Materials Transactions

(The TQCC of Materials Transactions is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Fundamental Investigation of Various Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Solvent Cracking for Unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride Pipes in Building Equipment49
Semisolid-Liquid Fabrication of Cu–Cr Pseudobinary Alloy by Laser-Directed Energy Deposition27
Microstructural Evolution and Distributions of Grain Boundary in SPD Processed Al–3 mass%Mg Alloy27
Orientation Dependence on Bending Deformation Behavior of Pure Zinc Single Crystals26
Assessment of Hydrogen Accumulation Behavior in Al–Zn–Mg Alloy under Strain with Kelvin Force Microscopy20
Modulated Structure Formation in Dislocation Cells in 316L Stainless Steel Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion16
Creep Fracture of Copper Tricrystal along Grain Boundaries16
Magnetization Process in Bilayer Honeycomb Spin Lattice15
Site Selectivity and Structural Stabilization in Cu-Doped or Fe-Doped MnCoGe15
Microstructures and Oxide Scale of Melted Mark on Copper Wire Solidified under Various Cooling Conditions and Subsequent Heat Exposure15
Time Dependence of Corrosion Behavior on Ta in NaOH Solutions13
Microstructure, Tensile and Creep Properties of Minor B-Modified Orthorhombic-Type Ti–27.5Al–13Nb Alloy and Its Nb-Replaced Mo- and Fe-Containing Derivatives13
Effect of Boron and Tungsten Addition on Superplasticity and Grain Growth in Electrodeposited Nickel Alloys13
Effect of Casting Speed on Floating Grains in Direct-Chill Casting of Aluminum Alloys13
Effect of Electromagnetic Stirring on Shape of β-Al<sub>9</sub>Fe<sub>2</sub>Si<sub>2</sub> Intermetallic Compounds Formed During Solidification of Al–Si–Fe Alloys12
Numerical Simulation and Fatigue Properties of Laser Spot Weld-Bonding DP590 Dual-Phase Steel Joints12
Tool Wear and Wear Mechanism of Carbide Tool in Cutting Al–Si Alloy Diecastings11
Microstructure, Morphology and Magnetic Property of (001)-Textured MnAlGe Films on Si/SiO<sub>2</sub> Substrate11
Theoretical Approach for Long-Ranged Local Lattice Distortion in Al-Rich AlX (X = H∼Sn) Disordered Alloys by Kanzaki Model Combined with KKR Green’s Function Method11
High-Pressure Synthesis and Magnetic Property of a Novel Ferrimagnetic Quadruple Perovskite YMn<sub>3</sub>Co<sub>4</sub>O<sub>12</sub>11
Effect of Microwave Irradiation to Kinetics of Carbothermic Reduction of NiO11
Influence of Chunky Graphite on Fatigue Crack Propagation Characteristics in Heavy Section Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron11
Glass Forming Ability of Zr–(Ni, Cu) Based Ternary Metallic Glasses Based on Bond Parameter Function and Formation Enthalpy Model11
Effect of Hydrogen on the Notch Tensile Strength of JIS SNCM439 Steel11
Reduction of Volatile Impurities in Zinc Chloride Melt with Metallic Iron and Its Effect on Vacuum Separation Behavior11
Microstructure Characteristic and Texture Evolution of TB18 Titanium Alloy during Hot Compression in the β Phase Zone11
Dislocation Motion in Al–Mg Alloys in the Creep Region Characterized by Activation Volume10
Electron Microscopy on Mechanism of Voidage and Cracking in Si by Injection of a Permeable Infra-Red Laser10
Effect of Benzotriazole on Oxidation Behavior in Pure Copper10
Effect of Pulse Parameters on the Microstructural Evolution and Properties of Jet Electrodeposited Cu–Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Nanocomposite Coating10
Development of a Powder Wettability Evaluation Technique by Analyzing the Increase in Internal Pressure due to Capillary Suction of Closed Powder Bed —Effect of Powder-Bed-Preparation Method and Powde10
Horseshoe Lattice Property-Structure Inverse Design Based on Deep Learning10
Effect of Strain Rate on the Extremely Low-Cycle Fatigue of Fe-15Mn-10Cr-8Ni-4Si Bidirectional-TRIP Steel10
Interfacial Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Fluxless Arc Brazing of Aluminum Alloy to Steel with the Aid of Milling9
Monitoring of Laser Quenching of the Carbon Steel by Acoustic Emission9
Introducing Hatch Spacing into Deposited Energy Density toward Efficient Optimization of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process Parameters9
Changes in High Temperature Deformation Behavior by Differences in Energy Dissipation Efficiency of Ti–6Al–4V Alloy9
Effect of Halide Ions on Electrodeposition Behavior and Morphology of Electrolytic Copper Powder9
<i>In Situ</i> Scanning Electron Microscopy Observation of Sintering Process of Aluminum Alloy9
Preparation of (Sm<sub>0.8</sub>Zr<sub>0.2</sub>)<sub>1.05–1.10</sub>(Fe<sub>0.9</sub>Co<sub>0.1</sub>)<sub>11.3</sub>Ti<sub&9
Estimating the S-N Curve by Machine Learning Random Forest Method9
First Principles Calculation of Electrical and Optical Properties of Cu<sub>3</sub>AsO<sub>4</sub>: Promising Thin-Film Solar Cell Absorber from Nonferrous Metal Manufacturing 9
Soft Magnetic and Mechanical Properties of FeNiCoSi<sub>0.25</sub>Al<sub>x</sub> (x = 0–1) High Entropy Alloys Prepared by Arc Melting9
<i>Ex-Situ</i> Electron Microscopy Study of Solid Electrolyte Interphase Formed by Charge-Discharge Reaction of Silicon Negative Electrode in Lithium-Ion Secondary Battery9
Solute Distribution of α-Al Dendrite in Al–Si and Al–Cu Binary Aluminum Alloys during Solidification and Cooling Process9
HRTEM Characterization of an Age-Hardened Mg–Ca Binary Alloy9
Influence of Metal Cations on Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum Alloy 2024-T3 in Model Freshwater9
Organic-Inorganic Dual-Coated TiO<sub>2</sub> Nanoparticles for Regulation of Photocatalytic Activity9
Analysis of Hardness Homogeneity in Pure Niobium Subjected to Equal Channel Angular Pressing9
Etching Behavior and Dielectric Film Formation on Aluminum Foil Stocks for Electrolytic Capacitors: A Review8
Effect of Casting Conditions on Surface Defect and Segregation of Strips Cast by a High-Speed Twin-Roll Caster8
Formation of Cu–Ni Alloy Plating Film for Improving Adhesion between Metal and Resin8
Effect of Short-Time Heating after ECAP Processing on Mechanical Properties of 6061 Aluminum Alloy8
Pulsed-Electric-Current Bonding of Oxygen-Free Copper and Austenitic Stainless Steel8
Effect of Organic Additives on Electrodeposition Behavior of Zn from Zincate Solution Containing Potassium Hydroxide and Its Micro Structure8
Effects of Strain Rate on Stress-Strain Curves in 2024 Aluminum Alloy After Solution Heat Treatment8
Composition–Oxygen Partial Pressure Diagram of the Cr–B–O Ternary System Based on the Standard Gibbs Energies of Formation of CrB<sub>4</sub>, CrB<sub>2</sub>, Cr<sub>3&l8
Influence of Iron Diffusion on the Oxidation Resistance of CrSiCN Hard Coatings8
Self-Healing Coatings with Double-Layered Structure for Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys8
Interfacial Microstructure and Strength of Magnetic Pulse Welded A5052 Aluminum Alloy/SPCC Steel Lap Joint8
A Modified Embedded-Atom Method Interatomic Potential for the Mg–Mn Binary System7
Reduction of Titanium Dioxide to Metallic Titanium by Thermal Decomposition via Titanium Disulfide7
Effects of Initial Texture on the Formation of Deformation Twins in a Cu–Zn System Alloy7
Whether “Rich in Frequency” Means “Rich in Information” in Pulsed Eddy Current Testing to Evaluate Plate Thickness: Numerical Investigation7
Grain Refinement of Cast Aluminum by Heterogeneous Nucleation Site Particles with High Lattice Matching7
SEM/EBSD Analysis of Grain Refinement and Coarsening of Ultra-Fine-Grained Al during Simple Shear Deformation7
Microstructural Changes during Interfacial Diffusion at the Sm<sub>2</sub>Fe<sub>17</sub>–Zn Interface7
Modeling of Yield Surfaces for A5052 Aluminum Alloy Sheets with Different Tempers by Simplified Identification Method and Its Experimental Validation7
Influence of Bend Holding on Springback and Time-Dependent Springback in Sheet Metal Bending7
Improvement in Copper-Resin Bond Strength after High-Temperature Testing Using C–H–Si Thin Film7
Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Cu–38 mass%Zn Alloy Fabricated by Different Rolling Pass Schedules7
Effect of Solution Heat Treatment on Dendritic Segregation and Creep Strength of Ni-Base Single Crystal Superalloy TMS-2387
Effect of Reheating after Low Temperature Pre-Aging on Microstructure of 6061 Aluminum Alloy7
Effect of the Microstructures Adjacent to the Grain Boundaries on the Mechanical Properties and Hydrogen Embrittlement Susceptibilities of Al–Cu Alloys7
Effect of Linear Weld Angle on Fatigue Strength of ϕ-Shaped Laser Welded Joints7
Morphology and Thermoelectric Properties of Mg<sub>3+δ</sub>Sb<sub>2</sub> Foams Manufactured Using Combustion Synthesis7
Fabrication of Nanoprotrusion Surface on AISI 316 Stainless Steel via Ar–N<sub>2</sub> Plasma Etching7
Thermal Oxidation Behavior of Magnesium Silicide with Added Alumina or Aluminum7
In-Line Hot Rolling of Al–Mg Strip Casts Using Unequal-Diameter Twin-Roll Caster7
Phase Transformation and Mechanical Properties of G Phase (Mn<sub>6</sub>Ni<sub>16</sub>Si<sub>7</sub>) in Mn–Ni–Si Model Alloys after 1,000°C Annealing7
Structure of Corrosion Product Formed on Carbon Steel Covered with NiSO<sub>4</sub>-Added Resin Coating under Sulfuric Acid Mist Environment Containing Chloride7
Effect of a Heterogeneous Nitrogen Diffusion Phase on Four-Point Bending Fatigue Properties in Commercially Pure Titanium7
Effects of Plasma Spheroidization Treatment on the Characteristics of MoSiBTiC Powders Fabricated by Freeze-Dry Pulsated Orifice Ejection Method7
Effect of Room Temperature Fine Particle Peening Pretreatment on Grain Refinement of Fe–Cr Alloys by AIH-FPP7
Adsorption of Cs<sup>+</sup> Ion into Di- and Tri-Octahedral Vermiculites as Demonstrated by Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulation7
Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity Enhancement of Dry-Process-Synthesized Pt(111)/Nb:SnO<sub>2</sub>(101)/Pt(111) Coherent Lattice Stacking Model Catalyst Surface7
Effects of Grain Size, Thickness and Tensile Direction on Yield Behavior of Pure Titanium Sheet7
Titanium Culture Vessel Capable of Controlling Culture Temperature for Evaluation of Cell Thermotolerance7
Reduction of Experimental Error by Surface Treatment in the Measurement of Polarization Curves of Magnesium Alloys7
Superior Strength and Ultrahigh Ductility in Hierarchical Structured 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel from Nanoscale to Microscale7
Visualization of Microscopic-Scale Strain Distributions in Martensitic Steel over a Wide Range of Tensile Strain by Using Digital Image Correlation Method on Replica Film7
Changes in Admittance and Internal Structure of Coating Films by Environmental Testing7
Vibration Power Generation Property of U-Shaped Unimorph Device Using Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel7
Acceptable Concentrations of Cu and Ni in Corrosion Resistance of Mg–6 mass% Zn Alloy7
Synergistic Effect between Fe<sup>4+</sup> and Co<sup>4+</sup> on Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalysis for CaFe<sub>1−</sub><i><sub>x</sub></i&g7
The Role of Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>/Hf Co-Doping on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Alumina-Forming Co-Cr-Al-Ni ODS Superalloy6
Mechanical Characteristics of Boron and Cerium Added NiCrMo Non-Precious Dental Casting Alloys6
Derivation of Plunger Injection Input to Prevent Gas Defects by Algebraic Approach for Aluminum Alloy Diecasting6
First-Principles Study of Adsorption of Atomic Oxygen on PdZn(111) Surface6
Measurements of Thermoelectric Properties of Identical Bi-Sb Sample in Magnetic Fields and Influence of Sample Geometry6
Investigation of the Electronic Structure of the Mg<sub>99.2</sub>Zn<sub>0.2</sub>Y<sub>0.6</sub> Alloy Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy6
Kink Modeling and Simulations Based on Field Theory of Multiscale Plasticity (FTMP) Part I: Explicit Kink Model and Double Compression Test6
Fabrication of the Casting Products in Cu–Zn–Mn–Ni Medium-Entropy Brasses6
Effect of Cut-Off Side Stiffness on Stretch Flangeability in High-Strength Steel6
Influence of Morphological Change of Eutectic Si during Homogenization Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Strength at Elevated Temperatures in Wrought Al–Si–Cu–Mg–Ni Alloy6
Structural Changes due to Heating and Stress Loading of Metastable Quenched Martensite Structures in Ti–(10–20) mass% Nb Alloys6
Chemical Conversion Treatment of AA5083 Aluminum Alloy and AISI 1045 Carbon Steel under Galvanically Coupled Condition in Na<sub>2</sub>MoO<sub>4</sub>: Effect of pH on Corrosi6
Quantum Theory of the Effect of Increasing Weak Electromagnetic Wave by a Strong Laser Radiation in 2D Graphene6
Accelerating the Bleaching Rate of Photochromic WO<sub>3</sub> Composite Films for Smart-Window Applications by Adding Low-Molecular-Weight PEG6
Measurement of Internal Residual Stress of Three-Directional Components and Estimation of Inherent Strain in Carburized Steel for Large Rolling Bearings by Combining the Contour Method and XRD Method6
Raking Process for Powder Bed Fusion of Ti–6Al–4V Alloy Powder Analyzed by Discrete Element Method6
Anomalous Local Lattice Softening around Kink Boundaries in a Mille-Feuille Structured Dilute Mg–Zn–Y Alloy6
Grain Boundary Segregation Behavior and Thermodynamic Analysis Based on CALPHAD Method for B Added High Carbon Steel6
Relationship of the Thermal Decomposition Temperature and Stretching Mode Wavenumber Shift of Amine-Copper Formate Complex: FTIR Spectrum Reveals the Decomposition Temperature of Copper Formate Moiety6
Fabrication of Open-Channel Aluminum by Template-Extraction Technique6
Verification of Rank-1 Connection Model of Kink Band in Mg–Zn–Y Alloy6
Characterization and Modification of Tensile Strength Property of Cold-Sprayed Pure Iron Coating with Fine Crystal Grains6
Copper Materials for Low Temperature Sintering6
Machine Learning to Predict the Effect of Stress on Iron Loss and Its Frequency Dependence in Non-Oriented Electrical Steels6
Fatigue Limit Diagram for Ferritic Stainless Steels Subjected to Excess Deformation under Fixed Maximum Stress Conditions6
Effect of Line Weld Angle on Fatigue Properties of Crossed Laser Spot Welding Joints6
First-Principles Study of Generalized Stacking Fault Energy in Mg–Zn–Y Alloy with Long-Period Stacking-Ordered Structures6
Simulation and Experimental Study on Forming Process of Wavy Interface in Electromagnetic Pulse Welding Based on Metallic Jet6
Analysis of Existing States of Co-Deposited Hydrogen in Electrodeposited Pd Films6
Influence of Free Nitrogen on Tendency of Chill Formation in Spheroidal Graphite Iron Castings6
Facile Synthesis of Spherical Porous Tricobalt Tetroxide and Metal Cobalt for High Quality Cobalt Production and Recycling6
{001}〈101〉 Texture Evolution by Preferential Dynamic Grain Growth in Ti–37 mol%Nb Alloy under Plane Strain Compression at High Temperatures6
Molding and Structure Co-Analysis of Injection Molding Composites Considering Heterogeneity in the Thickness Direction6
The Role of Cu Addition in Microstructural Characteristics and Mechanical Properties in Submerged Arc Welded Joint of Low Carbon Low Alloy Steel6
Thermoelectric Conversion Efficiency of 4% in Environmental-Friendly Kesterite Single Crystal5
Improvement of Corrosion Resistance of the AZ91 Magnesium Alloys with Sputtered Aluminum Layer Using Interdiffusion Treatment, Anodic Oxidation Treatment and Sealing Process5
Review on Grain Size- and Grain Boundary Phenomenon in Unusual Mechanical Behavior of Ultrafine-Grained Al Alloys5
Potency of Severe Plastic Deformation Processes for Optimizing Combinations of Strength and Electrical Conductivity of Lightweight Al-Based Conductor Alloys5
Effects of Punch Geometry on Formability and Forming Load —Forming of Tube with Differential Wall Thickness by Ironing of Inner Surface—5
Micro-Mechanical Characterisation of Hydrogen Embrittlement and Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviours in Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steels with Microstructure Refinement5
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of 10 vol% AlN/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Composites5
Design of Experiments (DoE)-Based Optimization of Synthetic Processes in Nickel Phosphides for High-Performance Electrochemical Application5
Magnetic Properties of (Ce,Sm)Fe<sub>11</sub>Ti Magnets5
The Research of Corrosion Mechanism of Galvanized Steel in Concrete5
Selective Flotation of Copper Concentrates Containing Arsenic Minerals Using Potassium Amyl Xanthate and Oxidation Treatment5
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Heterogeneous-Nano Structured Cu–Be System Alloys5
Investigation of Cu Diffusivity in Fe by a Combination of Atom Probe Experiments and Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulation5
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Ni/Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> Composites with Various Ni Content5
Kink Formation through Creep Deformation and Possibility of Kink Strengthening in Ti<sub>3</sub>SiC<sub>2</sub> MAX Phase5
Creep of a Die-Cast Mg–5Al–2Ca Alloy: An Overview5
Relationship between Hydrogen Pressure and Temperature for Recombination Reactions in the HDDR Processing of Ce–Fe–B Alloys5
Overview: Using Severe Plastic Deformation in the Processing of Superplastic Materials5
Classification of Surface Fracture in Plastics Using Convolutional Neural Networks5
Compressive Strength of a Pliocene Sedimentary Soft Rock Retrieved from Nankai Trough Ocean Drillings5
Manufacturing Conditions for Non-Melting Polycrystalline Translucency Ceramics Using Composite Quartz Materials5
Effect of Residual Stress Distribution on the Formation, Growth and Coalescence of Voids of 27Cr White Cast Iron under Impact Loading5
Improving Bendability of 6000-Series Extruded Aluminum Profiles Using Dies through Shear Stress and Flow-Velocity Reduction5
2% Transmitted Electrochromic Films by Hydrogen Adsorption5
Hierarchical Analysis of Phase Constituent and Mechanical Properties of AlSi10Mg/SiC Composite Produced by Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion5
Corrosion Properties of the β-Mg<sub>17</sub>Al<sub>12</sub> Phase in NaCl Solutions5
Theoretical Investigation on New Analyzing Procedure of Anelastic Strain Recovery Method for Stress Measurements Based on Bayesian Statistical Modeling5
Influence of Hydrogen on the Damage Behavior of IMC Particles in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu Alloys5
Effect of Titanium Dioxide on Aggregation of Reduced Metallic Iron in Molten Slag5
Effect of Cold Rolling on Magnesium-Based Metal Hydrides5
Effect of Aluminium Content on Microstrure and Mechanical Properties of Al<sub>x</sub>CoFe<sub>1.9</sub>Ni<sub>2.1</sub> High Entropy Alloys5
Phase Equilibria in Aluminium–Ruthenium–Silicon System near 1200 Kelvin5
The Effect of Severe Plastic Deformation on the Hydrogen Storage Properties of Metal Hydrides5
Synthesis and Microwave Absorption Properties of Novel Bi<sub>1/2</sub>(Na<sub>0.8</sub>K<sub>0.2</sub>)<sub>1/2</sub>TiO<sub>3</sub>/Fe<5
Classification of Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Foam by Machine Learning5
Effects of Cooling Conditions Immediately after Solution Treatment on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of JIS AC4CH Aluminum Casting Alloy5
A Study on Evaluation Index of Cathodic Protection Effect in Port Steel Structure Based on Test Piece Survey Result5
Investigation of Ductile Fracture Mechanism in Multipass Drawing of Hollow Specimen5
Soft X-ray XAFS Analysis of Cluster Formation Behavior during Natural Aging on an Al–Mg–Si Alloy5
Evaluation of Hydrogen Embrittlement of Three Aluminum Alloys by Three-Point Bending Test Affected by Three Types of Plating4
Evaluation of Hydrogen Embrittlement of Electroless Ni–P Plated 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy by Three-Point Bending and Rotating Bending Fatigue Tests4
<i>In Situ</i> Quantitative Measurement of Stress Distribution in Tensile Specimen Using a Detachable Mechanoluminescence Film4
Recent Development of Joining and Conductive Materials for Electronic Components4
High-Entropy Alloy Catalysts toward Multi-Functionality: Synthesis, Application, and Material Discovery4
Internal Interfaces in Severely Deformed Metals and Alloys: Coupling of Kinetics, Structure and Strain with Properties and Performance4
Fabrication of Porous Steels via Space Holder Technique and Their Mechanical Properties4
Nano-Indentation Creep Behavior of the Vacuum Electron Beam Weldment of 12Cr10Co3W2MoNiVNbNB Heat Resistant Steel4
The Effects of Alkaline Earth Metal Ions on the Crystal Growth of ZnO Using Layered Zinc Hydroxide Acetate as a Precursor4
Machine Learning Prediction for Cementite Precipitation in Austenite of Low-Alloy Steels4
Bioactivation of Yttria-Stabilized Tetragonal Zirconia Surface via a Chemical Treatment Processing Using a Calcium-Phosphate Slurry4
Microstructure Evolution and Local Hardness of Mg–Y–Zn Alloys Processed by ECAE4
Evaluation of Porosity in Gas-Atomized Powder by Synchrotron X-ray CT and Investigation of the Effect of Gas Species4
Precipitation Behavior of Aluminum–Manganese Alloy under Different Heating Methods4
Effect of the Atmosphere for Heat Treatment on Carbon Flux in Ultra-Rapid Carburizing4
Best Papers Awarded in 2023 in <i>Materials Transactions</i>4
Recent Progress on SPD Processes Empowered by Hydrostatic Pressure4
Effect of Area Ratio on the Galvanic Corrosion of AZX611 Magnesium Alloy/A6N01 Aluminum Alloy Joint4
Suppressed Hydrogen Peroxide Generation and Enhanced Electrochemical Hydrogen Oxidation Activity for Tungsten-Oxide-Modified Platinum Surface Model Catalyst System4
Effects of Grain Size, Thickness and Tensile Direction on Ductility of Pure Titanium Sheet4
Surface Structures and Hydrogenation Properties of Ti–Pd Alloys Immersed in Hydrogen Peroxide4
Evolution of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of NiCoCrAlY Coatings After High-Current Pulsed Electron Beam Irradiation4
Superplasticity in Severely Deformed High-Entropy Alloys4
Coining of Pierced Hole with Aid of Scrap4
Effect of Nitrogen Ratio on Structural, Electrical and Cell Adhesion Properties of TiZrN Thin Films Deposited at Room Temperature by Magnetron Sputtering4
A Novel Al<sub>0.5</sub>CuFeNiV High Entropy Alloy: Phase Analysis, Microstructure and Compressive Properties4
Microstructure and Joint Strength of Magnetic Pulse Welded Aluminum/Aluminum-Coated Steel Joint4
Prediction of Wrinkling in Thin-Walled Tube Hydraulic Push-Pull Bending Process Based on Neural Network4
Systematic Study on the Role of the Third Zn-Site Element in Zn<sub>2−</sub><i><sub>x</sub></i>Mg<i><sub>x</sub></i>P<sub>2</sub>4
Review—Understanding and Controlling the Electrochemical Properties of Sulfide Inclusions for Improving the Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Stainless Steels4
Numerical Analysis to Evaluate the Effect of Cooling Rates on Microstructures in Casted Cu-Ni-Si Alloys by Phase-Field Simulation4
Recent Studies on Titanium Refining: 2017–20204
Solubility of Silver in FeO<i><sub>x</sub></i>–CaO–SiO<sub>2</sub> Slag Coexisting with Silver and Silver Bromide at 1473 K4
Simple Liquid-Phase Synthesis of Cobalt Carbide (Co<sub>2</sub>C) Nanoparticles and Their Use as Durable Electrocatalysts4
A Full-Process Method from Composition Design to Glass Forming Ability Prediction in Zr-Al-Co-Cu Metallic Glasses4
Structure and Properties of Au–Sn Lead-Free Solders in Electronic Packaging4
New Dissimilar Joining Method of CFRP/A6061 Al by Cu Electrodeposition4
Change in Microstructure and Electrical Resistivity of Cu–Zn Alloy Due to Rolling4
Evaluation of Chloride Ion Concentration and pH on Depassivation of Steel Rebar in Concrete Investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Measurement of Probe Electrodes4
Swelling Characteristics and Permeability of Bentonite-Based Materials Immersed in Various Solutions4
Development of Ni–Ti–Zr–Hf–(Nb, Ta) Multi-Principal Element High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloys with High Cold Workability4
Synthesis of a Platinum Linker Complex as a Scaffold for the Hybridization of Naturally Occurring DNA and Gold Nanoparticles4
Effects of the Type of Micro-Organism on the Water Purification Ability of Micro-Organism Supported Crystallization Type Phosphorus Removal Materials4
Effect of Different Concentrations of Nano-Cubic Boron Nitride on the Preparation of TiO<sub>2</sub>/Ti/Fe Composite Materials by Thermal Sprayed and Micro-Arc Oxidation4
Single-Step Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Supported on Cellulose Nanofibers Using a High-Pressure Wet-Type Jet Mill and Their Catalytic Activities4
Cell Size Effects in Additively Manufactured Porous Titanium Consisting of Ordered Rhombic Dodecahedron Cells4
Editor’s Announcement4
Basic Research on Multi-Directional Forging of AZ80Mg Alloy for Fabrication of Bulky Mechanical Components4
Anisotropic Compression Behavior of Additively Manufactured Porous Titanium with Ordered Open-Cell Structures at Different Temperatures4
Analysis of Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Structures with One-Sided Welding in Fillet Welded Joint for Load-Carrying Type4
Establishment of a Novel Recycling Process for Iridium Using “Dry Aqua Regia”4
Sensing Stress Corrosion Cracking in Phosphorus Copper Tubes4
Characterization and Wear Behavior of CoCrNi Medium Entropy Alloy Coating on Al Alloy by Resistance Seam Processing4
JIS ADC12 Aluminum Alloy Semi-Solid Slurry Preparation Technology by Applying Mechanical Vibration4
Implementation of Exceptional Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Structural Carbon Steel Tubes by Friction Welding4
Fabrication and Evaluation of Particulate Matter Purification Filter Using Plasma-Sprayed Catalyst Film on SUS316 Mesh4
Clustering Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals during Compression Tests in Mille-Feuille Structure Materials4
Microstructure Control of Continuous Casting Slab of Grain Oriented Silicon Steel3
Kink Formation and Strengthening Effects in TiNi–V Eutectic Alloys with Mille-Feuille Structure3
Mechanics and Energetics of Kink Deformation Studied by Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics Based on Differential Geometry3
Evaluation of Local Gelation Behavior of Aqueous Methylcellulose Solution Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance3
Improved Hydrogen Generation Performance via Hydrolysis of MgH<sub>2</sub> with Nb<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> and CeO<sub>2</sub> Doping3
Severe Plastic Deformation of High-Entropy Alloys3
Study on Factors Hindering the Single-Phase Formation of Divalent-Ion-Stabilized W-Type Ferrites3
Electrodeposition of Bi–Te Thermoelectric Material in Ethylene Glycol-BiCl<sub>3</sub>–TeCl<sub>4</sub> Non-Aqueous Solution3
Adhesive and Frictional Properties of Solid Lubricants for Powder Metallurgy Evaluated by Surface Force Apparatus3
Development of Next-Generation Lead-Free Free-Cutting α + β Brass3
Mass Spectrometric Study on Volatilization Behavior of Electrolyte Solvents of Lithium-Ion Batteries3
Thermal Properties of Carbon Nanofiber Sheet for Thermal Interface Materials under High Temperature and Humidity3
Initial Arrival Time Identification Utilizing Wavelet Transform and Akaike Information Criterion for Locating Acoustic Emission Source in a Thin Plate3
Non-Equilibrium Phase Crystallization of Al–Si Alloy Close to Eutectic Composition by Mechanical Vibration3
Effect of Microstructure on Shear Deformation in (α + γ) Duplex Stainless Steel3
A Novel Electrochemical Modification Combined with Heat Treatment for Production of Ag NPs and Efficient Antibacterial Ag NPs-Coated Nonwoven Fabrics3
Two-Directional Micro-Laue Diffraction Mapping to Observe Kink Deformation in Long-Period Stacking-Ordered Mg–Zn–Y Alloys under Compression3
Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Cooling and Intermediate Layer Formation Process at the Magnetic Pulse Welded Al/Fe Joint Interface3
Creep Properties of a Binary Mg–14Ca Hypoeutectic Alloy3
Review of “Integrated Computer-Aided Process Engineering Session in the International Symposium on Innovation in Materials Processing (ISIMP, 26–29 October 2021)”3
Effect of Proportions of Γ and Iron–Zinc Solid Solution Phases on the Corrosion Prevention Performance of Mixed Coating Layers on Heated Galvannealed Steel Sheets3
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Dissimilar Friction-Welded Commercially Pure Ti and Ti–6Al–4V Alloy3