Journal of Cultural Heritage

(The median citation count of Journal of Cultural Heritage is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Machine learning techniques for structural health monitoring of heritage buildings: A state-of-the-art review and case studies142
Review of built heritage modelling: Integration of HBIM and other information techniques126
Virtual museums. Captured reality and 3D modeling83
Scan to BIM for the digital management and representation in 3D GIS environment of cultural heritage site67
Heritage Impact Assessment, beyond an Assessment Tool: A comparative analysis of urban development impact on visual integrity in four UNESCO World Heritage Properties50
Deep learning-based weathering type recognition in historical stone monuments48
Microbial biodeterioration of cultural heritage and identification of the active agents over the last two decades45
Successes and challenges in laser cleaning metal artefacts: A review42
X-reality technologies for museums: a comparative evaluation based on presence and visitors experience through user studies42
Virtual reality-based digitisation for endangered heritage sites: Theoretical framework and application41
Nano Ca(OH)2: A review on synthesis, properties and applications40
Is the fungus Aspergillus a threat to cultural heritage?40
Understanding multispectral imaging of cultural heritage: Determining best practice in MSI analysis of historical artefacts39
Survey and literature study to provide insights on the application of 3D technologies in objects conservation and restoration38
Bringing BIM to archaeological heritage: Interdisciplinary method/strategy and accuracy applied to a megalithic monument of the Copper Age36
Underground salt weathering of heritage stone: lithological and environmental constraints on the formation of sulfate efflorescences and crusts35
The use of -omics tools for assessing biodeterioration of cultural heritage: A review33
An evaluation model for adaptive reuse of cultural heritage in accordance with 2030 SDGs and European Quality Principles32
Old buildings need new ideas: Holistic integration of conservation-restoration process data using Heritage Building Information Modelling31
Definition of a Risk Assessment Model within a European Interoperable Database Platform (EID) for Cultural Heritage31
An object detection approach for detecting damages in heritage sites using 3-D point clouds and 2-D visual data29
The active microbes and biochemical processes contributing to deterioration of Angkor sandstone monuments under the tropical climate in Cambodia – A review29
A comprehensive review on moth repellent finishing of woolen textiles27
Assessing the tourism attractiveness of World Heritage Sites: The case of Spain27
Improvement of water resistance and thermal comfort of earth renders by cow dung: an ancestral practice of Burkina Faso26
Risk Management Priority Assessment of heritage sites in China Based on Entropy Weight and TOPSIS26
Methodology for an HBIM workflow focused on the representation of construction systems of built heritage26
Portable solution for high-resolution 3D and color texture on-site digitization of cultural heritage objects26
A new application of Fiber optics reflection spectroscopy (FORS): Identification of “bronze disease” induced corrosion products on ancient bronzes26
SEM, FTIR and DSC Investigation of Collagen Hydrolysate Treated Degraded Leather25
The deep learning method applied to the detection and mapping of stone deterioration in open-air sanctuaries of the Hittite period in Anatolia24
Computational methods and rural cultural & natural heritage: A review23
Two new indices for preventive conservation of the cultural heritage: Predicted risk of damage and heritage microclimate risk23
Assessing and mitigating vulnerability and fire risk in historic centres: A cost-benefit analysis23
Normal cloud model theory-based comprehensive fuzzy assessment of wooden pagoda safety23
Information transfer between two heritage BIMs for reconstruction support and facility management: the case study of the Chalet of the Countess of Edla, Sintra, Portugal22
Digital replication and reconstruction of mail armour22
Oxidative degradation of paper – A minireview22
Integrating expert feedback on the spot in a time-efficient explorative CT scanning workflow for cultural heritage objects22
Deep learning to detect built cultural heritage from satellite imagery. - Spatial distribution and size of vernacular houses in Sumba, Indonesia -22
Evaluation of the efficiency of nanoparticles for increasing α-amylase enzyme activity for removing starch stain from paper artifacts21
Overview of fungal isolates on heritage collections of photographic materials and their biological potency21
Learning feature representation of Iberian ceramics with automatic classification models21
Analyses of microorganisms and metabolites diversity on historic photographs using innovative methods20
Characterization and provenance of ceramic artifacts and local clays from Late Mycenaean Kastrouli (Greece) by means of p-XRF screening and statistical analysis20
Using surface nuclear magnetic resonance and spontaneous potential to investigate the source of water seepage in the JinDeng Temple grottoes, China19
The application of thymol-loaded chitosan nanoparticles to control the biodeterioration of cultural heritage sites19
Artificial ageing by salt crystallization: test protocol and salt distribution patterns in lime-based rendering mortars19
Using CarcassonNet to automatically detect and trace hollow roads in LiDAR data from the Netherlands19
Weathering of materials at Notre-Dame from changes in air pollution and climate in Paris, 1325–209019
60 years of street art: A comparative study of the artists’ materials through spectroscopic and mass spectrometric approaches18
Application of nanocomposites for conservation of materials of cultural heritage18
Non-invasive study of natural dyes in textiles of the Qing Dynasty using fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy18
Adaptability evaluation of historic buildings as an approach to propose adaptive reuse strategies based on complex adaptive system theory18
Conservation and management of Chinese classical royal garden heritages based on 3D digitalization - A case study of Jianxin courtyard in Jingyi garden in fragrant hills18
Spectral damage model for lighting paper and silk in museum17
Scanning electrochemical cell microscopy: A powerful method to study the intergranular corrosions of archaeological silver artifacts17
Deep eutectic solvent and agar: a new green gel to remove proteinaceous-based varnishes from paintings17
The thermal conductivity of the masonry of handmade brick Cultural Heritage with respect to density and humidity17
An in-depth study on the agar gel effectiveness for built heritage cleaning17
Study of internal moisture condensation for the conservation of stone cultural heritage17
A review of computer-based methods for classification and reconstruction of 3D high-density scanned archaeological pottery17
Spatial risk assessment and the protection of cultural heritage in southern Tajikistan17
Protective coatings for metallic heritage conservation: A review17
Assessing the sustainable development of the historic urban landscape through local indicators. Lessons from a Mexican World Heritage City17
Consolidating efficacy of diammonium hydrogen phosphate on artificially aged and naturally weathered coarse-grained marble16
Applicability of eye trackers in marketing activities related to historical monuments. Comparison of experts’ predictions and visual reactions of non-professionals16
ART-RISK 3.0 a fuzzy—based platform that combine GIS and expert assessments for conservation strategies in cultural heritage16
Salt crystallization dynamics in indoor environments: Stone weathering in the Muñoz Chapel of the Cathedral of Santa María (Cuenca, central Spain)16
Increase of moisture content in Mogao Grottoes from artificial sources based on numerical simulations16
Characterisation of waterlogged archaeological wood from Nanhai No. 1 shipwreck by multidisciplinary diagnostic methods16
The mysterious mould outbreak - A comprehensive fungal colonisation in a climate-controlled museum repository challenges the environmental guidelines for heritage collections16
Evaluation of some wood-water relations and chemometric characteristics of recent oak and archaeological oak wood (Quercus robur) with archaeometric value16
Multi-analytical investigation of panel, pigments and varnish of The Martyirdom of St. Catherine by Gaudenzio Ferrari (16th century)15
Valorization of cultural heritage and land take reduction: an urban compensation model for the replacement of unsuitable buildings in an Italian UNESCO site15
Are the blue daemons really blue? Multidisciplinary study for the colours characterization of the mural paintings inside the Blue Daemons Etruscan tomb15
Linked open data in authoring virtual exhibitions15
Application of climate-based daylight simulation to assess lighting conditions of space and artworks in historical buildings: the case study of cetacean gallery of the Monumental Charterhouse of Calci15
Use of gels for the cleaning of archaeological metals. Case study of silver-plated copper alloy coins15
Universal analytical method for characterization of yellow and related natural dyes in liturgical vestments from Krakow15
A framework study on the use of immersive XR technologies in the cultural heritage domain15
Mechanical properties of mammalian and fish glues over range of temperature and humidity15
Corrosion phenomena and patina on archaeological low-tin wrought bronzes: New data15
The chemistry of making color in art15
Lighting and visual experience of artworks: Results of a study campaign at the National Museum of San Matteo in Pisa, Italy14
How to create seismic risk scenarios in historic built environment using rapid data collection and managing14
A different view on (world) heritage. The need for multi-perspective data analyses in historical landscape studies: The example of Schokland (NL)14
Testing 1D and 2D single-sided NMR on Roman age waterlogged woods14
Rethinking earthquake-related vulnerabilities of historic centres in Italy: Insights from the Tuscan area14
Use of 3D printing PLA and ABS materials for fine art. Analysis of composition and long-term behaviour of raw filament and printed parts14
Hyphal morphology and substrate porosity -rather than melanization- drive penetration of black fungi into carbonate substrates14
Multi-hazard susceptibility assessment using analytic hierarchy process: the Derwent Valley Mills UNESCO World Heritage Site case study (United Kingdom)14
Preliminary study for the evaluation of a pulsed coaxial plasma gun for removal of iron rust stain from bone artifacts14
Applications of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence technique in metallic cultural heritage studies13
Artificial intelligence-assisted visual inspection for cultural heritage: State-of-the-art review13
Historical documents dating using multispectral imaging and ordinal classification13
Isosorbide, pyrogallol, and limonene-containing thiol-ene photocured bio-based organogels for the cleaning of artworks13
Hydrogels: A ‘stepping stone’ towards new cleaning strategies for biodeteriorated surfaces13
Process orientation of the world heritage city management system13
Weathering detection of granite from three asynchronous historical quarries of Sabrosa municipally (North Portugal)13
Flood risk assessment of urban cultural heritage based on PSR conceptual model with game theory and cloud model – A case study of Nanjing13
Roman brick production technologies in Padua (Northern Italy) along the Late Antiquity and Medieval Times: Durable bricks on high humid environs13
Temporal stability of discrete choice values for preserving a cultural landscape: The Alto Douro Wine Region13
Impact of nanosilica on lime restoration mortars properties13
Ovalbumin as natural organic binder for stabilizing unfired earth bricks: Understanding vernacular techniques to inspire modern constructions13
Using choice experiments to assess tourist values for intangible cultural heritage – the case of Changdao fishermen's work song in China13
Path intelligent optimization for dense crowd emergency evacuation in heritage buildings13
Cementitious materials containing nano-carriers and silica for the restoration of damaged concrete-based monuments12
High-resolution 3-D GPR applied in the diagnostic of the detachment and cracks in pre-Hispanic mural paintings at “Templo Rojo”, Cacaxtla, Tlaxcala, Mexico12
Multispectral aerial imagery-based 3D digitisation, segmentation and annotation of large scale urban areas of significant cultural value12
Morphological characterization of water-based nanolime dispersions12
SVD-based point cloud 3D stone by stone segmentation for cultural heritage structural analysis – The case of the Apollo Temple at Delphi12
Existing tools enabling the implementation of EN 16883:2017 Standard to integrate conservation-compatible retrofit solutions in historic buildings12
Alginate-biocide hydrogel for the removal of biofilms from calcareous stone artworks12
Ravenna, its mosaics and the contribution of archaeometry. A systematic reassessment on literature data related to glass tesserae and new considerations12
Analytical techniques used for condition assessment of a late period mummy12
The equipment of a Germanic warrior from the 2nd–4th century AD: Digital reconstructions as a research tool for the behaviour of archaeological costumes12
Detecting short-term weathering of stone monuments by 3D laser scanning: lithology, wall orientation, material loss12
A non-invasive imaging approach for improved assessments on the construction and the condition of historical knotted-pile carpets12
Experimental study of the hygromechanical behaviour of a historic painting on wooden panel : devices and measurement techniques12
A transport monitoring system for cultural relics protection based on blockchain and internet of things12
Sinkholes threatening places of worship in the historic center of Naples11
Craquelures and pictorial matter11
A Blockchain-Based cryptographic interaction method of digital museum collections11
Characterization and quantitation study of ancient lacquer objects by NIR spectroscopy and THM-Py-GC/MS11
A contribution to understand the Portuguese emblematic Ançã limestone bioreceptivity to fungal colonization and biodeterioration11
Recession rate of carbonate rocks used in cultural heritage: Textural control assessed by accelerated ageing tests11
Predictive model of geographical origin discrimination of paper mulberry and handmade paper using ICP-AES/MS and multivariate statistical analysis11
Evaluation of MMI/acrylate nanocomposite with hydroxyapatite as a novel paste for gap filling of archaeological bones11
Evidence for the catalytic properties of ultramarine pigment11
Characterisation of lead carbonate white pigments submitted to AMS radiocarbon dating11
Two centuries of painted plasters from the Lateran suburban villa (Rome): investigating supply routes and manufacturing of pigments11
Influence of particle size distribution of pigments on depth profiling of murals using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy11
Resilience and sustainability assessment of cultural heritage and built environment: The Libertad pedestrian walkway in Valdivia, Chile11
Cast a different iron: Grey and mottled cast iron production in early China11
Digital twin applications on cultural world heritage sites in China: A state-of-the-art overview11
Spectral analysis of surface waves for non-destructive evaluation of historic masonry buildings11
Same site, different corrosion phenomena caused by chloride: The effect of the archaeological context on bronzes from Sujialong Cemetery, China10
Fire risk level prediction of timber heritage buildings based on entropy and XGBoost10
Conservation of plasticized PVC artifacts in museums: Influence of wrapping materials10
Estimation of uniaxial compressive strength and intrinsic permeability from ultrasounds in sedimentary stones used as heritage building materials10
An analytical characterization of different gilding techniques on artworks from the Royal Palace (Caserta, Italy)10
Quantitative research on the development difference of scaling off on the sunward side and nightside of earthen sites10
Assessment of the effects of projected climate change on the potential risk of wood decay in Korea10
Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of the compatibility of restoration materials — Case study in the rammed earth restoration of the M2 Han tomb in Dingtao, Shandong Province10
Incremental decision making for historic urban areas’ energy retrofitting: EFFESUS DSS10
Fabrication of a suit of armour at the end of Middle Ages: An extensive archaeometallurgical characterization of the armour of Laval10
A fast non-invasive method for preliminary authentication of mediaeval glass enamels using UV–visible–NIR diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry10
Characterization and compatibility assessment of commercial stone repair mortars10
Tentative determination of a special bronze material by multiple technological test on a xuan-liu dagger-axe from the Xujialing Site, the Eastern Zhou period, Henan Province, China10
A “Western” imported technology: An analytical study of the Achaemenid Egyptian blue objects10
Chemical, morphological and mechanical study of the ageing of textile flax fibers from 17th/18th-century paintings on canvas10
A numerical investigation of interfacial and channelling crack growth rates under low-cycle fatigue in bi-layer materials relevant to cultural heritage9
Dating and provenancing the Woman with lantern sculpture – A contribution towards attribution of Netherlandish art9
A computationally assisted cultural heritage conservation method9
From the bottom of the sea to the display case: A study into the long-term preservation of archaeological maritime silk textiles in controlled atmosphere9
Di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate for the consolidation of lime-based historic mortars – Preliminary research9
Coupling electrical resistivity methods and GIS to evaluate the effect of historic building features on wetting dynamics during wind-driven rain spells9
The complex atmospheric corrosion of α/δ bronze bells in a marine environment9
Numerical modelling-based damage diagnostics in cultural heritage structures9
Research on extraction of fragile bamboo slips by underwater temporary solidification in original state9
Violins and cellos from Portuguese collections. A tree ring study as a historical source of the Portuguese heritage9
Exploring the chemical composition and corrosion patterns of arrowheads used in the Siege of Motya (397 BC) through a multi-analytical approach9
Quantifying the ‘press and peel’ removal of particulates using elastomers and gels9
A theoretical framework for designing smart and ubiquitous learning environments for outdoor cultural heritage9
A first assessment of the biocidal efficacy of plant essential oils against lichens on stone cultural heritage, and the importance of evaluating suitable application protocols9
Composing smart museum exhibit specifications for the visually impaired9
Determination of the technical suitability of shelters for archaeological sites using fuzzy logic9
Relationship between structure and some physico-chemical properties of funori from red seaweed Gloiopeltis9
A smartphone-based innovative approach to discriminate red pigments in roman frescoes mock-ups9
Investigation on four centuripe vases (late 3rd-2nd cent. B.C.) by portable X-ray fluorescence and total reflectance-FTIR9
Artificial deterioration of vegetable-tanned leather under synergistic effect of temperature and humidity9
3D structural deformation monitoring of the archaeological wooden shipwreck stern investigated by optical measuring techniques8
Non-destructive imaging of ancient marquetries using active thermography and photothermal coherence tomography8
The risk assessment of surface recession damage for architectural buildings in Italy8
Enzymes as tools for conservation of works of art8
Colored feathers in museum collections: A spectroscopic study of 3 bio-pigments and their lightfastness8
Non-invasive identification of red and yellow oxide and sulfide pigments in wall-paintings with portable ER-FTIR spectroscopy8
HBIM-based workflow for the integration of advanced photovoltaic systems in historical buildings8
Resilient cultural heritage through digital cultural heritage cube: Two cases in South Korea8
Collapsed and re-swollen archaeological wood: efficiency and effects on the chemical and viscoelastic characteristics of wood8
Improvement of the digital radiographic images of old paintings on wooden support through the anisotropic diffusion method8
Optimal LED spectrum for lighting Chinese paper cultural relics in museums8
Semi-automatic classification of digital heritage on the Aïoli open source 2D/3D annotation platform via machine learning and deep learning8
Notes on Vestorius’ Blue – New findings and investigations8
From physical to virtual art exhibitions and beyond: Survey and some issues for consideration for the metaverse8
Evaluation of risks to UNESCO World Heritage (WH) sites in Taxila, Pakistan using ground-based and satellite remote sensing techniques8
NMR spectroscopy and micro-analytical techniques for studying the constitutive materials and the state of conservation of an ancient Tapa barkcloth from Polynesia, is. Wallis8
Identification of bacterial communities on different surface materials of museum artefacts using high throughput sequencing8
Evaluating the xerophilic potential of moulds on selected egg tempera paints on glass and wooden supports using fluorescent microscopy8
Analysis of preservation priority of historic buildings along the subway based on matter-element model8
Evaluation of the efficacy and durability of the “barium hydroxide method” after 40 years. Multi-analytical survey on the Crocifissione by Beato Angelico8
Eco-friendly approach for control of fungal deterioration of archaeological skeleton dated back to the Greco-Roman period8
Evaluation of mortar mix designs for the conservation of the Acropolis monuments8
GC–MS and PCA analyses of diterpenoids degradation state in 21 human mummies of Ancient Egypt dating from New Kingdom to Graeco-Roman Period8
A high-resolution photogrammetric workflow based on focus stacking for the 3D modeling of small Aegean inscriptions8
Moisture in historical buildings from causes to the application of specific diagnostic methodologies8
Identification of determinants during the registration process of industrial heritage using a regression analysis8
An on-site Raman and pXRF study of Joseph Coteau and Philippe Parpette’s jewelled porcelain: a summit of ceramic art7
An experimental approach for the investigation of the performance of non-stabilized Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) against water-mediated weathering7
Mapping Ancient Battlefields in a multi-scalar approach combining Drone Imagery and Geophysical Surveys: The Roman siege of the oppidum of Cabezo de Alcalá (Azaila, Spain)7
PHMG-KH560 as antifungal and reinforcement media for paper materials7
A comparison between TGA, SEM-EDX and Raman spectroscopy to assess PVC plasticizer loss7
Spectral heat aging model to estimate the age of seals on painting and calligraphy7
Risk analysis of biodeterioration in contemporary art collections: the poly-material challenge7
The effect of ethylene oxide and silver nanoparticles on photographic models in the context of disinfection of photo albums7
Understanding the Performance of Historic Masonry Structures in Mayfield, KY after the 2021 Tornadoes7
A comparative appraisal of Raman band ratioing and chemometric analysis for classification of ancient papyri7
Determination of the hygric properties of the heritage stone of the Cathedral of Cuenca through the water absorption by capillarity test7
IR Thermography for the Restoration of Colonial Architecture in India—Case study of the British Residency in Hyderabad, Telangana7
Evaluating the protecting effects of two consolidants applied on Pietra di Lecce limestone: A neutronographic study7
Detection of early Chinese organic-inorganic composite lime surface from the Lushanmao site, 4300 years ago7
Textile heritage motifs to decorative furniture surfaces. Transpose process and analysis7
The visualization method of environmental risk assessment for metal cultural relics in museums based on Quick Response code7
Non-invasive X-ray investigations of medieval sculptures: New insights on “applied tin-relief brocade” technique7
Practical evidence and experimental demonstration of the Liesegang phenomenon in the carbonation process of lime mortars in exposed masonries7
Quantitative Oddy test by the incorporation of the methodology of the ISO 11844 standard: A proof of concept7
An innovative multi-component fluoropolymer-based coating on outdoor patinated bronze for Cultural Heritage: Durability and reversibility7
Analysing productivity and technical change in museums: A dynamic network approach7
First applications of non-invasive techniques on Algerian heritage manuscripts: the LMUHUB ULAHBIB ancient manuscript collection from Kabylia region (Afniq n Ccix Lmuhub)7
Analysis of facade solutions as an alternative to demolition for architectures with visual impact in historical urban scenes7
Remains of the ancient colonnade in the archaeological site of Pompeii, Italy: vulnerability analysis and strengthening proposal7
Historical grisailles characterisation: A literature review7
Application of improved enzyme induced calcium carbonate precipitation (EICP) technology in surface protection of earthen sites7
Quantitative assessment of collagen degradation in archeological leather by solid-state NMR7
Technical study for restoration of mural paintings through the transfer of a photographic image to the vault of a church7
Applicability of prompt-gamma activation analysis to determine elemental compositions of silicate-based cultural heritage objects and their raw materials7
Non-destructive quantitative analysis of nano-mechanics of aged Xuan paper7
Determining the level of organic acid air pollution in museum storage rooms by mass-balance modelling7
A database approach to examine the relation between function and interventions in the adaptive reuse of industrial heritage7
A combined theoretical and experimental investigation of the electronic and vibrational properties of red lead pigment7
Evaluation of the effectiveness and compatibility of nanolime for the consolidation of earthen-based murals at Mogao Grottoes6
Computational framework for the evaluation of the composition and degradation state of metal heritage assets by deep learning6
Ionic liquids (ILs)-loaded hydrogels as a potential cleaning method of metallic stains for stone conservation6
The vernacular sculpture of Saint Anthony the Abbot of Museo Colle del Duomo in Viterbo (Italy). Diagnostic and Wood dating6
Sustainable fruition as a preventive conservation strategy for hypogeum artefacts6
Library Indoor microclimate monitoring with and without heating system. A bologna university library case study6
Alkali-dolomite reaction in air lime mortar – implications for increased strength and water resistance6
The influence of pre-wetting with consolidants on the adhesion of double-layer lime based mortars6
Efficiency of a corrosion inhibitor on bare, oxidized and real archeological bronze in indoor polluted atmosphere- digital image correlation  approach6
An artificial neural network framework for classifying the style of cypriot hybrid examples of built heritage in 3D6
Critical assessment of the “non-destructiveness” of Schmidt hammer test on monumental sandstones: A microscopic and microstructural approach6
Analysing, modelling and promoting tangible and intangible values of building heritage with historic flame lighting system6
Infrared thermography as a tool to detect increasing cracking in granitic stones exposed to high temperatures6
Distinguishing between seemingly identical inks using scanning µXRF and heat maps6
Understanding the challenges of determining thermal comfort in vernacular dwellings: A meta-analysis6
Microscopic modifications produced by mechanical cleaning interventions on archaeological bone6
Safeguarding outdoor cultural heritage materials in an ever-changing troposphere: Challenges and new guidelines for artificial ageing test6
Multi-analytic characterization of colorants in two impressions of an Utagawa Toyoharu perspective print6
A study on the structural functioning of the ancient charpente of Notre-Dame, with a historical perspective6