European Review of Applied Psychology-Revue Europeenne de Psychologie

(The median citation count of European Review of Applied Psychology-Revue Europeenne de Psychologie is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Mindfulness, resilience, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intention in secondary physical education teaching27
Professional isolation and pandemic teleworkers’ satisfaction and commitment: The role of perceived organizational and supervisor support25
Effect of an intensified training period on well-being indices, recovery and psychological aspects in professional soccer players19
Emotional intelligence and employee innovation: Sequential mediating effect of person-group fit and adaptive performance17
Regulation strategies during COVID-19 quarantine: The mediating effect of worry on the links between coping strategies and anxiety15
Organizational silence, organizational commitment and creativity: The case of directors of Islamic Azad University of Khorasan Razavi14
Pro-environmental attitudes, pro-environmental behaviours and nature-relatedness: Differences based on place preference13
A Comparative analysis of learning, retention, learning and study strategies in the traditional and M-learning systems9
Intuitive physics and cognitive algebra: A review9
Development and Validation of the Integrative Work Values Scale7
Associations between romantic attachment and sexual satisfaction through intimacy and couple support among pregnant couples7
Over-education and job satisfaction: The role of job insecurity and career enhancing strategies6
Religiousness, collectivism, and helping behavior: The invigorating role of abusive supervision6
Understanding the employee job satisfaction depending on manager's fair treatment: The role of cynicism towards the organization and co-worker support5
How does spiritual leadership inspire employees’ innovative behavior? The role of psychological capital and intrinsic motivation5
Are organisational politics responsible for turnover intention in French Firefighters?5
The contribution of self-compassion in the relationship between social support and posttraumatic growth5
Don’t worry, be happy! Positive affect at work, greater balance at home. A daily diary study on work-family balance5
Anxiety and dimensions of perfectionism in first year college students: The mediating role of mindfulness5
When does commitment backfire: Linking employee continuance commitment to silence behavior5
Work-family spillover of daily positive affect onto performance: The moderating role of domain identity salience5
Validation and study of psychometric properties of a French version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSPS-FR)5
Influence of teachers’ political orientation and values on their success prediction toward students from different socioeconomic background4
Do not interrupt me if it makes me feel something – Study of the effect of the pleasantness of interruptions on performance4
Psychometric Properties of the French Version of the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Movement Skill Competence for Young Children (PMSC)4
How professional pilots perceive interactions of working conditions, rosters, stress, sleep problems, fatigue and mental health. A qualitative content analysis4
Judgments of blame and forgiveness: A comparison of young adults, older adults, and older adults with dementia4
Mindfulness-based programs, perceived stress and well-being at work: The preferential use of informal practices4
The effect of the Flipped Learning method on academic performance and creativity of primary school students4
Enforced remote work during COVID-19 and the importance of technological competency: A job demands-resources perspective4
The mediating role of self-efficacy between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction of primary school teachers4
Rapid weight loss and mood states in judo athletes: A systematic review4
Overwork-induced exploitation of Chinese adults: Social isolation, loneliness as mediating effects on mental health3
Comparison of four short forms of the French adaptation of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV)3
Psychometric properties of a French version of the Implicit Theories of Emotion Scale3
Conversion to non-remunerated plasmapheresis donation: Effects of labeling and donation environment3
People's positions regarding social security's health insurance programs: The case of Romania3
Self-efficacy dimensions and job search strategies3
Further evidence of the invalidity of the magnitude estimation method3
The usefulness of the averaging rule in consumer studies: A partial replication with an eye at neuroeconomics2
Psychometric proprieties of the French Version of the Family-Focused Mental Health Practice Questionnaire (FFMHPQ)2
The relationship between purposiveness and information integration: The effect of metamotivational states on cognitive rules in sport2
Multidimensional eating profiles associated with personality traits during emerging adulthood: A cluster-analytic approach2
Psychometrics properties of the French version of the van Dam's Employability Questionnaire2
The mediation effect of emotion dysregulation in the relationship between stress and aggression on the road2
RETRACTED: Predicting factors influencing perceived online learning experience among primary students utilizing structural equation modeling Forest Classifier approach2
Parenting styles contributes to overt aggression, but age and gender matters2
The chameleon effect, the temporal aspects of mimicry and their impact on service measurement2
Development of clinical vignettes to assess healthcare decision-making capacity in elderly with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease2
Emerging adult self-perception and link with adjustment to academic context among Female College Students2
French adaptation of the Attentional Control Scale: Confirmatory factor analyses and relationship with trait anxiety and efficiency of orienting, alerting, and executive control attentional networks2
Mapping people's positions regarding the acceptability of somatic gene therapy2
Discrepancy in internalized values of workers in extreme situations: Consequences for soldiers and risk for the organization2
Predicting sports performance from well-being: A mapping of professional athletes’, amateur athletes’ and non-athletes’ positions2
Young women with and without non-suicidal self-injury: A comparison of romantic relationship functioning2
Psychometric properties of the French version of Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (B-SSS)2
Structure factorielle et qualités psychométriques du questionnaire d’auto-évaluation pour adolescents (Youth Self-Report) d’Achenbach et Rescorla2
Validation of the French version of the Object Spatial Imagery and Verbal Questionnaire2
The perceptions of social context (PoSC): Introducing the PoSC scale2
Hardiness and mental health during naval deployment: The relation is mediated by social processes and not by self-regulatory processes2
Functional measurement and information integration theory: An applied psychology2
A review of processing and analysing visual metaphors in psychology1
French translation and validation of the Karitane Parenting Confidence Scale1
Determinants of sanitary measures and lockdown compliance among health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic1
Problematic donation procedures vs. futuristic research and treatment applications: A dichotomous social representation of stem cells in Italy1
Under what conditions do lay people and health professionals accept a breach of doctor-patient confidentiality regarding a patient with signs of terrorist radicalization?1
Processus d’élaboration et de validation d’un questionnaire portant sur le développement des compétences émotionnelles lors du mentorat1
Cognitive and affective-motivational states as mediators of the association between presenteeism and job satisfaction1
Échelle du fatalisme en santé version française (EFS-VF) : une validation de l’échelle du fatalisme en santé1
Is it acceptable for a physician to break confidentiality in the case of sexually transmitted diseases? A mapping of young Kuwaiti's views1
French Adaptation and Validation of The Bullying Attitude Questionnaire in a sample of Primary School Teachers1
Empirically distinguishing interpersonal styles within romantic relationships: What is helpful or harmful when having a goal for your romantic partner?1
Questionnaire de sensibilité au rejet : qualités psychométriques de la traduction française de l’Adult Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (ARSQ)1
Identification accuracy of a single culprit in a multiple-perpetrator mock crime1
Improving mindfulness through self-connection1
The acceptability of prophylactic mastectomy among lay people and health professionals: A pilot study1
Post-homicidal behaviors of intrafamilial crime authors in France: An archival study1
Does “chaining” always work towards compliance gaining? The case of the “but you are free” technique and social proof applied to charitable donation1
Social and emotional adjustment, post-traumatic stress disorder, and representations of family relationships: The effects of intimate partner violence on very young children1
Retraction notice to “Predicting factors influencing perceived online learning experience among primary students utilizing structural equation modeling forest classifier approach” [ERAP 73 (2023) 10081
Prosocialité perçue par les éducatrices en centre de la petite enfance et pragmatique du langage des enfants de 4 ans : une question de genre ?1
Assessing problematic Facebook use: Psychometric properties of the Polish version of Facebook Intrusion Questionnaire1
Le rôle de la stigmatisation dans la symptomatologie dépressive de femmes françaises en surpoids ou en situation d’obésité1
Maternal fatigue and burnout: From self-forgetfulness to environmental expectations1
Première étude des qualités psychométriques de la version française du questionnaire d’inquiétudes parentales (QIPS-R15) dans le cadre d’une maladie chronique pédiatrique1
Using a virtual environment to assess moral cognition and underlying social-cognitive processes: Two case studies1
Assessing inference production in 5 to 7-year-olds: Benefits of using a pictorial task1
Verbal and practical intelligence in general anxiety, obsessive compulsive and major depression disorders1
Binge eating, social media disorder and attachment in adolescence: Gender differences in the mediating role of alexithymia1