
(The median citation count of Entropy is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Evolutionary Method of Heterogeneous Combat Network Based on Link Prediction160
Swarming Transition in Super-Diffusive Self-Propelled Particles138
On the Possibility of Reproducing Utsu’s Law for Earthquakes with a Spring-Block SOC Model128
TTANAD: Test-Time Augmentation for Network Anomaly Detection121
Efficient Discretization of Optimal Transport92
Meta-Heuristic Device-Free Localization Algorithm under Multiple Path Effect87
Entropic Dynamics of Mutations in SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Sequences86
Impact of the Global Fear Index (COVID-19 Panic) on the S&P Global Indices Associated with Natural Resources, Agribusiness, Energy, Metals, and Mining: Granger Causality and Shannon and Rényi Tran81
Frequency-Aware Degradation Modeling for Real-World Thermal Image Super-Resolution80
Friction and Stiffness Dependent Dynamics of Accumulation Landslides with Delayed Failure76
FPGA-Implemented Fractal Decoder with Forward Error Correction in Short-Reach Optical Interconnects75
Application of the Catecholaminergic Neuron Electron Transport (CNET) Physical Substrate for Consciousness and Action Selection to Integrated Information Theory71
Quantum Switchboard with Coupled-Cavity Array70
Boxing Punch Detection with Single Static Camera70
Transactional Interpretation for the Principle of Minimum Fisher Information66
E-Bayesian and H-Bayesian Inferences for a Simple Step-Stress Model with Competing Failure Model under Progressively Type-II Censoring65
Conflict Dynamics in Scale-Free Networks with Degree Correlations and Hierarchical Structure64
Spatial Information-Theoretic Optimal LPI Radar Waveform Design63
Entropy Generation Analysis in Turbulent Reacting Flows and Near Wall: A Review61
Relative Entropy, Gaussian Concentration and Uniqueness of Equilibrium States60
Group Testing with Blocks of Positives and Inhibitors58
Gaussian Multiuser Wiretap Channels in the Presence of a Jammer-Aided Eavesdropper58
Memory-Limited Partially Observable Stochastic Control and Its Mean-Field Control Approach56
Advanced Architecture of On-Board Multiplex Information Exchange System to Increase Flight Safety55
A Quantum Genetic Algorithm for Building a Semantic Textual Similarity Estimation Framework for Plagiarism Detection Applications54
Edge Based Priority-Aware Dynamic Resource Allocation for Internet of Things Networks54
A Special Relativistic Exploitation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Its Non-Relativistic Limit53
Study of Energy Loss Characteristics of a Shaft Tubular Pump Device Based on the Entropy Production Method52
Quantum Computing Approaches for Vector Quantization—Current Perspectives and Developments49
Galilean Bulk-Surface Electrothermodynamics and Applications to Electrochemistry48
Cancer Segmentation by Entropic Analysis of Ordered Gene Expression Profiles48
Nontraditional Deterministic Remote State Preparation Using a Non-Maximally Entangled Channel without Additional Quantum Resources47
Rényi Entropies of Multidimensional Oscillator and Hydrogenic Systems with Applications to Highly Excited Rydberg States47
Modeling Exact Frequency-Energy Distribution for Quakes by a Probabilistic Cellular Automaton46
Informational Resilience in the Human Cognitive Ecology46
Magic Numbers and Mixing Degree in Many-Fermion Systems46
Some Interesting Observations on the Free Energy Principle44
Multiview Data Clustering with Similarity Graph Learning Guided Unsupervised Feature Selection43
Entropy Estimation Using a Linguistic Zipf–Mandelbrot–Li Model for Natural Sequences43
Stereo Video Quality Metric Based on Multi-Dimensional Analysis43
An Improved Chinese String Comparator for Bloom Filter Based Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage43
Hierarchical Amplitude-Aware Permutation Entropy-Based Fault Feature Extraction Method for Rolling Bearings43
Sending or Not-Sending Twin-Field Quantum Key Distribution with Flawed and Leaky Sources43
A Survey of Deep Learning-Based Multimodal Emotion Recognition: Speech, Text, and Face41
Efficient and Flexible Method for Reducing Moderate-Size Deep Neural Networks with Condensation41
Evolution Dynamics Model of Private Enterprises under Simultaneous and Sequential Innovation Decisions40
An Improved Tiered Head Pose Estimation Network with Self-Adjust Loss Function39
Exergy Flow as a Unifying Physical Quantity in Applying Dissipative Lagrangian Fluid Mechanics to Integrated Energy Systems39
Quantum Misuse Attack on Frodo39
Theory and Application of Zero Trust Security: A Brief Survey39
An Entropy-Based Architecture for Detection of Sepsis in Newborn Cry Diagnostic Systems39
Consensus, Polarization and Hysteresis in the Three-State Noisy q-Voter Model with Bounded Confidence38
Stochastic Control for Bayesian Neural Network Training38
Contrarian Voter Model under the Influence of an Oscillating Propaganda: Consensus, Bimodal Behavior and Stochastic Resonance38
An Algorithmic Approach to Emergence38
FSN: Joint Entity and Relation Extraction Based on Filter Separator Network37
Emergence of Integrated Information at Macro Timescales in Real Neural Recordings37
Low-Complexity Alternatives to the Optimal Linear Coding Scheme for Transmitting ARMA Sources37
Fried-Yennie Gauge in Pseudo-QED37
Vibrational Entropy of Crystalline Solids from Covariance of Atomic Displacements37
A Unified Gas-Kinetic Particle Method for Radiation Transport in an Anisotropic Scattering Medium36
Cluster-Delay Mean Square Consensus of Stochastic Multi-Agent Systems with Impulse Time Windows36
Towards Data-Driven Decision-Making in the Korean Film Industry: An XAI Model for Box Office Analysis Using Dimension Reduction, Clustering, and Classification36
Critical Assessment of Information Back-Flow in Measurement-Free Teleportation36
Parameterized Multipartite Entanglement and Genuine Entanglement Measures Based on q-Concurrence35
From Nonlinear Dominant System to Linear Dominant System: Virtual Equivalent System Approach for Multiple Variable Self-Tuning Control System Analysis35
Multi-Channel Representation Learning Enhanced Unfolding Multi-Scale Compressed Sensing Network for High Quality Image Reconstruction35
Multi-Task Transformer with Adaptive Cross-Entropy Loss for Multi-Dialect Speech Recognition35
Communicative Efficiency or Iconic Learning: Do Acquisition and Communicative Pressures Interact to Shape Colour- Naming Systems?35
Linear Codes Constructed from Two Weakly Regular Plateaued Functions with Index (p − 1)/235
Graph Multihead Attention Pooling with Self-Supervised Learning35
On the Optimal Error Exponent of Type-Based Distributed Hypothesis Testing34
Ultrasoft Classical Systems at Zero Temperature34
Blahut–Arimoto Algorithms for Inner and Outer Bounds on Capacity Regions of Broadcast Channels34
Feedback Loops in Opinion Dynamics of Agent-Based Models with Multiplicative Noise34
Multiscale Methods for Signal Selection in Single-Cell Data33
Study of the Imbibition Phenomenon in Porous Media by the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) Method33
A Locust-Inspired Model of Collective Marching on Rings33
Physical Realizations of Interdependent Networks: Analogy to Percolation32
Enhanced Sample Self-Revised Network for Cross-Dataset Facial Expression Recognition32
Stochastic Volatility Models with Skewness Selection32
Thermodynamics of the Ramsey Zone32
Novel Method for Determining Standard Enthalpy and Entropy of Volatilisation of Chromia Exposed to Humidified Oxygen at 298 K Based on Transport Theory of Multicomponent Gas Mixtures31
Numerical Analyses of Entropy Production and Thermodynamics Exergy on a Hydrogen-Fueled Micro Combustor Featuring a Diamond-Shaped Bifurcated Inner-Tube Structure for Thermophotovoltaic Applications31
Evidence for Dark Energy Driven by Star Formation: Information Dark Energy?31
A Novel Machine Learning Technique for Fault Detection of Pressure Sensor31
An Unequal Clustering and Multi-Hop Routing Protocol Based on Fuzzy Logic and Q-Learning in WSNs31
Variable-Length Coding with Zero and Non-Zero Privacy Leakage31
Quantum Adversarial Transfer Learning30
Local Predictors of Explosive Synchronization with Ordinal Methods30
Parallel Bayesian Optimization of Thermophysical Properties of Low Thermal Conductivity Materials Using the Transient Plane Source Method in the Body-Fitted Coordinate30
Design and Implementation of a Low-Complexity Multi-h CPM Receiver with Linear Phase Approximation Synchronization Algorithm30
Energy-Efficient Trajectory Optimization for UAV-Based Hybrid FSO/RF Communications with Buffer Constraints30
Algorithmic Approaches for Assessing Multiscale Irreversibility in Time Series: Review and Comparison30
A New Method for Determining the Embedding Dimension of Financial Time Series Based on Manhattan Distance and Recurrence Quantification Analysis29
Evolution of Brains and Computers: The Roads Not Taken29
Contrarian Majority Rule Model with External Oscillating Propaganda and Individual Inertias29
The Dissipative Photochemical Origin of Life: UVC Abiogenesis of Adenine29
Information Thermodynamics: From Physics to Neuroscience29
Multi-Task Offloading Based on Optimal Stopping Theory in Edge Computing Empowered Internet of Vehicles29
The Role of Entropy in Construct Specification Equations (CSE) to Improve the Validity of Memory Tests: Extension to Word Lists29
Dynamic Phase Transition in 2D Ising Systems: Effect of Anisotropy and Defects29
Survival Probability, Particle Imbalance, and Their Relationship in Quadratic Models29
Composite Discordant States and Quantum Darwinism29
High Dimensional Atomic States of Hydrogenic Type: Heisenberg-like and Entropic Uncertainty Measures29
Geometric Phase of a Transmon in a Dissipative Quantum Circuit29
A New Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing Based on Markov Transition Field and CNN28
Analysis of Imperfect Rephasing in Photon Echo-Based Quantum Memories28
The Polarization of the Coupling Strength of Interdependent Networks Stimulates Cooperation28
Rainwater-Removal Image Conversion Learning with Training Pair Augmentation27
Records and Occupation Time Statistics for Area-Preserving Maps27
EvoDesigner: Evolving Poster Layouts27
Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Knowledge Graph27
A Novel Information Complexity Approach to Score Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve Modeling27
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Intermittent Sequences Based on Multi-Granularity Abnormal Pattern Mining27
A Bayesian Analysis of Plant DNA Length Distribution via κ-Statistics27
Analysis of Weather Factors on Aircraft Cancellation using a Multilayer Complex Network27
Investigation of Fluid Characteristic and Performance of an Ejector by a Wet Steam Model27
Finite-Size Relaxational Dynamics of a Spike Random Matrix Spherical Model26
Dissipation Alters Modes of Information Encoding in Small Quantum Reservoirs near Criticality26
An Instructive CO2 Adsorption Model for DAC: Wave Solutions and Optimal Processes26
Thermodynamic Insights into Symmetry Breaking: Exploring Energy Dissipation across Diverse Scales26
A Fault-Tolerant Transmission Scheme in SDN-Based Industrial IoT (IIoT) over Fiber-Wireless Networks26
The Influence of Martensitic Intercalations in Magnetic Shape Memory NiCoMnAl Multilayered Films26
Hacking the Predictive Mind26
Pressure Distribution Inside Nucleons in a Tsallis-MIT Bag Model26
Ray–Wave Correspondence in Anisotropic Mesoscopic Billiards25
Forecasting Stock Market Indices Using Integration of Encoder, Decoder, and Attention Mechanism25
Chinese Named Entity Recognition for Automobile Fault Texts Based on External Context Retrieving and Adversarial Training25
Class-Hidden Client-Side Watermarking in Federated Learning25
ESE-YOLOv8: A Novel Object Detection Algorithm for Safety Belt Detection during Working at Heights24
Improving the Retrieval of Arabic Web Search Results Using Enhanced k-Means Clustering Algorithm24
Cross-Scale Causality and Information Transfer in Simulated Epileptic Seizures24
Advances in Atomtronics24
Study of Dependence of Kinetic Freezeout Temperature on the Production Cross-Section of Particles in Various Centrality Intervals in Au–Au and Pb–Pb Collisions at High Energies24
Information-Efficient, Off-Center Sampling Results in Improved Precision in 3D Single-Particle Tracking Microscopy24
Interpretability Is in the Mind of the Beholder: A Causal Framework for Human-Interpretable Representation Learning24
Entanglement Dynamics Induced by a Squeezed Coherent Cavity Coupled Nonlinearly with a Qubit and Filled with a Kerr-Like Medium24
Crude Oil Prices Forecast Based on Mixed-Frequency Deep Learning Approach and Intelligent Optimization Algorithm23
Cities on the Coast and Patterns of Movement between Population Growth and Diffusion23
Estimating Mixed Memberships in Directed Networks by Spectral Clustering23
Nested Pattern Detection and Unidimensional Process Characterization23
A Multiple-Medical-Image Encryption Method Based on SHA-256 and DNA Encoding23
Positive Periodic Solution for Second-Order Nonlinear Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients and Mixed Delays23
Exploring Focus and Depth-Induced Saliency Detection for Light Field23
Fidelity Mechanics: Analogues of the Four Thermodynamic Laws and Landauer’s Principle23
Selection of the Optimal Smart Meter to Act as a Data Concentrator with the Use of Graph Theory23
Multiple Observations for Secret-Key Binding with SRAM PUFs23
ECG Signal Classification Using Deep Learning Techniques Based on the PTB-XL Dataset22
An Enhanced Steganography Network for Concealing and Protecting Secret Image Data22
Granger Causality on forward and Reversed Time Series22
The Double-Sided Information Bottleneck Function22
Nested Binary Classifier as an Outlier Detection Method in Human Activity Recognition Systems22
Spectrum Sensing Based on Hybrid Spectrum Handoff in Cognitive Radio Networks22
Assessment of Fractal Synchronization during an Epileptic Seizure22
Conditional Values in Quantum Mechanics22
Combined ReaxFF and Ab Initio MD Simulations of Brown Coal Oxidation and Coal–Water Interactions22
A Covariant Non-Local Model of Bohm’s Quantum Potential22
A New Pooling Approach Based on Zeckendorf’s Theorem for Texture Transfer Information22
Algorithmic Approaches for Assessing Irreversibility in Time Series: Review and Comparison22
A Simplified Quantum Walk Model for Predicting Missing Links of Complex Networks22
Effective Approaches to Fetal Brain Segmentation in MRI and Gestational Age Estimation by Utilizing a Multiview Deep Inception Residual Network and Radiomics22
Speaker Recognition Using Constrained Convolutional Neural Networks in Emotional Speech22
Entropy-Based Classification of Elementary Cellular Automata under Asynchronous Updating: An Experimental Study22
Occlusion-Based Explanations in Deep Recurrent Models for Biomedical Signals22
Piecewise Business Bubble System under Classical and Nonsingular Kernel of Mittag–Leffler Law21
Some Families of Jensen-like Inequalities with Application to Information Theory21
EcoQBNs: First Application of Ecological Modeling with Quantum Bayesian Networks21
Estimating Mutual Information for Spike Trains: A Bird Song Example21
Bounds on the Probability of Undetected Error for q-Ary Codes21
IH-TCGAN: Time-Series Conditional Generative Adversarial Network with Improved Hausdorff Distance for Synthesizing Intention Recognition Data21
Optimal Fractional-Order Active Disturbance Rejection Controller Design for PMSM Speed Servo System21
Routing Strategies for Isochronal-Evolution Random Matching Network21
Exploring Relationships between Boltzmann Entropy of Images and Building Classification Accuracy in Land Cover Mapping21
Graph Regression Model for Spatial and Temporal Environmental Data—Case of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the United States21
Bilocal Field Theory for Composite Scalar Bosons21
Formation and Flocking Control Algorithms for Robot Networks with Double Integrator Dynamics and Time-Varying Formations21
Joint Probabilities Approach to Quantum Games with Noise21
Organizational Labor Flow Networks and Career Forecasting21
Audio Augmentation for Non-Native Children’s Speech Recognition through Discriminative Learning21
Reliable Optimization of Arbitrary Functions over Quantum Measurements21
Multifractality through Non-Markovian Stochastic Processes in the Scale Relativity Theory. Acute Arterial Occlusions as Scale Transitions21
Estimation of Entropy Generation in a SCR-DeNOx System with AdBlue Spray Dynamic Using Large Eddy Simulation21
Criticality Analysis: Bio-Inspired Nonlinear Data Representation21
Density-Based Entropy Centrality for Community Detection in Complex Networks21
Precision Machine Learning21
Prediction of Contact Fatigue Performance Degradation Trends Based on Multi-Domain Features and Temporal Convolutional Networks21
Topological Dimensions from Disorder and Quantum Mechanics?20
A Gibbs Posterior Framework for Fair Clustering20
Temporospatial Nestedness in Consciousness: An Updated Perspective on the Temporospatial Theory of Consciousness20
Transaction Entropy: An Alternative Metric of Market Performance20
Modulo Periodic Poisson Stable Solutions of Quasilinear Differential Equations20
Stochastic Model of Block Segmentation Based on Improper Quadtree and Optimal Code under the Bayes Criterion20
Causality Analysis for COVID-19 among Countries Using Effective Transfer Entropy20
Understanding Higher-Order Interactions in Information Space20
Mutual Information and Correlations across Topological Phase Transitions in Topologically Ordered Graphene Zigzag Nanoribbons20
Quantum Nonlocality: How Does Nature Do It?20
Non-Monotonic Complexity of Stochastic Model of the Channel Gating Dynamics20
Analysis of Pseudo-Lyapunov Exponents of Solar Convection Using State-of-the-Art Observations20
Quantum Statistical Complexity Measure as a Signaling of Correlation Transitions20
Deep Transfer Network with Multi-Space Dynamic Distribution Adaptation for Bearing Fault Diagnosis20
Bounds on the Lifetime Expectations of Series Systems with IFR Component Lifetimes20
Investigation on the Mechanism and Parametric Description of Non-Synchronous Blade Vibration20
Gait Stability Measurement by Using Average Entropy20
The Onset of Parisi’s Complexity in a Mismatched Inference Problem20
Quantum Simulation of the Shortcut to the Adiabatic Passage Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance20
Characterizing Microheterogeneity in Liquid Mixtures via Local Density Fluctuations20
Revisiting Sequential Information Bottleneck: New Implementation and Evaluation20
Introducing Robust Statistics in the Uncertainty Quantification of Nuclear Safeguards Measurements20
A Pattern Dictionary Method for Anomaly Detection20
Effect of Planar Interfaces on Nucleation in Melting and Crystallization20
Broad Coverage Precoding for 3D Massive MIMO with Huge Uniform Planar Arrays19
Utilizing TabNet Deep Learning for Elephant Flow Detection by Analyzing Information in First Packet Headers19
Human Information Processing of the Speed of Various Movements Estimated Based on Trajectory Change19
A Computational Quantum-Based Perspective on the Molecular Origins of Life’s Building Blocks19
Spectral and Informational Analysis of Temperature and Chemical Composition of Solfatara Fumaroles (Campi Flegrei, Italy)19
Fast Compression of MCMC Output19
Learning Causes of Functional Dynamic Targets: Screening and Local Methods19
Design of Optimal Rainfall Monitoring Network Using Radar and Road Networks19
Relating Entropies of Quantum Channels19
Low-Engine-Order Forced Response Analysis of a Turbine Stage with Damaged Stator Vane19
Some New Quantum BCH Codes over Finite Fields19
On Entropic Learning from Noisy Time Series in the Small Data Regime19
Information Geometry Theoretic Measures for Characterizing Neural Information Processing from Simulated EEG Signals19
Spectral Ranking of Causal Influence in Complex Systems19
ABCDP: Approximate Bayesian Computation with Differential Privacy19
Prediction of Liner Metal Temperature of an Aeroengine Combustor with Multi-Physics Scale-Resolving CFD19
Financial Network Analysis on the Performance of Companies Using Integrated Entropy–DEMATEL–TOPSIS Model18
Entanglement Degradation in Two Interacting Qubits Coupled to Dephasing Environments18
Improving Image Super-Resolution Based on Multiscale Generative Adversarial Networks18
Coupling Quantum Random Walks with Long- and Short-Term Memory for High Pixel Image Encryption Schemes18
A Preprocessing Perspective for Quantum Machine Learning Classification Advantage in Finance Using NISQ Algorithms18
Bispectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability to Characterize and Help Diagnose Pediatric Sleep Apnea18
Active Inference for Learning and Development in Embodied Neuromorphic Agents18
Contextuality with Disturbance and without: Neither Can Violate Substantive Requirements the Other Satisfies18
The Classical–Quantum Passage: A van der Waals Description18
Improvement of Delegated Proof of Stake Consensus Mechanism Based on Vague Set and Node Impact Factor18
Graph Autoencoder with Preserving Node Attribute Similarity18
On the Zero-Outage Secrecy-Capacity of Dependent Fading Wiretap Channels18
Time Series of Counts under Censoring: A Bayesian Approach18
PAC-Bayes Bounds on Variational Tempered Posteriors for Markov Models18
Estimating the Number of Communities in Weighted Networks18
Nonlinear Dynamics and Entropy of Complex Systems: Advances and Perspectives18
Research on Color Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Bit-Plane and Chen Chaotic System18
Pentapartite Entanglement Measures of GHZ and W-Class State in the Noninertial Frame18
Medium Entropy Reduction and Instability in Stochastic Systems with Distributed Delay17
Complexity of Body Movements during Sleep in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder17
Disentangling the Information in Species Interaction Networks17
Minimax Rates of ℓp-Losses for High-Dimensional Linear Errors-in-Variables Models over ℓq-Balls17
A Locally Both Leptokurtic and Fat-Tailed Distribution with Application in a Bayesian Stochastic Volatility Model17