multi-band image synchronous fusion method based on saliency34
High-sensitivity refractive index sensor based on Ge–Sb–Se chalcogenide microring resonator33
Cerium oxide/polydimethylsiloxane composite tapered fiber saturable absorber for mode-locked pulsed erbium-doped fiber laser32
Adaptive parameters optimization model with 3D information extraction for infrared small target detection based on particle swarm optimization algorithm32
Pixel-wise in situ calibration method for high accuracy infrared thermography of moving targets32
Fractional-order Savitzky–Golay filter for pre-treatment of on-line vis–NIR spectra to predict phosphorus in soil31
DASR: Dual-Attention Transformer for infrared image super-resolution31
Determination of fatty acid of wheat by near-infrared spectroscopy with combined feature selection based on CARS and NSGA-III31
Dual wavelength generation and wavelength tunability in Yb-doped mode-locked laser using few-mode fiber as a saturable absorber30
High repetition rate π-polarized 1084 nm passively Q-switched Nd:MgO:LiNbO3 laser based on 888 nm thermally boosted pumping30
Precise head pose estimation on HPD5A database for attention recognition based on convolutional neural network in human-computer interaction30
Thulium-doped fiber laser with bidirectional single-longitudinal-mode output using a cascaded triple-ring cavity filter29
High performance InAs0.91Sb0.09 MWIR detectors with an AlAs1-ySby graded barrier29
Terahertz properties of hydrogenated Wadsley phase vanadium oxides29
The effect of the round jet parameters on infrared radiation characteristics29
A study of error distribution and positioning accuracy by optical triangulation in short-range vehicle-to-vehicle environment28
Research progress on periodically poled lithium niobate for nonlinear frequency conversion28
Passively Q-switched Nd:GYAP laser at 1.3 μm with bismuthene nanosheets as a saturable absorber28
Achieving narrow bandwidth and high stimulated cross-section in Nd3+-doped LiCaB glasses for near infra-red laser amplifiers27
Hyperspectral image unsupervised classification using improved connection center evolution27
Tunable laser operations on Nd-doped strontium and lanthanum aluminate crystals27
Construction of spectral detection models to evaluate soluble solids content and acidity in Dangshan pear using two different sensors27
Bias and bottlenecks study in outdoor long term thermal monitoring by infrared thermography: Leveraging opportunistic data for temperature estimation26
Investigation of light scattering properties based on the modified Li-Liang BRDF model25
Experimental study on infrared thermal response characteristics of water-bearing concrete under drop hammer impact25
Optical grating and THz polarizer based on normal grade single crystal diamond fast fabricated by fs laser25
An optical fiber sensor for the detections of liquid level and strain through cascading Sagnac interference and modal interference25
Multi-optical parametric oscillator based on electro-optical polarization mode conversion at 3.3 μm and 3.84 μm25
Heterogeneity classification based on hyperspectral transmission imaging and multivariate data analysis24
Low-rank and sparse NMF based on compression and correlation sensing for hyperspectral unmixing24
Deep learning for thermal-RGB image-to-image translation24
DDGAN: Dense Residual Module and Dual-stream Attention-Guided Generative Adversarial Network for colorizing near-infrared images24
Pyroelectric response of single-crystal samples of trigycine sulphate in three dimensions23
Dynamic synopsis and storage algorithm based on infrared surveillance video23
A compact gas monitoring system for methane based on photoacoustic spectroscopy23
Multi wavelength optical image feature fusion method for improving the reconstruction effect of cerebral hematoma22
Effect of CsCl nanocrystallization on the acousto-optic properties of GeS2-Sb2S3-CsCl chalcogenide glass-ceramics22
Comparison research on spectral emissivity of three copper alloys during oxidation22
Spatial infrared objects discrimination based on multi-channel CNN with attention mechanism22
Rapid identification of silk products by attenuated total reflection–mid-infrared spectroscopy and extreme learning machines22
Infrared small target detection algorithm based on filter kernel combination optimization learning method22
Ultra-sensitive optical fiber ethanol gas sensor based on Vernier effect in cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometer and Sagnac interferometer22
Research on non-destructive identification technology of rice varieties based on HSI and GBDT21
Lab-based scale measurements of internal storage of crude oil tank based on non-contact infrared thermography technique21
Inverse problem for thermal radiation distribution on turbine blade under quartz lamp irradiation21
E2TNet: Efficient enhancement Transformer network for hyperspectral image classification21
Infrared temperature distribution characteristics and state assessment method of sandstone under tension and compression stress21
Editorial Board21
Detection of mango soluble solid content using hyperspectral imaging technology21
AFIRE: Adaptive FusionNet for illumination-robust feature extraction in heterogeneous imaging environments20
Er3+/Tm3+ codoped CaF2 based oxyfluoroborosilicate glass-ceramics for fiber laser applications20
Ultra-broadband achromaticity of metalens with low-relative phase enabled by wide-band fusion20
High coupling efficiency with large axial direction coupling adjustment range in water-jet guided laser20
MSCS: Multi-stage feature learning with channel-spatial attention mechanism for infrared and visible image fusion20
Thickness evaluation of organic coating using active long-pulse transmission thermography20
A fast deployable model for crack identification with laser thermography testing20
A Q-switched Ho:YAG spatial ring cavity laser with three corner cube prisms pumped by a 1908 nm fiber laser20
Classification of coal gangue and identification of coal type based on first-derivative of mid-infrared spectrum20
Optically heated blackbody emitter for dynamic infrared scene generation19
Femtosecond laser-induced damage on the end surface of double-cladding fluorotellurite fiber19
Quantitative analysis of molecular structure characterization of different liptinite-rich coals using FTIR spectroscopy19
Growth of CdZnTe (2 1 1) epilayers on GaAs by close spaced sublimation as an alternative substrate for HgCdTe growth19
City-scale distance estimation via near-infrared trispectral light extinction in bad weather19
Identifying the best rice physical form for non-destructive prediction of protein content utilising near-infrared spectroscopy to support digital phenotyping18
Infrared radiation denoising model of “sub-region-Gaussian kernel function” in the process of sandstone loading and fracture18
Compact Q-switched Tm:YLF laser with high slope efficiency, high power stability and high beam quality18
Methane photo-acoustic gas analyzer based on 7.7-μm quantum cascade laser18
High emissivity ZnO coatings prepared from chloride electrolyte by electrodeposition on a “Dynamic Hydrogen Bubble Template”18
Preliminary study for detection of adhesive on a painted ceramic plate and varnish on printed paper using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging at wavelengths of 1.0–2.35 µm18
A multi-range spectral-spatial transformer for hyperspectral image classification18
Study on adaptive infrared camouflage of novel positive temperature coefficient (PTC) materials in space18
Study of the roughness effect on the normal spectral emissivity of GH304418
A response function expansion method for cooled IRFPA with multiple neutral density filters under a variable integration time18
MMF: A Multi-scale MobileNet based fusion method for infrared and visible image17
Optical fiber distributed vibration sensor based on dual Mach-Zehnder interferometer using an improved phase generated carrier algorithm17
Multiple fano resonances based on all-dielectric metastructure for refractive index sensing17
Nb2O5 deposited by ion-assisted reactive magnetron sputtering for near-infrared optical coating: Power modulation and performance degradation17
Enhanced thermal imaging to detect microvasculature during surgery: Real-time image acquisition17
Broadband tunable infrared emission of Ni2+-doped ZnGa/AlO4 integrated transparent glass ceramics17
Plume IR characteristics of microturbine engine in various bypass ratios17
High sensitive luminescence thermometer using Ruphen-based temperature sensitive paint17
Optimization and compensation of models on tomato soluble solids content assessment with online Vis/NIRS diffuse transmission system17
Linear polarization emission of Yb:YAG laser via polarization mode frequency locking17
Thermal model for nanosecond laser ablation Al2O3 considering temperature dependence17
Robust NIR quantitative model using MIC-SPA variable selection and GA-ELM17
Simultaneous reconstruction of temperature-dependent optical and thermophysical parameters of insulation material by the GA-SQP/SQP technique17
Near-infrared nonlinear optical characteristics of silver nanoparticles embedded borate glasses activated with Sm3+ ions: Effect of heat treatment17
Structural evolution, crystallization behaviour and mid-infrared emission properties in Yb/Ho codoped oxyfluoride germanosilicate glass ceramics with varied Si/Ge ratio17
Research on infrared nondestructive testing and thermal effect analysis of small wind turbine blades under natural excitation16
A driver-assistance algorithm based on multi-feature fusion16
Proximity based automatic defect detection in quadratic frequency modulated thermal wave imaging16
ATR-FTIR spectroscopy based differentiation of typhoid and dengue fever in infected human sera16
V-Vibe: A robust ROI extraction method based on background subtraction for vein images collected by infrared device16
Estimating foliar phosphorus of rubber trees using locally modelling approach with hyperspectral reflectance16
2637.5 nm Mid-infrared SrWO4 Raman laser intracavity-pumped by an actively Q-switched Ho:YAG laser16
Predicting radiative intensity in transient radiative transfer with an inhomogeneous medium by spectral element discontinuous Galerkin method16
Visible-NIR spectral characterization and grade inversion modelling study of the Derni copper deposit16
Immune coordination deep network for hand heat trace extraction16
Single- and dual-wavelength noise-like pulses generation in a Nd-doped all-fiber ring laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation16
Broadband sum-frequency conversion of multiline Q-switched CO laser emission under its double-pass through uncoated ZnGeP2 crystal16
Editorial Board16
Fusion models for detection of soluble solids content in mandarin by Vis/NIR transmission spectroscopy combined external factors16
Polarization sensitive terahertz all dielectric continuous trapezoid metasurface beam splitter15
Short-pulse CO2 laser with long pre-pulse using double-longitudinal-discharge-tube system15
On surface temperature measurement of low emittance artefact coating by active infrared laser radiation thermometry15
Broadband antireflective coatings in the optical communication band deposited by ion-assisted reactive magnetron sputtering15
Dynamic behavior of plasma and molten pool of pure titanium during hyperbaric laser welding15
Experimental investigation of the effect of laser parameters on the weld bead shape and temperature distribution during dissimilar laser welding of stainless steel 308 and carbon steel St 3715
Distinct junction transformations of pixel-arrayed long-wavelength infrared detectors by photocurrent mapping14
The performance of the ICIP Ga-free superlattice longwave infrared photodetector for high operating temperature14
Broadband self-pulsed Yb:YAG/YVO4 Raman laser14
Influence of Nd3+ ions on the emission of Ho3+ ions-doped NaY0.1Gd0.9(WO4)2 crystal at 2.0 μm14
Semantic segmentation of superficial layer in intracoronary optical coherence tomography based on cropping-merging and deep learning14
A liquid level optical fiber sensor with refractive index compensation through cascading double multi-mode interferences14
Prediction of dielectric dissipation factor by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy based on multivariate calibration methods for transformer oil samples in power industry14
Improved biomolecular detection sensitivity based on concave metamaterial structure14
Ellipsometry-transmission measurement of the complex refractive indices for a series of organic solvents in the 200–1700 nm spectral range14
All-fiber second-order optical vortex laser based on a single strong modulated long-period grating14
A two-step calibration method for measuring the optical transmittance of a cooled infrared imager14
Radiative transfer analysis on the internal optical-path of FTIR spectrometer for transmission measurements of absorbing media14
Single-longitudinal-mode short-cavity Brillouin random fiber laser via frequency auto-tracking with unpumped-EDF sagnac loop14
Compact, sub-nanosecond electro-optically Q-switched laser based on birefringence properties of KD*P crystal14
Generation of the switchable dual-state solitons and the octave-spanning supercontinuum in a single-mode Er-doped fibre laser system14
A method for identifying precursors information on infrared radiation of instability and failure in wood14
High power and conversion efficiency intracavity ultraviolet laser at 355 nm14
Studies on optical properties of multimode Core-Only silver halide fibres under bending14
Spectroscopic properties and microchip laser performance of Yb:LaCa4O(BO3)3 crystal14
Rapid non-destructive detection of foreign bodies in fish based on terahertz imaging and spectroscopy14
Global analysis of CHD213
Sensitive carbon monoxide detection based on light induced thermoelastic spectroscopy with a hollow waveguide and 2.3 μm diode laser13
Above 10 W, 100 kHz-class cavity-dumped Tm:YAP laser at 1.94  μm13
EADS: Edge-assisted and dual similarity loss for unpaired infrared-to-visible video translation13
Editorial Board13
Translating near-infrared spectroscopy from laboratory to commercial slaughterhouse: Existing challenges and solutions13
IR thermography study of flow structure and parameters in diffusion flames13
Multi-pulse random fiber laser with wide tuning range in L-band based on tunable band-pass filter and electro-optic modulator13
Tin selenide nanosheets as saturable absorber for broadband NIR high repetition rate pulsed lasers13
Exploration of the crystal growth, spectroscopy, and LD-pumped 2.7 μm laser operation of Er:LuScO3 sesquioxide crystals13
Thermal lens effect induced in a Cr,Tm,Ho:YAG laser rod: A comparison between under lasing and non-lasing conditions13
Improved 2.0 μm luminescence by doping Ce3+ ions in Yb3+, Ho3+:YAG transparent ceramics13
Mid-infrared quantum cascade laser waveguides with non-vertical sidewalls13
Evaluation of the performance degradation of silicon solar cell irradiated by low-level (<1 MeV) energetic particles using photocarrier radiometry13
Long-distance in-situ near-infrared gas sensor system using a fabricated fiber-coupled Herriott cell (FC-HC) operating within 1.5–2.3 μm13
Switchable noise-like pulse generation in an all-polarization-maintaining thulium-doped fiber laser13
Memory linked knowledge domain transfer few-shot learning for thermography nondestructive evaluation system13
Rapid and non-destructive prediction of adulterated chilli powder by employing pocket-sized NIR spectrometer and chemometrics13
Generation of soliton molecules in mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser by InSb saturable absorber13
Racetrack resonator based integrated phase shifters on silicon nitride platform13
Relationship between the characteristic temperature and terahertz permittivity of different rank coals considering FeS2 content13
Constructing the covariogram of a convex body for efficient infrared images restoration13
Demonstration of 1280 × 1024 long-wavelength infrared FPA with 10 μm pixel pitch based on InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice13
Tensor integrated total variation regularization for thermography NDT of composites13
Growth and efficient laser emission of Er3+ doped LGGG single crystal at 2.8 μm12
Enhancing the fill factor and power conversion efficiency of n-type TOPCon solar cells by using electron migration technique12
Efficient dual-end pumped a-cut Er:Yb:YAl3(BO3)4 microchip laser12
Severe perturbation and observation of forbidden transitions in asymmetrically deuterated methanol (CHD2OH) and atlas of very accurate torsional rotational spectrum obtained using Synchrotron radiatio12
Optimization and comparison of models for core temperature prediction of mother rabbits using infrared thermography12
Synthesis and up-conversion luminescence properties of Ho3+-Yb3+ co-doped glass ceramics with perovskite structure12
Monitoring the reaction process of Fmoc-D-Ala-OH in solid-phase synthesis of peptides with near infrared spectroscopy12
Design of 2D LiDAR and camera fusion system improved by differential evolutionary PID with nonlinear tracking compensator12
Infrared-visible image fusion method based on multi-scale shearing Co-occurrence filter12
A dynamic infrared object tracking algorithm by frame differencing12
The curve cluster analyses for the characterizations of material defects by long-pulsed laser thermography12
Research on the detection probability curve characteristics of long-range target based on SPAD array lidar12
Long-period fiber grating based on micro-holes-filled PDMS for temperature and pressure measurement12
Experimental investigation on the infrared precursors of rockburst in sandstone with different bedding dip angles12
Hollow waveguide CO2 laser sensing system for rapid detection of trace sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas12
Infrared thermography applied to the validation of thermal simulation of high luminance LED used in automotive front lighting12
Numerical approaches and analysis of optical measurements of laser radar cross-sections affected by aero-optical transmission12
Subsiding strain-induced In-Ga intermixing in InAs/In Ga1−As sub-monolayer quantum dots for room temperature photodetectors12
Editorial Board12
Hyperspectral image classification by sparse tensor based support tensor machine12
Femtosecond laser-induced glass refractive index change in tellurite glass12
Low-altitude infrared small target detection based on fully convolutional regression network and graph matching12
Editorial Board12
Deep learning-based laser and infrared composite imaging for armor target identification and segmentation in complex battlefield environments12
In-plane thermal diffusivity estimation by radial fin method12
Research on thermal and mechanical effects of Al/PTFE reactive materials irradiated by femtosecond pulsed laser12
Editorial Board12
Infrared and visible image fusion based on residual dense network and gradient loss12
Anisotropic transport investigation through different etching depths in InAs/InAsSb T2SL barrier midwave infrared detector11
Low-contrast scene feature-based infrared nonuniformity correction method for airborne target detection11
Discrimination of cracked soybean seeds by near-infrared spectroscopy and random forest variable selection11
Fusion of urban 3D point clouds with thermal attributes using MLS data and TIR image sequences11
Rectifying the emissivity variations problem caused by pigments in artworks inspected by infrared thermography: A simple, useful, effective, and optimized approach for the cultural heritage field11
Study on pulse characteristics of high-repetition-rate harmonic mode-locked laser utilizing PbSnS2 saturable absorber11
Near-infrared quality monitoring modeling with multi-scale CNN and temperature adaptive correction11
Wavelength-dependent optical nonlinear response of vanadium diselenide11
NIRS prediction of the protein, fat, and ash of Sargassum fusiforme at different growth stages: A quality control approach11
A segment-coupled six-mode multiplexer based on multi-core fiber11
Open-path sensor for atmospheric NO detection based on mid-infrared laser absorption spectroscopy11
Large energy polarization convertible solitons in an all-PM mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser system11
Measuring the thermal diffusivity and conductivity of thermal insulators using laser-spot step-heating thermography11
Improved prediction of minced pork meat chemical properties with near-infrared spectroscopy by a fusion of scatter-correction techniques11
Optical bistability in Rydberg linear and nonlinear processes11
Enhancing conversion efficiency of MgO:PPLN and Rb:PPKTP crystal-based subnanosecond optical parametric generators by utilizing a supercontinuum seed11
2.09 μm single-frequency all-polarization-maintaining Ho-doped fiber laser based on dynamic Bragg grating frequency selection11
Coherent heterodyne FMCW lidar based on combined single/double sideband modulation detection technology11
Design and application of terahertz metamaterial sensor based on bull’s-eye-shaped resonator in detection of hexadecane11
Distillation-fusion-semantic unified driven network for infrared and visible image fusion11
Miniature quartz tuning fork-based broad spectral coverage and high detectivity infrared spectroscopy11
Fabrication of infrared detector with monolithic microlens produced in thermal reflow process11
Development of cubic freeform optical surface for wavefront coding application for extended depth of field Infrared camera11
Target attention deep neural network for infrared image enhancement11
Germanene nanosheets for mode-locked pulse generation in fiber lasers11
Minimize of moisture effects from laboratory simulations of in-situ Vis-NIR spectral for the prediction of soil salinity11
Laser-induced paint removal of CFRP composite skin without damage of interface aluminum layer11
Ultra-sensitive relative humidity sensor formed by two parallel Fabry-Perot interferometers and Vernier effect11
Compensation of composition variation-induced sensitivity changes in gas phase photoacoustics11
Lightly doped In0.53Ga0.47As/InP SWIR photodetectors with diffusion barrier structure11
Laser-spot lock-in thermography with a non-research-grade thermal camera: From thermal diffusivity measurements to visualizing free convection11
Laser welding of thermoplastics: An overview on lasers, materials, processes and quality10
Combinatorial method to investigate cystine enantiomers using vibrational spectroscopies10
First-principles investigation on narrow bandgap InSb1−Bi dilute bismide alloys for highly efficient long-wavelength infrared optoelectronics10
Dual-wavelength passively Q-switched Tm:YAP solid state laser based on Bi2Te3 nanowire saturable absorber10
Improved deep residual shrinkage network on near infrared spectroscopy for tobacco qualitative analysis10
Low-value recyclable waste identification based on NIR feature analysis and RGB-NIR fusion10
Flower pollination optimization based hyperspectral band selection using modified wavelet Gabor deep filter neural network10
Experimental investigation of key infrared radiation signals on rock during damaging process10
Switchable dual-wavelength mode-locked cylindrical vector beam fiber laser based on unpumped EDF saturable absorber and nonlinear polarization rotation10
Online accurate detection of soluble solids content in navel orange assisted by automatic orientation correction device10
Non-destructive determination of four tea polyphenols in fresh tea using visible and near-infrared spectroscopy10
Infrared small target detection based on gray intensity descent and local gradient watershed10
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy: An analytical technique for microplastic identification and quantification10
Quantitative detection of talcum powder in wheat flour based on near-infrared spectroscopy and hybrid feature selection10
Hyper-S3NN: Spatial–spectral spiking neural network for hyperspectral image classification10
Mo4/3B2T2/TiO2 vdW heterostructure as saturable absorber for ultrafast pulse generation10
Combination of interactance and transmittance modes of Vis/NIR spectroscopy improved the performance of PLS-DA model for moldy apple core10
The compatible method of designing the transparent ultra-broadband radar absorber with low infrared emissivity10
Direct mapping and characterization of the surface local field in InGaAs/InP avalanche photodetectors10
Application of quantitative non-destructive determination of protein in wheat based on pretreatment combined with parallel convolutional neural network10
Multilayered Ge/W thin-film for high-efficient passive heat dissipation10
Study on shortwave radiative transfer characteristics in polydisperse aerosols in a clear sky10
Real-time observation of dual-periodic dual-pulse synchronous and asynchronous pulsations in a spatiotemporal mode-locked fiber laser10
LVIF-Net: Learning synchronous visible and infrared image fusion and enhancement under low-light conditions10
Identification of bone fragments embedded in lean pork slices by comparing the pixel areas of bone regions segmented from single-band images10
UAV cluster detection algorithm based on weighted tri-layer window local contrast10