World Rabbit Science

(The TQCC of World Rabbit Science is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Performance, haemato-biochemical and reproductive potential indices of New Zealand White and Dutch Belted rabbit bucks fed diets containing monosodium glutamate10
Rabbit meat trade of major countries: regional pattern and driving forces8
Relationship between rectal temperature measured with a conventional thermometer and the temperature of several body regions measured by infrared thermography in fattening rabbits. Influence of differ6
Dietary inclusion of fermented ginger straw effect on the growth performance, gastrointestinal tract development and caecal fermentation of fattening rabbits6
Changes of oxidant-antioxidant parameters in small intestines from rabbits infected with E. intestinalis and E. magna6
Multi-Factor analysis of profitability drivers of local rabbit production in Zamboanga Peninsula Region, Mindanao , Philippines5
Managing sexual receptivity and ovulation induction in rabbit does: evidence from recent research4
Selection of artificial warrens following the restocking of an endangered keystone prey4
Improving indigenous Vietnamese Black Rabbit frozen sperm quality: the role of glycine and sperm selection methods4
Extensive husbandry and animal welfare are important for acceptance of rabbit meat production among Swedish youth4
Evaluating animal models comprising additive genetic and maternal effects on growth traits in German Angora rabbit4
Viral haemorrhagic disease: RHDV type 2 ten years later3
Pituitary and ovarian hormones: is their plasma concentration affected by litter size in primiparous lactating rabbit does?3
Levels of testosterone, progesterone and oestradiol in pregnant-lactating does in relation to aggression during group housing3
Measuring on-farm welfare in rabbits: a review with emphasis on animal-based indicators3
Physiology and modulation factors of ovulation in rabbit reproduction management3
Three decades of progress in artificial insemination in rabbit farming: a review3
Descriptive analysis of the environmental impact of intensive rabbit production3
Association of GH gene polymorphism with growth and semen traits in rabbits3
Cardboard and rubber objects as means of environmental enrichment for rabbits3
In vivo rabbit embryo production and cryopreservation review. Application to ex situ conservation and rederivation3
Litter size components traits in two Algerian rabbit lines2
Sample preparation and storage effects on fatty acid profile of rabbit Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle2
Genetic diversity and virulence gene profiles of Escherichia coli from diarrhoeal rabbits in Sichuan Province, China2
Improvement of the quality of cured rabbit meat product (Chan Si Tu) using Staphylococcus xylosus as starter culture2
Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus ST3320 clone causing fatal respiratory infection in rabbits2
Non-cruelty eradication of european rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) from a small mediterranean island (Isola delle Femmine, Italy)2
Short communication: rabbit meat consumption trends in selected Maltese rural areas2
Survey of the seasonal dependency of Eimeria oocysts and Passalurus ambiguus infections in industrial rabbit farms2
Growth performance and carcass characteristics of rabbits fed concentrate diets containing graded levels of Brassica oleracea outer leaves and Musa paradisiaca leaves2
Niche partitioning and competition between different rabbit breeds using stable isotopes2
Polymorphisms in coding and non-coding regions of rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) myogenin (MyoG) gene2
Role of housing system and season on the carcass and meat quality traits of growing rabbits reared in Italian commercial farms2
Descriptive analysis of rabbit meat marketing parameters in the north-east of Algeria2
Hierarchical clustering as a tool to develop a classification scheme for rabbit meat quality2
Aspects of social behaviour and reproduction in the wild rabbit – Implications for rabbit breeding?2
Retrospective studies on rabbit haemorrhagic disease outbreaks caused by RHDV GI.2 virus on farms in France from 2013 to 20182