Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia

(The TQCC of Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
An integrated study of Landsat ETM and Cartosat DEM data in identification of banded iron formations (BIFs) associated with sulphide mineralization5
An improved stacking filtering for extracting the common-mode errors on GNSS coordinate time series in Shanxi5
Fault identification for the catastrophic 1894 Atalanti earthquake using 3D finite-difference modelling and local geophysical data5
A new adaptive WVS based denoising method on GNSS vertical time series5
A decorrelation filter based on the full error covariance of GRACE gravity field solutions4
Experimental investigation on permeability in fractured rock under different pressure conditions4
Mineralogical, physicochemical and thermal investigations of Taibet and Tendla sands material from the Northern Algerian Sahara4
Statistical analysis of earthquake catalogue and magnitude of completeness for Northern and Southwestern Pakistan4
Geomorphological evidence of tectonic activity of the Marianske Lazne Fault (Czech Republic) and its influence to stream network evolution3
Artefacts in gravity field modelling3
Analysis and forecast of sea level change in the China Seas and neighboring oceans from 1993 to 20202
Delineation of structure elements and the basement depth at the Jifara plain NW LIBYA using integration application of potential field dataset2
A new approach for the prediction of brittleness index based on chemical properties of basaltic rocks2
The upper cretaceous sedimentary sequence in North-West of Iran: Microfacies and geochemistry analysis, evidence of Neotethys2
Neural network classification of lithological units based on integrated radar and multispectral data2
The Barzavand and Neysian Copper Deposits, NW Naein, Central Iran zone: Constraints on styles mineralization and geochemical signatures of hydrothermal alterations.2
Quantitative microstructure characterization for a red-bed soft rock in the Three Gorges Reservoir area2
The effect of crack characteristics on the mechanical properties and energy characteristics of coal-rock composite structure2
Establishing the correlation between changes of absolute rotation poles of major tectonic plates based on continuous GNSS stations data2
Shear modulus and damping ratio of clay soil under repeated freeze-thaw cycles2
Identifying the geological structure of the Garyan area in northwest Libya using eigen-6c4 satellite gravity data1
Application of the multi potential geophysical techniques for groundwater evaluation in a part of Central Sinai Peninsula_ Egypt1
Assessment and identification of three types of difficult soils1
Iteration empirical mode decomposition method for filling the missing data of GNSS position time series1
Shear stress-strain relationships and anisotropy in silty soil: The role of principal stress rotation1
Type analysis of laboratory seismic events by convolutional neural network1
Macro-mechnical charakteristics and their control on the strenght of sandstones of western Indo-Burmese Rangers, NE India1
Empirical mode decomposition for post-processing the GRACE monthly gravity field models1
Water field distribution characteristics and slope stability under the effect of preferential flow on rainfall-driven seepage1
Acoustic emission characteristics and fracture mechanism of granite under three-point bending test1
Analysis of recent African tectonic plate system kinematics based on GNSS data1
tatistically optimal Slepian method for processing GRACE Level 2 data1
Finite element back analysis of geostress field in geological body of oil and gas trap1
Mineralogical and textural influence on physico-mechanical properties of selected granitoids from Besham Syntaxis, Northern Pakistan1
Effect of reservoir heterogeneities on elastic and seismic properties of Lower Cretaceous Sand Intervals, Lower Indus Basin of Pakistan1
Comparative analysis of different deep learning algorithms for the prediction of marine environmental parameters based on CMEMS products1
Theory of pressure-tension failure and its applicability analysis1
Application of microgravity and electrical resistivity imaging techniques to identify ground subsidence prone zone1
Long-term monitoring of the impact of the impact of mining operations on the ground surface at the regional scale based on the InSAR-SBAS technique, the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Poland). Case study.1
A new approach for modelling of static stability of dense medium separator1
Characteristics of the foundation rocks using geophysical techniques: A case study for the Egyptian solar plant site, Aswan, Egypt1
Uncertainty quantification in the analysis of liquefied soil response through Fuzzy Finite Element method1
Geoid undulation prediction using Gaussian Processes Regression: A case study in a local region in Turkey1
Comparison of data-driven landslide susceptibility assessment using weight of evidence, information value, frequency ratio and certainly factor methods1