Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne de Psycho

(The TQCC of Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne de Psycho is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Saying what you don’t mean: A cross-cultural study of perceptions of sarcasm.18
Processing of irony in text: A systematic review of eye-tracking studies.16
Figurative language communicates directly because it precisely demonstrates what we mean.11
Teaching sarcasm: Evaluating metapragmatic training for typically developing children.10
How does meaning come to mind? Four broad principles of semantic processing.9
The hierarchical relations among mathematical competencies: From fundamental numeracy to complex mathematical skills.8
Examining the influence of perspective and prosody on expected emotional responses to irony: Evidence from event-related brain potentials.8
Sounds like a funny joke: Effects of vocal pitch and speech rate on satire liking.8
It is not always a matter of time: Addressing the costs of metaphor and metonymy through a speed-accuracy trade-off study.8
Second language experience impacts first language irony comprehension among bilingual adults.8
Language experience predicts semantic priming of lexical decision.7
A continuous source reinstatement model of true and false recollection.7
Production improves recognition and reduces intrusions in between-subject designs: An updated meta-analysis.7
Valence does not affect serial recall.7
Bridging people and perspectives: General and language-specific social network structure predict mentalizing across diverse sociolinguistic contexts.7
Does word frequency influence judgments of learning (JOLs)? A meta-analytic review.7
The comprehension of irony in high and low emotional contexts.7
Effect of self-reported internal memory strategy use on age-related episodic and working memory decline: Contribution of control processes.6
Flute birds and creamy skies: The metaphor interference effect in modifier–noun phrases.5
Two dichotomies of recognition memory.5
The effect of speaker age on the perception of ironic insults.5
Tracking nonliteral language processing using audiovisual scenarios.5
Determining the importance of frequency and contextual diversity in the lexical organization of multiword expressions.4
Emotion perception from vocal cues: Testing the influence of emotion intensity and sex on in-group advantage.4
Collocational frequency and context effects on idiom processing in advanced L2 speakers.4
Interpreting pragmatic markers following proverbs.4
Scalable cognitive modelling: Putting Simon’s (1969) ant back on the beach.4
Separate processing mechanisms for spatial–numerical compatibility and numerical-size congruity.4
Drawing enhances memory for emotional words.4
A computational model of item-based directed forgetting.4
Everyday human cognition and behaviour.4
The irrelevant speech effect in backward recall is modulated by foreknowledge of recall direction and response modality.4
Performance monitoring during categorization with and without prior knowledge: A comparison of confidence calibration indices with the certainty criterion.3
Differential effects of agency, animacy, and syntactic prominence on production and comprehension: Evidence from a verb-initial language.3
Valence does not affect recognition.3
Arousal affects short-term serial recall.3
Sequential sampling models of same-different data and how they explain the fast-same effect.3
When “bad” is good: How evaluative judgments eliminate the standard anchoring effect.3
Contextual recruitment of selective attention can be updated via changes in task relevance.3
On the determination of eye gaze and arrow direction: Automaticity reconsidered.3
An investigation of idiom processing advantage using translated familiar idioms.3
Item-method directed forgetting is (usually) impaired in clinical populations: A meta-analysis.2
Automaticity and cognitive control in bilingual and translation expertise.2
Cross-script phonological activation in Chinese–English bilinguals: The effect of SOA from masked priming.2
Capturing the multi-determined nature of idiom processing using ERPs.2
Ambiguity resolution in passivized idioms: Is there a shift in the most likely interpretation?2
A pompous snack: On the unreasonable complexity of the world’s third-worst jokes.2
Survival processing effect in memory under semantic divided attention.2
Within-person variability contributes to more durable learning of faces.2
Facial emotional congruence in healthy adults and patients suffering from a psychiatric or neurological disorder.2
Another look at the contribution of motoric fluency to metacognitive monitoring.2
Analyses of response time data in the same–different task.2
A simile is (like) a metaphor: Comparing metaphor and simile processing across the familiarity spectrum.2
Individual differences in the allocation of visual attention during navigation.2
Beauty and truth, truth and beauty: Chiastic structure increases the subjective accuracy of statements.2
On the joint effects of stimulus quality and word frequency in lexical decision: Conditions that promote staged versus cascaded processing.2
Sarcasm detection in native English and English as a second language speakers.2