
(The TQCC of Archaeofauna is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Animal consumption and social change: the vertebrates from Ditch 7 in the context of a diachronic approach to the faunal remains at Perdigões enclosure (3400-2000 BC)8
Caza de vicuñas en un refugio de las Tierras Altas de la Puna meridional de Chile (26° s)7
Mariscadores en las costas del Caribe colombiano en época prehispánica y moderna: una reflexión para evaluar el impacto humano en los ecosistemas marinos desde la arqueoma- lacología y la etnoarqueolo2
Archaeozoological studies: new database and method based on alphanumeric codes2
A combined approach to reconstructing livestock management in Iron Age north-eastern Iberia: estimating the season of death and palaeodiet using cementochronology and dental micro- and mesowear analys2
Humans and animals in the Postclassic Cuchumatanes: the archaeological fauna from Chiantla Viejo (Huehuetenango, Guatemala)2
dogs of Roman Vindolanda, Part IV: Large sighthounds and guard and utility dogs2
Hornos de la Peña (Northern Iberia): New excavations, chronological and subsistence data of the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition2
Restos óseos ingeridos por puma (Puma concolor) en el Parque Nacional Sierra de las Quijadas (San Luis, Argentina)2
Evidencias tafonómicas y biomoleculares de termoalteración y formación de los depósitos óseos de peces dulceacuícolas en el sitio arqueológico San Pedro de la Depresión Momposina, Colombia1
faunal assemblage from the manufacturing district at Spolverino: from the Roman Imperial period to Late Antiquity1
Aproximación tafonómica al Abrigo de Navalmaíllo: el uso de fragmentos diafisarios de animales de talla grande como retocadores óseos1
To catch a goat: explotación de la cabra montés en el Pleistoceno superior (MIS 3) de la Cova de les Malladetes (Barx, Valencia)1
Freshwater and Marine eels in the Pacific and New Zealand: Food Avoidance Behaviour and Prohibitions1
Gestión ganadera durante la Edad del Bronce Medio y Final en Mallorca (Islas Baleares). El caso del poblado de Els Closos de Ca’n Gaià1
medieval fisheries of Galicia (Northwestern Iberia): A preliminary archaeozoological overview1
Economy and subsistence in the Early Neolithic site of Carrascal (Oeiras, Portugal)1
Subsistence strategies in the Inner Congo Basin since the 14th century AD: the faunal remains from Nkile and Bolondo (DR Congo)1