Psicologia Educativa

(The median citation count of Psicologia Educativa is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Temporal Stability of Grit and School Performance in Adolescents: A Longitudinal Perspective17
Academic Failure: Individual, Organizational, and Social Factors15
Evaluation of Programmes under the Positive Parenting Initiative in Spain:Introduction to the Special Issue8
Teaching Quality: Relationships between Students’ Motivation, Effort Regulation, Future Interest, and Connection Frequency8
Students’ Mediator Variables in the Relationship between Family Involvement and Academic Performance: Effects of the Styles of Involvement8
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Adolescent Bullying: A Systematic Review8
Time Spent on Homework and Academic Achievement: A Meta-analysis Study Related to Results of TIMSS7
A Bibliometric Analysis of Publications in the Web of Science Category of Educational Psychology in the Last Two Decades7
Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Burnout among Spanish Teachers: A Mediation Study7
Testing a Four-factor Model for the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale: An updated Perspective on Teachers’ Perceived Classroom Efficacy6
Los Predictores Psicosociales del Bullying Discriminatorio Debido al Estigma Ligado a las Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE) y la Discapacidad6
The Mediating Effect of University Teaching Staff’s Psychological Well-being between Emotional Intelligence and Burnout5
Validation of the Cooperative Learning Scale and Cooperation Global Factor Using Bifactor Structural Equation Modelling5
¿Qué Aporta la Inteligencia Emocional al Estudio de los Factores Personales Protectores del Consumo de Alcohol en la Adolescencia?5
Bullying/Cyberbullying en Quinto y Sexto Curso de Educación Primaria: Diferencias entre Contextos Rurales y Urbanos4
Pedagogical Practices: Design and Validation of SOCME-10 Rubric in Teachers who have Recently Entered Basic Education4
Student Misbehaviour and School Climate: A Multilevel Study4
Psychometric Properties of the Revised Child Mathematics Anxiety Questionnaire (CMAQ-R) for Spanish Speaking Children4
Relevance Instructions Combined with Elaborative Interrogation Facilitate Strategic Reading: Evidence from Eye Movements4
Children’s School Subjective Well-Being: The Importance of Schools in Perception of Support Received From Classmates4
Intervention in the Cohesion of Narrative Discourse in Pupils with Developmental Language Disorder3
Impact of Fragile X Syndrome on Their Families3
Cooperative Learning, Emotions, and Academic Performance in Physical Education: A Serial Multiple Mediation Model3
Alternatives of Physical Activity within School Times and Effects on Cognition. A Systematic Review and Educational Practical Guide3
The Relationship between Metacomprehension and Reading Comprehension in Spanish as a Second Language3
The Relationship of Oral Reading Fluency Endurance to Comprehension in an Intermediate Depth Orthography3
School Climate and Teachers’ Motivational Variables: Effects on Teacher Satisfaction and Classroom Motivational Climate Perceived by Middle School Students. A Cross-cultural Study3
The Evaluation of Family Support Programmes in Spain. An Analysis of their Quality Standards3
Análisis de Redes: una Alternativa a los Enfoques Clásicos de Evaluación de los Sistemas Educativos2
Validación de la Escala de Comportamientos de Sexting en Adolescentes: Prevalencia y Consecuencias Asociadas2
Spanish Adaptation of the Family Involvement Questionnaire - High School: Version for Parents2
Academic Procrastination of Spanish Pre-service Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Evidence-based Standards in the Design of Family Support Programmes in Spain2
Testing a Model for the Monitoring of Worked-out Algebra-Problem Examples: From Behaviours to Outcomes on a Math Task2
El Conflicto entre los Padres, la Seguridad Emocional y el Autoconcepto de los Adolescentes1
Teachers’ Opinions about the Teaching of Reading in Spain1
Los Hermanos de Niños con Autismo: Habilidades Lingüísticas y Motrices más allá de los Tres Años1
Functional Headings’ Effects on Selective Attention and Reading Processes1
World Perception and High Intellectual Ability: A Comparative Study1
Propuesta de tres Dimensiones Complementarias al Inventario del Espectro Autista de Rivière1
La Comprensión Asíncrona de las Emociones Básicas: un Estudio Longitudinal con Niños de 3 a 5 Años1
Exploratory Study on the Prevalence of Speech Sound Disorders in a Group of Valencian School Students Belonging to 3rd Grade of Infant School and 1st Grade of Primary School1
Aggressive Communication Style as Predictor of Cyberbullying, Emotional Wellbeing, and Personal Moral Beliefs in Adolescence1
The Moderating Role of Mathematical Skill Level when Using Curricular Methods to Learn Multiplication Tables1
The Impact of Resilience and Subjective Well-being on Teacher Burnout during COVID-19 in Chile1
FoCo: A Shiny App for Formative Assessment using Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling1
Contribution of Attentional Networks to Basic Arithmetic Achievement in School-age Children1
El Contexto Escolar y la Salud Mental de Adolescentes Migrantes y no Migrantes en la Ciudad de Barcelona1
Children’s Pictorial Representation of Their Interactions with Teachers1
Heavy Study Investment in Pre-adolescence and Adolescence: Psychometric Properties of the Studyholism Inventory (SI-10)1
Phonological Awareness Assessment Test (PACOF) for Pre-school Children: Evidence of Validity and Reliability1