Nature Conservation-Bulgaria

(The TQCC of Nature Conservation-Bulgaria is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Linking sufficiency and the protection of biodiversity: An issue of political implications, framing, descriptiveness and interdisciplinarity?30
Lost in hostile lands: moths of conservation concern in cultivated and suburban areas of south Italy21
Evaluating the effectiveness of vegetation conservation on a sacred mountain in western China15
Dissecting the illegal pangolin trade in China: An insight from seizures data reports14
The scale of the problem: understanding the demand for medicinal pangolin products in China13
The trail less traveled: Envisioning a new approach to identifying key food resources for threatened Hawaiian arboreal snails12
Promoting private forests for biodiversity conservation and ecosystems restoration in the Sahel region12
Natura 2000-sites: Legal requirements for agricultural and forestry land-use11
A literature-based database of the natural heritage, the ecological status and tourism-related impacts in show caves worldwide9
Waterbird assemblages of inland wetlands in Chile: A meta-analysis9
Implementing wildlife fences along highways at the appropriate spatial scale: A case study of reducing road mortality of Florida Key deer8
Are several small wildlife crossing structures better than a single large? Arguments from the perspective of large wildlife conservation8
Use of linear transportation infrastructure rights-of-way as an ecological shelter: National asset estimate and stakeholder involvement8
Corrigendum: Using drone imagery to obtain population data of colony-nesting seabirds to support Canada’s transition to the global Key Biodiversity Areas program. Nature Conservation 51: 155–166. doi8
Conservation priorities for threatened mammals of Vietnam: Implementation of the IUCN´s One Plan Approach7
Assessing behaviour states of a forest carnivore in a road-dominated landscape using Hidden Markov Models7
Mainstreaming biodiversity into transport networks by connecting stakeholders across sectors7
The effect of habitat reduction by roads on space use and movement patterns of an endangered species, the Cabrera vole Microtus cabrerae7
Biodiversity monitoring with intelligent sensors: An integrated pipeline for mitigating animal-vehicle collisions7
Sensitivity mapping informs mitigation of bird mortality by collision with high-voltage power lines7
Effects of management complexity on the composition, plant functional dominance relationships and physiognomy of high nature value grasslands6
Termites’ diversity in a protected park of the northern Sudanian savanna of Togo (West Africa)6
The greater the proportion of Robinia pseudoacacia in a stand the greater its effect on the population characteristics of Erythronium dens-canis6
Harvest quotas, free markets and the sustainable trade in pythons6
Distribution, conservation assessment and management perspectives of Chilean micro-snails of the family Charopidae5
Paleoclimate changes and ecosystem responses of the Bulgarian Black Sea zone during the last 26000 years5
Exploring life-history traits of an endangered plant (Vicia biennis L.) to support the conservation of marginal populations5
Dynamic change of habitat quality and its key driving factors in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China5
Dogs, not wolves, most likely to have caused the death of a British tourist in northern Greece5
Morphological and genetic characteristics of garfish Belone belone (L., 1760) (Belonidae, Teleostei) population from the southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast5
On the path to extinction: Helix godetiana Kobelt, 1878, the only threatened Helix species in Greece5
Strict laws fail to deter illegal trade of China’s largest and most endangered freshwater turtle5
Reencounter with the past: occurrence of sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) in an old hunting area in the south-eastern Pacific Ocean4
Potential for informal guardianship in community-based wildlife crime prevention: Insights from Vietnam4
Structural diversity and conservation implications of Parrotia subaequalis (Hamamelidaceae), a rare and endangered tree species in China4
Hope is the last thing lost: Colombian captive-bred population of the critically endangered Orinoco crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius) is a genetic reservoir that could help to save the species from 4
Traffic mortality of wild forest reindeer Rangifer tarandus fennicus in Finland4
‘Animals under wheels’: Wildlife roadkill data collection by citizen scientists as a part of their nature recording activities4
Natural strongholds for red squirrel conservation in Scotland3
Temporal and spatial changes of biodiversity in Caverns of Heaven and Places of Blessing, Zhejiang Province, China from 1990 to 20203
Climatic niche modelling and genetic analyses highlight conservation priorities for the Spotted Softshell Turtle (Pelodiscus variegatus)3
The potential of electrified barriers to keep black bears out of fenced road corridors at low volume access roads3
The illegal hunting and exploitation of porcupines for meat and medicine in Indonesia3
An analysis of the inter-state similarity of the herpetofaunas of Mexican states3
Zoos consenting to the illegal wildlife trade – the earless monitor lizard as a case study3
Preliminary results on the bird protection effectiveness of animal deflectors on railway overhead lines based on electrical current evaluation3
Small reserve but high diversity: butterfly community across an altitudinal gradient in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest3
Influence of land use intensity on ecological corridors and wildlife crossings’ effectiveness: comparison of 2 pilot areas in Austria3
What shapes the mammal species poaching in protected areas: biophysical or anthropogenic factors? A case study in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve3
The contribution to wildlife conservation of an Italian Recovery Centre3
First exhaustive distribution and habitat modelling of Morimus asper (Sulzer, 1776) sensu lato (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Bulgaria3
Environmental characteristics, including soil and vegetation composition, in relation to the occurrence patterns of an endangered lizard, Eremias argus, in a fluvial island, South Korea3
Conserving the threatened woody vegetation on dune slopes: Monitoring the decline and designing adaptive strategies for restoration3