
(The median citation count of Environmetrics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A self‐exciting marked point process model for drought analysis35
Analyzing environmental‐trait interactions in ecological communities with fourth‐corner latent variable models14
Continuous model averaging for benchmark dose analysis: Averaging over distributional forms14
Practical strategies for generalized extreme value‐based regression models for extremes13
Discussion on “A combined estimate of global temperature”12
Assessing the ability of adaptive designs to capture trends in hard coral cover10
Rejoinder to the discussion on “A combined estimate of global temperature”10
Regression methods for the appearances of extremes in climate data9
Modeling temporally misaligned data across space: The case of total pollen concentration in Toronto7
Bayesian multiple changepoint detection with missing data and its application to the magnitude‐frequency distributions7
Estimation of change with partially overlapping and spatially balanced samples6
Spatial regression modeling via the R2D2 framework6
Novel application of a process convolution approach for calibrating output from numerical models6
Spatiotemporal modeling of mature‐at‐length data using a sliding window approach6
Bayesian estimation of heterogeneous environments from animal movement data6
On the identifiability of the trinomial model for mark‐recapture‐recovery studies6
Issue Information6
A spatiotemporal analysis of NO2 concentrations during the Italian 2020 COVID‐19 lockdown6
Estimating atmospheric motion winds from satellite image data using space‐time drift models5
Bayesian spatio‐temporal survival analysis for all types of censoring with application to a wildlife disease study5
Catalysing virtual collaboration: The experience of the remote TIES working groups5
Nonlinear prediction of functional time series5
Exact optimisation of spatiotemporal monitoring networks by p‐splines with applications in groundwater assessment5
Modeling the duration and size of wildfires using joint mixture models5
On the impact of spatial covariance matrix ordering on tile low‐rank estimation of Matérn parameters5
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Spatial dependence of extreme seas in the North East Atlantic from satellite altimeter measurements5
Scanner: Simultaneously temporal trend and spatial cluster detection for spatial‐temporal data4
Quantile based modeling of diurnal temperature range with the five‐parameter lambda distribution4
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Using an autonomous underwater vehicle with onboard stochastic advection‐diffusion models to map excursion sets of environmental variables4
A Dirichlet process model for change‐point detection with multivariate bioclimatic data4
Modeling cycles and interdependence in irregularly sampled geophysical time series4
Scalable multiple changepoint detection for functional data sequences4
Truncated generalized extreme value distribution‐based ensemble model output statistics model for calibration of wind speed ensemble forecasts4
Characterizing Asymptotic Dependence between a Satellite Precipitation Product and Station Data in the Northern US Rocky Mountains via the Tail Dependence Regression Framework With a Gibbs 4
2023 Editorial Collaborators3
Flexible nonstationary spatiotemporal modeling of high‐frequency monitoring data3
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Bayesian functional emulation of CO2 emissions on future climate change scenarios3
A hierarchical Bayesian non‐asymptotic extreme value model for spatial data3
A hierarchical constrained density regression model for predicting cluster‐level dose‐response3
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Changepoint detection in autocorrelated ordinal categorical time series3
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A parametric model for distributions with flexible behaviour in both tails3
Families of complex‐valued covariance models through integration3
Temporal evolution of the extreme excursions of multivariate k$$ k $$th order Markov processes with application to oceanographic data3
An evolutionary Monte Carlo method for the analysis of turbidity high‐frequency time series through Markov switching autoregressive models3
Total least squares bias in climate fingerprinting regressions with heterogeneous noise variances and correlated explanatory variables3
A notable Gamma‐Lindley first‐order autoregressive process: An application to hydrological data3
Approximation of Bayesian Hawkes process with inlabru3
A flexible extended generalized Pareto distribution for tail estimation3
A projection‐based Laplace approximation for spatial latent variable models3
Discussion on “A combined estimate of global temperature”2
Comparing emulation methods for a high‐resolution storm surge model2
Benchmark dose risk analysis with mixed‐factor quantal data in environmental risk assessment2
An illustration of model agnostic explainability methods applied to environmental data2
Improving piecewise linear snow density models through hierarchical spatial and orthogonal functional smoothing2
Fast parameter estimation of generalized extreme value distribution using neural networks2
Functional zoning of biodiversity profiles2
A note on statistical tests for homogeneities in multivariate extreme value models for block maxima2
Two years of COVID‐19 pandemic: The Italian experience of Statgroup‐192
Locally correlated Poisson sampling2
Conjugate sparse plus low rank models for efficient Bayesian interpolation of large spatial data2
Quantifying and correcting geolocation error in spaceborne LiDAR forest canopy observations using high spatial accuracy data: A Bayesian model approach2
Principal component analysis for river network data: Use of spatiotemporal correlation and heterogeneous covariance structure2
Managing air quality: Predicting exceedances of legal limits for PM10 and O3 concentration using machine learning methods2
Sampling design methods for making improved lake management decisions2
Categorical data analysis using discretization of continuous variables to investigate associations in marine ecosystems2
Generalized least‐squares in dimension expansion method for nonstationary processes2
A spatially‐weighted AMH copula‐based dissimilarity measure for clustering variables: An application to urban thermal efficiency2
Spatial deformation for nonstationary extremal dependence2
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2024 Editorial Collaborators2
Spike and Slab Regression for Nonstationary Gaussian Linear Mixed Effects Modeling of Rapid Disease Progression2
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Under the mantra: ‘Make use of colorblind friendly graphs’1
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A hierarchical integrative group least absolute shrinkage and selection operator for analyzing environmental mixtures1
Stable sums to infer high return levels of multivariate rainfall time series1
Automatic deforestation detectors based on frequentist statistics and their extensions for other spatial objects1
Pointwise data depth for univariate and multivariate functional outlier detection1
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Estimating functional single index models with compact support1
Sequential spatially balanced sampling1
Entropy‐Based Assessment of Biodiversity, With Application to Ants' Nests Data1
Estimating the spatial distribution of the white shark in the Mediterranean Sea via an integrated species distribution model accounting for physical barriers1
Effects of corona virus disease‐19 control measures on air quality in North China1
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CO2 emissions and growth: A bivariate bidimensional mean‐variance random effects model1
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Clustering of bivariate satellite time series: A quantile approach1
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Intersection between environmental data science and the R community in Latin America1
Bayesian benchmark dose risk assessment with mixed‐factor quantal data1
Association between air pollution and COVID‐19 disease severity via Bayesian multinomial logistic regression with partially missing outcomes1
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Uncertainty: Nothing is more certain1
Testing for galactic cosmic ray warming hypothesis using the notion of block‐exogeneity1
A zero‐inflated Poisson spatial model with misreporting for wildfire occurrences in southern Italian municipalities1
Marginal inference for hierarchical generalized linear mixed models with patterned covariance matrices using the Laplace approximation1
Spatial matrix completion for spatially misaligned and high‐dimensional air pollution data1
Recursive nearest neighbor co‐kriging models for big multi‐fidelity spatial data sets1
A cyclostationary model for temporal forecasting and simulation of solar global horizontal irradiance1
Calibrating Satellite Maps With Field Data for Improved Predictions of Forest Biomass1
Identifying meteorological drivers of PM2.5 levels via a Bayesian spatial quantile regression1
Covariance structure assessment in multi‐level models for the analysis of forests rainfall interception data using repeated measures1
Data science and climate risk analytics1
P‐min‐Stable Regression Models for Time Series With Extreme Values of Limited Range1
High dimensional variable selection through group Lasso for multiple function‐on‐function linear regression: A case study in PM10 monitoring1
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From model selection to maps: A completely design‐based data‐driven inference for mapping forest resources0
Assessing predictability of environmental time series with statistical and machine learning models0
Mechanistic spatial models for heavy metal pollution0
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A Bayesian time series model for reconstructing hydroclimate from multiple proxies0
Gradient‐Boosted Generalized Linear Models for Conditional Vine Copulas0
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Discussion on “A combined estimate of global temperature”0
2022 Editorial Collaborators0
Contamination severity index: An analysis of Bangladesh groundwater arsenic0
Stochastic tropical cyclone precipitation field generation0
Pesticide concentration monitoring: Investigating spatio‐temporal patterns in left censored data0
A Bayesian spatio‐temporal model for short‐term forecasting of precipitation fields0
Large‐scale environmental data science with ExaGeoStatR0
Structural equation models for simultaneous modeling of air pollutants0
Spatio‐temporal downscaling emulator for regional climate models0
CO2has significant implications for hourly ambient temperature: Evidence from Hawaii0
2021 Editorial Collaborators0
Joint species distribution modeling with competition for space0
Random fields on the hypertorus: Covariance modeling and applications0
Penalized distributed lag interaction model: Air pollution, birth weight, and neighborhood vulnerability0
Anthropogenic and meteorological effects on the counts and sizes of moderate and extreme wildfires0
A unified skew‐normal geostatistical factor model0
The role of data science in environmental digital twins: In praise of the arrows0
Spatiotemporal clustering using Gaussian processes embedded in a mixture model0
Statistical analysis of multi‐day solar irradiance using a threshold time series model0
A Varying Precision Beta Prime Autoregressive Moving Average Model With Application to Water Flow Data0
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Modeling Disease Dynamics From Spatially Explicit Capture‐Recapture Data0
Achieving spatial balance in environmental surveys under constant inclusion probabilities or inclusion density functions0
A Bayesian change point modeling approach to identify local temperature changes related to urbanization0
Calibrated forecasts of quasi‐periodic climate processes with deep echo state networks and penalized quantile regression0
Comparing estimation of the parameters of distribution of the root density of plants in the presence of outliers0
Environmental data science: Part 10
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Recognizing a spatial extreme dependence structure: A deep learning approach0
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Bayesian geostatistical modeling for discrete‐valued processes0
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Two‐phase adaptive cluster sampling with circular field plots0
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Generalization of the power‐law rating curve using hydrodynamic theory and Bayesian hierarchical modeling0
Emulation of greenhouse‐gas sensitivities using variational autoencoders0
Data science applied to environmental sciences0
High‐dimensional multivariate geostatistics: A Bayesian matrix‐normal approach0
Detecting changes in mixed‐sampling rate data sequences0
Spatial cluster detection with threshold quantile regression0
Heterogeneity pursuit for spatial point pattern with application to tree locations: A Bayesian semiparametric recourse0
An extended PDE‐based statistical spatio‐temporal model that suppresses the Gibbs phenomenon0
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On testing for the equality of autocovariance in time series0
Long memory conditional random fields on regular lattices0
Scalable spatio‐temporal smoothing via hierarchical sparse Cholesky decomposition0
Statistical evaluation of a long‐memory process using the generalized entropic value‐at‐risk0
A dependent Bayesian Dirichlet process model for source apportionment of particle number size distribution0
A nonstationary and non‐Gaussian moving average model for solar irradiance0
Nonparametric estimation of variable productivity Hawkes processes0
Elastic functional changepoint detection of climate impacts from localized sources0
Impact of the mesoscale structure of a bipartite ecological interaction network on its robustness through a probabilistic modeling0
Mitigating spatial confounding by explicitly correlating Gaussian random fields0
A combined estimate of global temperature0
Similarity network aggregation for the analysis of glacier ecosystems0
Modeling Anisotropy and Non‐Stationarity Through Physics‐Informed Spatial Regression0
Subordinated Gaussian processes for solar irradiance0
A double fixed rank kriging approach to spatial regression models with covariate measurement error0
Applying sequential adaptive strategies for sampling animal populations: An empirical study0
Bayesian variable selection for high‐dimensional rank data0
Discussion on “A combined estimate of global temperature”0
Record events attribution in climate studies0
Multivariate receptor modeling with widely dispersed Lichens as bioindicators of air quality0
Environmental data science: Part 20
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Discussion on “A combined estimate of global temperature”0
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EM algorithm for generalized Ridge regression with spatial covariates0
Flood hazard model calibration using multiresolution model output0
Front Cover Image, Volume 34, Number 1, February 20230
Modeling the spatial evolution wildfires using random spread process0
Smooth copula‐based generalized extreme value model and spatial interpolation for extreme rainfall in Central Eastern Canada0
Multistage hierarchical capture–recapture models0
Detection of anomalous radioxenon concentrations: A distribution‐free approach0
Estimation of the spatial weighting matrix for regular lattice data—An adaptive lasso approach with cross‐sectional resampling0
Framing data science, analytics and statistics around the digital earth concept0
On the selection of an interpolation method with an application to the Fire Weather Index in Ontario, Canada0
Reconstruction of past human land use from pollen data and anthropogenic land cover changes0
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Normalization methods for spatio‐temporal analysis of environmental performance: Revisiting the Min–Max method0
How to find the best sampling design: A new measure of spatial balance0
A Bayesian framework for studying climate anomalies and social conflicts0
A flexible and interpretable spatial covariance model for data on graphs0
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The scope of the Kalman filter for spatio‐temporal applications in environmental science0
Functional forecasting of dissolved oxygen in high‐frequency vertical lake profiles0
REDS: Random ensemble deep spatial prediction0
Air pollution estimation under air stagnation—A case study of Beijing0
Modeling nonstationary surface‐level ozone extremes through the lens of US air quality standards: A Bayesian hierarchical approach0
Global sensitivity and domain‐selective testing for functional‐valued responses: An application to climate economy models0
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Shooting for abundance: Comparing integrated multi‐sampling models for camera trap and hair trap data0
Mitigating spatial confounding by explicitly correlating Gaussian random fields0