Mathematical Thinking and Learning

(The median citation count of Mathematical Thinking and Learning is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Exploring the nature of math anxiety in young children: Intensity, prevalence, reasons29
The role of instructional materials in the relationship between the official curriculum and the enacted curriculum18
Kindergarten students’ mathematics knowledge at work: the mathematics for programming robot toys18
Can students with different language backgrounds profit equally from a language-responsive instructional approach for percentages? Differential effectiveness in a field trial13
Length measurement in the early years: teaching and learning with learning trajectories12
Metacognition in mathematical modeling: the connection between metacognitive individual strategies, metacognitive group strategies and modeling competencies11
Learning through explaining and engaging with others’ mathematical ideas11
Is counting hindering learning? An investigation into children’s proficiency with simple addition and their flexibility with mental computation strategies10
Informal statistical models and modeling10
Connecting mathematical modeling and social justice through problem posing10
Embodied learning at a distance: from sensory-motor experience to constructing and understanding a sine graph10
Decentering framework: A characterization of graduate student instructors’ actions to understand and act on student thinking10
Modeling from a cognitive perspective: theoretical considerations and empirical contributions9
Examining how middle grade mathematics students seize learning opportunities through conflict in small groups8
Preschool children’s repeating patterning skills: evidence of their capability from a large scale, naturalistic, Australia wide study8
Students’ informal statistical inferences through data modeling with a large multivariate dataset8
Exploring undergraduate engineering students’ mathematical problem-posing: the case of integral-area relationships in integral calculus8
Teacher-student interaction supporting students’ creative mathematical reasoning during problem solving using Scratch7
Rethinking Learning Trajectories in Light of Student Linguistic Diversity7
Between expert and student perspectives: on the intersection of affect and heuristic-didactic discourse in the undergraduate classroom6
Professional noticing coherence: exploring relationships between component processes6
Authenticity of elementary teacher designed and implemented mathematical modeling tasks6
Introducing teachers who use GUI-driven tools for the randomization test to code-driven tools6
Statistical modeling in teacher education5
Secondary mathematics teachers’ use of students’ incorrect answers in supporting collective argumentation5
Exploring variability during data preparation: a way to connect data, chance, and context when working with complex public datasets5
Modeling the phenomenon versus modeling the data set5
Does strategic knowledge matter? Effects of strategic knowledge about drawing on students’ modeling competencies in the domain of geometry4
The complexity of supporting reasoning in a mathematics classroom of shared authority4
Promoting elements of mathematical knowledge for teaching related to the notion of assumptions3
Backward transfer, the relationship between new learning and prior ways of reasoning, and action versus process views of linear functions3
New ways of interacting with data, context, and chance in statistical modeling processes3
Profiles in understanding operations with rational numbers3
Young children’s actions on length measurement tasks: strategies and cognitive attributes3
Elementary students’ fraction reasoning: a measurement approach to fractions in a dynamic environment3
Sequencing & selecting solutions in a gendered world3
About time: Syntactically-guided reasoning with analog and digital clocks3
Interpreting literal symbols in algebra under the effects of the natural number bias3
Mathematical thinking about systems – students modeling a biometrics identity verification system3
Randomness and probability: exploring student teachers’ conceptions3
Construction of the cardinality principle through counting: critique and conjecture3
The double-edged sword of conjecturing2
Differences in grade 7 students’ understanding of the equal sign2
Models and Modelling: The Fine Balance between Mathematics, Practice, and Research2
Progressions in young learners’ understandings of parity arguments2
Counting the stars: advancing mathematical activity in a scripting journey2
Third grade students’ multimodal mathematical reasoning when collaboratively solving combinatorial problems in small groups2
The process of actively building a model for a randomization test – insights into learners’ modeling activities based on a case study1
Gestures, embodiment, and learning the rate of change1
Spatial training using game play in preschoolers improves computational skills1
Noticing for Equity in Written Work: Exploring One Teacher’s Student Work Analysis Practices1
Students’ participation in mathematics in inclusive classrooms: a study of the enacted mathematical and relational knowing of teachers1
Undergraduate students’ interpretations of expressions from calculus statements within the graphical register1
Does the Use of Concept Maps Affect the Defining and the Understanding of Inclusion Relationships?1
Design principles for simulation-based learning of hypothesis testing in secondary school1
A game-based approach to promoting adaptive rational number knowledge1
The role of contextual knowledge in noticing students’ strategies in-the-moment1
Young children’s self-initiated pattern-making during free play1
Modeling Actions Foregrounded in Whole-Class Modeling Discourse: A Case Study of a Model-Eliciting Activity and a Three-Act Task1
Revealing students’ stories as they construct and use a statistical model in TinkerPlots to conduct a randomization test for comparing two groups1
Characteristics of mathematics coaches’ suggestions to teachers1