European Physical Journal E

(The TQCC of European Physical Journal E is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Lattice Boltzmann simulation for phase separation with chemical reaction controlled by thermal diffusion52
Mixing and demixing arising from compression of two semiflexible polymer chains in nanochannels48
Mathematical modeling for prediction of physicochemical characteristics of cardiovascular drugs via modified reverse degree topological indices43
Study of brine–halite phase separation through optical constringence and molecular dynamics33
The modern structurator: increased performance for calculating the structure function26
Simple models for strictly non-ergodic stochastic processes of macroscopic systems25
Maximizing friction by liquid flow clogging in confinement25
Comment on ‘When low-order expansions fail and all higher-order contributions matter-basic example of the mean squared displacement for Brownian motion’25
Thickness of epithelia on wavy substrates: measurements and continuous models24
Impact of flexibility on the aggregation of polymeric macromolecules24
Adsorption time scales of cluster-forming systems20
Flow reconstruction by multiresolution optimization of a discrete loss with automatic differentiation19
Rayleigh method adapted for the study of the optical response of natural photonic structures19
Steering undulatory micro-swimmers in a fluid flow through reinforcement learning19
Behavior of chiral active nematics confined to nanoscopic circular region18
Drying behaviour of nanofluid sessile droplets on self-affine vis-à-vis corrugated nanorough surfaces18
Aerodynamic wall shear fluctuation in sand-laden flow in a turbulent boundary layer18
First passage time in post-transcriptional regulation by multiple small RNAs17
Surface tension between liquids containing antagonistic and regular salts17
Particle rotation speeds up capillary interactions16
Motility and swimming: universal description and generic trajectories16
Writhing and hockling instabilities in twisted elastic fibers15
Translation–deformation coupling effects on the Rayleigh instability of an electrodynamically levitated charged droplet15
Stretching Hookean ribbons part II: from buckling instability to far-from-threshold wrinkle pattern15
Thermogravitational separation in porous vertical and horizontal cylindrical annular cells saturated by a binary mixture14
Cooperation in bioluminescence: understanding the role of autoinducers by a stochastic random resistor model14
The role of epistasis in evolutionary rescue13
Diffusive search and trajectories on tubular networks: a propagator approach13
Programming tunable active dynamics in a self-propelled robot12
Generative adversarial networks to infer velocity components in rotating turbulent flows12
Topical issue on quantitative AI in complex fluids and complex flows: challenges and benchmarks12
Thermophoresis and thermal orientation of Janus nanoparticles in thermal fields12
Viscosimetric squeeze flow of suspensions11
Lift at low Reynolds number11
Crystallisation and polymorph selection in active Brownian particles11
Magnetically tuning microwave propagation parameters in ferrofluids11
Explicit solvent machine-learned coarse-grained model of sodium polystyrene sulfonate to capture polymer structure and dynamics11
Multi-component generalized mode-coupling theory: predicting dynamics from structure in glassy mixtures11
Collective behavior of thermophoretic dimeric active colloids in three-dimensional bulk10
Local electroneutrality breakdown for electrolytes within varying-section nanopores10
Modeling mechanochemical pattern formation in elastic sheets of biological matter10
Design, construction, and testing of an accurate low-cost humidistat for laboratory-scale applications9
Microfluidic device coupled with total internal reflection microscopy for in situ observation of precipitation9
Active Brownian particles in a biased periodic potential9
Hydrodynamics of electro-capillarity propelled non-Newtonian droplets through micro-confinements9
Interaction of double-stranded polynucleotide poly(A:U) with graphene/graphene oxide9
Research on sedimentation characteristics of squirmer in a power-law fluid8
Structure and dynamics of nanoconfined water and aqueous solutions8
Hierarchical microphase separation in non-conserved active mixtures8
Dynamic structure factor of undulating vesicles: finite-size and spherical geometry effects with application to neutron spin echo experiments8
Control over self-assembled Janus clusters by the strength of magnetic field in $$\hbox {H}_{2}\hbox {O}_{2}$$8
Localization model description of the interfacial dynamics of crystalline Cu and $$\hbox {Cu}_{64}\hbox {Zr}_{36}$$ metallic glass nanoparticles8
Weak non-linearities of amorphous polymer under creep in the vicinity of the glass transition8
Investigation of human β-defensins 1, 2 and 3 in human saliva by molecular dynamics8
Machine learning for optimal flow control in an axial compressor8
Reinforcement learning of biomimetic navigation: a model problem for sperm chemotaxis7
Surface conversion of the dynamics of bacteria escaping chemorepellents7
Taming Lagrangian chaos with multi-objective reinforcement learning7
Correction to: Solitons in the Heimburg–Jackson model of sound propagation in lipid bilayers are enabled by dispersion of a stiff membrane7
Mobilities of a drop and an encapsulated squirmer7
Simulation of a liquid drop on a soft substrate7
Correction to: Gyrotactic cluster formation of bottom-heavy squirmers7
Modeling straight and circle swimmers: from single swimmer to collective motion7
Conduction in heterogeneous systems in the low-frequency regime: variational principles and boundary integral equations7
Insertion of anionic synthetic clay in lamellar surfactant phases7
Benchmarking YOLOv5 and YOLOv7 models with DeepSORT for droplet tracking applications7
Correction to: A mechanical test of the tenertaxis hypothesis forleukocyte diapedesis7
Correction to: A biaxial tensional model for early vertebrate morphogenesis7
A continuum mechanics model of the plant cell wall reveals interplay between enzyme action and cell wall structure6
Interplay between cell height variations and planar pulsations in epithelial monolayers6
A one-dimensional three-state run-and-tumble model with a ‘cell cycle’6
Influence of grain discharge rate on the normal force of arch6
Testing mean-field theory for jamming of non-spherical particles: contact number, gap distribution, and vibrational density of states6
Preparation of ultra-thin elastomeric films6
History-dependent phase transition character6
Weierstrassian Lévy walks are a by-product of crawling6
Fast dynamics and emergent topological defects in long-range interacting particle systems6
Towards understanding specific ion effects in aqueous media using thermodiffusion6
Dynamic self-organization of migrating cells under constraints by spatial confinement and epithelial integrity6
The Soret coefficient of human low-density lipoprotein in solution: a thermophilic behavior6
Rigorous treatment of pairwise and many-body electrostatic interactions among dielectric spheres at the Debye–Hückel level6
Collective durotaxis of cohesive cell clusters on a stiffness gradient6
Macroscopic dynamics of the ferroelectric smectic $$A_F$$ phase with $$C_{\infty v} $$ symmetry6
Anomalous diffusion of lithium-anion clusters in ionic liquids6
Active T1 transitions in cellular networks6
D11 and small angle neutron scattering: a paradigm of ILL6
Conditions for the propulsion of a colloid surrounded by a mesoscale phase separation6
Analysis of purification of charged giant vesicles in a buffer using their size distribution6
Thermotaxis of Janus particles6
Inertial active harmonic particle with memory induced spreading by viscoelastic suspension5
Neural networks for large eddy simulations of wall-bounded turbulence: numerical experiments and challenges5
Bifurcation analysis and control of the full velocity difference model with delayed velocity difference5
Effective interactions and phase behavior of protein solutions in the presence of hexamine cobalt(III) chloride5
SPH numerical simulation of non-steady sand ripple wind-sand flow structure5
Characterizing the heterogeneity of membrane liquid-ordered domains5
Structure–property modeling of coumarins and coumarin-related compounds in pharmacotherapy of cancer by employing graphical topological indices5
Effect of internal structure and resin deformability on drying rate and stress in convective drying of silica–latex coatings5
Asymptotic analysis of particle cluster formation in the presence of anchoring sites5
Super-swelling behavior of stacked lipid bilayer systems5
Viscoelastic response of confined powder under large strain oscillations, characterized by its noise temperature5
Jet or wet? Droplet post-impact regimes on concave contours5
Electric-permittivity-based instability of two dielectric miscible liquids under DC field5
Stabilized convection in a ternary mixture with two Soret coefficients of opposite sign5
On the origin of the negative energy-related contribution to the elastic modulus of rubber-like gels5
Effect of bottom bumpiness of vibrated closed container on granular dissipation behavior5
Transport coefficients in dense active Brownian particle systems: mode-coupling theory and simulation results5
Modelling contractile ring formation and division to daughter cells for simulating proliferative multicellular dynamics5
Stretching Hookean ribbons part I: relative edge extension underlies transverse compression and buckling instability5
A C++ expression system for partial differential equations enables generic simulations of biological hydrodynamics5
Renormalized charge and dielectric effects in colloidal interactions: a numerical solution of the nonlinear Poisson–Boltzmann equation for unknown boundary conditions5
Fundamental aspects of the molecular topology of fuchsine acid dye with connection numbers5
Morphologies of compressed active epithelial monolayers5
Implementation of cellular bulk stresses in vertex models of biological tissues4
Aggregation kinetics of a concentrated colloidal suspension under oscillatory flow4
Publisher Correction to: A framework for crossover of scaling law as a self-similar solution: dynamical impact of viscoelastic board4
UV light sensing and switching applications of dimeric smectic liquid crystals: comparative calculations4
Surfactant-loaded capsules as Marangoni microswimmers at the air–water interface: Symmetry breaking and spontaneous propulsion by surfactant diffusion and advection4
On the fluid drag reduction in scallop surface4
Multiparticle collision dynamics simulations of a squirmer in a nematic fluid4
A molecularly informed field-theoretic study of the complexation of polycation PDADMA with mixed micelles of sodium dodecyl sulfate and ethoxylated surfactants4
On the construction of some bioconjugate networks and their structural modeling via irregularity topological indices4
Erratum to: Modelling the effect of ribosome mobility on the rate of protein synthesis4
Collective motion of chiral particles in complex noise environments4
Alignment rule and geometric confinement lead to stability of a vortex in active flow4
A multiple-timing analysis of temporal ratcheting4
Advances in the study of supercooled water4
Pretransitional of behavior of electrooptic Kerr effect in liquid thymol4
Lipid vesicle pools studied by passive X-ray microrheology4
Structural modeling and topological characterization of three kinds of dendrimer networks4
A biaxial tensional model for early vertebrate morphogenesis4
Hopf bifurcation control of macroscopic traffic flow model considering vehicle braking effect4
Thermodynamic stability of hard sphere crystals in dimensions 3 through 104