Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials

(The TQCC of Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Elucidating the mechanisms of damage in foam core sandwich composites under impact loading and low temperatures65
The effects of off-axis loading on the compression after impact strength of quasi-isotropic face sheet honeycomb core sandwich structure43
Bond strength empirical-mathematical equation and optimization of Al1050/AISI304 bilayer sheets fabricated by cold roll bonding method40
Bending performance and failure mechanisms of composite sandwich structures with 3D printed hybrid triply periodic minimal surface cores38
Mode II fracture characterisation of a honeycomb/carbon-epoxy sandwich panel using the asymmetric end-notched flexure test35
Impact response of a sandwich with a foam aluminum core enhanced by a ceramic tile: An experimental study30
Optimizing an auxetic metamaterial structure for enhanced mechanical energy absorption: Design and performance evaluation under compressive and impact loading29
Dynamic response of foam sandwich structures under multiple ice projectiles impacts at high velocity27
Investigation on bending collapse behavior of similar and dissimilar Aluminum-Steel hat-section sandwich beams jointed by structural adhesive: An experimental, numerical and theoretical study26
Impact of blast and mechanical loads on the shear deformable stiffened sandwich plate with an auxetic core layer in thermal environment25
Response of laminated glass elements subject to dynamic loadings using a monolithic model and a stress effective Young’s modulus25
A theoretical formulation of the buckling analysis of a composite sandwich structure with multiple holes20
Flatwise compression behaviour and mechanical properties of gradient-tandem nomex honeycomb sandwich panels19
Impact behaviour of hexagonal hierarchical honeycombs19
The effective crack extension and its implications on the single cantilever beam test for sandwich composites19
Face/core disbond fatigue growth in honeycomb cored aircraft sandwich elements under mixed mode flatwise tension loading18
Mechanical modeling of a stitched sandwich thermal protection structure with ceramic-fiber-reinforced SiO2 aerogel as core layer18
Tensile properties of transversely isotropic closed-cell PVC foam under quasi-static and dynamic loadings17
Experimental and finite element analyses of a 3D printed sandwich with an auxetic or non-auxetic core17
Effect of concentrated Butt-Joints on flexural properties of laminated Bamboo-Timber flitch beams17
Flexure of a rigidly clamped orthotropic sandwich plate strip – An elasticity solution using superposition method16
Out-of-plane compression mechanism of a novel hierarchical sandwich honeycomb core16
Experimental and simulation study of the crashworthiness behavior of thickness-graded auxetic structures of ductile and brittle materials16
Structural performance of sandwich wall made of concrete cast in between GFRP facings15
Proof test methodology for reducing the risk of unvented honeycomb core failures in aerospace structures15
Design and verification of the square convex surface multilayer radar absorbing structure based on additive manufacturing14
Mechanical performance of sandwich materials with reduced environmental impact for marine structures14
Analysis of bi-directional functionally graded plate on an elastic foundation subjected to low velocity impact using the refined plate theory14
Enhancing carbon fiber thermoplastic sandwich structures with springback effect14
Bionic inspired honeycomb structures and multi-objective optimization for variable graded layers13
Compressive and flexural responses of auxetic sandwich panels with modified re-entrant honeycomb cores13
Preface to the Special Issue of JSSM dedicated to the Life of Professor Paul Lagacé13
Novel design of honeycomb hybrid sandwich structures under air-blast13
Design and optimization of circular honeycomb lower limb protection device under blast impact13
Harnessing nanostructures and fiber architecture: A synergistic leap in shape memory polymer composites13
Analyses of bending performance of innovative paper-based sandwich beams with cup-box core12
All-composite integrated 3D-Kagome lattice cores sandwich structure with flexible mortise-tenon joints11
The effect of thickness on the transverse shear strength of nomex honeycomb cores11
A study on the damage tolerance of durable redundant composite sandwich joints11
Development and evaluation of the sandwich open-hole flexure test11
Exploring flexural behavior of additively manufactured sandwich beams with bioinspired functionally graded cores11
Numerical and experimental investigations on sandwich panels made with eco-friendly components under low-velocity impact10
Mode-III fracture toughness measurements of foam-cored sandwich composites using a constrained Shear-Torsion-Bending specimen10
Finite-element-based cross-section analysis method for functionally graded sandwich members with arbitrary shapes and gradients10
Efficiency of in-wall weave patterns on the mechanical properties of integrally woven carbon/carbon honeycomb structures10
Design and optimization of multi-scale porous sandwich composites with excellent sound absorption and cushioning properties9
Impact response and compression-after-impact properties of foam-core sandwich composites incorporating scrap tyre rubber particles9
On the use of a trilinear traction-separation law to represent stitch failure in stitched sandwich composites9
Low velocity impact and compression after impact behaviour of polyester pin-reinforced foam filled honeycomb sandwich panels9
Flexural response of sandwich composites integrated with 3D multi-layer stitched core8
Analysys and optimization of an end double-lap bonded joint for GFRP composite sandwich panels8
Design and structural testing of 3D printed honeycomb cores with optimised integrated blended inserts8
Failure mechanisms of corrugated sandwich panels under transverse three-point bending8
The compressive mechanical properties of honeycomb plates and beetle elytron plates with different foam densities and height-to-thickness ratios8
The combined effect of temperature and seawater on the compression properties of carbon fiber vinyl ester composites for sandwich structures8
Study on the residual stress of simple cubic lattice structure produced by selective laser melting8
A realistic model for transverse shear stiffness prediction of composite corrugated-core sandwich structure with bonding effect8
Modified honeycomb cores for enhancing the durability of sandwich structures under low-velocity impact7
Sound insulation performance of pyramidal truss core sandwich structure with frame7
Autoclaved aerated concrete reinforced with polymer pins as core of sandwich panels7
Optimization of dynamic properties for laminated multiphase nanocomposite sandwich conical shell in thermal and magnetic conditions7
Graphene nanoplatelet additive impact on compression and bending strength of S-2 glass face-sheet honeycomb sandwich panels: An experimental study7
Sandwich structure with negative Poisson’s ratio of periodic rectangular tube: Mechanical properties and energy absorption7
Characterization of the vibration, stability and static responses of graphene-reinforced sandwich plates under mechanical and thermal loadings using the refined shear deformation plate theory7
Experimental and numerical study on the low-velocity impact response of thermoplastic composite corrugated sandwich panels6
Influence of geometric parameters on free vibration behavior of an aluminum honeycomb core sandwich beam using experimentally validated finite element models6
Post-buckling behavior and failure analysis of asymmetric sandwich panels under uniaxial compression6
Accurate compact solution of fluid-filled FG cylindrical shell inducting fluid term: Frequency analysis6
Composites sandwich structures certification: A case study6
A homogenization method for natural frequencies and damping analysis of composite pyramidal lattice truss sandwich structures based on representative volume elements6
Wooden sandwich panels with auxetic core for furniture - experimental and numerical analysis6
Prediction of acoustic wave transmission features of the multilayered plate constructions: A review6
Investigation on the free vibration behavior of sandwich conical shells with reinforced cores6
Improved compressive performance of lattice truss core sandwich composites with modified Kagome topologies: An experimental and numerical study6
A new type of bionic grid plate—The compressive deformation and mechanical properties of the grid beetle elytron plate6