Psychiatry Psychology and Law

(The TQCC of Psychiatry Psychology and Law is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
How researchers can make verbal lie detection more attractive for practitioners25
Prevalence and predictors of secondary trauma in the legal profession: a systematic review16
Adult memory for specific instances of a repeated event: a preliminary review15
Dysfunctional personality, Dark Triad and moral disengagement in incarcerated offenders: implications for recidivism and violence13
Trauma-informed sentencing of serious violent offenders: an exploration of judicial dispositions with a gendered perspective11
Sexual homicide in Australia and New Zealand: a description of offenders, offences and victims10
White-collar crime: a neglected area in forensic psychiatry?10
Sensation seeking and its relationship with psychopathic traits, impulsivity and aggression: a validation of the Dutch Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS)10
Extent and predictors of work-related distress in community correction officers: a systematic review8
Burnout among lawyers: effects of workload, latitude and mediation via engagement and over-engagement8
Social and emotional wellbeing among Indigenous Australian correctional officers7
Credibility assessments of alibi accounts: the role of cultural intergroup bias7
Where stress presides: predictors and correlates of stress among Australian judges and magistrates7
Judges’ experiences with mitigating jurors’ implicit biases7
The truth about snitches: an archival analysis of informant testimony6
A diary study of Australian lawyers working with traumatic material6
Differences between Japanese and British participants in self-reported verbal strategies to appear convincing6
Factors influencing the perceived credibility of children alleging physical abuse5
Old enough to offend but not to buy a hamster: the argument for raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility5
Actor–observer asymmetry in perceptions of parole board release decisions5
Clusters of nonverbal behavior differentiate truths and lies about future malicious intent in checkpoint screening interviews5
Verdict spotting: investigating the effects of juror bias, evidence anchors and verdict system in jurors5
Exploring the connection between work–family conflict and job burnout among Nigerian correctional staff5
Inside the shadows: a survey of UK human source intelligence (HUMINT) practitioners, examining their considerations when handling a covert human intelligence source (CHIS)5
Judges’ emotion: an application of the emotion regulation process model5
At the heart of sentencing: exploring whether more compassionate delivery of sentencing remarks increases public concern for people who offend5
Extending borders of knowledge: gendered pathways to prison in Thailand for international cross border drug trafficking5
Reframing criminal profiling: a guide for integrated practice4
Criminological profile of minors who have committed child-to-parent violence4
Psychological factors predicting self-reported and observed aggression in male forensic psychiatric inpatients4
Exploring offending characteristics of young people with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Western Australia4
Defendants with intellectual disability and autism spectrum conditions: the perspective of clinicians working across three jurisdictions4
Children of ISIS: considerations regarding trauma, treatment and risk4
Juror decision-making regarding a defendant diagnosed with borderline personality disorder4
Norwegian judges’ knowledge of factors affecting eyewitness testimony: a 12-year follow-up4
Juror perceptions of the stereotypical violent crime defendant4
Executive function in individuals who are compliant and non-compliant with the conditions of a community-based sentence4
Using the stress–vulnerability model to better understand suicide in prison populations4
Investigating the role of psychopathic personality traits, gender and ethnicity in rape myth acceptance3
Burnout, work engagement and workaholism in a group of Dutch judges: distinctiveness and two-year structural stability3
The characteristics of older homicide offenders: a systematic review3
Eliciting an offence narrative: what types of questions do forensic mental health practitioners ask?3
Neurocognitive functioning among people accessing an addiction neuropsychology clinic with and without a history of offending behaviour3
Understanding the dark side of personality in sex offenders considering the level of sexual violence3
The use of substances in sexual offending in a United States sample3
The impact of recall timing on the preservation of eyewitness memory3
Psychometric properties of the Polish version of two screening tests for gambling disorders: the Problem Gambling Severity Index and Lie/Bet Questionnaire3
A review of psycho-legal issues in credibility assessments of asylum claims based on religion3
The criminogenic profile of violent female offenders incarcerated in Western Australian prisons as per the Level of Service/Risk, Need, Responsivity (LS/RNR) and Violence Risk Scale (VRS)3
Law and order effects: on cognitive dissonance and belief perseverance3
Child pornography possession/receipt offenders: developing a forensic profile3
Prison mental health in-reach teams in Aotearoa New Zealand: A national survey3
The effects of immediate recall and subsequent retrieval strategy on eyewitness memory3
Gender differences in stalking, threats and online abuse reported by Victorian politicians3
Victims of sexual offences: aspects impacting on participation, cooperation and engagement with the interview process3
Identifying and responding to young people with cognitive disability and neurodiversity in Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand youth justice systems3
The impact of voluntariness of apologies on victims’ responses in restorative justice: findings of a quantitative study3
A model for mental health advance directives in the new Victorian Mental Health and Wellbeing Act2
Toward children’s cognitive development from the perspective of neurolaw: implications ofRoper v Simmons2
Association of aggressivity at adolescence and criminality to severe assault exposure among former adolescent psychiatric inpatients2
The use of nonverbal communication when assessing witness credibility: a view from the bench2
Making addicts: critical reflections on agency and responsibility from lawyers and decision makers2
Input from the frontlines: parole and probation officers’ perceptions of policies directed at those convicted of sexual offenses2
Aboriginality and violence: gender and cultural differences on the Level of Service/Risk, Need, Responsivity (LS/RNR) and Violence Risk Scale (VRS)2
All mouth and trousers? Use of the Devil’s Advocate questioning protocol to determine authenticity of opinions about protester actions2
Perceptions of familiar and unfamiliar ear- and eyewitnesses2
Special considerations to the assessment of fitness to stand trial in Australia2
Patient profiles in high-security forensic psychiatry in Flanders2
Fixated and grievance-fuelled persons: considerations on the dangers of gaps, silos and disconnects2
Towards a context-specific approach to understanding lawyers’ well-being: a synthesis review and future research agenda2
An investigation into the association between cannibalism and serial killers2
Critical review of the use of the Rorschach in European courts2
Sentencing and mental disorder: the evolution of the Verdins Principles, strategic interdisciplinary advocacy and evidence-based reform2
Public awareness of legal decision-making capacity and planning instruments in dementia: implications for health care practitioners2
Attachment and the (mis)apprehension of Aboriginal children: epistemic violence in child welfare interventions2
Who gets diverted into treatment? a study of defendants with psychosis2