
(The TQCC of Souls is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
#MariellePresente: Black Feminism, Political Power, and Violence in Brazil2
“Nothing but Joy”: The Welfare Rights Movement’s Antiwork Freedom Dream1
“The Blood of Innocent Children”: Race, Respectability, and “True” Victimhood in the 1985 MOVE Police Bombing1
Who Is a Prisoner of War? Mutulu Shakur and the Struggle for Black Liberation0
Interview with Formerly Incarcerated Men about Dr. Shakur’s Impact0
To See the Earth before the End of the Antiblack World0
Toward a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for New African/Black Political Prisoners, Prisoners of War and Freedom Fighters0
Guest Editors’ Note0
Editor’s Note0
Dr. Mutulu Shakur and the Holistic Healing of Acupuncture and Political Education: A Review of Dope is Death0
The Burning House: Revolution and Black Art0
Straight Ahead: The Life of Resistance of Dr. Mutulu Shakur0
The Seed: History of the Original Acupuncture Detoxification Program at Lincoln Hospital0
“Shame Upon the Guilty City”: Riots and White Rage in the American Past and Present0
The Sound Approach: The Changing Same of Amiri Baraka’s Black Internationalism0
“Non-Recognition of the Law Does Not Invalidate It”: The Status of BLA and Provisional IRA Prisoners0
Sonicated Blackness in Jazz Age Shanghai, 1924–1954: Jazz, Community, and the (In)visibility of African American Musicians in the Creation of the Soundtrack of Chinese Modernity0
The Struggle for International Political Recognition for New Afrikan/Black Freedom Fighters0
More Than and Beyond Racism: Theoretical and Political Meditations on Antiblackness0
To My Son Tupac0
COINTELPRO Continues: Dr. Mutulu Shakur0
Guns, Torches and Badges: The 1979 Greensboro Massacre, the Charlottesville Unite the Right Rally, and the Lasting Impacts of Racial Violence on Black and anti-Racist Communities0
Revolutionary Doctor, Revolutionary Lawyer0
A Black Construction of Colonialism: The Black Marxist Response to Fascism in the 1930s0