Foundations of Science

(The TQCC of Foundations of Science is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Is it Possible to Empirically Test a Metatheory?20
Man is a “Rope” Stretched Between Virosphere and Humanoid Robots: On the Urgent Need of an Ethical Code for Ecosystem Survival14
Preface of the Special Issue: Worldviews and Health-Related Stigma12
The Empirical and the Holistic Turn: A Hegelian Dialectics of Technoscience Revisited10
Cosmotechnical Thought Between Substantivism and the Empirical Turn10
Phenomenology and the Digital World: Problems and Perspectives9
This Strange Being Called the Cosmos8
Primordial Black Holes from Collapsing Antimatter8
The Influence of Quantum Physics on Philosophy7
From Heideggerian Industrial Gigantism to Nanoscale Technologies6
Perceptual Relations in Digital Environments5
On the Philosophical Standpoint of a Recent Mathematical Color Perception Model5
Connecting Things in the Setting of Foundations and Philosophy of Science: Introduction to the special issue5
Using Pictorial Representations as Story-Telling5
Quantum Ontology: A Modal Bundle-Theorist Relational Proposal5
Ontic and Epistemic Differentiation: Mechanistic Problems for Microbiology and Biology5
Thinking Technology Big Again. Reconsidering the Question of the Transcendental and ‘Technology with a Capital T’ in the Light of the Anthropocene5
The Early History of the Pulleys and Crane Systems5
Plimpton 322: A Study of Rectangles5
Resolving the Singularity by Looking at the Dot and Demonstrating the Undecidability of the Continuum Hypothesis4
The Intersection of Knowledge Management, the Jacobi Method, and Operational Research: A Paradigmatic Example of Serendipity4
Accepting the Exceptional?4
Chance and Necessity: Hegel’s Epistemological Vision4
Towards a Terrestrially Ontological Philosophy of Technology4
Bayesian Practical Inference4
Mathematical Explanations in Evolutionary Biology or Naturalism? A Challenge for the Statisticalist4
The Ontology of Technology Beyond Anthropocentrism and Determinism: The Role of Technologies in the Constitution of the (post)Anthropocene World3
On Why Quine’s Ontological Relativity Requires Reconsideration3
From Externalism to Internalism: The Historiographical Development of Thomas Kuhn3
Comparative Analysis of Water Extraction Mechanism in Roman Mines3
Anthropomorphism in the Context of Scientific Discovery: Implications for Comparative Cognition3
Preface of the Special Issue: International Symposium “Worlds of Entanglement” - Second Part3
Stance Pluralism, Scientology, and the Problem of Relativism3
The Biological Production of Spacetime: A Sketch of the E-series Universe3
Mathematics as a Science of Non-abstract Reality: Aristotelian Realist Philosophies of Mathematics3
Correction to: What is Post-normal Science? A Personal Encounter3
Merely Intentional Objects: A Defense3
Why Probability isn’t Magic3
On the Ontological Status of Mechanisms and Processes in the Social World3
The morendo of the Anthropocene3
Neglected Pragmatism: Discussing Abduction to Dissolute Classical Dichotomies3
Exploring the Methodological Foundation of A Systemic Approach in Grey Systems Theory3
On the Relationship Between Modelling Practices and Interpretive Stances in Quantum Mechanics2
Quantum Bose–Einstein Statistics for Indistinguishable Concepts in Human Language2
The Principle of Inertia in the History of Classical Mechanics2
Between Understanding and Control: Science as a Cultural Product2
Is a Cognitive Revolution in Theoretical Biology Underway?2
Being Perspectivist on Information System Ontologies2
Mechanical and Structural Artefacts Used in “The Mystery of Elche”2
Entangling and Rupture of Body and Mind for Building of the Modern Science: Lessons from da Vinci and Descartes2
Stimmung/Nastrój as Content of Modern Science: On Musical Metaphors in Ludwik Fleck’s Theory of Thought Styles and Thought Collectives2
Underdetermination: A Realist Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and Bohmian Mechanics2
Nature Chose Abduction: Support from Brain Research for Lipton’s Theory of Inference to the Best Explanation2
The Transcendental of Technology Is Said in Many Ways2
We are All Rationalists, but it is not Enough: Ways of Explaining the Social Acceptance of a Theory2
Reconciling Ontic Structural Realism and Ontological Emergence2
Relativism Versus Absolutism in Linguistics2
Parmenides, the Founder of Abstract Geometry: Enriques Interpreter of the Eleatic Thought2
Thing-Transcendentality: Navigating the Interval of “technology” and “Technology”2
Violating the KCBS Inequality with a Toy Mechanism2
Back to the Phenomenology of Technical Life2
Subjectivity and Transcendental Illusions in the Anthropocene2
Molecular Biology Meets Logic: Context-Sensitiveness in Focus2
Why Physics is not Wrong on Temporal Directionality, and Why This is not Necessarily Good News for Physicalism2
Physics is Organized Around Transformations Connecting Contextures in a Polycontextural World2
Deleuze’s Conception of Virtuality Versus Virtual Computer Objects2
A New Contact Paradox2
Beliefs, Epistemic Regress and Doxastic Justification2
Dialectical Methodology of the Praxis of Biology2
Nomograms in the History and Education of Machine Mechanics2
Post-Phenomenology, Transduction, and Speculative Fabulations2
Taking Exception: Philosophy of Technology as a Multidimensional Problem Space2
Comparative Policy Analysis and the Science of Conceptual Systems: A Candidate Pathway to a Common Variable2
Causal Stories and the Role of Worldviews in Analysing Responses to Sorcery Accusations and Related Violence2