European Review of Applied Psychology-Revue Europeenne de Psychologie

(The TQCC of European Review of Applied Psychology-Revue Europeenne de Psychologie is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Relationship status-mental health concerns association: An examination of attachment and attention27
Understanding the severity of attachment injury-related stress symptoms via the reasons for forgiveness and unforgiveness identified by injured romantic partners25
Attachment, defense mechanisms and early maladaptive schemas in dreams17
Editorial Board15
Editorial Board13
Predicting sports performance from well-being: A mapping of professional athletes’, amateur athletes’ and non-athletes’ positions9
A structural equation model of intuitive eating with adolescents7
Problematic donation procedures vs. futuristic research and treatment applications: A dichotomous social representation of stem cells in Italy7
Intuitive physics and cognitive algebra: A review6
Event justice and social entity justice: A cross-lagged analysis6
Functional measurement and information integration theory: An applied psychology5
Do within- and between-person results converge? A cross-level comparison of the Challenge-Hindrance Model of Stress5
When distorted logos are recognized as original? The role of the DRM procedure in detection of immediate and delayed consumers’ errors5
The mediation effect of emotion dysregulation in the relationship between stress and aggression on the road5
Hardiness and mental health during naval deployment: The relation is mediated by social processes and not by self-regulatory processes5
Negative comments about adolescents’ body weight: What are they and what is their connection with body image?5
Adding fuel to the fire: The impact of stress on decision-making in dilemmas among emergency service personnel5
Anxiety and dimensions of perfectionism in first year college students: The mediating role of mindfulness5
Editorial Board5
Associations between romantic attachment and sexual satisfaction through intimacy and couple support among pregnant couples4
RETRACTED: Predicting factors influencing perceived online learning experience among primary students utilizing structural equation modeling Forest Classifier approach4
Determinants of sanitary measures and lockdown compliance among health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic4
Editorial Board4
Editorial Board4
Pro-environmental attitudes, pro-environmental behaviours and nature-relatedness: Differences based on place preference4
Can mindfulness modify your thoughts? A study in the context of social phobia4
Role of human resource practices and job crafting in fostering innovative work behavior: An interaction and resource reinvestment perspective4
The effect of the Flipped Learning method on academic performance and creativity of primary school students4
Editorial Board3
Questionnaire de sensibilité au rejet : qualités psychométriques de la traduction française de l’Adult Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (ARSQ)3
Le rôle de la stigmatisation dans la symptomatologie dépressive de femmes françaises en surpoids ou en situation d’obésité3
Editorial Board3
A French validation of the short Need For Affect scale3
Mindfulness, resilience, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intention in secondary physical education teaching2
Psychometric Properties of the French Version of the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence for Young Children (PMSC)2
Over-education and job satisfaction: The role of job insecurity and career enhancing strategies2
Herth Hope Index in Ecuadorian university students: Psychometric analysis from classical test theory and item response theory2
Editorial Board2
French translation and validation of the Karitane Parenting Confidence Scale2
Editorial Board2
French validation of the Emotion Regulation Skills Questionnaire2
Emotional intelligence and employee innovation: Sequential mediating effect of person-group fit and adaptive performance2
Guilt-proneness and self-management behaviour: The moderating role of sense of belonging2
Adherence in adults with sickle cell disease: Using illness perception to understand the low adherence rate2
Assessing problematic Facebook use: Psychometric properties of the Polish version of Facebook Intrusion Questionnaire2
Psychometric properties of a French version of the Implicit Theories of Emotion Scale2
Mapping people's positions regarding the acceptability of somatic gene therapy2
Mindfulness-based programs sustainably increase mental health: The role of cognitive fusion and mindfulness practice2
Are organisational politics responsible for turnover intention in French Firefighters?2
Justice sensitivity's impact on strike outcomes in Germany and France2
Effects of main components of a targeted prevention program for depressive and anxious symptoms during the transition to higher education2
Development and Validation of the Integrative Work Values Scale2
French validation of the Twenty-Item Value Inventory2