European Journal of Agronomy

(The H4-Index of European Journal of Agronomy is 31. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Wheat yield predictions at a county and field scale with deep learning, machine learning, and google earth engine110
An overview of crop nitrogen status assessment using hyperspectral remote sensing: Current status and perspectives95
An Integrated Weed Management framework: A pan-European perspective69
Improvement of sugarcane yield estimation by assimilating UAV-derived plant height observations61
Partial substitution of chemical fertilizer with organic fertilizer over seven years increases yields and restores soil bacterial community diversity in wheat–rice rotation56
Agro-economic prospects for expanding soybean production beyond its current northerly limit in Europe56
Straw return strategies to improve soil properties and crop productivity in a winter wheat-summer maize cropping system55
Long-term green manuring to substitute partial chemical fertilizer simultaneously improving crop productivity and soil quality in a double-rice cropping system54
Machine learning-based in-season nitrogen status diagnosis and side-dress nitrogen recommendation for corn54
Influences of soil and biochar properties and amount of biochar and fertilizer on the performance of biochar in improving plant photosynthetic rate: A meta-analysis53
Estimation of leaf nitrogen content and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency in wheat using sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence at the leaf and canopy scales51
Does the critical N dilution curve for maize crop vary across genotype x environment x management scenarios? - a Bayesian analysis49
Smart agriculture and digital twins: Applications and challenges in a vision of sustainability48
Combining UAV multispectral imagery and ecological factors to estimate leaf nitrogen and grain protein content of wheat48
Redefining the field to mobilize three-dimensional diversity and ecosystem services on the arable farm45
Straw returning coupled with nitrogen fertilization increases canopy photosynthetic capacity, yield and nitrogen use efficiency in cotton42
Conservation tillage rotation enhanced soil structure and soil nutrients in long-term dryland agriculture40
Forward new paradigms for crop mineral nutrition and fertilization towards sustainable agriculture38
Mapping the spatial variability of Botrytis bunch rot risk in vineyards using UAV multispectral imagery38
Subsoil tillage promotes root and shoot growth of rapeseed in paddy fields and dryland in Yangtze River Basin soils37
Cover crops promote crop productivity but do not enhance weed management in tillage-based cropping systems35
Modeling the impact of climate warming on potato phenology35
Priority for climate adaptation measures in European crop production systems35
Yield and quality properties of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and their influencing factors in China33
A quantitative review into the contributions of biological nitrogen fixation to agricultural systems by grain legumes32
Assimilating remote sensing-based VPM GPP into the WOFOST model for improving regional winter wheat yield estimation32
How well do crop modeling groups predict wheat phenology, given calibration data from the target population?31
Yield, yield stability and farmers’ preferences of evolutionary populations of bread wheat: A dynamic solution to climate change31
Diversified crop rotations increase the yield and economic efficiency of grain production systems31
Effects of 40 years applications of inorganic and organic fertilization on soil bacterial community in a maize agroecosystem in northeast China31
Are soybean models ready for climate change food impact assessments?31