International Journal of Photoenergy

(The TQCC of International Journal of Photoenergy is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Investigation of the Polycrystalline Silicon PV Cell Efficiency in 3D Approximation versus Electromagnetic Field under Monochromatic Illumination63
Retracted: Highly Active Rare-Earth-Metal La-Doped Photocatalysts: Fabrication, Characterization, and Their Photocatalytic Activity54
Efficient Topology for DC-DC Boost Converter Based on Charge Pump Capacitor for Renewable Energy System44
Optimization of Oil Yield from the Macro Algae Spirogyra by Solvent Extraction Process Using RSM and ANN42
Forecasting Solar Energy Production Using Machine Learning41
The Selection of Anode and Cathode Materials for Top Emission Organic Light-Emitting Diodes40
Intelligent Energy Management System for a Smart Home Integrated with Renewable Energy Resources39
A Novel Experimental and Approach of Diagnosis, Partial Shading, and Fault Detection for Domestic Purposes Photovoltaic System Using Data Exchange of Adjacent Panels38
Improvement and Nocturnal Extension of the Efficiency of a Solar Still37
Impact of Dimensionality on Optoelectronic Properties of Hybrid Perovskites37
A Hybrid Energy Storage System Strategy for Smoothing Photovoltaic Power Fluctuation Based on Improved HHO-VMD37
System Performance and Economic Analysis of a Phase Change Material Based Cold Energy Storage Container for Cold Chain Transportation35
Takagi–Sugeno State Delayed Feedback and Integral Control for PV Systems: Modeling, Simulation, and Control35
Impact on Structural and Optical Properties of CZTS Thin Films with Solvents and Ge Incorporation35
Performance Evaluation and Estimation of Energy Measures of Grid-Connected PV Module34
Integration of Microgrids and Electric Vehicle Technologies in the National Grid as the Key Enabler to the Sustainable Development for Rwanda32
Comparative Analysis of Different Control Strategies for Relift Luo Converter28
Design and Characterization of PV Minigrid Plants for Modern Farming and Rural Electrification in Rwanda28
Investigation of the Economic Mechanism of Utilizing Distributed Solar Photovoltaic Systems in Iran27
General Coastline Extraction Based on an Improved Active Contour Model in Jiaozhou Bay, Qingdao, China, from 1990 to 2018 Using Landsat Satellite Images27
Spectral Factor of Colored Solar Cells: A Case Study on the Main Urban Areas in Romania25
CdS/Bi12O17Cl2 Heterostructure Promotes Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic CH4 Generation and Phenol Conversion25
Technoeconomic Performance Analysis of Solar Tracking Methods for Roof-Type Solar Power Plants and Electric Vehicle Charging Stations23
Multicluster Analysis and Design of Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks Using Solar Energy23
Experimental Investigation on the Effects of Exhaust Emission Reduction in a Single Cylinder CI Engine Fuelled with Diesel and Diesel Plastic Pyrolysis Oil with Zeolite Nanomaterials23
Investigation on Photovoltaic Array Modeling and the MPPT Control Method under Partial Shading Conditions21
Insights into the Enhancement Mechanisms of Molten Salt Nanofluids21
Design of Boosted Multilevel DC-DC Converter for Solar Photovoltaic System20
Utilization of Rooftop Solar Units to Generate Electricity and Hydrogen: A Technoeconomic Analysis20
Photodynamic Therapy in the Extracellular Matrix of Mouse Lungs: Preliminary Results of an Alternative Tissue Sterilization Process19
Development of Optimal Tilt Angle Models of a Photovoltaic Module for Maximum Power Production: Ethiopia19
Design and Implementation of a Floating PV Model to Analyse the Power Generation18
Experimental Study of the Effect of Photobiomodulation Therapy on the Regulation of the Healing Process of Chronic Wounds18
Influence of Retrogression and Reaging Treatment on Microstructure and Microhardness of the 3A21/7075 Aluminum Alloy Cladding Material17
Experimental Study on the Effect of In/Out Radial-Finned Heat Sink with PCM under Constant and Intermittent Power Mode in Power LEDs17
Design of a High Step-Up DC-DC Converter with Voltage Doubler and Tripler Circuits for Photovoltaic Systems17
Nonlinear Observation and Control of Series Active Power Filters in the Presence of Voltage Sags16
Synthesis and Oxygen Storage Capability of CeO2 Powders for Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation of Acid Orange 716
Performance Optimization of the InGaP/GaAs Dual-Junction Solar Cell Using SILVACO TCAD15
Deep Learning-Based Smart Hybrid Solar Water Heater Erection Model to Extract Maximum Energy15
Analytical versus Metaheuristic Methods to Extract the Photovoltaic Cells and Panel Parameters15
Study on the Influence of Introducing Al Transition Layer on Deuterium Resistance of Al2O3 Coating15
Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of Solar Tunnel Dryer for Ginger Drying15
Sky Image-Based Localized, Short-Term Solar Irradiance Forecasting for Multiple PV Sites via Cloud Motion Tracking14
Experimental Investigation and Comparison of the Net Energy Yield Using Control-Based Solar Tracking Systems14
A Short-Term Solar Photovoltaic Power Optimized Prediction Interval Model Based on FOS-ELM Algorithm14
Investigating Rotor Conditions on Wind Turbines Using Integrating Tree Classifiers14
Thermal Performance Study of Solar Air Dryers for Cashew Kernel: A Comparative Analysis and Modelling Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN)14
Prediction of Rooftop Photovoltaic Solar Potential Using Machine Learning14
Assessment and Modeling of Household-Scale Solar Water Heater Application in Zambia: Technical, Environmental, and Energy Analysis14
Investigating the Effect of Inclination Angle of Magnetic Field Vector on Silicon PV Modules14
A Review on Factors Influencing the Mismatch Losses in Solar Photovoltaic System13
Methylammonium Chloride Additive in Lead Iodide Optimizing the Crystallization Process for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells13
An Enhanced P&O MPPT Algorithm for PV Systems with Fast Dynamic and Steady-State Response under Real Irradiance and Temperature Conditions13
Design and Performance of Solar PV Integrated Domestic Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System13
Performance Enhancement of Hybrid Energy Devices Using Cooling Patches12
Enhancing Photovoltaic Module Fault Diagnosis with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Deep Learning-Based Image Analysis12
A Novel Approach in Hybrid Energy Storage System for Maximizing Solar PV Energy Penetration in Microgrid11
Thermal and Electrical Performance of Uncooled, Nature-Cooled, and Photovoltaic Thermal Module11
The Potential Role of PV Solar Power System to Improve the Integration of Electric Energy Storage System11
Investigating the Cost-Effectiveness of Solar Electricity Compared to Grid Electricity in the Capitals of Middle Eastern Countries: A Residential Scale Case Study11
Preparation of Luminescent Glass Aggregates from Soda-Lime Waste Glass11
Monocrystalline Silicon PERC Solar Cell with Rear-Side AlOx Film Formed by Furnace Oxidation11
Optimization of Solar Hybrid Power Generation Using Conductance-Fuzzy Dual-Mode Control Method11
Concentrated Solar Power and Photovoltaic Systems: A New Approach to Boost Sustainable Energy for All (Se4all) in Rwanda11
Solar Hybrid System Component Study in Low Concentrated Sunlight11
Impact of Different Solar Trackers on Hydrogen Production: A Case Study in Iran10
Prediction of Photovoltaic Power by ANN Based on Various Environmental Factors in India10
Research on Online Defect Detection Method of Solar Cell Component Based on Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network10
Research on Multiobjective Optimal Operation Strategy for Wind-Photovoltaic-Hydro Complementary Power System10
Design of New High Step-Up DC-DC Converter Topology for Solar PV Applications10
Influence of Deposition Parameters of ITO Films on the Performance of HJT Solar Cells10
Investigation of the Effect of Physical Factors on Exergy Efficiency of a Photovoltaic Thermal (PV/T) with Air Cooling10
Long-Term Performance Analysis of Direct Photovoltaic Thermal-Assisted Heat Pump Water Heater Using Computational Model10
Modeling and Analysis of Energy/Exergy for Absorber Pipes of Linear Parabolic Concentrating Systems10
Thermal Performance Study on a Sensible Cool Thermal Energy Storage System for Building Air-Conditioning Applications10
Design and Analysis of ANFIS – Based MPPT Method for Solar Photovoltaic Applications10
Active Power Management for PV Systems under High Penetration Scenario10
Full Silicon Tandem Solar Cells Based on Vertically Aligned Nanostructures10
Application of Photovoltaic Systems in Field Observation and Research Stations: Research on the Relationship between Power Generation Scale and Electricity Consumption to Improve Photovoltaic Applicat9
Hourly Forecasting of Solar Photovoltaic Power in Pakistan Using Recurrent Neural Networks9
Review of Active and Passive Daylighting Technologies for Sustainable Building9
High Performance of IZO Coated on PET Substrate for Electroluminescence Device Using Oxygen Plasma Treatment9