International Journal of Thermal Sciences

(The TQCC of International Journal of Thermal Sciences is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The effects of input power and ambient temperature on the thermal performance of conical pin fin heat sink in natural convection215
Dual-polarization strong nonreciprocal thermal radiation with silicon-based nanopore arrays97
Numerical study on the condensation characteristics of various refrigerants outside a horizontal plain tube at low temperatures93
The comparison between integral and local calculation methods on the simulation of crystallization fouling89
Prediction of effective thermal conductivity of multiphase composites with periodic microstructures using an expanded micromechanical model88
The effect of dimple/protrusion arrangements on the comprehensive thermal performance of variable cross-section rotating channels for gas turbine blades82
Experimental study on heat transfer performance of axially rotating heat pipe in steady state81
Surface temperature field real-time reconstruction of hot forging die based on 1DCNN76
An adaptive indoor temperature control approach simultaneously improving thermal comfort and task performance73
A novel design for film-cooling: Cooling holes with inlet groove72
Advanced thermal management system based on a novel flat evaporator loop heat pipe with high-efficiency condenser for electronic cooling70
Experimental investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop of fin and tube heat exchanger under dry and wet conditions68
An experimental investigation on the effects of a slot exit protrusion on film cooling effectiveness66
Effect of cusp magnetic field on the turbulent melt flow and crystal/melt interface during large-size Czochralski silicon crystal growth65
Laboratory experiment of fire spread between two informal settlement dwellings64
Natural convection of a viscoplastic fluid in an enclosure filled with solid obstacles63
A new hybrid analytical/numerical method for transient heat conduction in composite hollow cylinders applied to plug and abandonment of oil wells61
Unsteady heat conduction with phase change applied to a novel thermal plug and abandonment process61
Why and which opacifier for perlite based vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) in the average temperature range of 10–70 °C60
Numerical studies on the hydraulic and thermal performances of trapezoidal microchannel heat sink60
Freezing characteristics of deposited water droplets on hydrophilic and hydrophobic cold surfaces59
Conjugate heat transfer investigation of impingement cooling for ribbed internal passage of a turbine vane59
Effect of groove depth on hydrothermal characteristics of the rectangular microchannel heat sink58
Numerical investigation of the condensation of a rising bubble inside a subcooled liquid under magnetic field56
Effect of geometrical and operational parameters on paraffin's melting performance in helical coiled latent heat storage for solar application: A numerical study56
Significant enhancement of thermal conductivity in toluene-based nanofluids employing highly dispersed and concentrated ZrO2 nanodots56
Numerical analysis of thermal mechanism in downward flame spread over inverted surfaces of discrete inclined solid fuels54
Numerical study on heat dissipation of double layer enhanced liquid cooling plate for lithium battery module54
Near-field thermal rectification via an InSb/graphene/3C–SiC-nanowire heterostructure54
Boiling heat transfer characteristics of Cu–Al2O3 nanocomposite coating surfaces in distributed jet array impingement54
Simulation of lithium-ion battery thermal runaway considering active material volume fraction effect53
Dual grid level set method based direct numerical simulations of nucleate boiling with oscillating base plate52
Numerical analysis and experiments on heat transfer and flow structures in rotating three-pass serpentine channels with ribs, guide vanes and trailing bleed holes52
Numerical analysis of the heat transfer of radiant tubes and the slab heating characteristics in an industrial heat treatment furnace with pulse combustion50
Experimental study on cooling characteristics of an air-cooled evaporative flame holder under combustion conditions49
A novel 3D numerical model coupling droplet transfer and arc behaviors for underwater FCAW49
ZrC–Au core-shell nanoparticles for efficient solar photothermal conversion48
Oscillatory natural convection in a square enclosure containing a PCM suspension48
Theoretical evaluation on the thermal response of coal during the conventional crossing-point temperature measurement48
Acceleration analysis and unsteady mathematical prediction of flame spread over thermal insulation layer in u-shaped building façade fires46
Enhancement of transfer processes on a channel wall covered with regular small-size ribs45
Numerical prediction of the two-phase flow and radiation effects on the thermal environment and ablation of solid rocket nozzle44
Effect of degradation of the thermal barrier coating on the cooling performance of vane in gas turbine44
Effect of helical coil orientation on flow boiling process44
An optimizing study of silicon-based microchannels for enhanced thermal transfer44
Study on temperature field beneath tunnel ceiling induced by transverse symmetrical double fires44
Investigation of mixing and heat transfer characteristics of long-hole SK direct contact heat exchanger43
Theoretical and experimental investigation on the thermal penetration depth in the surrounding rock of a deeply buried high-temperature tunnel43
Influence of metal foam thickness on the conduction and convective heat transfer for a flat plate with metal foam impinged by a rectangular slot jet43
Novel knitted fabric structures for shielding against electromagnetic and thermal radiation from laptops and mobile phones43
Analytical and numerical investigations on optimal cell spacing for air-cooled energy storage systems42
Intrinsically low lattice thermal conductivity of monolayer hexagonal aluminum nitride (h-AlN) from first-principles: A comparative study with graphene42
Thermal management characteristics of a counter-intuitive finned heat sink incorporating detached fins impregnated with a high thermal conductivity-low melting point PCM42
An AOIMLS enhanced LIBEM and for solving 3D thermo-elastic problems and non-homogeneous heat conduction problems with heat generation41
Numerical investigations of heat transfer in hybrid microchannel heat sink with multi-jet impinging and trapezoidal fins40
Performance optimization of a wavy finned-tube heat exchanger with staggered curved vortex generators40
Flameless venting characteristics and design model of micro-nano PMMA dust explosion40
Analytical solution of two-dimensional unsteady heat conduction in multi-layered cylindrical sectors applied to thermal plug and abandonment of oil wells40
Real-time reconstruction of thermal boundary condition of porous media via temperature sequence40
Performance evaluation of coaxial borehole heat exchangers considering ground non-uniformity based on analytical solutions39
Numerical analysis of cooling efficiency for turboshaft engines with converging-diverging film cooling holes38
Polarized radiative transfer in heterogeneous black carbon aerosol particles38
New developments and explicit results for the thermal constriction resistance of a circular contact under mixed axisymmetric boundary conditions37
Multiscale topology optimization of cellular structures with high thermal conductivity and large convective surface area37
Key factors affecting the performance of the multi-stream heat exchanger for CO2 condensation37
Numerical simulation of defect influence on nanosecond laser manufacturing37
3D modeling of cryogenic cracking by liquid nitrogen in coal under true triaxial stresses37
Numerical investigation and implementation of the Taguchi based entropy-ROV method for optimization of the operating and geometrical parameters during natural convection of hybrid nanofluid in annuli37
Experimental study on buoyance-aided mixed convective heat transfer in an asymmetrically heated vertical channel37
Computational characterisation of the heat flow meter method applied to moist bio-based insulating building materials37
Machine learning backpropagation network analysis of permeability, Forchheimer coefficient, and effective thermal conductivity of macroporous foam–fluid systems36
Experimental study on serpentine minichannel heat sink: Effect of rib existence and distance36
Quantitative assessment and multi-objective optimization of supercritical CO2 cycles with multiple operating parameters36
Experimental investigations on cooling characteristics of different trailing-edge cutback geometries36
Temperature field analysis and equal-amplitude temperature rise constraint current control method under open-circuit fault-tolerant operation for five-phase permanent magnet motor35
Editorial Board35
Experimental investigation of flame spread interaction and heat transfer over inclined parallel twin wires under different separation distances35
Swirl flow heat transfer and flow characteristics in a solid and permeable pipe with exit nozzle35
Transpiration cooling of a porous Nb-based alloy in high heat flux conditions35
Passive control of temperature distribution in cancerous tissue during photothermal therapy using optical phase change nanomaterials35
Collective effects during the formation of child droplets as a result of puffing/micro-explosion of composite droplets34
Viscoplastic model-based analysis of in-service oscillation temperature and thermal stress in a rotating component34
Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of R1234yf/HFC mixtures inside small diameter channels34
Experimental thermal study of solar salt and subcritical pressure water in a shell and tube heat exchanger34
A comprehensive study on enhancing effective thermal conductivity of polymer composites with randomly distributed triple fillers34
Study on the temperature, velocity fields and inward-concave shape of merging flame of two-line fires33
Influence of spacing of a delta-winglet vortex generator pair on the flow behavior and heat transfer at the internal tip of gas turbine blades33
Investigating the fractal dimension of flame fronts of the biodiesel-diesel blends combustion in atmospheric conditions and engine cylinders: An experimental study33
CFD modelling of the powder segregation in multi-material laser directed energy deposition33
Multi-objective optimization of single-phase flow heat transfer characteristics in corrugated tubes33
Flow and heat measurement within self-rewetting mixtures of 1-pentanol and water drops33
Comprehensive analysis of the performance of the coaxial heat exchanger with turbulators33
Effect of heaters’ clearance on mixed convection cooling performance in a dicretely heated horizontal duct33
Heat transfer augmentation in a tube with conical wire coils using a mixture of ethylene glycol/water as a fluid33
An electron–phonon Monte Carlo study on thermal transport in GaN33
Experimental investigation of deposition patterns of citric acid modified magnetic nanofluids droplet affected by substrate temperatures33
Co-existing boiling and condensation phase changes of a multicomponent fluid in a confined micro-space analysed by a modified LBM32
Development of quartz glass as a certified reference material for thermal diffusivity measurements32
Active protection against fire: Enhancing the flame retardancy of sandwich panels using an expandable graphite layer formation32
Heat transfer and flow structure of a hot annular impinging jet32
Virus spreading and heat spreading32
Substrate effects on the near-field radiative heat transfer between bi-planar graphene/hBN heterostructures32
Professor Sameer Khandekar - Obituary31
An integrated thermophysiological model for predicting thermal response of medical staff wearing medical protective clothing in summer31
Numerical investigation of longitudinal location and heat release rate of fire source on neutral plane height and induced flow in longitudinal sloping tunnel fires under natural ventilation31
RANS simulation of heat transfer in a mist turbulent flow over an obstacle31
Micromechanics-based theoretical prediction for thermoelectric properties of anisotropic composites and porous media31
Interface evaluation of a Bi–Zn eutectic solder alloy: Effects of different substrate materials on thermal contact conductance31
Editorial Board31
Heat transfer performance of liquid film outside horizontal sintered tube evaporator31
Numerical simulation of air heating by the recovered waste heat from the radiating exhaust gas flows in a plate heat exchanger30
Undulatory theory of phonons on the nanofluid thermal conduction30
Vortex flow affected by disk rotation in an air jet impinging onto a confined heated horizontal disk30
Numerical study on the effect of multi-hole injector on three-dimensional flow and heat transfer properties of a novel combined solid rocket motor30
Effects of geometry on the thermal-fluid dynamics of a transition water flow in a square heated asymmetric cavity channel30
A comperative experimental study between the film effectiveness of trench and diffusion film holes30
Exploring the temperature rise under low-energy electron irradiation for various materials30
Combination of a simplified one-dimensional human thermoregulatory model with the water circulation temperature control and RO membrane sweating systems in the thermal manikin29
Thermo-mechanical coupling simulation analysis of cryotherapy on real anatomical structure lung cancer model29
Deep learning and thermographic imaging method for thermal comfort prediction in different genders29
Modulation of near-field radiative heat transfer between nanoparticles supported by a strained hBN film with graphene covered29
Heat transfer enhancement of a natural convection flow in an enclosure submitted to a small extent thermal disturbance: Influence of location and frequency29
Experimental and numerical study of the liquid nitrogen accumulator based on two-phase thermal stratification29
Experimental investigation on the thermal performance of an enhanced convection-radiant heating wall panel with orifices29
Lattice Boltzmann simulations on transient radiative transfer problems in irregular geometries with constant or graded refractive index29
Theoretical study on forced convection filmwise condensation inside converging channels in the presence of a non-condensable gas29
The modeling of meso-structure of fiber/particle composites and its influence on ETC under different inner pressure: A comprehensive study by RNMG-LBM29
A study of vortex generator effects on fan-shaped hole cooling performance29
Editorial Board29
Numerical and experimental study of feedforward and feedback control for microchannel cooling system29
The interaction between the latticework duct and film cooling on the thermal performance with different film cooling hole locations29
Doubly conjugate asymptotic analysis for the temperature and electric fields in a combined gel and stratum corneum system28
Thermal modelling of a small satellite data processing unit aided by sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification28
Structure-stabilized SiO2 packed beds based on sawdust-doped for high-temperature thermal insulation28
Hybrid outflow boundary condition for the pseudopotential LBM simulation of flow boiling28
Experimental study of steam condensation heat transfer characteristics in a horizontal tube under rolling motion28
Simulation study on optimal structure of circular corrugated finned tube28
Editorial Board28
Numerical investigations on the component separation phenomenon and transport behavior of steam-air-hydrogen mixture induced by condensation27
Analytical study on core flow in a novel scheme of cascade heat exchanger intensified with open foam partially filled in an annulus27
Experimental study of turbulent flow heat transfer and pressure loss over surfaces with dense micro-depth dimples under viscous sublayer27
Natural convection onset during melting of phase change materials: Part III – Global correlations for onset conditions27
Effect of diamond microparticles on the thermal behavior of low melting point metal: An experimental and numerical study27
Survivability of a particle laden sessile coughed and sneezed droplet subjected to different ambient conditions27
Thermal performances of pumped thermosyphon loops with evaporator configured by serpentine ribbed channel with and without internal effusion27
The influences of flow conditions on heat transfer of supercritical cracked-kerosene26
A novel model of liquid film flow and evaporation for thermal protection to a chamber with high temperature and high shear force26
Effect of film cooling structures on the cooling characteristics of plugs for two-dimensional (2-D) plug nozzle26
Technique for calculating streamwise local fluxes in general flows26
Effect of the free-stream orientation on mixed convective flow past a porous cylinder26
Rapid detection of the vacuum failure of logging tools based on the variation in equivalent thermal conductivity26
Editorial Board26
Study of flow boiling in a vertical mini-channel with surface structuring: Heat transfer analysis using inverse method26
Response to the comment “Numerical simulation of steam condensation on the surface of a horizontal tube using the VOF method. A comment on the results from Li Shu and Yonglin Ju paper ‘Numerical study26
Thermo-optical coupling applied to high luminance LED used in automotive front lighting26
Numerical simulation of bubble dynamics and heat transfer in the 2D saturated pool boiling from a circular surface26
Natural convection onset during melting of phase change materials: Part I – Effects of the geometry, Stefan number, and degree of subcooling26
Convective heat transfer performance of thermal oil-based nanofluids in a high-temperature thermohydraulic loop26
Experimental and numerical investigation on aerodynamic performance of biomimetic blade in steam turbine26
Prediction of thermal diffusivity of volcanic rocks using machine learning and genetic algorithm hybrid strategy26
Editorial Board26
Estimation of aerothermal heating for a thermal protection system with temperature dependent material properties26
A mathematical model for longitudinal temperature evolution in strip deformation zone during cold rolling25
Performance and validation of a radiation model coupled with a transient bubbling fluidized bed combustion model25
Editorial Board25
A transient thermal model for forecasting the real-time temperature of downhole electronics25
Nearly spherical ablation zone with minimally invasive microwave ablation: Analysis and experimental characterization of a tapered-tip symmetric dipole antenna25
Dimensionless characterization of the problem of heat transfer in soils with horizontal, underground and permeable thin layer: Direct and inverse problems25
Evaporation characteristics of viscous droplets on stainless steel superhydrophobic surface25
A new differential scheme for the development of thermally conductive polymer-composites with non-dilute filler concentrations25
Second law analysis of aerodynamic characteristics with flow temperature variations of simple angle and compound angle full coverage film cooling25
Near-infrared measurement of temperature fields formed by mixed convection from a small heating sphere in water25
Numerical and experimental investigations on intense pulsed light sintering of silver nanoparticle inks for printed electronics25
Thermal constriction resistance of a functionally graded material plate heated by a circular disc heat source on one face and isothermal on the opposite face25
Bubble dynamics of R-123 and R-134a on pore/sub-tunnel surfaces25
Effect of liquid splattering on thermal performance of jets and sprays over plain and pillared surfaces24
Influence of layout pattern on thermal performance of mechanical draft wet cooling tower group24
Effects of non-axisymmetric endwall contouring on aerothermal performance of a gas turbine blade endwall with a purge flow24
Experimental study on condensation flow patterns and heat transfer characteristics of non-azeotropic and immiscible binary mixed vapors24
Investigation on vertical temperature profile of thermal ejected plume from a compartment fire with an adjacent side wall24
A new experimental method to study the convective heat transfer characteristics of the interior passages of ventilated disc brakes24
Gender inequity in thermal sensation based on emotional intensity for participants in a warm mediterranean climate zone24
Thermal conductivity of single silk fibroin fibers measured from the 3ω method24
Numerical investigation of turbulent flow and mixed convection around a wavy cylinder24
A theoretical approach on estimating temperature-dependent optical properties of two typical molten alkali chloride salts (KCl and NaCl)24
Novel thermal design of micro-bream-fin heat sink using contour-extraction-based (CEB) method24
Investigation on the convection flow effect on the surface and depth of the evaporative polymeric solutions via PIV method24
Internal temperature measurement of ablating bodies in high-speed flows24
Dynamic behaviors of in-tank subcooled liquid with depressurization-induced phase change and the impact on primary breakup of flashing jet24
Comparative aerothermal performance of two rotating triple-pass channels with lateral flow exit roughened by skewed ribs and pin-fins with and without internal effusion23
A deep assessment of a pair of built-in winglets with similar disposition on a rectangular channel23
Analysis of laser surface absorptivity modification for selective laser hardening23
Spectroscopic determination of the optical constants and radiative properties of black PMMA for pyrolysis modeling23
Effect of aspect ratio on three-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard flow of a gas mixture with density maximum in rectangular containers23
Steady-state error estimation and calibration of a shielded total temperature probe for turbomachinery23
Comparison between the cooling performances of micro-jet impingement systems using liquid metal and water as coolants for high power electronics23
Analysis of vortex cooling fluid-structure interaction under different vortex chamber curvature23
A convective analytical model in turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate based on the unifying heat flux formula23
Effects of rock-airflow conjugated heat transfer in development headings: A numerical study23
Impact of vapour bubble movement on the process of two-phase heat transfer phenomena over hybrid elliptical tubes22
Numerical study on the heat transfer deterioration of supercritical CO2 in straight tubes under different inclination angle22
The influence of a rotating magnetic field on the thermal effect in magnetic fluid22
Experimental study on transient heat transfer characteristics during the dropping of containment pressure22
Comparisons on flow characteristics and film cooling performance of cylindrical and sister holes with/without internal coolant crossflow22
Development of a general heat conduction model for two-phase heterogeneous solid mixture based on mixture theory22
Optimization of convective drying performance of multiple porous moist objects in a 3D channel22
Experimental investigation on heat transfer enhancement of air-cooled heat sink using multiple synthetic jets22
Determination of the surfaces radiosity temperatures in a square cavity with a square inner centred obstacle and a non-isothermal absorbing-emitting medium22
Double-pass shell-and-tube heat exchanger performance enhancement with new combined baffle and elliptical tube bundle arrangement22
Effects of crossflow-fed-shaped holes on the adiabatic film cooling effectiveness22
Adiabatic effectiveness and heat transfer measurements of simple and trenched cylindrical holes with backward injection22
Heat transfer enhancement investigation in a novel flat plate heat exchanger22
Enhancement of heat transfer and hydrogen fuel flow characteristics in a wavy cooling channel with secondary branch design22
Investigation of the optimum design of magnetic field arrangement to enhance heat transfer performance of Fe3O4-water magnetic nanofluid22
Experimental investigation of thermohydraulic performance, entropy minimization, and exergy efficiency in red mud nanofluid22
Study of thermo-hydraulic performance of chevron type plate heat exchanger with wire inserts in the channel22
Conductivity and permeability of graphite foams: Analytical modelling and pore-scale simulation22
Unveiling the melting phenomena of PCM in a latent heat thermal storage subjected to temperature fluctuating heat source22
Thermal elevation on midriff skin surface as a potential diagnostic feature for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm using Infrared Thermography (IRT)21
Flow and heat transfer performance analysis of brazed plate heat exchangers under marine vibration conditions21
Conjugate turbulent natural convection with thermal radiation in a vertical and inclined wall with heat sources21
Assessment and improvement on the applicability of turbulent-Prandtl-number models in RANS for liquid metals21
Entropy generation analysis of turbulent convection in a heat exchanger with self-rotating turbulator inserts21
Sensitivity analysis of nanofluid flow over different flat tubes confined between two parallel plates using Taguchi method and statistical analysis of variance21
Heat transfer enhancement of nanofluid flow at the entry region of microtubes21
A biomimetic design of steam turbine blade to improve aerodynamic performance21
Arc-top tunnel longitudinal ceiling temperature distribution under longitudinal ventilation with different fire-source–side-wall distances21
Experimental study of coupled heat and mass transfer phenomena between air and desiccant in a solar assisted thermal liquid desiccant system21
Mathematical modelling and simulation of three phase lag bio-heat transfer model during cancer treatment21
Effects of convergence and superhydrophobicity on the hydrothermal features of the tapered double-layer microchannel21
Experiments and qualitative analysis by artificial neural network approach on pool boiling of FC-72 on finned surfaces confined by an unheated horizontal wall21
Analysis of the effect of hot rotation cylinders on the enhancement of heat transfer in underfloor heating enclosures based on numerical and experimental results21
Investigation on flow and heat transfer in rectangular cross-section sinusoidal channels21
Micro-scale prediction of effective thermal conductivity of CNT/Al composites by finite element method21
Analysis of cooling effects and measurement errors in water-cooled thermocouples for total temperature measurement in aviation engine combustion chambers21
Flow and heat transfer characteristics of submerged impinging air-water jets21
Thermal optimization of secondary cooling systems in the continuous steel casting process21
Coupled heat and mass transfer in shallow caves: Interactions between turbulent convection, gas radiative transfer and moisture transport21
Measuring in-plane thermal conductivity of polymers using a membrane-based modified Ångström method21
Heat dissipation optimization and prediction for three-dimensional fan-out package21
Numerical prediction for temperature and microstructure of A283GRC steel and 5052 aluminium alloy during induction-pressure welding21
Flow and heat transfer characteristics of bio-inspired rhombus-patterned ribs: Performance optimization using response surface methodology20
Circular perforations on vertically sinusoidal wave form plate fin heat sinks for laminar natural convection heat dissipation20
Irreversibility analysis for the natural convection of Casson fluid in an inclined porous cavity under the effects of magnetic field and viscous dissipation20
Numerical investigation and optimization of flat plate transpiration-film combined cooling structure20
Breakup regimes and heat transfer of an isolated bubble and Taylor bubble flow in the T-type microchannel20
Empirical evaluation of refrigerant flow boiling within metal foams based on entropy generation analysis20
A coupling method for rapid, continuous and extremely wide-temperature measurement of total hemispherical emissivity and conversion efficiency of the kinetic energy of an electron beam to the thermal 20
A near-perfect metamaterial selective absorber for high-efficiency solar photothermal conversion20
Incorporation of phase change materials in fire protective clothing considering the presence of water20