Economia Politica

(The median citation count of Economia Politica is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Down and out? The gendered impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on India’s labour market42
Dynamics between green innovation and environmental quality: new insights into South Asian economies37
Exploring regional transitions to the bioeconomy using a socio-economic indicator: the case of Italy34
Robots and employment: evidence from Italy32
The Covid-19 pandemic and gendered division of paid work, domestic chores and leisure: evidence from India’s first wave30
Political orientation and adherence to social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy29
Innovation, income, and waste disposal operations in Korea: evidence from a spectral granger causality analysis and artificial neural networks experiments27
Does social capital enforce social distancing? The role of bridging and bonding social capital in the evolution of the pandemic27
COVID-19 and women's nutrition security: panel data evidence from rural India19
Imperatives of recognising the complexities: gendered impacts and responses to COVID-19 in India19
Sex-disaggregated data matters: tracking the impact of COVID-19 on the health of women and men16
Autonomous demand and technical change: exploring the Kaldor–Verdoorn law on a global level15
Can government subsidy strategies and strategy combinations effectively stimulate enterprise innovation? Theory and evidence14
On the growth impact of different eco-innovation business strategies13
Climate change and armed conflicts in Africa: temporal persistence, non-linear climate impact and geographical spillovers11
Working from home and the explosion of enduring divides: income, employment and safety risks11
“Smoke on the beach”: on the use of economic vs behavioral policies to reduce environmental pollution by cigarette littering10
Women, pandemics and the Global South: an introductory overview8
Europe, public debts, and safe assets: the scope for a European Debt Agency8
What drives TFP long-run dynamics in five large European economies?8
Government subsidies and total factor productivity of enterprises: a life cycle perspective7
University education, mismatched jobs: are there gender differences in the drivers of overeducation?7
The good jobs-high innovation virtuous circle7
Locked out of livelihoods: impact of COVID-19 on single women farmers in Maharashtra, India7
What drives employment–unemployment transitions? Evidence from Italian task-based data6
Decomposing changes in income polarization by population group: what happened during the crisis?6
Tax evasion and government size: evidence from Italian provinces6
Gendering the crisis: austerity and the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil6
The innovation gender gap in transition countries5
Firm productivity gains in a period of slow trade liberalization: evidence from Brazil5
Heterogeneous effects of spinoff foundations on the means of technology transfer: the role of past academic-industry collaborations5
Ranking high schools using university student performance in Italy5
The legacy of public action and gender-sensitivity of the pandemic response in Kerala State, India5
A non-linear model of public debt with bonds and money finance4
Social exclusion and financial distress: evidence from Italy and Spain4
Investigating the origins of differentiated vulnerabilities to climate change through the lenses of the Capability Approach4
The way towards food sustainability: some insights for pasta supply chain4
The influence of skill-based policies on the immigrant selection process4
Immigration diversity and regional economic growth4
Resilient women scientists and the COVID-19 pandemic: an OWSD analysis3
Preferences for climate change-related fiscal policies in European countries: drivers and seasonal effects3
Corruption and firms’ efficiency: international evidence using an instrumental variable approach3
The Schumpeterian creative response: export and innovation: evidence for OECD countries 1995–20153
Can culture save young Italians? The role of cultural capital on Italian NEETs behaviour3
Investment, autonomous demand and long-run capacity utilization: an empirical test for the Euro Area3
The role of public loans in financing business R&D through the economic cycle3
Firm strategies and distributional dynamics: labour share in Italian medium-large firms3
What shapes the “value-action” gap? The role of time perception reconsidered3
Exploring the entropy-complexity nexus. Evidence from Italy3
Movement building responses to COVID-19: lessons from the JASS mobilisation fund3
Optimal redistribution behind the veil of ignorance2
How does firms' broadband adoption affect regional TFP in Italy?2
Epidemics and policy: the dismal trade-offs2
The influence of government ideology on corruption: the impact of the Great Recession2
Trust in the European Union project and the role of ECB2
Italian small arms exports: between incentives and international sanctions2
Building community-centered social infrastructure: a feminist inquiry into China’s COVID-19 experiences2
Compatibility and complementarity between institutional and post-Keynesian economics: a literature review with a particular focus on methodology2
What’s behind increasing wage inequality? Explaining the Italian case using RIF-OLS2
Does the economic freedom hinder the underground economy? Evidence from a cross-country analysis2
How do agricultural subsidies affect farmers’ non-grain cultivated land production? Evidence from the fourth rural Chinese households panel data survey2
An assessment of import tariff costs for Italian exporting firms2
COVID-19 and heterogeneous vulnerabilities in the Peruvian labor market: implications for social inequalities and for gender gaps2
Overconfidence in the art market: a bargaining pricing model with asymmetric disinformation2
Money management and entrepreneurial training in microfinance: impact on beneficiaries and institutions2
Trading off wage for workplace safety? Gaps between immigrants and natives in Italy2
The expertise effect: the impact of legal specialists’ intervention on the timely delivery of laymen's judgments1
The impact of power outages on households in Zambia1
Tax evasion and tax amnesties in regional taxation1
How does fiscal austerity impact on poverty and inequality? The Spanish case1
Mens sana in corpore sano: the effects of sport on children’s learning in Italy1
Environmental conflicts and the making of world movements for environmental justice1
Government spending, multipliers, and public debt sustainability: an empirical assessment for OECD countries1
Labor market effects of dirty air. Evidence from administrative data1
Enterprise economic influence and implementation deviation of green credit policy: evidence from China1
The back of the coin in resilience: on the characteristics of advantaged low-achieving students1
Does technology transfer increase local cognitive proximity between university and industry? The case of Italy1
Product and labour market imperfections in the Italian manufacturing sector: a firm-level analysis1
Justice vis à vis welfare: how Austrian welfare economics should fit in the Austro-libertarian framework1
It’s a matter of confidence. Institutions, government stability and economic outcomes1
What feeds on what? Networks of interdependencies between culture and institutions1
Revisiting the literature on the dynamic Environmental Kuznets Curves using a latent structure approach1
Women scientists and pandemics1
The impact of labour market shocks on mental health: evidence from the Covid-19 first wave1
Current account imbalances and the Euro Area. Controversies and policy lessons1
Aspiration bias and job satisfaction of young Italian graduates1
The determinants of poverty exits and entries and the role of social benefits: the Italian case1
Do informal institutions matter for the economic resilience of European regions? A study of the post-2008 shock1
How does home and host-country policy uncertainty affect outward FDI? Firm-level evidence from China1
Okun vs. Verdoorn: distinguishing between cyclical and structural effects of output on productivity1
Three approaches to institutions in economic analysis: Polanyi, North and the surplus approach’s third way1