
(The median citation count of Test is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Comments on: Nonparametric estimation in mixture cure models with covariates61
Comments on: hybrid semiparametric Bayesian networks15
Some parametric tests based on sample spacings11
Nonequivalence of two least-absolute-deviation estimators for mediation effects9
Specification testing of partially linear single-index models: a groupwise dimension reduction-based adaptive-to-model approach8
Estimation of poverty and inequality in small areas: review and discussion6
Level sets of depth measures in abstract spaces6
Testing Poissonity of a large number of populations6
Bayesian and frequentist evidence in one-sided hypothesis testing6
Inferences for extended partially linear single-index models6
Preservation of distributional properties of component lifetimes by system lifetimes5
On automatic kernel density estimate-based tests for goodness-of-fit5
A test for heteroscedasticity in functional linear models5
Rejoinder on: statistical inference and large-scale multiple testing for high-dimensional regression models5
Inference and prediction for ARCH time series via innovation distribution function4
Copula-based bivariate finite mixture regression models with an application for insurance claim count data4
Comments on: Data integration via analysis of subspaces (DIVAS)4
MM for penalized estimation4
Hybrid semiparametric Bayesian networks4
Testing covariance structures belonging to a quadratic subspace under a doubly multivariate model4
Conditional tail moment and reinsurance premium estimation under random right censoring4
Stochastic comparisons of relevation allocation policies in coherent systems4
Exploratory functional data analysis3
Multiple change point detection for high-dimensional data3
Inference for dependent error functional data with application to event-related potentials3
Modeling paired binary data by a new bivariate Bernoulli model with flexible beta kernel correlation3
Correction to: Spatial distribution of invasive species: an extent of occurrence approach3
On functional logistic regression: some conceptual issues3
Where to find needles in a haystack?3
Statistical properties of partially observed integrated functional depths3
Testing conditional multivariate rank correlations: the effect of institutional quality on factors influencing competitiveness3
Analysis of zero-and-one inflated bounded count time series with applications to climate and crime data3
A semiparametric approach for simple step-stress model3
Correction to: Second-order and local characteristics of network intensity functions3
Correction: Estimating weak periodic vector autoregressive time series3
Gender wage difference estimation at quantile levels using sample survey data2
A copula formulation for multivariate latent Markov models2
Bayesian sample size determination for detecting heterogeneity in multi-site replication studies2
A general class of shock models with dependent inter-arrival times2
Comments on: Data integration via analysis of subspaces (DIVAS)2
Comments on: Hybrid semiparametric Bayesian networks2
Comments on: Hybrid semiparametric Bayesian networks2
Bandwidth selection for statistical matching and prediction2
Variable-dependent partial dimension reduction2
Sharp inequalities of Bienaymé–Chebyshev and Gauß  type for possibly asymmetric intervals around the mean2
Comments on: Nonparametric estimation in mixture cure models with covariates2
Oracle-efficient M-estimation for single-index models with a smooth simultaneous confidence band2
Rejoinder on: Hybrid semiparametric Bayesian networks2
Aspects of robust canonical correlation analysis, principal components and association2
Robust parametric inference for finite Markov chains2
Rejoinder on: Data integration via analysis of subspaces (DIVAS)2
Convolution smoothing and online updating estimation for support vector machine1
Semi-functional partial linear regression with measurement error: an approach based on kNN estimation1
LRD spectral analysis of multifractional functional time series on manifolds1
Bayesian joint quantile autoregression1
New characterization-based exponentiality tests for randomly censored data1
Robust censored regression with $$\ell _1$$-norm regularization1
Specification procedures for multivariate stable-Paretian laws for independent and for conditionally heteroskedastic data1
High-order asymptotic approximations for improved inference under exceptionally low false positive error rates1
Sparse and debiased lasso estimation and inference for high-dimensional composite quantile regression with distributed data1
Application of the Cramér–Wold theorem to testing for invariance under group actions1
Nonparametric tests for semiparametric regression models1
High-dimensional outlier detection using random projections1
Global debiased DC estimations for biased estimators via pro forma regression1
Increasing the replicability for linear models via adaptive significance levels1
Homogeneity tests for one-way models with dependent errors under correlated groups1
Comments on: Recent advances in directional statistics1
Data-driven portmanteau tests for time series1
On new omnibus tests of uniformity on the hypersphere1
Comments on: Hybrid semiparametric Bayesian networks1
Integrative subgroup analysis for high-dimensional mixed-type multi-response data1
A new inferential approach for response-adaptive clinical trials: the variance-stabilized bootstrap1
Change-point detection in a tensor regression model1
A threshold modeling for nonlinear time series of counts: application to COVID-19 data1
Nonparametric estimation in mixture cure models with covariates1
Rejoinder on: Nonparametric estimation in mixture cure models with covariates1
Recent advances in directional statistics1
Publisher Correction: Unit-Weibull autoregressive moving average models1
Analysis of conditional randomisation and permutation schemes with application to conditional independence testing1
Selective inference for false discovery proportion in a hidden Markov model1
Change point detection in high dimensional data with U-statistics1
A data-driven reversible jump for estimating a finite mixture of regression models1
Extended Hotelling $$T^2$$ test in distributed frameworks1
Sparse overlapped linear discriminant analysis1
Complete asymptotic expansions and the high-dimensional Bingham distributions1
Tensor eigenvectors for projection pursuit1
Multipartition model for multiple change point identification1
Variable selection in function-on-scalar single-index model via the alternating direction method of multipliers1
Precision matrix estimation using penalized Generalized Sylvester matrix equation1
On a new concept of stochastic domination and the laws of large numbers0
Comments on: Shape-based functional data analysis by Wu, Huang and Srivastava0
Model checking for generalized partially linear models0
Multidimensional specification test based on non-stationary time series0
A Kolmogorov–Smirnov-type test for the two-sample problem with left-truncated data0
Two-way layout factorial experiments of spatial point pattern responses in mineral flotation0
Comments on: Data integration via analysis of subspaces (DIVAS)0
Single-index composite quantile regression for ultra-high-dimensional data0
Nonparametric conditional survival function estimation and plug-in bandwidth selection with multiple covariates0
A general procedure for change-point detection in multivariate time series0
Bayesian inference and cure rate modeling for event history data0
Non-linear INAR(1) processes under an alternative geometric thinning operator0
Estimating weak periodic vector autoregressive time series0
Bayesian analysis of testing general hypotheses in linear models with spherically symmetric errors0
Comments on: Statistical inference and large-scale multiple testing for high-dimensional regression models0
Specifications tests for count time series models with covariates0
Conditional minimum density power divergence estimator for self-exciting integer-valued threshold autoregressive models0
Correction to: On the concept of B-statistical uniform integrability of weighted sums of random variables and the law of large numbers with mean convergence in the statistical sense0
On sums of dependent random lifetimes under the time-transformed exponential model0
Severe testing of Benford’s law0
The orthogonal skew model: computationally efficient multivariate skew-normal and skew-t distributions with applications to model-based clustering0
Spatial distribution of invasive species: an extent of occurrence approach0
A statistical learning view of simple Kriging0
Statistical models and the Benford hypothesis: a unified framework0
Conformal link prediction for false discovery rate control0
Composite quantile estimation in partially functional linear regression model with randomly censored responses0
Tractable circula densities from Fourier series0
Correction to: Testing conditional multivariate rank correlations: the effect of institutional quality on factors influencing competitiveness0
Penalized robust estimators in sparse logistic regression0
Local influence analysis in the softplus INGARCH model0
A class of random fields with two-piece marginal distributions for modeling point-referenced data with spatial outliers0
Distribution-free tests for lossless feature selection in classification and regression0
A measurement error Rao–Yu model for regional prevalence estimation over time using uncertain data obtained from dependent survey estimates0
Novel specification tests for synchronous additive concurrent model formulation based on martingale difference divergence0
On connections between skewed, weighted and distorted distributions: applications to model extreme value distributions0
Copula modelling with penalized complexity priors: the bivariate case0
Asymptotic results for nonparametric regression estimators after sufficient dimension reduction estimation0
Comments on: shape-based functional data analysis0
Testing hypotheses about correlation matrices in general MANOVA designs0
Statistical inference on the significance of rows and columns for matrix-valued data in an additive model0
Block-diagonal test for high-dimensional covariance matrices0
Copula based dependent censoring in cure models0
Criterion constrained Bayesian hierarchical models0
Comments on: Shape-based functional data analysis0
Testing the equality of a large number of populations0
Comparison of quantile regression curves with censored data0
On the Randić index and its variants of network data0
Adaptive bi-level variable selection for multivariate failure time model with a diverging number of covariates0
Comments on: Recent advances in directional statistics0
Correction: Novel specification tests for synchronous additive concurrent model formulation based on martingale difference divergence0
Bump hunting through density curvature features0
Asymptotics for M-type smoothing splines with non-smooth objective functions0
Comments on: Nonparametric estimation in mixture cure models with covariates0
Unit-Weibull autoregressive moving average models0
Comments on: Statistical inference and large-scale multiple testing for high-dimensional regression models0
Testing the equality of multivariate means when $$p>n$$ by combining the Hotelling and Simes tests0
QANOVA: quantile-based permutation methods for general factorial designs0
Privacy-preserving parametric inference for spatial autoregressive model0
Mixed causal-noncausal count process0
Shape-based functional data analysis0
Understanding complex predictive models with ghost variables0
Reliability and optimal replacement policy for a generalized mixed shock model0
On finite mixtures of Discretized Beta model for ordered responses0
Hypothesis testing in adaptively sampled data: ART to maximize power beyond iid sampling0
Data integration via analysis of subspaces (DIVAS)0
Topical collection on “goodness-of-fit, change-point and related problems”0
Comments on: Recent advances in directional statistics0
On degradation-based imperfect repair and induced generalized renewal processes0
Reducing degradation and age of items in imperfect repair modeling0
Bayesian semiparametric modeling of response mechanism for nonignorable missing data0
Partly linear instrumental variables regressions without smoothing on the instruments0
General dependence structures for some models based on exponential families with quadratic variance functions0
A new sufficient dimension reduction method via rank divergence0
Bayes factors for peri-null hypotheses0
Jackknife empirical likelihood for the correlation coefficient with additive distortion measurement errors0
Interquantile shrinkage in spatial additive autoregressive models0
Sparse Laplacian Shrinkage with the Graphical Lasso Estimator for Regression Problems0
Marginal analysis of count time series in the presence of missing observations0
A generalized Hosmer–Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test for a family of generalized linear models0
Comments on: Data integration via analysis of subspaces (DIVAS)0
Comments on: Statistical inference and large-scale multiple testing for high-dimensional regression models0
Robust multivariate estimation based on statistical depth filters0
D-optimal designs for Poisson regression with synergetic interaction effect0
Two-step semiparametric empirical likelihood inference from capture–recapture data with missing covariates0
Comments on: Shape-based functional data analysis0
On variability of the mean remaining lifetime at random age0
Spatial Cox processes in an infinite-dimensional framework0
Some results on the Gaussian Markov Random Field construction problem based on the use of invariant subgraphs0
Small area estimation of average compositions under multivariate nested error regression models0
On coregionalized multivariate Gaussian Markov random fields: construction, parameterization, and Bayesian estimation and inference0
Correction to: Small area estimation of proportions under area-level compositional mixed models0
Statistical inference and large-scale multiple testing for high-dimensional regression models0
Estimation of stability index for symmetric $$\alpha $$-stable distribution using quantile conditional variance ratios0
Statistical analysis of measures of non-convexity0
Stochastic monotonicity of dependent variables given their sum0
Comments on: Statistical inference and large-scale multiple testing for high-dimensional regression models0
Correct specification of design matrices in linear mixed effects models: tests with graphical representation0
Robust clustering of multiply censored data via mixtures of t factor analyzers0
Power priors for replication studies0
Correction to: Testing the hypothesis of a block compound symmetric covariance matrix for elliptically contoured distributions0
Comments on: Shape-based functional data analysis0
Goodness-of-fit test with a robustness feature0
Higher-order spatial autoregressive varying coefficient model: estimation and specification test0
Specification testing in semi-parametric transformation models0
Testing for trend in two-way crossed effects model under heteroscedasticity0
Rejoinder on: Shape-based functional data analysis0
Weight smoothing for nonprobability surveys0
Robust and efficient estimation of nonparametric generalized linear models0
On the general $$\delta $$-shock model0
Testing marginal homogeneity in Hilbert spaces with applications to stock market returns0
Comments on: Nonparametric estimation in mixture cure models with covariates0
A simple and useful regression model for fitting count data0
Correction to: LRD spectral analysis of multifractional functional time series on manifolds0
A causal hidden Markov model for assessing effects of multiple direct mail campaigns0
Correction to: A general near-exact distribution theory for the most common likelihood ratio test statistics used in Multivariate Analysis0
Comments on: Recent advances in directional statistics0
An instrumental variable approach under dependent censoring0
Optimal subsampling for $$L_p$$-quantile regression via decorrelated score0
Rejoinder on: Recent advances in directional statistics0
Tests for circular symmetry of complex-valued random vectors0