Aerospace Science and Technology

(The median citation count of Aerospace Science and Technology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Optimal heliocentric transfers of a Sun-facing heliogyro119
Acoustic excitation of an n-heptane droplet: Evaporation, ignition and combustion characteristics102
Twin-fuselage configuration for improving fuel efficiency of passenger aircraft98
Simple multiple reference frame for high-order solution of hovering rotors with and without ground effect96
Studies on unsteady mode transition of a turbine based combined cycle (TBCC) inlet with multiple movable panels95
Energy-based nonlinear adaptive control for collaborative transportation systems95
Performance of an oxygen-consuming inerting system for an aircraft fuel tank with RP-3 aviation fuel in flight93
A unified framework of fault detection and diagnosis based on fractional-order chaos system90
Low fidelity data driven machine learning based optimisation method for box-wing configuration85
Influence of upstream wall slope on aerodynamic properties of a rectangular cavity in rarefied hypersonic flows82
Aerodynamic configuration and control optimization for a novel horizontal-rope shipborne recovery fixed-wing UAV system82
Tip flow on rotating instability on an axial compressor with different tip clearances76
Gas concentration in rarefied flows: Experiments and modeling76
Refined flow organization in squealer tip gap and its impact on turbine aerodynamic performance71
Recovery trajectory planning for the reusable launch vehicle70
Distributed adaptive disturbance observer-based multi-channel event-triggered finite-time coordinated control for multi-UAVs with actuator failures68
The influence of supersonic spatial-temporal coupling disturbance on detonation in an expanded chamber67
Vortex structure for reducing tip leakage flow of linear turbine cascade using dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator66
Adaptive observer based controls for a flexible wing system under unknown output disturbances65
A hybrid design method of steady-state throttling control schedules for high-flow variable cycle engine63
Enhanced missile hit probability actor-critic algorithm for autonomous decision-making in air-to-air confrontation63
Control on SWBLI by vortex generator in a supersonic cascade61
Influence of air flow field computation on an ice accretion simulation of airfoils60
Influence of aerodynamic valve structural parameters on detonation initiation and back pressure characteristics of air-breathing pulse detonation engine60
Control of quadrotor robot via optimized nonlinear type-2 fuzzy fractional PID with fractional filter: Theory and experiment59
Aeroacoustic installation effects in multi-rotorcraft: Numerical investigations of a small-size drone model58
Unified model modal expansion method for full field reconstruction and inversion under mechanical and thermal loading58
Experimental and computational investigation of stacked rotor performance in hover57
Refined MagSail thrust model for preliminary mission design and trajectory optimization57
Experimental investigation on evaporation characteristics of RP-3 aviation kerosene droplet above the critical temperature under various pressure conditions57
Numerical investigation of supersonic flow over a parachute-like configuration including turbulent flow effects56
Mid-fidelity approach to aerodynamic simulations of unconventional VTOL aircraft configurations56
Active optimization adjustment for the surface accuracy of spaceborne SAR antennas55
Deep clustering variational network for helicopter regime recognition in HUMS54
On the application of artificial neural network for the development of a nonlinear aeroelastic model54
Sample data game strategy for active rendezvous with disturbance rejection53
Tracking flight control of UAV based on multiple regions pole assignment method52
Prescribed finite-time boundary control of constrained flexible satellite systems with translational motion modeling52
Sound radiation characteristics of a beam under supersonic airflow and non-uniform temperature field51
Numerical simulation of distributed propulsion systems using CFD51
Models of the time-averaged heat release rate of the two-dimensional laminar premixed slit flame subjected to the transverse disturbance50
Adaptive fault-tolerant control for attitude reorientation under complex attitude constraints49
The propagation characteristics of particle-laden two-phase detonation waves in pyrolysis mixtures of C(s)/H2/CO/CH4/O2/N249
Experimental investigation on the validity of the local thermal equilibrium assumption in ablative-material response models48
Roles of recirculating bubble on the performance of centrifugal compressors48
Performance analysis and optimal sizing of electric multirotors48
Rebound characteristics of burning aluminum droplets impacting surfaces48
Effects of propeller separation and onset flow condition on the performance of quadcopter propellers48
Intelligent sensitivity analysis framework based on machine learning for spacecraft thermal design47
Enhancement of ethylene-air continuous rotating detonation in the cavity-based annular combustor47
The formation and development of oblique detonation wave with different chemical reaction models46
Experimental investigation on coexisting wave components in an optically accessible rotating detonation combustor46
Design exploration and optimization of aerodynamics and radar cross section for a fighter aircraft45
Detonation wave structure and thrust variation of a ram accelerator with different projectile velocities45
Adaptive fault-tolerant controller for morphing aircraft based on the L2 gain and a neural network45
Aerodynamics of inter-spool duct under the influence of an upstream transonic compressor stage45
Computational simulation of ice accretion and shedding trajectory of a rotorcraft in forward flight with strong rotor wakes45
Propagation behaviors of kerosene-fueled rotating detonation wave with varied atomizer locations44
Adaptive differential game for modular reconfigurable satellites based on neural network observer44
Effects of problem complexity reduction on parameter sensitivity and classification in charring ablator scenarios44
Numerical study of unsteady flow and cooling characteristics of turbine blade cutback trailing edges integrated with pin fins and film holes44
Dynamic modeling and parametric instability analysis of internally damped rotating composite shafts in inertial and rotating frames43
DES study of the unsteady flow and film cooling at trailing edge cutback with various internal rib configurations43
Unknown input observer-based appointed-time funnel control for quadrotors43
Aerodynamic flow field analysis of vortex interactions on multi-swept wing configurations43
Event-triggered finite-time fuzzy tracking control for a time-varying state constrained quadrotor system based on disturbance observer42
Wind-tunnel experimental investigation on rotor-rotor aerodynamic interaction in compound helicopter configuration42
Aeroelastic stability of elastic skin of airfoil in transonic buffeting flow42
Supersonic flutter mechanism of “diamond-back” folding wings42
Investigation of rotating detonation gas turbine cycle with different combustor passage areas42
Effect of local equivalent ratio on spark ignition characteristics in a kerosene scramjet combustor at Mach 4 flight condition41
Analytical trajectory prediction of high-eccentricity spacecraft transfer orbits considering J2 perturbation41
Computational aeroacoustic study of co-rotating rotors in hover41
Entry guidance for spatial no-fly zones avoidance via model-based reinforcement learning40
Reduced-order helicopter model identification from closed-loop data39
Aero-propulsion coupling effects and installation characteristics of a distributed propulsion system39
Inverse compensation mechanism-based adaptive fuzzy-neural fault-tolerant control for an uncertain quadrotor UAV39
Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic design of electric ducted fans39
Numerical study on aerodynamic characteristics of Mars parachute system with different combinations of fabric permeability and structural porosity38
An improved adaptive Kriging method for the possibility-based design optimization and its application to aeroengine turbine disk38
Active control vibrations of aircraft wings under dynamic loading: Introducing PSO-GWO algorithm to predict dynamical information38
Synchrophasing control of multiple propellers based on hardware in the loop experimental platform38
High-fidelity fluid-structure interaction applied to static aeroelasticity in transonic flows38
Editorial Board37
Aeroacoustic modeling of helicopter transonic rotor noise37
Adaptive output feedback attitude control for reusable launch vehicle with input constraints and actuator faults37
Simplified augmented cubature information filtering and multi-sensor fusion for additive noise systems37
Steadiness of wave complex induced by oblique detonation wave reflection before an expansion corner37
Information sparsification for visual-inertial odometry by manipulating Bayes tree37
A trajectory optimization method for reducing magnetic disturbance of an internal combustion engine powered unmanned aerial vehicle37
Study of the heat transfer design of an integrated thermal management system for hypersonic vehicles using supercritical nitrogen as expendable coolant37
Neuro-observer based control of double gimbal control moment gyro systems37
Effect of fuel injection parameters on performance characteristics and emissions of a thermoacoustic system36
Inflatable aerodynamic decelerator for CubeSat reentry and recovery: IAD geometrical effects on the flowfield structure36
Enhanced adaptive mesh refinement method using advanced vortex identification sensors in wake flow36
Wavefront distortion due to the shock wave and boundary layer in the supersonic flow over a compression ramp36
Reduced-order-modeling of the transient starting in supersonic passages36
Drag crisis analysis of a high-altitude balloon in critical transition36
Editorial Board36
Quad-copter noise measurements under realistic flight conditions36
Small-satellite attitude consensus using limited-stroke oscillating-mass actuators with continuous sinusoidal controls35
Application of three-dimensional diagnostics on the direct-current electric-field assisted combustion35
Active disturbance rejection controllers optimized via adaptive granularity learning distributed pigeon-inspired optimization for autonomous aerial refueling hose-drogue system35
The effect of mean flow on the intrinsic thermoacoustic instabilities in the duct and annular combustion chambers35
A novel blade force approach to two-dimensional meanline simulation of transonic compressor rotating stall35
Investigation of unsteady flow mechanisms and modal behavior in a compressor cascade34
Adjoint-based unsteady shape optimization to suppress transonic buffet33
A time-domain linear method for jet noise prediction and control trend analysis33
Using novel nonlinear subspace identification to identify airfoil-store system with nonlinearity33
3D deployment of UAV-mounted base stations for heterogeneous access requirements33
Influence of asymmetrical factors on aircraft ground steering stability33
Numerical study on aerodynamic performance of a ducted tail rotor in hover and sideward flight33
Line sampling based fuzzy simulation coupled with adaptive Kriging for estimating failure possibility of simplified turbine disk33
Experimental research on vector control features of a pulse detonation tube with fluidic nozzle33
Simulation of airborne collision between a drone and an aircraft nose32
Aerodynamic characterization of noncircular cross-section missile configurations32
An optimal steering law for sailing with solar and planetary radiation pressure32
Parallel steady/unsteady flow simulations of an 8.5-stage axial compressor32
Optimal design of composite grid/skin structures based on deep learning and Double-Double layup strategy32
Investigation of reacting fuel jets in hot vitiated crossflow31
Editorial Board31
Distortion elimination for serpentine duct at various Mach numbers using co-flow jet active flow control31
A numerical study on flow structure and combustion mechanism of supersonic mixed inflow with transverse jet31
Editorial Board31
Evaluation of flamelet/progress variable model for the applications in supersonic combustion using hybrid RANS/LES approach31
Extended incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion for optical flow control of micro air vehicles31
Numerical study on ring slot parachute finite mass inflation process and wake recontact phenomenon31
Mixing enhancement of supersonic flow induced by splitter plate cavity31
Effects of vehicle dynamics on small UAS-gust encounters30
Effects of herringbone riblets on shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interactions30
Numerical investigation on the combustion characteristics of powder fuel under different regulation parameters30
Visualization of over-expanded supersonic wall-jet30
Copula-based methods for global sensitivity analysis with correlated random variables and stochastic processes under incomplete probability information30
Unified nonlinear dynamic model for shells of revolution with arbitrary shaped meridians30
An improved stall prediction model for axial compressor stage based on diffuser analogy30
A Cubature Kalman Filter for parameter identification and output-feedback attitude control of liquid-propellant satellites considering fuel sloshing effects30
Nonlinear damping model for supersonic air-intake buzz30
An improved reconstruction method of the reflected dynamic pressure in shock tube system based on inverse sensing model identification30
Shape and envelope tension prediction of natural shaped high altitude balloons29
Inertia-free appointed-time prescribed performance tracking control for space manipulator29
Investigating aerodynamics of a 3D blade in rainy conditions: Application of hybrid superhydrophobic-hydrophilic surfaces29
Local mesh deformation using a dual-restricted radial basis functions method29
Advances in fine line-of-sight control for large space flexible structures29
Transient aeroelastic response of a rotor on a sea-based oil rig during engagement operations29
Editorial Board29
Collision-free formation tracking control for multiple quadrotors under switching directed topologies: Theory and experiment29
Editorial Board29
Electro-thermal functional fatigue properties of deicing composite laminates: Internal thermal and compression cycle tests29
Longitudinal aerodynamic modeling and verification for air-launch-to-orbit system during stage separation29
Choking dynamic of highly swirled flow in variable nozzle radial turbines28
Flow characteristics and stability of induced shock waves in the isolator of rotating detonation ramjet under flight Mach number 2.5 conditions28
Experimental and numerical investigation of porous bleed control for supersonic/subsonic flows, and shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions28
Negative-imaginary-based spacecraft attitude tracking control using modified Rodrigues parameters28
Inflatable aerodynamic decelerator for CubeSat reentry and recovery: Altitude effects on the flowfield structure28
Voxel-free neural volume reconstruction technique for volumetric flame reconstructions28
A novel calculation method for low-thrust transfer trajectories in the Earth-Moon restricted three-body problem28
Dynamic bending behavior of double-hat beams filled with alloy hierarchical structure28
Approximate solution of spacecraft motion with an inward constant radial acceleration28
Optimization and experimental study of stationary endwall of stator labyrinth cavity in a low-speed research compressor28
Modeling and experimental study on orientation dynamics of a Mars rotorcraft with swashplate mechanism28
Event-trigger-based cluster coordinated control of spacecraft swarm under switching topology27
Multi-objective aerodynamic optimization of an axisymmetric variable-geometry inlet with a Mach 5 design point27
Experimental investigation on the effects of transverse injection distribution scheme on dual flame dynamics subjected to flow disturbances27
Human-automation interaction for helicopter flight: Comparing two decision-support systems for navigation tasks27
Edney III type shock-shock interaction over a hemisphere cylinder27
Underactuated attitude reorientation method based on a novel decoupled characteristic of the plane-axis rotation27
High-speed aerodynamics control using energy injection of pulsed discharges27
Fuzzy adaptive sliding mode fault estimation and fixed-time fault-tolerant control for coupled spacecraft based on SE(3)27
Resonant passive energy balancing for a morphing helicopter blade27
Efficient diffuser design for plasma wind tunnels with a large blockage model27
Numerical investigation on high-speed jet actuation for transient control of flow separation27
Multi-target ground-track adjustment with a single coplanar impulse27
Development of maximum conical shock angle limit for osculating cone waveriders27
Combined discrete Fourier transform method for azimuthal acoustic mode analysis27
A novel FEM-FVM coupled method of evaluating the explosion shock wave of a thermobaric bomb on the internal and external flow characteristics of aircraft26
Interaction of the wakes of two flapping wings on control forces and moment26
Boundary layer suction timing and location effects on unstarting flows in a model scramjet26
Design and characterization of a multifunctional low-speed anechoic wind tunnel at HKUST26
Test mass 6-DOF control allocation based on the null space for space gravitational wave mission26
A fitness sharing based ant clustering method for multimodal optimization of the aircraft longitudinal automatic carrier landing system26
Experimental investigation on a novel external-mixing prefilming atomizer for advanced aircraft engines26
Vortex evolution and flame propagation driven by oblique shock wave in supersonic reactive mixing layer26
Design and analysis of a supersonic axisymmetric inlet based on controllable bleed slots26
Fuel sloshing-induced effects on the dynamic response of a scaled research wing demonstrator26
Aerodynamic shape optimization using a time spectral coupled adjoint for nonlinear aeroelastic problems26
Critical endwall blockage attenuation-based automatic optimization of casing treatment design for transonic axial flow compressor26
Unsteady aerodynamic characteristics of slender body at extra-wide angle-of-attack range26
Large Eddy Simulation of cavity stabilized ramjet combustion26
A nacelle inlet design approach with more three-dimensional geometric consideration26
Editorial Board26
Design optimization of velocity-controlled cruise vehicle propelled by throttleable hybrid rocket motor25
Constrained predictor-corrector guidance via bank saturation avoidance for low L/D entry vehicles25
ADRC-based compound control strategy for spacecraft multi-body separation25
The spatial growth of supersonic reacting mixing layers: Effects of combustion mode25
Experimental simulation methodology and spatial transition of complex distortion fields in a S-shaped inlet25
On deep-learning-based geometric filtering in aerodynamic shape optimization25
Optimization of scramjet inlet based on temperature and Mach number of supersonic combustion25
Rebound stabilization for an asteroid lander by flexible plate design25
Tracking control of transition window for aerospace vehicles based on robust preview control25
Understandings of incremental backstepping controller considering measurement delay with model uncertainty25
Trajectory planning and prescribed performance tracking control based on fractional-order observers for unmanned helicopters with unmeasurable states25
A study of interfacial electrical contact resistances of thermoelectric generators for hypersonic vehicles by experimental measurements and two-scale numerical simulations25
Structural design and analysis of an anisotropic, bi-axially morphing skin concept25
Effect of curvature distribution on customized-planform waverider25
Pilot workload investigation for rotorcraft operation in low-altitude atmospheric turbulence25
Design and implementation of an innovative airborne electric propulsion measure system of fixed-wing UAV24
Decoupled incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion control for aircraft autonomous landing with ground-effect24
Robust multidisciplinary analysis and optimization for conceptual design of flexible aircraft under dynamic aeroelastic constraints24
Neural network-based simulation and prediction of precise airdrop trajectory planning24
A modified small perturbation stability prediction model for axial compressors with circumferential inlet distortion24
A refined spectral element model for wave propagation in multiscale hybrid epoxy/carbon fiber/graphene platelet composite shells24
Thermal insulation performance and heat transfer mechanism of C/SiC corrugated lattice core sandwich panel24
Adaptive nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode controller design for a smart flexible satellite in general planar motion24
The modeling and numerical solution for flapping wing hovering wingbeat dynamics24
High-fidelity aerodynamic and acoustic design and analysis of a heavy-lift eVTOL24
Error-constrained fixed-time trajectory tracking control for a stratospheric airship with disturbances24
X-ray pulsar navigation based on two-stage estimation of Doppler frequency and phase delay24
On the construction of a mode based reduced order model for a moving store24
Fractional adaptive SMC fault tolerant control against actuator failures for wing rock supervision24
A robust adaptive linear parameter-varying gain-scheduling controller for aeroengines24
A comprehensive study on the size-dependent analysis of strain gradient multi-directional functionally graded microplates via finite element model23
Parametric control for flexible spacecraft attitude maneuver based on disturbance observer23
Accessibility assessment and trajectory design for multiple Near-Earth-asteroids exploration using stand-alone CubeSats23
Integrated optimization of a high-lift low-pressure turbine cascade based on dynamic support vector regression23
Maneuver mode parametric modeling based on trajectory curve evolution laws for hypersonic glide vehicles23
Conflict-free four-dimensional path planning for urban air mobility considering airspace occupancy23
Numerical and experimental investigation of a radially reduced diffuser design concept for a centrifugal compressor performance at design point23
Bearing-based simultaneous localization and affine formation tracking for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles23
Computational synthesis of large-scale three-dimensional heterogeneous lattice structures23
Experimental study of high-speed air intake performance by side clearance23
Dual-convolutional neural network based aerodynamic prediction and multi-objective optimization of a compact turbine rotor23
Effects of the foam metal casing treatment on aerodynamic stability and aerocoustic noise in an axial flow compressor23
Eddy current de-tumbling large geostationary debris based on feedback linearization model predictive control23
Evaluation of applicability of empirical models of turbine performance to aircraft engine23
Maneuver mode analysis and parametric modeling for hypersonic glide vehicles23
Unsteady aerodynamic reduced-order modeling based on machine learning across multiple airfoils23
Turbulence and vorticity decay of propulsion jets produced by ducted fans coated with a sharkskin-inspired surface23
Three-dimensional low-order finite-time integrated guidance and control design with side-window constraint23
Role of overdriven state of ignition wave in pre-detonators on detonation transition modes in a flat chamber23
Validation of correlations-based transition modeling strategies applied to the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model for the computation of separation-induced transition23
Linear time-varying fractional-order model predictive attitude control for satellite using two reaction wheels23
A study of the effect of airfoil thickness on the tonal noise generation of finite, wall-mounted airfoils23
Optical navigation for Lunar landing based on Convolutional Neural Network crater detector23
Hybrid formation control framework for solar-powered quadrotors via adaptive fission pigeon-inspired optimization23
A clustering scheduling strategy for space debris tracking23
Design and compression efficiency analysis of a Mach 0∼4 variable TBCC intake23
Numerical study of the aerodynamic effects of bio-inspired leading-edge serrations on a heaving wing at a low Reynolds number22
Nonlinear static bending and dynamic behaviors of graphene platelets reinforced dielectric porous arches22
Multiobjective optimization of a staggered-rotor octocopter design based on a surrogate model22
Adaptive fractional order non-singular terminal sliding mode anti-disturbance control for advanced layout carrier-based UAV22