
(The median citation count of Mycoscience is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
<i>Lentinula ixodes</i> comb. nov. (<i>Omphalotaceae</i>, <i>Agaricales</i>) including new records in Brazil23
Cultivation studies of edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms: successful establishment of ectomycorrhizal associations <i>in vitro</i> and efficient production of fruiting bodies17
Construction of a genetic linkage map and detection of quantitative trait locus for the ergothioneine content in tamogitake mushroom (<i>Pleurotus cornucopiae</i> var. <i>citrinopile16
<i>Puccinia caricis-smilacis</i>, a new caricicolous rust fungus producing spermogonial and aecial stages on <i>Smilax china</i> in Japan11
Re-examination of a rare protosteloid amoeba <i>Schizoplasmodiopsis micropunctata</i>, and the revision of <i>Tychosporium</i> (<i>Cavosteliida</i>, <i>Varios9
Taxonomic revision of the <i>Typhula ishikariensis </i>complex9
<i>Hyphoderma fissuratum</i> and <i>H. mopanshanense</i> spp. nov. (<i>Polyporales</i>) from southern China9
Novel acid trehalase belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 37 from <i>Pleurotus</i> sp.: cloning, expression and characterization8
The asexual morph and molecular phylogeny of endemic <i>Phyllactinia verruculosa </i>on <i>Indigofera tinctoria</i>8
Association between corticolous myxomycetes and tree vitality in <i>Cryptomeria japonica</i>7
The co-dispersal strategy of <i>Endocarpon</i> (Verrucariaceae) shapes an unusual lichen population structure5
Screening using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay and breeding of a <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> strain isolated from Muramatsu Park, Japan, for sake brewing5
<i>Colacogloea armeniacae</i> sp. nov., a novel pucciniomycetous yeast species isolated from apricots5
<i>In vitro</i> studies on inhibition capability of fungal-sourced bassiatin versus tamoxifen against ERα, EGFR and VEGFR on breast cancer cells5
Preliminary exploration on the ectomycorrhizal status of a wild edible <i>Gomphus</i> species from Southwest China5
Live imaging analysis of sexual and asexual reproduction, zygospore and sporangiospore formation, in <i>Gilbertella persicaria</i>5
Discovery of teliospores of a Cape jasmine rust fungus, <i>Hemileia gardeniae-floridae</i> (<i>Pucciniales</i>), and its occurrence in Thailand4
<i>Leucoagaricus karjaticus (Agaricaceae)</i>, a new species from Maharashtra, India4
Host preference, life cycle, and classification of species of <i>Ochropsora</i>, including species formerly classified in <i>Aplopsora</i> and <i>Cerotelium pro parte<4
Two new <i>Tricholoma</i> species in the sect. <i>Genuina</i> from pine forests in Japan4
Characterization and phytotoxicity of ophiobolins produced by <i>Bipolaris setariae</i>4
<i>In-vitro</i> symbiotic germination of seeds of five mycoheterotrophic <i>Gastrodia</i> orchids with <i>Mycena</i> and <i>Marasmiaceae</i> fungi4
Root-associated ectomycorrhizal fungal communities in and around aggregated retention patches left in logged areas of <i>Abies sachalinensis</i> planted forests4
<i>Septoria cannabicola</i>, a new species on <i>Cannabis sativa</i> from Japan4
Taxonomic revision of <i>Termitomyces</i> species found in Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, based on phylogenetic analyses with three loci4
Efficient PCR - based Approach for Rapid Identification of Earth Star Mushrooms Employing Species-Specific Primers4
Phylogeny and a new species of <i>Polylobatispora</i>4
Reassessment of type specimens of <i>Cordyceps</i> and its allies, described by Dr. Yosio Kobayasi and preserved in the mycological herbarium of the National Museum of Nature and Science. 3
Revisiting the isolation source after half a century: <i>Emericellopsis mirabilis</i> on a yellow-green alga3
Two new records of powdery mildews (<i>Erysiphaceae</i>) from Japan: <i>Erysiphe actinidiicola</i> sp. nov. and <i>Erysiphe</i> sp. on <i>Limonium tetragonum&3
Phylogeny and taxonomy of <i>Erysiphe</i> species (powdery mildew: <i>Erysiphaceae</i>) occurring on the ash trees (<i>Fraxinus</i> spp.)3
<i>Tricholoma olivaceonigrum</i>, a new species of the section <i>Tricholoma</i> (<i>Agaricales</i>) from Japan3
Study of thermotolerant mechanism of <i>Stropharia rugosoannulata</i> under high temperature stress based on the transcriptome sequencing3
Taxonomy and phylogeny of <i>Exobasidium pentasporium</i> causing witches' broom of <i>Rhododendron</i> species3
<i>Absidia healeyae</i>: a new species of <i>Absidia</i> (<i>Mucorales</i>) isolated from Victoria, Australia3
Identification and physiological function of one microRNA (<i>Po-MilR-1</i>) in oyster mushroom <i>Pleurotus ostreatus</i>3
Obituary Dr. Shun-ichi Udagawa (1931-2023)3
Taxonomic revision of the Japanese <i>Tricholoma ustale</i> and closely related species based on molecular phylogenetic and morphological data3
<i>Microstoma longipilum</i> sp. nov. (<i>Sarcoscyphaceae, Pezizales</i>) from Japan3
Taxonomic and ecological significance of synnema-like structures/acanthophyses produced by <i>Physisporinus</i> (<i>Meripilaceae, Polyporales</i>) species3
New species <i>Pythium amaminum</i> sp. nov. isolated from river water on Amami Island in Japan2
New findings on the fungal species <i>Tricholoma matsutake</i> from Ukraine, and revision of its taxonomy and biogeography based on multilocus phylogenetic analyses2
Revision of <i>Xylonaceae</i> (<i>Xylonales</i>, <i>Xylonomycetes</i>) to include Sarea and Tromera2
Obituary Dr. Kishio Hatai (1944-2021)2
Fermentation of soybeans with <i>Pleurotus cornucopiae</i> and <i>Pleurotus ostreatus</i> increases isoflavone aglycones, total polyphenol content and anti2
<i>Retiboletus</i> (<i>Boletaceae</i>) in northern Thailand: one novel species and two first records2
Identification of the oosporein biosynthesis gene cluster in an entomopathogenic fungus <i>Blackwellomyces cardinalis</i>2
<i>Morchella nipponensis </i>sp. nov. (<i>Ascomycota</i>, <i>Pezizales</i>): a paleoendemic species of section <i>Morchella</i> discovered in Japan2
Physiological characteristics of pure cultures of a white-colored truffle <i>Tuber japonicum</i>2
Characterization of <i>Penicillium</i> Species Isolated from <i>Dioscorea polystachya</i> in Hokkaido, Japan2
<i>Cystoderma yongpingense</i> sp. nov. (<i>Squamanitaceae, Agaricales</i>) a new species from southwestern China2
Accumulation and distribution of <sup>40</sup>K in the chaga mushroom2
North-to-South diversity of lipomycetaceous yeasts in soils evaluated with a cultivation-based approach from 11 locations in Japan2
<i>Amanita satotamagotake</i> sp. nov., a cryptic species formerly included in <i>Amanita caesareoides</i>2
Greetings from virologists to mycologists: A review outlining viruses that live in fungi2
Efficient generation of uridine/uracil auxotrophic mutants in homokaryotic <i>Cordyceps militaris</i> strains for constructing a food-grade expression platform2
Two new species of <i>Fulvifomes</i> (<i>Basidiomycota</i>, <i>Hymenochaetaceae</i>) on threatened or near threatened tree species in Japan2
A new edible species of <i>Gomphus</i> (<i>Gomphaceae</i>) from southwestern China2
An exploratory MALDI-TOF MS library based on SARAMIS superspectra for rapid identification of <i>Aspergillus</i> section <i>Nigri</i>2
Life cycle and mating compatibility in the Japanese white jelly mushroom, <i>Tremella yokohamensis</i>1
Mushroom poisoning in Thailand between 2003 and 20171
Phylogeny and taxonomy of <i>Phyllactinia</i> species (powdery mildew: <i>Erysiphaceae</i>) occurring on the ash trees (<i>Fraxinus</i> spp.)1
Japanese “nameko” mushrooms (<i>Pholiota microspora</i>) produced via sawdust-based cultivation exhibit severe genetic bottleneck associated with a single founder1
Two new <i>Mycena</i> section <i>Calodontes</i> species: One newly discovered and the other new to Japan1
A useful PCR primer set for the ectomycorrhizal fungus <i>Tricholoma matsutake</i> in wild pine rhizosphere based on the nuclear ribosomal DNA IGS2 sequence1
Gene expression analysis for stem browning in the mushroom <i>Lentinula edodes</i>1
Isolation, identification, and characterization of wild budding yeasts from rose flowers in Fukuyama city, Hiroshima, Japan, and their application in bread and wine production1
Soil propagule banks of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with <i>Larix cajanderi</i> above the treeline in the Siberian Arctic1
Isolation and identification of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus specifically associated with mycoheterotrophic seedlings of <i>Gentiana zollingeri</i> (<i>Gentianaceae</i>)1
<i>Euantennaria pleioblasti</i> sp. nov. (<i>Euantennariaceae</i>) and <i>Metacapnodium</i> cf. <i>quinqueseptatum</i> (<i>Metacapnodiaceae</i&1
<i>Crepidotus yuanchui</i> sp. nov. and <i>C. caspari</i> found in subalpine areas of China1
Long-term effects of forest management on the dynamics of <i>Tricholoma matsutake</i> harvest over 41 years in a <i>Pinus densiflora</i> forest in Nagano Prefecture, Japan1
Phylogeny and taxonomy of <i>Podosphaera filipendulae</i> (<i>Erysiphaceae</i>) revisited1
Taxonomic re-examination of Japanese isolates of the genus <i>Lasiodiplodia</i>1
<i>Gymnosporangium mori</i> comb. nov. (<i>Pucciniales</i>) for <i>Caeoma mori</i> (≡ <i>Aecidium mori</i>) inferred from phylogenetic evidence1
<i>Rhodocybe subasyae</i>, a new species of <i>Rhodocybe</i> sect. <i>Rufobrunnea </i>(<i>Entolomataceae, Agaricales</i>) from northeast China1
Revisiting the isolation source after the first discovery: <i>Myconymphaea yatsukahoi</i> on excrements of <i>Lithobiomorpha</i> (<i>Chilopoda</i&1
Taxonomical re-examination of the genus <i>Neofusicoccum</i> in Japan1
Phylogenetic classification and physiological and ecological traits of <i>Metarhizium</i> spp.1
Polymerase chain reaction-based methods for the detection of heat-resistant ascomycetous fungi1