Information Technology & Tourism

(The H4-Index of Information Technology & Tourism is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
New technologies used in COVID-19 for business survival: Insights from the Hotel Sector in China97
Does virtual reality attract visitors? The mediating effect of presence on consumer response in virtual reality tourism advertising79
The use of 360-degree virtual tours to promote mountain walking tourism: stimulus–organism–response model71
Travel live streaming: an affordance perspective63
Deep learning model based on expectation-confirmation theory to predict customer satisfaction in hospitality service54
The impacts of ICTs on tourism development: International evidence based on a panel quantile approach54
ChatGPT for e-Tourism: a technological perspective50
Digital well-being in the tourism domain: mapping new roles and responsibilities45
Interpreting the perceptions of authenticity in virtual reality tourism through postmodernist approach40
Immersive technologies for tourism: a systematic review40
Enhancing sustainable development through tourism digitalisation: a systematic literature review33
Tourism destination management using sentiment analysis and geo-location information: a deep learning approach29
An enabling Framework for Blockchain in Tourism26
Profiling early adopters of blockchain-based hotel booking applications: demographic, psychographic, and service-related factors25
Tourism in the digital frontier: a study on user continuance intention in the metaverse23
Mapping tourism and hospitality research on information and communication technology: a bibliometric and scientific approach22
A user experience perspective on heritage tourism in the metaverse: Empirical evidence and design dilemmas for VR21
Comparing online travel review platforms as destination image information agents21
How does celebrity involvement influence travel intention? The case of promoting Chengdu on TikTok20