Media International Australia

(The H4-Index of Media International Australia is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Enacting intimacy and sociality at a distance in the COVID-19 crisis: the sociomaterialities of home-based communication technologies87
A necessary evil? The rise of online exam proctoring in Australian universities56
Crisis and extended realities: remote presence in the time of COVID-1937
Comparative analysis of China’s Health Code, Australia’s COVIDSafe and New Zealand’s COVID Tracer Surveillance Apps: a new corona of public health governmentality?33
Analysis of the use of memes as an exponent of collective coping during COVID-19 in Puerto Rico30
The emergence of algorithmic solidarity: unveiling mutual aid practices and resistance among Chinese delivery workers29
Teachers of TikTok: Glimpses and gestures in the performance of professional identity27
#IStandWithDan versus #DictatorDan: the polarised dynamics of Twitter discussions about Victoria’s COVID-19 restrictions25
Out-of-the-box versus in-house tools: how are they affecting data journalism in Australia?21
Resistance and refusal to algorithmic harms: Varieties of ‘knowledge projects’20
The cultural customization of TikTok: subaltern migrant workers and their digital cultures16
Fighting for survival: persons with disabilities’ activism for the mediatisation of COVID-19 information13
Performing islamophobia in the Australian parliament: The role of populism and performance in Pauline Hanson’s “burqa stunt”13
Strategies for climate change communication through social media: Objectives, approach, and interaction13