Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne de Psycho

(The TQCC of Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne de Psycho is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Evidence for selective emotional memory enhancement in a mock witness paradigm.18
2021–2022 Reviewers—Consultants 2021–202217
Supplemental Material for Item-Method Directed Forgetting Is (Usually) Impaired in Clinical Populations: A Meta-Analysis11
It is not always a matter of time: Addressing the costs of metaphor and metonymy through a speed-accuracy trade-off study.10
Developing a memory representation: Do we visualize or do we “verbalize” objects?8
Perceptions of (in)sincerity in satirical discourse: A study of word reading times using minimally different texts.8
The influence of location, ownership, and the presence of a coactor on the processing of objects.8
The block order effect in reconstruction of order tasks and metacognitive processing.8
« Moi d’abord ! » ou l’égocentrisme ordinaire : Une revue critique de l’effet de priorité au Soi.8
Examining the influence of perspective and prosody on expected emotional responses to irony: Evidence from event-related brain potentials.7
The comprehension of irony in high and low emotional contexts.7
The irrelevant speech effect in backward recall is modulated by foreknowledge of recall direction and response modality.7
Canadian Journal of (Experimental) Psychology: The first 70 years.7
A pompous snack: On the unreasonable complexity of the world’s third-worst jokes.7
Sex differences in curve tracing and the Mental Rotations Test.7
Separate processing mechanisms for spatial–numerical compatibility and numerical-size congruity.6
Forty years of research on mathematical cognition: Summing it up.5
Can you count on what you see? Numerosity extraction and its association with verbal number skills in early childhood.5
How retrieval processes change with age: Exploring age differences in semantic network and retrieval dynamics.5
Active or passive? Investigating different types of cognitive fatigue.5
Investigation of the psychological length of a 1-s interval with a time production task.4
Ordinal processing differences between children with persistent dyscalculia and typically performing children.4
Some challenges in using multilayer networks to bridge brain and mind.4
The impact of attentional demands on audiovisual integration depends on task-specific components.4
Figurative language communicates directly because it precisely demonstrates what we mean.4
Differences in politeness perception of irony and prosocial lies: Exploring the role of age, gender, and geographic location.4
Analyses of response time data in the same–different task.4
Glimpses into the social mind: Decoding messages from faces and eyes.4
Sarcasm detection in native English and English as a second language speakers.4
Comparing the effectiveness of encoding techniques on memory for vocabulary in a second language.3
Ambiguity resolution in passivized idioms: Is there a shift in the most likely interpretation?3
Supplemental Material for Can You Count on What You See? Numerosity Extraction and Its Association With Verbal Number Skills in Early Childhood3
Two dichotomies of recognition memory.3
Math attitudes and verbal memory in multilingual younger adults.3
Supplemental Material for Math Attitudes and Verbal Memory in Multilingual Younger Adults3
From faces to fingers: Examining attentional capture of faces and body parts using colour singleton paradigm.3
From lollipops to lidocaine: The need for a universal print-to-speech framework.2
Saying what you don’t mean: A cross-cultural study of perceptions of sarcasm.2
As trials go by: Effects of 2-AFC item repetition on statistical learning performance.2
Supplemental Material for Subjective Experiences of Recognizing and Not Recognizing Paintings and Words2
Distinct visual resolution supports aperture shaping in natural and pantomime-grasping.2
Visual word recognition: Attention, intention, context, and processing dynamics.2
Valence does not affect serial recall.2
Second language experience impacts first language irony comprehension among bilingual adults.2
Supplemental Material for Differences in Politeness Perception of Irony and Prosocial Lies: Exploring the Role of Age, Gender, and Geographic Location2
The psychology of saying what you don’t mean: Celebrating the research career of Professor Albert Katz—A personal reflection.2
On the joint effects of stimulus quality and word frequency in lexical decision: Conditions that promote staged versus cascaded processing.2
Explicit and implicit conceptual memory in pregnancy and postpartum: A cross-sectional study investigating the use of item-specific and relational encoding processes.2
Math4Speed: A freely available measure of arithmetic fluency.2
Supplemental Material for Valence Does Not Affect Recognition2
Collocational frequency and context effects on idiom processing in advanced L2 speakers.2
Message from the incoming editor.2